Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 263: Thor is coming

A scumbag is a scumbag, but Jordan thinks he is scumbag very straightforward and candid, but he will never admit to those slanders.


   Hill, this little girl, Jordan really never provokes him.


   This is also the reason why Natasha, Heidi, and Jenny had come together at Jordan's party. In the previous news that Pietro gave, Hill's matter was not taken into consideration by Jordanian at all.


   It’s just that Jordanian didn’t expect that Tony, the bastard, was so insidious that he deliberately released the guise of Hill, and it was Gizer secretly invited.


   The scene that was still easy to do was revealed because of the arrival of Gizel.


  In the huge party, most people chose not to speak, but silently watched the scene in the field.


  Pepper stood with a big belly, standing next to Tony who was smirking, and said in a low voice: "Tony, when did Joe get up with Giselle?"


   With a conspiracy smile on Tony's face, he said, "Actually, I'm just trying."


  Pepper looked helpless, and said: "Joe will hate you, you have done too much."


   Tony's expression was stagnant, with some faint anxiety, he stubbornly said: "I just can't see his scumbag behavior..."


   The people next to Tony all looked at Tony with contempt.


   Throughout the party, everyone has the right to despise Jordan, but you, Tony Stark, is not the only one who is not qualified.


   When everyone complained, the smell of gunpowder among the four of Natasha, Heidi, Jenny, and Gizell in the field became more and more full, and a torn battle broke out in an instant.


   The gunshots rang suddenly, and the explosion sounded endlessly.


   Joe Danny’s four girlfriends, Natasha is an agent, Heidi is a member of MI6, Jenny is a killer, and Gizell was once a weapon expert for criminals.


   And these four chicks, Natasha has been injected with leech serum, Heidi has been injected with a new type of devil's potion, Jenny has used the potion of the source of power, and Gizell has taken the true blood of the gods.


   Even if these four people didn't really mean to kill people, they could make the whole party popular if they started fighting casually.


   bang bang!


  Jenny was the first to shoot.


   Two modified M1911s blasted a bullet, extremely accurate, even with a strange arc angle, and shot towards Natasha's direction.




   Joe Danny knew the power of arc ballistics best, and quickly jumped, just blocking Natasha's side, all four bullets hit, landed on Jordan's back, and then fell.


   At the level of Jordan's current strength, a pistol with such a small amount of power has no threat at all.


   It's just that Jordanian had just blocked the four bullets that hit Natasha, he had already seen Natasha pick up a small melon from somewhere, and threw it at Heidi's feet.




   Joe Danny pounced out again, covering the little melon like a vicious dog and squeezing it under him.




   With a burst of fire, Jordan's whole body was bombarded by the impact of the little melon, flying more than two meters high, falling to the ground like a dead dog.


   There was no time to say anything. At this time, Heidi had already rubbed out a fireball and threw it at Gizel.




   Joe Danny had just grabbed a small melon, he threw it out again, and was blown into the air by a fireball.


   At this time, the long sword in Gizel's hand fell fiercely, and a bolt of lightning blasted towards Jenny.




   Joe Danny fell on the ground again, blocking a flash of lightning, and the whole person was smashed into an African appearance.


   A group of jealous women went crazy, it was even more terrifying than a scourge.


  In the party hall, people had already vacated the space early, standing around the hall, gathered in groups of three or five, watching the chaos in the hall with relish.


   It is definitely impossible to carry it like this.


   Less than five minutes after the start of this tear-and-tear war, Jordan couldn't help but roar, and a milky six-pointed star flashed on his forehead.


   Holy light imprisoned!


   The four holy and bright rays of light soon descended from the sky, and the four people, Natasha, Heidi, Jenny and Gizell, who had broken up in the hall, were all sealed in the beam of light.


   It's a shame, I can't just keep making trouble in front of everyone.


   After Jordan gave the culprit Tony a vicious look, he cleared his throat and prepared to shake his husband.


   But just as Jordanian was about to say something, a bright rainbow burst into the dome of the hall with a bang, and fell into the hall.


   After the rainbow disappeared, a big blond man in silver armor and a cloak appeared.


When Fang regained his senses, the blond man stood up with a face full of grief and anger, shouted at the broken hole in the dome, and said: "Father, I am right. You can't treat me like this! Hai! Mdal..."


   The blond man yelled, but there was no response in the sky. He looked like a lunatic.


   On the contrary, it was Jordan Danny. After an initial daze, he looked at the blond man and said weirdly: "Sol?"


It was when Thor was in grief and indignation, when he heard his name suddenly, he immediately lifted his spirits, turned his head with an imposing expression on his face, and said: "Mortal, I am the son of Odin, the crown prince of Asgard, and the **** of thunder. ...Jovovich, this is Midgard?"


   Jordan Danny wiped the black ashes from his face, and said, "Have your Majesty Odin canonized you as the crown prince? Why are you here?"


Sol looked around, coughed, and said, "Of course, uh, I am here this time as the crown prince of Asgard to visit my future territory. Yes, that's it. By the way, take a look at your place in Midgard. Life, my brother, who hurt you, this is an offense to Asgard..."


   Jordan's body was a little embarrassed, and he gave Natasha, Heidi, Gizell, and Jenny an angry look.


   After a pause, the four women barely suppressed their anger and brought Jordan Danny something like a towel.


   After reluctantly cleaning up his appearance, Jordanian said: "Sol, what about your supernatural power, are you sure you are now as the crown prince to patrol the nine realms, instead of being exiled by His Majesty Odin?"


During the time    was talking, the party had ended very quickly.


   Tony, Pepper, and Steve have all seen Sol in Asgard, and let everyone in the party go back early.


   It's not that I don't believe people, but Asgard's affairs. On the earth, it can be regarded as a secret. It is not that the more people know the better.


   Seeing most of the people dispersed, Sol sat down with a decadent expression on his face.


After looking at the sky with grief and indignation, Thor said: "Joe, father is always confused. I am the future king of Asgard. He actually took me back because of some humble ice giants. The power of banished me to Midgard, he was too old, too cowardly..."


   Joe Danny heard some information, but he didn't rush to ask, but gave Sol a glass of wine.


   Immediately afterwards, Jordanian rolled his eyes and introduced to Sol: "Sol, let me introduce you to Natasha, Heidi, Gizer, Jenny, these are my four wives!"


Sol drank the wine in the glass, threw the glass to the ground, leaned slightly towards Natasha's four daughters, and said: "I am the son of Odin, the crown prince of Asgard, Thor, the **** of Thor, and also Joe Vo Brother Vicky, when I return to Asgard, he will ask my father Odin to bestow you blessings."


   Jordan rolled his eyes, ignoring Thor's bragging beep.


   It is the four daughters of Natasha. Although they are still a little awkward at the moment, they still give Jordan Danny a lot of face in front of Sol, which is a barely acknowledgment of their respective status.


  Qiao Danny was secretly happy, took the opportunity to hug left and right, and said to Thor: "What happened to Asgard?"


   Thor quickly looked bitter, and turned to Jordan and the others, telling him what had happened in Asgard in the recent past.


   is similar to the plot in "Thor 1", but with more details.


About a thousand or a few hundred years ago, in the final battle of Odin’s **** of the Nine Realms, he defeated Jotunheim’s king of ice giants Lao Fei, took away the ice giant’s most precious ice chest, and Laufey was exiled beyond the Nine Realms.


   Some time ago, Lauphie sneaked back to Jotunheim without knowing what channel.


In the days when the Odin boss canonized Thor as the crown prince of Asgard, Lauphy brought a group of ice giants into Asgard unknowingly and entered the treasure house of Odin, hoping to steal the ice. Treasure box.


   Fortunately, at a critical moment, Loki noticed the appearance of these ice giants, making these ice giants fall short.


   But also because of the arrival of these ice giants, a lot of battle broke out, destroying Thor's crown prince succession ceremony.


   What makes Thor even more upset is that these ice giants have ruined his succession ceremony. Odin did not kill these ice giants, but only repatriated these ice giants to Yodenheim.


   This made Thor furious, thinking that his majesty had been compromised.


   So within a few days, Sol took a group of his little friends and rushed to Jotunheim, preparing to chop off the head of Lao Fei, the king of ice giants, as compensation for his majesty damage.


The typical arrogant, arrogant, courageous and Sol is used to the power of Asgard, but he did not expect that the ice giant in Jotunheim is much stronger than he thought. , Especially the king of ice giants, Lao Fei, can drive the terrifying frost behemoth, almost completely killing Sol and others in Jotunheim.


   Fortunately, at a critical time, Odin rode an eight-legged pegasus and brought Thor and others back to Asgard.


   From Thor's point of view, his father's power is far stronger than those ice giants of Jom Haydn, and Asgard also has the power to completely destroy Jotunheim.


   So Thor once again asked his father to send troops, giving a severe lesson to the ice giants of Jom Haydn.


   Odin disagreed, and kept saying that after dispatching troops, it would cause casualties, while Thor believed that the warriors of Asgard were not afraid of war.


   The father and son fought each other.


   In a rage, Big Odin directly deprived Thor of his power, and then he threw it onto the earth.

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