Stuck As A Dungeon Mob

Chapter 519

Dirt and debris fell in the dark corridors of the crypt, no place was spared from collapse. All the adventurers in the dungeon's crypt felt their steps becoming unsteady.

"Woah!" Someone exclaimed as they jumped aside. A large chunk of the ceiling caved in nearly burying this adventurer alive.

Elsewhere, a party of four fell to their feet in front of a group of armament skeletons.

"F*ck!" The curse was the last word of those adventurers. Blood spurted after the armament skeletons took advantage of their opportunity.

There were many adventurers in the dungeon, and there were plenty of outposts. In some of these outposts, Ed's skeletons held the upper hand thanks to the rumbling and elsewhere it was the other way around.

But whatever the case, at this time, there were many deaths.... and these sacrifices seemed to only make the tremor grow stronger in power.

"Huh!?! The safe room!" The crypt's last remaining safe room was the hub of trade and rest for the dungeon. Since the other floors had yet to be explored and the safe room was the only place mobs couldn't enter, this was a natural result.

"Hey, it's… No, they are crumbling!" An adventurer said pointing at the stairs to the previous floor. They suddenly had a bad premonition.

"Run!" "Damn get out!" All the adventurers present in the small safe room ran out or climbed the falling stairs to retreat to the surface.

"Aah!" "Grab my hand!" "Nooo!!!" Some who picked the riskier option of climbing the stairs lost their gamble and with that lost their lives.

In another location, namely the previously destroyed safe room. A party of magicians were about to cross into the difficult area of the crypt. That meant they were also caught up in the danger.

"The- The floor… It's sinking!" One of the magicians shouted.

"Wait… the space is…!" A space magician exclaimed before hastily casting a spell to verify his suspicion.

"Space is shifting!" He screamed before losing his balance and falling on his face.

"Ah! No!" Debris came falling down as walls crumbled and the ceiling caved from the spatial pressure.

This spatial shift was occurring within the entirety of the crypt, Trench and the others now had to watch out for debris and try and maintain their balance while fighting. Fortunately for anti-skeletons, even in the case where they failed to do this, they might just lose a limb.

For their assailants however…

"Ah…. My Leg… It, it won't budge… Argh!" Despairing cries followed by the squishy sound of a weapon penetrating the immobile adventurer.

This scene repeated itself multiple times. It could be a spear, a sword, or even the split arm of an anti-skeleton that impaled the hapless adventurer but the theme didn't change.

The adventurers were suddenly at a disadvantage.

"Re- Retreat! Quickly! Run!" The commanding adventurer shouted. They then began a vigorous chant, they said each syllable faster than the last and their feet appeared to be glued to the floor as they wouldn't at all budge.

"Let's go!" The commanding mage then shouted before a sweltering heatwave assaulted the bodies of all the ones present.


The hot waves of fire began to soften and melt the anti-skeletons as they were made of metal. Only a few skeletons like Drench who had the body of a water crystal could survive the heatwave. Though unwilling, Trench had no choice but to force the skeletons to return.

Just like that, while the ground continued to rumble both sides took a step back and prepared to figure things out. But not even a minute after the altercation came to an end, an ear-splitting sound came about.

"Argh!" Some adventurers fell to the floor or fainted directly from the sonic attack.

It sounded like an explosion and the shock waves it sent were not small, in fact, they were very big. Big enough that its power started to spread throughout the entire dungeon.

In the boss room, a young adventure girl fell dazed and confused. Her ears rang and her mind was fuzzy. Kimani had just walked out of the portal from the orc plains when she was assaulted by the explosive sound.

Inside her body the blood clots started to work overtime and Kimani quickly regained her sensibilities. Her dizziness subsided and all that remained now was pure fright.

Looking behind her Kimani could see the pitch-black portal contorting in apparent agony. The way the portal's shape spasmed and the darkness within it flickered frightened Kimani to her core.

Yet, Kimani could not get up and run away from the portal. The chaotic nature of space was terrifyingly beautiful.


In the orc plains, the orcs who were resting peacefully following the crazy party were all awoken by an extremely faint yet explosive sound.

The beds they laid on shook vigorously. In some houses and stores their wares or decorations fell and shattered without mercy.

"No!" "Rooar!!!" Cries came from the pained and roars from the angered.


In the marshland, the water suddenly became tumultuous. Large waves formed and trashed against the docks of lizardmen settlements. Fish and monsters rained onto these docks and the early bird lizard fisherman were blessed with a bounty.

Well, assuming they weren't washed away or had one of their flimsy houses collapse atop of them.


The desert sands quivered softly.

'Ed, moving!' A cute cry came from the thousands of year-old tree. Azalia transmitted to Ed the vibrations she was feeling through her roots but it was admittedly pointless. Ed felt the shaking just as well.

The shaking seemed like nothing more than a soft tremor but it oddly enough gave Ed a sense of unease.

"What's going on?" Ed wondered clearly overcome with confusion.

'Wait… will the dungeon be summoning me?' Ed thought panicking greatly at the thought. In no time at all, he sunk into the system space and ran for the forge room. He had to split himself and…!

'No wait…' He didn't have an available link so leaving W alone with the elves would be dangerous. Not unless he gave him a powerful body but… He wasn't very confident...

'That reminds me, the consciousnesses that I imparted my skills onto…' Ed was thinking that maybe creating a couple of minions with some of his skills to help W would be worth it yet...

'It would take too long…' Ed was distressed. He didn't want to put W at risk but he also couldn't leave the elves unattended. He couldn't help but feel that he had been hasty in accommodating them.

The only way he could excuse himself was the reasoning that there was no way he could have foreseen this turn of events.

The ground had long since stopped trembling but that didn't stop Ed from entering the system space and tossing himself into the forge.

Realizing he was wasting too much time, Ed decided to split himself anyway. He could put W into a strong yet stealthy body. Ideally, one that was strong due to its ability to preserve itself.

'Yeah, that should do the tr- Urgh! Aaah!' Ed's thoughts were interrupted by the excruciating splitting process. He could only grit his non-existent teeth and try to hold on.

Before Ed knew it, he was out of the forge and W was now alongside him.

'You can be a blood bat again, just make sure to stay hidden in the city skyline' Ed transmitted to W. The city didn't have many tall buildings but due to the fact that the ground rose from the edge to the center there was some significant inclination and it gave the city a fake sense of height and grandiosity

'Alright' W said not needing a briefing on the situation. This fake sense of height felt real for a reason, the angles from which the ground could be seen without looking up were few. W was safe in the sky.

The two Eds acted hastily. Ed found a body to place W in and the latter went into the assembly room alongside said body. Once Ed exited the system space, a spy skeleton blood bat was made!

"That took a short while but looks like I'm still on time..." Ed said thinking out loud.

Ed waited patiently for the notice of his recall but... Nothing appeared to be coming.

'Ummm, W… How about you check up on the elves?' Most of them were sleeping since it seemed to be past midnight but it wasn't impossible that some were awoken.

W nodded and hurriedly flew off. The sap preserved wings strategy was working quite well. Ed was left wondering if he could don a pair of wings himself after seeing W's flying performance.

W who flew away was now high up in the night sky. He could hardly see any details from up there so he began to slowly descend until he felt the distance was appropriate, this was his first time acting as a spy plane but his current height had to suffice.

'Looks like no one is wandering' W transmitted to Ed. That wasn't to say none of the elves were awake, W could only guarantee that no one was startled out of their home.

'Good to hear, stay there for a while and keep watch' Ed transmitted back to W.

Ed felt a bit helpless after sending that transmission.

'The dungeon is leaving me out it seems' Ed couldn't fathom why he was being left out of what was happening otherwise.

'Oh, right!' Ed suddenly remembered something.

'My links and marks!' Ed decided to ask both A and Kimani for a status update. He had to know if something did actually happen or if he was making this out to be something much larger than it really was.

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