Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 313

There were no shovels but they did have a sword, and there were no picks, but some did have axes. This pointless manual labor, even when performed by B-class and above individuals, could not be compared to the capabilities of the mages.

They had propped up the vines roof to ensure stability. They did this with ice, earth, they did it with anything they could use. Furthermore, they also propped up the tunnel that Balin was helping to dig with his plants and did some digging themselves.

With the multitude of fruits of many varieties available,  fatigue was almost none existent. The plants that Balin grew could ease one's heart and rest one's mind. With a clear head and a refreshed body, the knights could give it all each and every day.

Of course, though the food was delightful, some squad captains still could not bring themselves to be at peace.

"How much longer until we reach the surface?" Ray, who was made impromptu leader, asked one of the more adept earthen mages under the second mage squad.

"It'll take at least two more days" One of the mages responded before letting out a soft yawn. The cavern was really deep, like really deep. At first, the earthen mages had not even been able to detect the surface. Only now did they have a trace of hope as the tunnel continued to ramp closer.

It was already a miracle it would take only two more days, this trace had been exhausting. Since mana was invigorating when expending too much of it one might feel lethargic. In truth, this was just going back to normal but to mages who had become accustomed to rarely sleeping it was horrible.

"I don't think our commander can last that long…"  The answer had forced Ray to think about things. Particularly if Balin would be able to hold out much longer.

The tunnel which was being dug almost entirely by Balin at first was now being dug only by the knights and mages while Balin provided food and drink.

This could mean that Balin had acknowledged their efforts or that he had grown tired. The latter seemed far more likely than the former and it wasn't because Ray thought he was some sort of commander from hell from whom they needed acknowledgement. It was in fact the exact opposite.

Because Balin was willing to sacrifice himself for them, he was definitely willing to do it until the bitter end.

"We need to help Balin out, even if just partially" Ray said shocking the earthen mage awake.

"Are you crazy?" He asked clearly remembering that Ray had been one of the first to intercept Siar when he wanted to try and release Balin.

"We have secured most of the ceiling and worst-case scenario we can run into the tunnel." Ray responded before retrieving his bow from behind him.

"Then what!? We starve for over a week?" The current speed was only maintained because of the sufficient food and drink. Not to mention it wasn't normal food and drink, it was magical food and drink!

The commotion soon attracted the sight of many of the resting magicians and knights. They had to start wondering what the commotion was all about, and the ones that had been paying attention from the start quickly clued them in.

Many of them started to think about which side was in the right and whether they should offer their opinions when someone took to the forefront.

"I agree with Ray!" Siar said raising his one remaining arm. Once these words rang out everyone exchanged glances.

"I don't think it's right" Words of dissent started to spread and the words of assent were few and far between to the surprise of Siar.

"Why are you all being so hard-headed on this? The commander might not be able to live another day?" Siar was quite honestly flabbergasted but looking at it another way… it was also natural that these knights and mages would think this way.

Siar had been recently promoted to squad captain and while he wasn't invisible in the company, he had never stood out enough to justify having a following. Heck, he only had one close friend!

The same applied to Ray who was somewhat of a newbie. Ray and his squad were one of the newest additions to the company. Sure, this new addition dated at least one year but compared to what the others shared together Ray was still a greenhorn.

The only reason he got chosen was that even the haters had to admit he was powerful, and even they could acknowledge that Ray was a calm person. Though that made it all the more strange that he suggested something so asinine1.

Suddenly the cavern started to tremble and the group's conversation was immediately brought to a halt. The rocks being kept at bay by the vines on the ceiling started to loosen past and the pillars they had formed were starting to crack under the weight.

Many had complaints about the shoddy architecture upon notice, but not one was brave enough to utter a peep. They feared the place would collapse with even the tiniest vibration.

Finally, Ray notched an arrow into his bow. He channeled mana into it and pointed at the ceiling forcing everyone to suck in cold gasps. The calm man had gone insane!

"Get as many fruits into the tunnel as possible, we are getting out of here! We can't let it collapse our food supply!" Ray's voice was soft but in the still atmosphere, it was heard by all.

Slowly but surely everyone got a move on and no one questioned what he planned on doing anymore.

"That was reckless" Siar said beads of cold sweat rolling down his face like rain.

"It was the only method" Ray responded back. The tremor had been caused by them and the commotion had been all but planned.

It was true that Ray's squad was new to the company but neither he nor his squad were new to adventuring and nowhere did it state a squad had to be made from scratch.

The tremor was nothing special, the area was unstable. The real hard part was convincing the earthen mage, Tarin, to play along. As for why they did this… it was indeed because they wanted to save Balin.

Under the silence, the remaining company members plucked the area of its fruits and vegetables. They were done in less than half an hour. At last, Ray could try and rescue Balin.

"We are all good to go" Tarin said before patting Ray in the back and leaving towards the tunnel.

Ray took an arrow out of his quiver and notched it into his bow.

"Wind…" He whispered softly as faint green light started to gather at the arrowhead. It was a soft breeze. This soft green breeze however soon seemed to turn faint as radiant white light assaulted the retinas of all  present. Ray was casting the combination spell healing wind onto his arrow.

The mana grew turbulent, Ray's ability to control elements outside of life was minor. But he held on and aimed carefully at the core-like tree bark at the center of the garden.

Soon enough, the arrow which had been hidden by the rays of light was finally released. Within a matter of seconds, it darted through the air and pierced right through the core of the garden.

The arrow even went as far as lodging itself onto the wall on the other end causing soft vibrations. No, the garden suddenly trembled, it seemed angry.

Yet, Ray was relentless. As soon as he released an arrow another would almost magically find itself waiting to be launched. He was like some sort of infinite repeater producing a never-ending piercing rain.

"Why is he attacking it?" Some of the knights who were watching from the safety of the tunnel were stunned seeing Ray attacking the commander. What the hell was up with that? Was a peaceful end the type of help he wanted to provide their commander?

Eventually, blood started to seep out of the tree's core alongside sap and other odd substances that made it up. It was only then that between labored breaths Ray let out a deep sigh.

"COMMANDER!!!" Ray then shouted at the top of his lungs a thundering call. The rock ceiling started to shake slightly.

"You told me to be a ray of light! I- I was touched" He was touched. A young boy from a minor noble family, what did he have to warrant such words? Furthermore, he was of the observant type so asking such a thing of him was unimaginable.

"But… I can't live up to that" He trained only to be next to him and figure out the answer to this question but he never got the opportunity to ask.

The plants near the core started to slowly wither before commencing to more rapidly expand outward.

"Pardon me for being selfish" To silently observe and take in his surroundings was practically his motto as both a person and an archer. It was an impossible goal to ask of him.

Soon enough, boulders started to cascade down from the rotting vines, the cavern tunnel was caving in anew.

"RAY!!! WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING!?!" Asked a booming voice, even Tarin who had been on his side felt as if he had been left in the dark this time.

But Ray who stood on the lush green grass could only see and hear the things in front of him. The only thing in his sight was the rapidly wiltering plants that grew closer and closer. This speed could not compare to the current one though.

That was because Ray was running forward with increasingly larger strides. The verdant grass was turning yellow and dry before becoming nothing but black mush. The same applied to the crimson flowers and the azure berries. The violet roots and the golden fruits.

This path of demise was spreading from the center and outwards, Ray was running to his death. The others could only conclude this much.

Ray nevertheless continued to skip, weave, roll, and fall if it got a step closer to Balin, and as the area hadn't been the largest Ray was in front of him in no time.

He was face to face with the core. In it was a naked man with black veins, to be specific, they were roots that softly protruded from his skin.

The man's complexion was pale and his lower body was still constricted in the mess of plant matter.

Ray pulled out a dagger and coated it with mana before hacking away at these vines and roots as well as rocks that threatened to fall over him.

"Urgh!" It was impossible to defend from all of them, and as the stones continued to fall, the curtain of rock closed on the dark tunnel from which the other knights spectated. The last they were able to witness was light sweep past the cracks before being enveloped in near-total darkness.

"That crazy lad…" Someone muttered not believing what had taken place.


On the surface, some orcs who were on standby were surprised by the sudden event. They quickly reported to Sharog, Dakgu, and Shel who were altogether planning out their strategies.

"These zombies are really coming huh?" Dakgu gulping dryly. From what he heard from Sharog, if the zombies really did lust for the living, they had to be the first to strike no matter what.

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