Stygian Mage

Chapter-108 Change of Plans

Hey guys. So, with the feedback from the last ch, I changed my writing style again. I tried to mix in the prev style with the new one. My narration will still remain in active voice, there wont be any passive. This will make the sentences feel a bit shorter cuz passive is quite wordy. But I'll try and not make it that short, like the last ch. On top of it, I have also removed filterings [like saw, heard, decided, etc], so that might also decrease the sentence length. As I have mentioned before, the story is from Soren's perspective, third person limited. So without saying those filter words, its understood that he's the one seeing, hearing, deciding etc. All in all, I'll try to make the sentences flow as much as the image.

Anyway, give some feedback if you can. Did this one also feel jarring? Or was this better? And any points where I could improve.

On a side note: Someone complained that Soren isnt evil enough, that he's a softy. ? I didnt have words. What about you guys? You think the same?

And finally, a bit of a bad news. Its festival week this week, I'm going home. So, I wont be able to post any ch next week. And there's a 50-50 chance of posting the week after that. Its been 2 years since I went back so I might stay longer. Hope you guys understand.?

And so, enjoy and tell me if you find any mistakes or inconsistencies. Next ch will be either on 28th Nov or 5th Dec ?

“Thank you for your help last night,” Drai bowed and said. His forehead touched the table, his shoulder-length black hair spread on it. ‘His’ face wasn’t pale anymore. Healthy ruddy skin, glistening eyes, he got his vigor back. Though he still looked a girl. A weird contrast that made Soren queasy sometimes.

“It's fine,” Soren replied with a smile. He leaned back on the chair and gestured Drai to continue where they left off last night.

Drai nodded and began his explanation. “I already told you about what happens in case of the usual body possession. So, I’ll start with the second type of possession method. Initiators call this ‘rebirth’.”

Soren frowned when he heard the word ‘rebirth’. He’d come across this word several times while gathering information. But most of it was in the books related to the fantasies of the mortals. Reincarnation, rebirth, these were the crutches of their fragile minds. A limited life and nothingness after, this concept scared them. Whereas in reality, Initiators had long since proven that such concepts did not exist.

Soul birthed with the body and died with it. This was the norm.

But still, Soren knew Drai would explain further. So, he didn’t interrupt his explanation and let him continue at his own pace.

Drai sipped the same drink as last night, wetted his throat, and said, “This ‘rebirth’ is of course not the real rebirth. That’s not possible; as far as I know, at least.” Soren nodded to that.

“As for why Initiators call it ‘rebirth’ then, it’s because this method allows you to grow again. I don’t know whether you are aware of it or not, but there are several special races that have two methods for continuing their genes. One is naturally the normal method of reproduction. While the other is a special method that they developed in ancient times to increase their chances of passing down their inheritances,” he said.

Soren leaned forward and put his arms on the table. His curiosity rose higher and higher as he listened to Drai’s words. This knowledge was something he couldn’t get through normal means. Even signing a strict contract with the royal family did not guarantee it.

“With normal reproduction, there were many scenarios where the skills of the parents were not inherited by the children. Which would eventually cause their line of skills to die out. This was the main reason for the development of this special method. Using this, those races were finally able to make sure that their skills and special abilities were inherited by their next generation. They basically created a method of using their blood drop to give birth to the next generation. Of course, only a few races were able to use this method. Time has already proven it.” His voice broke again.

“Many other races tried to copy this but they all ultimately failed. I’m not sure about the reason behind this, so I can only guess that their blood had some special property that allowed them to do this,” he said in a gruff voice.

He stopped there and waited for a while. Another sip and after some deep breaths, he continued.

“The advantage that this method has over the usual body possession is compatibility. Since you are able to be born again as a child, you don’t have to worry about any compatibility issues. Not only that, but this method is also much safer. There are no chances of any complications occurring during the process. Apart from that, this method also gives you the chance of inheriting the skills of the owner of the blood drop. But of course, there’s a catch with this—the availability of the blood from those races. If not for that, everyone would’ve wanted to use this method instead of doing the usual body possession. In fact, most of those races that were able to use this method have already gone extinct. Only a few remain. Because of that, trying to find a drop of blood of such a race has become much more difficult than just waiting for a compatible body to appear.”

He took several large sips this time. He put the mug down, wiped his mouth and continued, “To be honest, I was also one of those. I also wanted to use this method. But my soul wasn’t able to hold on any longer. So, I had to resort to using the usual method. Not only I, but the other members of our group were also waiting for such an opportunity. Alas, they never got such a chance and could only die in despair. They weren’t even able to get a compatible body to use the general method.” Drai sighed.

Soren ignored that. He didn’t care for their life and death, or their agony and despair. He was only curios about this method and those special races. If he had to abandon his body at some point, he also wanted to use this method instead of the usual body possession. Same as the others. Though it would take longer for him to grow with this method, it was a better solution for the long term. Because as Drai said, his soul would be able to affect the growth of ‘his’ blank body. And remove any complications that occurred during the normal possession process.

There was even a chance that he could grow up to have a high Mana aptitude—like his current body. There was no guarantee to this, but it was possible. This method used a drop of blood from those powerful Initiators to give birth to a child. It was an inheritance method after all. Given those conditions, it was improbable for the child to have a low Mana aptitude.

It would at least be close to his current aptitude, no? he thought.

“Do you know how to get this blood drop?” Soren asked.

“I do, but it’s only a rumor. I trust the source on this though. And I’m planning on giving it a try if it turns out to be true. But I can’t do it alone. I’m sure you’ll also need help if you want to get involved in this. If you want, we can join hands. If you are willing to, I’ll provide you with the method for this process and will also give you the list of the races that are able to use this technique.”

Soren leaned back again, frowned and looked down. He stared at the black spot on the table while his thoughts swirled. His finger beat the armrest in a rhythm.

This method provoked his interested. And if possible, he wanted to get his hands on such blood drop. But he knew nothing about this rumor that Drai talked about. He had to be careful before getting mixed up in something unknown.

“More details,” he said.

“Sure. The rumor I’m talking about is related to something that you two know very well about,” Drai said. “It’s the ‘Pillar of Paradise’. I also don’t know much about this. But according to what I’ve heard, after all the pillars activate, it will open up a treasure trove.” He looked at both Soren and Seth.

The word ‘treasure trove’ made Soren dubious. Seth also frowned. He didn’t appear too convinced either. Instead of being the truth, it sounded more like the ramblings of a crazy person. Even so, this came from Drai. Soren might not trust the guy, but he trusted his prudence. Only from the fact that he could cultivate to Rank 3, he proved his word’s worth. If he wasn’t deceiving them, or him, then this could turn out to be true. And he had no reason to do so. It wouldn’t benefit him in any way.

“What do you guys say? Do you want to join hands?” Drai asked.

“Okay, count me in,” Soren said after he mulled over it for a few moments. He needed to be cautious, but he also needed to take risks to gain rewards. This was his risk.

“But what if there’s only one drop of blood. How do we divide that?” Soren asked. This was the most important aspect for him. For the other items, he was not so worried about the division. Only that blood drop concerned him; his future and life depended on it.

“If that turns out to be the case, I won’t fight you for it. I have already completed my body possession, so it's not a matter of life and death for me. You just need to pay us for our share,” Drai said.

Soren nodded and looked towards Seth. He had yet to say anything about this.

“Sure, I’m also in. And I don’t want that blood, just pay me for my share too,” Seth said.


Soren strolled on the desolate night street, gazing at the stars, his hands in his pocket. The flickering light from the streetlamps lighted his path, but he didn’t need it. Tonight’s meeting kept revolving in his head. What they talked about, what they discussed, he kept thinking about all.

If what Drai said was true, this could be his chance to get that drop of blood and change his body. He had many reservations about this. But this was the only way he could survive his vitality damage. He didn’t know any other anyway.

There might be a miraculous medicine out there that could heal his damage. Yet, he had to live long enough to actually find it. And even if he could find it, getting his hands on it was another matter.

Based on all these facts, Soren made up his mind. He was going to use the ‘rebirth’ method if he could find such a drop of blood in that ‘treasure trove’.

From what Drai told them about this ‘Pillar of Paradise’, it would take at most a few more years for all the pillars to activate. The information Seth gave to Soren before was a bit outdated; Drai already confirmed this. And though he couldn’t give out an exact period of time, he was sure it would happen before this war ended. Unless of course, the war ended sooner than predicted.

Situation changed. Thus, Soren also needed to change some of his plans.

He was planning on sticking with the war as long as he could before. And gather all the resources he needed through it. But with this new scenario in play now, he had to make some adjustments. He couldn’t afford to take it slow anymore. Before all the pillars activated, he had to get all the things he wanted from the rewards list and prepare for that ‘treasure trove’.

For that, he had to take some drastic steps. Luckily, he already convinced Drai and Seth to help him with this. This benefitted them too, so they agreed. With their help, Soren was confident he could accomplish what he wanted to do.

He wanted to escalate the war.

The kingdom gave out the rewards because it was in peril. Make them desperate enough and they’ll soon cough out more, he was sure of it.


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Also, if you would like to support me, I have both paypal and a patreon account. I've made some changes in my patreon recently. So, it now has a single tier: 9$ [21chs]. Overall 21 chs for early access right now so you can try that if you want(I'll be increasing the total number of chs in patreon after I get a good stock of chs so u can look forward to that). And if u would like to join, this is my discord server The Magicians.

Anyway, thanks for reading my story as always. Appreciate it.

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