Struggle in the American Comic World

Chapter 291: Beheading

There were some agreements between Jordan and Hella, but in fact, Jordan knew in his heart that with his own strength and the strength of the earth, it was not enough to become the capital for cooperation with Asgard.

The potential of Tony, Dr. Banner, Steve and other Avengers, Jordan knows in his heart.

For example, Tony is one of the smartest people in the entire Marvel Universe, and has even been recognized by Thanos. He has developed anti-Hulk armor, bloodside armor, ultimate armor, nano armor and so on.

Such as the infinite anger of Hulk stacking, such as the highlight moment when Steve picked up Thor's Hammer, and what's more, after the ultimate outbreak of Wanda, it is not impossible to tear the hegemony by hand.

But these are just potentials, and they will not be recognized until they are shown.

At the very least, the current Asgard, Hela’s second life leap to the peak, blessing the power of Asgard, and possessing the ultimate artifacts such as Gungnir and Rainbow Bridge. This is where Asgard can look down upon the universe. Capital.

When in the underworld of Heim, no matter how reliable the agreement between Jordan and Hela was, it was only a verbal agreement.

Until now, Thor and Loki were exiled to the earth, the agreement between the two sides, this can be regarded as a certain degree of stability.

Taking advantage of Asgard, this is the way to go.

After determining the way back, Jordan and the Avengers need to come up with enough strength, not only to shape the golden body in public opinion, but also to give a deterrent to all forces on the earth and let Asgard Hella, see the growth potential of the Avengers.

The smaller the gap in strength between the two sides, the fairer and more stable this kind of cooperation will be.

After Jordan took out all his plans, everyone in the entire Avengers began to prepare quickly.

Lao Fei, king of ice giants, this is the best stepping stone for the Avengers to determine the situation.

In three days, the Rainbow Bridge incident that appeared above the Avengers was still spreading on all sides of the earth, and everyone in the Avengers base had all been prepared.

In the bar that is still the Avengers base, Thor has never left in three days.

Jordan Danny, dressed in pitch-black armor, came to Thor alone, who was so full of alcohol, his face was very ugly, and he was silent for a long time before he opened his mouth to Thor and said, "Are you going to sink like this forever?"

Saul gave Jordan a drunken look, stumbled to his feet, staggered in the middle, and after barely standing still, he took out a wine bottle and poured it into his mouth, saying, "What else can I do, I'm already dead." Yes, I failed my father and mother, and even Fandral, Vostag, and Hogan also chose Hella..."

A series of blows in recent times has caused Saul to become depressed.

Especially the betrayal of the Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace, is a reminder of Sol's failure in life all the time, making his final dignity and confidence disappear.

Loki had said this, the betrayal of the Three Warriors of the Immortal Palace, in a sense, was more like an indisputable stop.

Big Odin was Asgard’s last confidence. At that time, Sol was going to forcibly wake up the sleeping Big Odin. This in itself was an extremely irrational approach. If something happened to Big Odin, It is equivalent to pulling out the Asgard Dinghaishen needle.

Jordanian didn’t want to make a judgment on Asgard’s bad things. He just glanced at Sol and said: “You never thought about it. Raise your spirits and improve your strength. One day, you will return to Ah. Sgard, take back what belongs to him?"

Saul's drunk and drunk actions suddenly froze, then he laughed again and continued to drink.

In Saul's body, the once sharp energy dissipated.

This kind of thing can only be carried over by himself, and no one else can help. This is the problem in Thor himself.

Jordan had never thought that this series of things would actually abolish Sol.

After a pause, Jordan said: "We are going to kill Lauphy. You know where the battlefield is. You can decide whether to come or not."

In three days, when Jordan and the others made the beheading plan, they never carried Sol on their backs.

Sol also knew all the plans and details, what should be said and what he could say, after speaking, Jordan directly left the bar.

Lao Fei, the king of ice giants, was a super strong who had fought against Odin. If it hadn’t been taken away by Odin’s Ice Treasure Box, Lao Fei had been exiled to the depths of the universe for thousands of years. , I am afraid that Lao Fei is already the ultimate powerhouse in the third life leap phase.

To deal with such a veteran powerhouse, even if the Avengers are assembled, Jordan and others dare not be careless.

"Remember, I, Tony, and Hulk contain Lauphy, Steve presides over the battle, Hobbes leads people to block the battlefield, Clint responds to action..."

Reiterate the whole plan one last time.

When Jordan's voice was finalized, under the leadership of Mordor and Casillas, a group of wizards taught and drew circles on the spot, and one after another portals appeared in the Avengers base.

And passing through the portal is a piece of ice and snow, the Arctic glacier of polar day phenomenon.

Roar! Roar!

At the moment that the portal just opened, amidst the roars, blue giants appeared one after another on the originally silent Arctic ice sheet.

Jordani and others did not know the exact location of Lauffy. They could only rely on satellite monitoring and Jarvis' calculations to open the portal directly to the core area where the ice giants were the most populous.

Therefore, as soon as the magic wave of the portal appeared, there were dozens of hundreds of ice giants, and they found traces of Jordanian and others.


The first to pass through the portal and rush into the battlefield are two silhouettes riding on ice and heavy armored motorcycles. Steve will always be the one that rushes in the forefront in any battle.

As Steve's motorcycle glided out, the extremely unscientific vibrating shield flew at high speed in mid-air, and after knocking down the first ice giant, it began to rebound crazily.

And behind Steve, Hobbs, riding a motorcycle without a slight tendency to slow down, dashed straight for a distance of hundreds of meters, and directly slammed into a group of ice giants, and then In the sound of an explosion, a figure covered in steel, like a war behemoth, forcibly tore a hole in the ice giant team.

Steve and Hobbs are two pioneer arrows. After tearing apart the formation of the ice giants, a group of soldiers wearing a reduced version of the steel armor rushed into the battlefield.

These are all veterans who have had rich experience in combat with the ice giant on the battlefield, but are dissatisfied with the official style, and chose to retire to join the Avengers.

The reduced version of the steel armor is more like a small and medium-sized exoskeleton booster. It can turn each of these soldiers into a small transformer, but it is also too large to be equipped with flying, etc. Accessibility.

Of course, these soldiers don't need too many fancy auxiliary functions. Not everyone is Tony Stark, who can be like Iron Man.

Jarvis has limited computing power. These soldiers all rely on their own abilities to control mechas, more like medieval knights in heavy armor, used to attack the battlefield and block operations.

For example, Natasha, Clint, Heidi, Dyke, Wanda, Pietro, etc., are more sophisticatedly equipped, mixing in this group of mechs, fighting freely and coordinating the battlefield.

In the case of equal numbers, such an army is even enough to crush the ice giants and other armies with extraordinary abilities.

The only drawback is that it is too expensive.

That is, Tony, the super local tyrant, can barely support the cost of such a super team after relying on the new Ark reactor and annexing more and more energy industries.

After the army rushed into the core gathering place of the ice giants, they did not stay in combat, but under the lead charge of Steve and Hobbs, they continued to penetrate.

In front of this team, there will even be portals open from time to time, allowing this team to move quickly so that it will not be surrounded by a large number of ice giants.

On the contrary, the three main forces of Jordan, Tony, and Dr. Banner did not appear.

In a short time, under the constant disturbance of the team led by Steve and Hobbs, a huge frost behemoth soon appeared.

In the Avengers base, beside one of the portals, Jordani nodded to Casillas next to him.

Soon, with the cooperation of Casillas and several wizards, one after another small portals appeared not far in front of Jordanian.

Mark of death!

Through the small portals, the power of death on Jordan's body stretched out, and the cross-shaped imprints were quickly marked on the frost beasts one after another.

Crazy massacre, bang bang bang!

The violent death power was vented frantically from Jordan's body, and one bullet after another, with the breath of death, accurately hit the cross marks on the foreheads of the frost behemoths. UU reading

Under the incomparable awakening technique, even a strong like Mephisto has been headshot by Jordanian.

Although these frost behemoths had thick skins and amazing defenses, under the attack of Jordan's bullet, they had no ability to resist, and they were slaughtered in an instant.


Just as Jordan passed through the portal to clear away the more threatening frost behemoths, a huge ice spear like a vigorous tree fell from the distant sky and appeared in more than a dozen mechas. The center of the soldiers exploded.

The horrible frost magic has both the sword-like piercing power and the invisible and extremely cold power of freezing, directly clearing a small area of ​​the battlefield, killing and killing dozens of mecha soldiers.

Tony's expression was overwhelming, and he said, "Lao Fei appeared!"

Jordani nodded, looked at Mordor and Casillas, and said: "Open the portal, Tony and I will go first to create opportunities for Hulk, and then let Steve and Hobbs and others rush over, Mecha Landing, in the form of a fortress, guarantees battlefield firepower."

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