Stunned for You

Chapter 46

Chapter 46

The two came to the audio-visual room again. Shi Yi didn’t turn on the light, and directly fumbled and turned on the starry sky instrument. The stars were scattered all over his body. Shi Yi bent one leg and sat on the carpet against the sofa. He turned his head and asked Fu Sitian, who was still pestering outside the carpet, “Don’t you sit down? ?”

Fu Sitian bit his lip, raised his leg and stepped into the carpet, carefully weighing it, preparing to sit down a distance from Shi Yi, but Shi Yi suddenly stretched out his hand and grabbed her wrist.

As if clutching on her heart, Fu Sitian’s heart trembled, staring at Shi Yi in a daze.

In the gloom, Shi Yi’s eyes seemed helpless and gentle.

Fu Sitian’s heart beat quickly, and his mind was a little stunned. Following Shi Yi’s strength, he moved a small step forward. When she recovered, she had already sat down next to Shi Yi.

Shi Yi released his hand, looking up at the starry sky above his head, his forearm naturally pressed against the skin of Fu Sitian’s forearm.

The heat scorched Fu Sitian and burned her whole body. Fu Sitian stiffened his shoulders, and looked up at the stars nonchalantly. A heart beats up and down in a mess.

The starry sky is the first time I saw the starry night in the 1510 dormitory. It is not as bright, bright and dark as the blue one last night, but it has another vast and pure thoughtfulness. It seems willing to help hide the unhappiness of all those who have concerns, and it seems willing to tolerate the anxiety and hesitation of all cowards.

Fu Sitian regained her courage.



The two voices overlapped and sounded in silence.

Shi Yi smiled faintly, “I’ll talk about it this time.”

“I’m sorry, my tone was bad in the evening, and it scared you.” She looked at Fu Sitian, speaking calmly, very calmly and sincerely.

Fu Sitian was stunned, and suddenly there was an astringent intention rushing away from his eyes. All the tension, fear, and even the grievances that I dare not admit, vanished in this simple sentence. She and Shi Yi looked at each other, resisting the soreness of her nose, and slowly revealed a real smile, and said in a low judo, “It’s because I’m not doing well.”

Shi Yi shook his head: “I don’t want to hear this.”

Fu Sitian was at a loss.

Shi Yi said: “If there is no mistake, don’t take responsibility for yourself.”

Fu Sitian’s eyes waved, and tentatively said: “That…it doesn’t matter? I understand you were in a bad mood?

“Yeah.” The curvature of Shi Yi’s lips deepened.

Fu Sitian’s pear vortex rippled along.

The air was quiet for a few seconds, and Shi Yi suddenly said softly: “This starry sky instrument was given to me by my mother during the summer vacation after the college entrance examination.”

“Because I was in a bad mood during that time, I often went out to climb the Peak Park in Shencheng at night, and when I reached the top of the mountain, I kept standing by the guardrail and looking at the stars. I stayed for a few hours. My mother was worried and couldn’t do it again. I followed me all the time, so I bought a starry sky instrument, hoping that I could have stars to watch when she couldn’t be with me. I understood her request, and then I never went to the mountains alone. ”

“Auntie is really gentle and attentive.” Fu Sitian replied deliberately. She actually wanted to ask her why she was in a bad mood, but she was not sure if she would step on thunder.

Shi Yi gave an “um” and affirmed: “She is fine.” Then, she let out a sigh, and Fu Sitian heard the bitter taste, “So, she will definitely be happy.”

“Shi Yi…”

“Do you know why I reported to Shenda?” Shi Yi asked her, turning his head.

Fu Sitian guessed: “Because you want to be closer to home?”

She knew that it was true that Cheng Jialuo said that Shiyi did not directly enter the college entrance examination at Shenda, but she also knew that Shiyi did not buy it through the back door, but was admitted. After she chose to send, Fu Sitian heard that the outdated teacher was sorry for her in class. Although Shenda is already a first-class university, she can take the college entrance examination and she can go to one of the best universities.

Shi Yi narrowed his eyes, “Yes.”

“Since I was very young, my parents’ relationship has not been very good. When I was in kindergarten, they had a divorce. My mother took me away from home and lived in my grandpa’s house for a long time. I was then I’m scared, I’m afraid someday they really get divorced and I will have no home ever since.”

It should be the time when Shi Yi transferred to her kindergarten and met her? There was pain in Fu Sitian’s heart.

Shi Yi rarely talks about family matters. When she was a child, she almost didn’t talk about it. Now she rarely talks about it. She once thought that Shi Yi was raised in a harmonious family and was loved by thousands of people.

“Later, with the help of my grandmother, they reconciled, my mother moved back, and they once lived with love for a while. But the good times didn’t last long. After I went to junior high school, they obviously had problems again. I went to school. In the third year of junior high school, they were arguing for a while. I could hear my mother crying every night, but I asked her what was wrong, and she refused to tell me anything. She just asked me occasionally, if my parents Divorce, who do I want to talk to. Of course I choose her, but I… also want my dad. So I started to lose sleep, didn’t want to study, and my grades plummeted. The teacher couldn’t stand it, so I talked to my parents.”

“After the conversation, they reconciled again, at least maintaining the superficial calm. My grandmother told me that if you want to maintain this family, you can only rely on me, and let me be the bridge of communication between this family. So I have been working very hard. With this bridge, even the university didn’t dare to leave too far, so I was afraid that if I left, this home would be separated.” She said plainly, but Fu Sitian heard her sore nose.

But the family finally broke up.

She plucked up the courage, took Shi Yi’s hand, and gave her speechless comfort. Shi Yi was held by her, looked at her, smiled faintly, and continued: “But then I realized that it is useless to rely on me to maintain a home. It depends on love and responsibility.”

“A few days after the college entrance examination, on the day of my father’s birthday, I wanted to give him a surprise. I went to the house where he usually lives without saying hello to him, opened the door, and saw him and his lover staring naked. On the sofa in the living room.”


Fu Sitian opened his small mouth slightly and his head exploded.

“Too disgusting, isn’t it?” Shi Yi laughed at himself. There was something more disgusting, she couldn’t say it.

“I later learned that my father had never loved my mother from beginning to end. Marrying my mother was only due to the pressure of my grandparents. He has always had his own lover before he got married. And my mother, too early I discovered this truth in my third year of junior high, but for me, she has been enduring no divorce.”

“And I don’t know anything, I’ve been working as an executioner, and I’m dying of my mother’s happiness.”

“You said before that you doubted your own existence. For a few moments, I also doubted it. I think I am like a deformed product.” Shi Yi’s eyes were dark and there was no light in his eyes.

Fu Sitian put her hand on her belly and hugged her in his arms, trying to give her a little warmth, “Shi Yi, don’t say that to yourself.”

“For many people, your existence is everything. For example…” For example, she, but she can’t say, she can only say, “For example, your mother, such as those who love you very much.”

Shi Yi looked at her faintly, and was caught off guard: “Don’t you understand when you persuade me? Why don’t you know how to tell yourself this way?”

Fu Sitian was stunned for a moment, and he was emotionally stuck for a while, distressed, softhearted, and a little embarrassed.

Shi Yi rubbed Fu Sitian’s knuckles with his thumb pressed by Fu Sitian, as if to appease. She turned her head and looked at the void ahead, and said with relief: “So I let myself go. It’s not my fault.”

“It’s just that I can’t let go of my dad. I disgust him. His cowardice, cruelty, selfishness, and irresponsibility make me sick.”

“He killed the father I used to admire like that.”

“From that day on, I have no home.” Her voice was no longer as pure and moist as it used to be, with a hoarseness in it. “Stian, I didn’t mean to anger you.”

Fu Sitian’s eyes turned red all at once, and her heart seemed to be pricked so hard that her throat became sore from the pain.

“Shi Yi, can I hug you?” She heard herself ask in a low voice.

Shi Yi looked at her in surprise, his eyes soft, and Fu Sitian couldn’t help but hug her before he opened his mouth.

Shi Yi froze.

She could feel Fu Sitian hugged very carefully, arms around her neck, gently, not daring to use any strength, even the breath that was in her ears was so soft and warm.

As if oneself is a fragile treasure.

Shi Yi relaxed, her heart softened and soft, there seemed to be hot somewhere, but she couldn’t tell how it felt. She wrapped her arms around Fu Sitian’s waist and put her chin on her shoulders, so that she didn’t have to be so restrained.

Fu Sitian felt that his whole body was getting hot.

This was the first time she hugged Shiyi when she was awake.

But she had no thoughts at all. She just felt very distressed, and wanted to hug Shiyi, the girl she wanted to ache in her heart.

Shi Yi teased her deliberately: “Did you suddenly overflow with maternal love?”

Fu Sitian breathed heavily in her ear, and she said: “Shi Yi, I…”

Shi Yi’s breathing slowed and heavier with her.

Fu Sitian wanted to say: “Can I be your home?”

But it was too blunt, she didn’t dare. A word went around a hundred thousand times in the throat, and in the end, what was said was euphemistic:

“If you need it, in addition to being your friend, I would also be your father, your mother, and your home.”

The author has something to say: Good night

Oooh, Xiaotuji and 10e in the small theater were all taken away by… Zhou Gong…

Xiaotuji is suddenly excited: Did you go away together?

Because of being too excited, Zhou Gong couldn’t help her and threw her down in anger.

After days of insomnia, the tutu became bald.

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