Stygian Mage

Bad News!

A little bit of bad news guys. After considering everything, from the time it takes me to write new chs and the time it takes me to create and fix plots at the same time, I've decided to put Stygian Mage on indefinite hiatus for now. And no, its not because I dont want to write it anymore. Instead, I'm doing this so I can write it better. When I began this novel, I had no idea what I was doing. That made the plot a mess. Even the cultivation and magic system became a bit too hectic and convoluted for me too handle while following the release schedule. At first, it seemed fine, but as I progressed through the story, I could see it was not going well.

This is my first novel, thats why I dont want to see it go to ruin like that. And if I continue like right now, that will probably happen. So, I want to take some time off and properly plan out the story. I'm a discovery writer. I discover my story as I write it, and that creates inconsistencies and plot holes. Fixing them takes up most of my time. As such, I'm going to first write a good chunk of the story, revise it to fix the mistakes, and then will start posting again. This will take time though. I can't say for sure how long it would be, but it wont be short. So, till then, I'll have to say farewell to you guys. I'll keep posting updates on RR and SH in case you're interested. To let you guys know if there's any changes and also let you know that I'm not dead. I truly am sorry for this.

Update[07-Feb-2021]: An update for anyone who still checks. Its been a while since I posted the news for hiatus. Since then, I've been writing quite a lot. Tbh, its become much easier now because I can adjust the previous plots as I write without any problem. Also, I thought of starting my next novel on the side. Too many ideas were coming so I thought I should start that as an outlet. For now, I switch between the two as I write. When I get tired of one, I switch to the other. For anyone interested, the second one's theme is monster summoner styled. Anyway, only did an update to let you guys know I'm still alive and the novel's going well. I'll leave another update maybe after a month or so.

Update[08-March-2021]: Another update for anyone still checking in. For the last month, my focus kinda shifted towards my new novel. So the division between them is about 70 30 right now. I'm still fixing and writing Stygian Mage, but it got shifted to second in my list of priorities for now. Reason was probably because fixing/editing old content versus writing new ones is much more tedious. As for the new novel, its going quite well. I'm keeping the pace slow and building the world and characters more in this one. As I mentioned in the prev update, its a monster tamer/summoner themed novel. Its also going to be a mix of cultivation thats going to connect to the whole monsters theme. I already have several ideas for it and am trying to develop them well. That will be all for this update. I might update again another month for anyone who's interested in knowing where things are with my writing. Also wanted to mention I have plans for Stygian Mage, so its not abandoned.

Update[04-May-2021]: Here's another update guys. I didnt update last month cuz I didnt think many of you would be checking in (and also becuz I didnt have much update to give last month). So, as I've mentioned in last updates, my priorities have changed. My new novel is my top priority for now and Stygian Mage is next (doing an overhaul on this novel is super tedious and tiring). For the new novel, I have some updates for it. First of, MC (his name is Ewan, though it might or might not change) will not be a good guy, as you guys already know from Stygian Mage, I dont write good guys. But because I received comments and reviews saying the change in Soren's personality was abrupt, I've kept that in mind while writing my new MC (Ewan). I've tried to show how his personality comes about, how his past affects him, etc. Then the world, the story is going to be in a fictional world, complete fantasy with modern elements from earth. But while I use those modern elements, the story will have no relation to real earth. Then the power system, there are two systems in this world so far (subject to changes), I wont explain them cuz spoilers. As for Ewan's combat style, as I've mentioned before, it would be a monster tamer type with a mage subtype. That'll be all for now. One last thing before I end it, I will post this new novel only after I complete my first rough draft. I dont want to repeat what happened with Stygian Mage, writing while posting drops the quality of the story. Anyway, thnks for checking in. I'll see you in another update.

Update[14-June-2021]: Update for this month. Novel's going good, had to take a small break tho, having some financial issues at home. Anyway, wanted to talk about something specific in this update, dont know how many of u guys read this but I hope for some opinions from whoever does. Terms specially created for a novel, like some were in Stygian Mage [Asadien, Enfari, etc.], what do u guys think about it? I've used several such terms in my new novel, they're shown well enough for anyone to know what they mean in the novel, but do you thnk a known eng word would be better instead? For eg. the power system names are special words created for the novel, they mean nothing in eng, would it be better to use actual eng terms or is my own creation fine? I hope to get some opinions on this.

Update[21-August-2021]: Another update for the month. I didnt update last month cuz there wasnt much to say. For this update, I'll talk genres. I've been deliberating for a while now, whether to put romance in the novel or not. I have a character ready for it, I've developed her well I think. But I'm still hesitating on it. If I have to say it, I do lean more towards adding romance only because I dont want my MC to end up alone after achieving what he wants.If any of you still check the updates, your opinion will be most welcomed. I know its more of a preference thing, but still, I would like to hear other people on this matter. Also, just to clear this out, even if I do add romance, there wont be any harem [I dont really like that genre so dont think I can write it well without really learning its ins and outs]. Other than this, there isnt much to update. Novel's going good, I've settled several plots, many initial ones changed and I think they changed for the better. Right now I'm foreshadowing for future plots, it requires planning so kinda slowed down a bit, but I'll pick up pace again. Anyway, that'll be it for this month, I'll update again maybe next or the month after that. Signing off for now. 

Update[02-October-2021]: Update for the month. There's nothing much to say in this update, its mostly to inform that I'm still alive and active and writing. Novel's going good. I finished the first volume, settled it nicely I would reckon. And now I'm working on the second volume. Also trying to speed up my pace, some family matters slowing me down but I'm trying to put them aside and focus on my writing. Anyway, there wasnt much in this update, all's good and dandy, I'll post another one next or the month after that. Signing off.

Update[03-January-2022]: Hey guys, how've you been? Couldnt post any updates last two months, sorry for that. My brother got married recently and that kept me busy for quite some time. I wasnt able to write much during that, so couldnt update either. I've returned to my cave since then and have increased my speed. Overall, the novel's going good, I'm halfway through volume 2. To be honest, I'm kinda struggling with some of the plots recently, they seem kinda stale to me. So, I'm going to take a few days to brainstorm ideas and clear out the junks. That'll be all for this update. I'll try to update again maybe next or month after that, but even if I dont, dont worry, I will be writing the novel.
Anyway, a very happy new year to you all. Signing off now.


Update[18-April-2022]: Hello guys, hope you've been well. A bit late with this update cuz I didnt have much to write in it. The novel's going good. I have the vol 2 already planned out and am on my way to fin it, should be done soon. I also did some outlining for vol 3, but nothing's decided yet, I'll get to it when I get there. Also, Im hesitating on some future plots. It reads nice in my head, but it might not be liked by many of you (might), I dont know. Well, I'll think about whether to go for it or change it when I reach there I guess. Other than that, I thnk my writing has improved quite a been in the last year. It could be just my delusion but I think it has. And Im also learning new things. Anyway, that'll be all for this one. Sorry for the delayed update again.
Tl;dr - I'm still writing, dont worry. Signing off for now. 

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