Subscriber of the Gods

Chapter 23: Princess Rewards

Chapter 23: Princess Rewards


Why was he positioned at the back? With skills like his, he could have been at the front.

Does anyone know who he is?

Ive never seen him before.

Who on earth is he? Such a young guy.

Amidst the murmurs, the lieutenant of the Royal Knights who had silently observed Ethans every move from beginning to end couldnt help but express admiration whenever Ethan fought against the black scorpion.

It was truly a flawless movement.

As someone had mentioned, it was inexplicable why he was positioned at the back, as his movements were devoid of any unnecessary actions.

It seemed as if he could predict every move the black scorpion would make from the very beginning and respond accordingly.

Its a fast one, that black scorpion.

Yes, indeed. Despite being a large monster, its incredibly fast.

Among the large monsters, the black scorpion was known for its exceptional speed.

Despite its bulky size, it was swift enough that it was nearly impossible to take down alone with average skills.

Even among the Royal Knights, there were few who could single-handedly defeat it.

At least two or three knights were required to engage and restrict its movements while attacking in coordination to subdue it.

Furthermore, there was another issue.

He managed to penetrate that tough exoskeleton like that?

His strength may not appear impressive, but his skills are extraordinary.

Its truly incredible. He took down the black scorpion alone. He completely overwhelmed it. The black scorpion didnt stand a chance.

Cant you do it, Lieutenant?

Its possible, but Im not sure if I can exhibit such flawless movements. Honestly, its frustrating.

The lieutenant spoke, crossing their arms.

Do you happen to know who that young man is?

My apologies. I have no idea either.

Another Royal Knight shook their head in response.

What is certain is that many people survived thanks to that person.

It was our duty to do so. We owe him a debt.

People who were saved by Ethan rushed towards him.

Thank you so much.

Thanks to you, you saved my life!

Ethan gestured as if it was nothing.

Arent we all striving towards the same goal? Its only natural for us to save each others lives.

Everyone looked at Ethan with expressions of admiration upon hearing his heroic words.

I cant just let it go.

This was intended for me to consume. But now, in a situation where I might die, I cant even have it. I really wish you had taken it.

-Many people express their gratitude!

-You can receive rewards from them.

Thank you. Im truly grateful.

If it werent for you, I would have died there.

-You received an Advanced Healing Potion.

-You received an Advanced Buff Potion.

People thanked Ethan for saving their lives.

Most of the rewards consisted of potions that they had kept for desperate situations.

Moreover, theyre advanced potions.

Advanced potions had immediate effects when consumed and their effects were quite good.

Anyway, everything will disappear once I exit this ancient trial.

There was only one thing he could take with him from this trial.

Rewards and skills he could directly acquire.

However, since the trial was not yet over, Ethan accepted the potions without hesitation.

Thank you. I will accept them gratefully.

Ethan left behind the grateful people and approached Murine, who was wearing a vacant expression.

Y-You! Youre incredible! You have amazing skills! You shouldnt be in the back like this.

I was lucky. I know a little bit of swordsmanship.

It wasnt just a little! It was remarkable! Huh. I feel a bit embarrassed now.

No. Thank you for your help.

Murine, who was feeling embarrassed, finally smiled at Ethans words.

Everyone seemed to relax.

Meanwhile, up ahead, the commotion from the battle subsided, indicating its conclusion.

Yatro, one of the fourth-in-command of the Royal Knights, approached Ethan and bowed respectfully.

You had an amazing skill. Thanks to you, many people in the rear were saved. By any chance, what is your name?

Im Ethan Whiskers.

Whiskers, Whiskers Ive never heard of that surname before. Perhaps the name Whiskers will spread across the continent from now on.

Yatro chuckled as he spoke.

I will make sure to report this clearly. The Princess will likely bestow a reward.

After the situation was settled, it didnt take long for the sun to set.

They quickly prepared for the camp and before long, someone came looking for Ethan.

Whiskers! Where are you!? The Princess is looking for you!

* * *

A makeshift tent.

Following the guidance of the Royal Knights, I entered the tent, and there, the key figures of this reclamation force had gathered.

Mercenaries and mages, including the Knight Commander of the Royal Knights, whose names were renowned.

They were all valiant warriors, and at the center of them stood the Iron-blooded Princess, Lea.

As Ethan entered the tent, their gazes turned toward him.

In an instant, immense pressure weighed down on Ethan.


Ethan took a light breath.

-The Heros Breathing activates!

The pressure emanating from the powerful individuals was akin to a monsters aura, but it could all be neutralized by Heros Breathing.

Ethan walked calmly towards the princess.

As he approached, the gathered strong individuals displayed expressions of disbelief.

Their expressions seemed to ask, You endured and just walked casually?

You called for me, Princess. I am Ethan Whiskers.

Princess Lea Martinez.

She possessed a beautiful appearance but had a slender physique. However, the hidden strength within her made her worthy of being called the Iron-blooded Princess.

I heard that you single-handedly defeated the Black Scorpion, saving the lives of numerous individuals in the reclamation force.

I merely did what needed to be done.

Lea smiled warmly at his response.

Such a commendable mindset. Ethan Whiskers, was it? Once you return, I will bestow upon you a noble title in the name of Whiskers. You have achieved such a feat deserving of that.

Everyone nodded in agreement.

What Ethan had done held that much value.

However, Ethan shook his head.

I appreciate your high evaluation of my accomplishments, Princess. However, I would prefer if you could consider granting me a different request rather than bestowing a noble title upon me.

He couldnt personally take any items from this place, anyway.

What remained here was solely what could be stored in his mind, such as skills.

If thats the case.

I wish to be of assistance in this reclamation. My family is in Reichardt, and in order to save them and the city, I believe I need to make up for my shortcomings.

Ethan spoke firmly with determination.

So, I would like to receive the Giants Relic.

The Giants Relic Yes, that would indeed be a fitting relic for you. To renounce your title and seek to aid in this reclamation, you truly are remarkable. You are the epitome of a knight.

After a brief moment of contemplation, the princess nodded approvingly.

As she gestured, a knight who had been waiting behind them stepped out of the tent and returned with a relic resembling a stone tablet in his hand.

The Giants Relic.

It was a kind of ancient skill book-like relic.

This skill book allows you to acquire new abilities.

Currently, Ethan had no abilities. He only had a curse.

That was why he needed to accumulate good abilities.

Accept it. This is a fitting reward for your actions. Use this power to contribute to the reclamation of Lecart. And

Lea looked at Ethan.

Strong individuals like you should be at the forefront, not in the back. Move to the front.

With the Giants Relic, Ethans position was readjusted.

It was not a bad suggestion.

However, Ethan had no intention of accepting that offer.


Ethan, who thought he would receive the reward and step back, called out to the princess once again, and she looked at him.

Do you have any more desires?

Yes. I apologize, but I would like you to reconsider the order to move to the front.

Such audacity.

Its an order that has already been given.

The Royal Knights immediately showed their displeasure.

Their expressions were stern.

The princesss orders were absolute.

Once an order had been given, it should be carried out as such.

However, the princess restrained her subordinates and gestured to Ethan as if urging him to speak further.

I agree with the princesss words that I should be positioned at the front. However, if I were to move forward, those behind us would become even more vulnerable. The path ahead will continue to grow dangerous.

Are you saying that you will continue to protect those in the back?

Yes. Since there are strong individuals at the front, I, at least, will focus on protecting the weaker ones at the back. That way, I believe there will be a higher chance of reclaiming Reichardt.

Lea, who had been rigid, once again smiled with satisfaction.

Youre not wrong. The rear unit is important as well. In the rear unit, there may be limited opportunities to achieve great feats, but you are willing to take on that responsibility. I feel fortunate to have someone like you in this reclamation force. Excellent. Truly excellent.

Lea gestured once again to the person who had brought the relic earlier.



Mhm, mhm!

The expressions of those who were angry relaxed once again.

Some even made satisfied sounds as if they were content.

The variety of facial expressions was quite amusing.

Ethan chuckled.

-Lea Martinez begins to trust you!

-You now have the ability to influence Princess Les decisions!

I have to take what I can get as much as I can.

Knowing the personalities of NPCs made it easy to extract new choices.

Its an additional reward.

The person who entered the tent again brought an elegant-looking sword.

Just looking at it, one could feel its sharpness just by looking at it.

Dinalychus. Its a spare sword I brought.

A slender blade with a sophisticated hilt. Above all, it was incredibly lightweight, made of titanium ore.

As Ethan held the Dinalychus handed to him by the princess, he was surprised by the sensation of it fitting perfectly in his hand and its lightness.

Its incredibly lightweight. It feels like it has been enchanted with a weight reduction magic.

Perhaps because it was a spare sword carried by the princess, its quality was remarkable.

Ill lend it to you. Its much better than the sword youre using. It will protect the rear, just like your determination. Together, we will reclaim Reichardt.

Its a shame I cant take it with me. With a sword like this, I could easily replace the claw sword I had.

Nevertheless, with this sword, Ethan felt that he would be able to overcome the upcoming trials more smoothly.

Thank you, Princess.

With the additional reward that he quite liked, Ethan nodded his head respectfully, tucking it into his scabbard.

* * *

As Ethan returned to the rear campsite, he didnt immediately enter his tent.

Instead, he headed towards a secluded area where there were few people around. Quietly, he took out the relic.

The relic of the giant.

As he placed his hand on it, the relic began to glow.


A surge of power flowed into Ethan through his fingertips.


-You are infused with tremendous power!

-The power of the giant surges within you!

-You have acquired the trait [Giants Strength].


Ethan exerted force in his fist. That fist contained greater strength than usual.

This 𝓬ontent is taken from f(r)eeweb(n)ovel.𝒄𝒐𝙢

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