Study Days at Hogwarts

Chapter 27: Blame

  Chapter 27 The Blame

   "The spell stops immediately."

   Albert looked at the wooden door that was almost torn into pieces, and the corners of his eyes couldn't help twitching.

   "Merlin's beard, what now."

  The three Weasleys looked at the broken wooden door, swallowed in unison, and couldn't help but took a step back, not realizing what happened just now.

   "Are we..." Fred raised his hand and made a fast-moving gesture. It would be bad if he was accidentally caught.

   "Don't be stupid. Powerful wizards usually use tracking and revealing magic to know who has been here recently." Albert put his hand on Fred's shoulder, reminding him not to slip away.

   "Then what shall we do?" George looked at Albert uneasily.

   "I should be able to repair it. I remember that the spell should be—restore as before." Albert quickly calmed down, raised his wand and pointed it at the demolished wooden door, and focused on reciting the repair spell.

  The wooden board was torn off the hinge and flew back to the door again. The crack healed slowly, and it would soon be back to normal.

  However, before the wooden door was completely restored, the door suddenly opened from the inside.

The four of them froze in place, because Professor McGonagall came out from behind the door, looked at the wooden door that was slowly being repaired, and looked at the four people standing in front of him, the surrounding atmosphere suddenly became a little awkward up.

   "What the **** are you doing?" Professor McGonagall twitched his old face and stared at the four of them sternly. Just now, she heard movement from the secret door of the office, and when she came to check, she found that the door of her office had been torn down by someone?

   This scene immediately stunned her.

   "Sorry, Professor, we didn't know that Open Sesame is a spell." Albert immediately corrected his attitude and apologized, "I think it's just... an accident."

   "Stop talking, Mr. Anderson, come in, there are a few of you." Professor McGonagall looked at the four of them expressionlessly, and let them enter his office.

   "It was just an accident, Professor." Albert repeated softly. The twins behind him and Lee Jordan held their breath, too nervous to speak.

"It's a very good restoration spell. However, Mr. Anderson, I have to remind you that Open Sesame is a lock-opening spell hundreds of years ago, and wizards nowadays don't use this kind of crude magic." Professor McGonagall looked at Albert Reminds, "If you've read "Standard Spells, Beginner," you'll know that now everyone prefers the dexterous Arahorhole."

   "I know. However, the alaho hole will not work on this door."

"Because there was an anti-alahoo opening spell cast on the door," Professor McGonagall explained, "so your spell didn't work, it's knowledge of spells, and I think Professor Flitwick would be glad you asked him these questions. "

"I will."

"Don't be an example, gentlemen, or you will be locked up." Professor McGonagall didn't seem to intend to blame a few people, turned around and took a piece of parchment from the table, handed it to Albert and said, "This is the first grade schedule, help me Post it on the Gryffindor bulletin board."

   "There won't be a next time, I promise." Albert coughed lightly, took the freshmen schedule that Professor McGonagall handed over, quickly pushed the backs of the twins and Li, and walked out of Professor McGonagall's office quickly.

   "Scared me to death." Everyone dared to speak when they were away from Professor McGonagall's office.

   "We actually demolished the door of Professor McGonagall's office?" Li Jordan still couldn't believe it.

   "It's good luck, I didn't get deducted points, and I wasn't put in confinement." Albert opened the schedule given by Professor McGonagall and glanced at it. The first period of next Monday is the Charms class.

   "However, it's great Albert, your door-opening spell actually broke the door." Fred's eyes shone with excitement.

   "It was just an accident. I didn't know it was a spell." Albert picked up his wand and tapped the parchment. The original schedule was divided into two and then into four.

  He divided the schedule among three people.

   "Why is there no flying lesson?" George was a little disappointed after reading the class schedule. He was looking forward to flying in the sky on a broomstick.

   "Don't you think the number of courses is a bit small?" Albert frowned after watching the course for a week. Hogwarts felt more like stocking teaching to him.

   "The courses are a bit short, are you crazy?" Li Yong looked at Albert in disbelief, as if he had been under some strange spell.

   "In Muggle schools, there are at least half more courses." Albert thought about it and guessed the reason.

  There are only a few professors in the school. If a grade has two sessions a week, one professor needs to teach 24 sessions (four colleges for grades 6 and 7).

  Saturdays and Sundays are closed, which means they are fully booked for the entire week.

  Now that I think about it, it’s actually not incomprehensible.

   "What are you thinking?" George asked.

   "It's nothing, let's go, continue to look for the classroom." Albert stuffed the schedule into his pocket, and took the lead towards the marble stairs.

  Currently, the four of them have found the Transfiguration classroom, the History of Magic classroom, and the abandoned bathroom on the second floor of the castle. He still remembered that it was the entrance to the Slytherin Chamber of Secrets, and there was a dangerous basilisk inside.

  Because it is the girls' bathroom, the four of them just passed by and didn't plan to go in, so as not to be misunderstood.

  The exploration of the castle was quite fruitful. Near the corridor of the Charms classroom on the fourth floor, the four of them discovered a secret passage behind the tapestry. The end of this secret passage was near the armor corridor and the prize showroom.

   "I think the tapestry at Hogwarts hides secret passages." Lee Jordan jokingly said when he walked out of the secret passages.

  No way, the secret passages they discovered today are all hidden behind the tapestry. It is not surprising that there will be such a misunderstanding

   "I dare say that most people can find these secret passages." George was a little disappointed. He hoped to find a secret passage that was more hidden and unknown to others.

   "We will find it. Go in and have a look, the prize showroom." Albert suggested. In fact, he was a little curious whether these medals and trophies were made of gold and silver.

   "George, Fred." Lee Jordan pointed to a cabinet and said, "Look at this, I remember Charlie is your brother, he also won the Quidditch trophy for the academy."

"That was not long after Charlie joined the team. He always hoped to win another Quidditch trophy before graduation." George was a little depressed looking at the all-Slytherin trophies, Gryffindor and Slytherin Never right.

   "The group of Slytherins sometimes do whatever they can to achieve their missions." Fred muttered. He added: "Percy told me."

"Yes, those guys in Slytherin house are the most annoying." Fred echoed, "Percy said that once Slytherin falls out of the first place by a few points, they will do whatever they can to target the house that is ahead of them." , Snape will favor his students even more, never deduct points for them, many students in the school don't like him, they always call him old bat."

   Albert twitched when he heard what the twins said.

  Although I'm joking, don't blame Percy for everything, he is your brother no matter what, not a blame man!

  (end of this chapter)

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