
Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Jinjiang Literature City exclusively published 86

Chi Chuji stood at the door, letting Lexi hug him for a while. At this moment, Lexi was like a small child, wrapped around her waist, held her in her arms, rubbed the back of her neck, and said stickyly: “Aunt Chuji, Hello? Fragrant.”

In fact, Chi Chuji has been used to calling her “Miss Chuji” in the past few years. Once again, I changed back to the name I used to be when I was a child, and I subtly noticed that I didn’t adapt to it.

She curled her eyebrows, spoke softly, and said to Lexi, “Hurry up and take a bath.” Don’t be sticky, it’s annoying.

“It’s late, I’ll be busy tomorrow.”

“Okay?!” Le Xi responded, hugging Chi Chuji’s waist and walking forward, pushing her into the bedroom.

Chi Chuji returned to the bed and lay down again, while Le Xi went to the closet and turned to her pajamas. After taking a quick shower in the bathroom, she climbed into the bed in the dark.

The summer night was hot, but the air conditioner in the room was turned on sufficiently, which was the temperature of the air conditioner that Lexi was accustomed to.

Le Xi went to bed in the dark, hugged Chi Chuji from behind, buried her face on her back, and sighed contentedly.

Ah, this is the taste, a reassuring and nostalgic taste.

Le Xi hugged her tightly, rubbed Chi Chuji’s shoulder carefully, lowered her voice in the darkness, leaned to her ear, and whispered: “I’m sorry…”

She apologized to Chi Chuji for her previous actions.

Chi Chuji turned his back to her, pillowed on her arm, silently forgiving her for her recklessness.

Did Le Xi hear her answer, but she tightened her arms and hugged her in her arms even harder.

The next day, Le Xi packed up her luggage and moved to Chi Chuji’s apartment as her owner Zhang Di. What did Chi Chuji say? She acquiesced to the other party’s behavior, just like a mother who tolerates her child, silently containing her willfulness.

This silence made Lexi sad. Prior to this, she hated Chi Chuji’s indifference very much, but at this time she felt that her tolerance as an older person gave her a little comfort.

The two seemed to have resumed their previous way of getting along. After having had such a fight, when Chi Chuji’s estrus was encountered again, both of them were a little out of control.

Pheromone burned their sanity. When they reached the peak, Chi Chuji bit Lexi on the back of her neck, as if to mark her, tightly holding the red mole on her gland.

In those three days, the glands on the back of Lexi’s neck were repeatedly “branded”, and it did not disappear for several days after the end.

At that time, Le Xi and Shen Mo were going to the show, so they had to wear a neck ring as a cover that day. As a result, I wore the same neckband on the day of silence. The two people who had been in love with sisters because of the movie, after this time, they spread more enthusiastically.

“Magnolia” is an ultra-limited film that only adults can watch in the theater, and it was released this season and achieved good performance. Lexi and Chi Yunqing, who are newcomers, also gradually showed their heads.

Le Xi has exposed it too many times, and it has attracted a lot of fans. With Xiao’s fame, Lexi is also the same as Chi Chuji, plagued by fame.

Le Xi didn’t have it herself, but was worried that it would affect Chi Chuji’s career, so after that, her meeting with Chi Chuji became more cautious.

In the blink of an eye, it was the Mid-Autumn Festival. On this day, Le Xi, who was heavily armed, put on sunglasses and a mask, borrowed Zhao Sisi’s car, and secretly drove to the airport to pick up Chi Chuji.

A while ago, Chi Chuji led a group to perform abroad.

Because the time is tight, everyone wants to go home again in time for the Mid-Autumn Festival. The troupe, which was supposed to arrive in the capital tomorrow, arrived at the airport early at noon on the day of the Mid-Autumn Festival.

After Le Xi drove the car to the underground parking garage of the airport, he waited for more than an hour, and finally waited for Chi Chuji.

When I saw Chi Chuji leading a group of group members at the exit, Lexi, who was wearing a mask and sunglasses and wrapped in a long windbreaker, immediately greeted him.

When she walked in front of Chi Chuji, Chi Chuji looked at the heavily armed young man in front of him, and was stunned for a while before he realized that it was Lexi.

Le Xi stretched out her hand, took her luggage, pushed her sunglasses and smiled at her: “Let’s go, I will take you home.”

Chi Chuji nodded, and walked towards the underground parking lot behind Lexi.

After the two got into the car, Le Xi took off her mask and talked to Chi Chuji about some recent trivia. Chi Chujiyi Lu Zhou was exhausted and exhausted. As he listened, he tilted his head and leaned on the chair, and fell asleep.

How about Lexi? Will it be a while? I heard a perfunctory reply from her side. She turned her head and glanced at Chi Chuji, who had already closed her eyes beside her, and looked at her tiredly. Slowing down the car, she drove her towards home steadily.

After arriving home, Le Xi released the seat belt and got out of the car. She walked to the passenger seat, opened the door, poked Xia Chi Chuji’s face lightly, and called out: “Aunt Chuji…”

“Auntie Chu Ji…”

Chi Chuji opened his eyes vaguely when he heard her calling. The cold eyes that came in both directions were covered with a layer of mist at this time, and it was so dazed that it was heart-shattering.

Le Xi curled her lips and smiled, and said softly to her: “I’m home, get out of the car.”

“I’ll go to the back to help you carry your suitcase and cook when I get home.”

Chi Chuji looked at her fixedly for two seconds, after a while, he nodded: “Yeah.”

Le Xi’s eyes softened, she sighed, turned and walked towards the trunk. Chi Chuji looked at her leaving back, and reacted well for a while before he unfastened his seat belt and stepped out of the car.

The overly tired body made her brain a little groggy. After Chi Chuji stood still next to the car, he suddenly felt his eyes turn black in front of him. She shook it lightly, and suddenly felt that her brain was out of balance, and her whole body was tilted uncontrollably.

It was like a black curtain covering her eyes. At the moment when her body was out of balance, Chi Chuji felt her consciousness escape from her body and fell softly to the ground. .

With a touch, Le Xi took out the suitcase and closed the cover of the trunk. She raised her eyes, seeing Chi Chuji slowly and uncontrollably planting straight to the ground, her eyes widened.

“Chi Chuji!” Le Xi yelled, and immediately shook off the suitcase and ran towards Chi Chuji who fell on the ground.

She knelt on the ground quickly, trying to hug Chi Chuji in a panic, but worried that it would make her worse, she had to put her hand on her chest and neck to test her heartbeat and pulse.

After everything went as usual, Le Xi hurriedly took Chi Chuji into her arms and lay on her ear and called her: “Chi Chuji…Chichuji!”

“Chi Chuji, wake up!”

“Wake up!”

The whole process lasted for more than forty seconds. In a drowsy state, Chi Chuji heard someone calling to himself hoarsely. After a while, he opened his heavy eyelids and looked at the upper part in a daze. One glance.

When he saw that it was Lexi, Chi Chuji gave a sigh of relief, raised his hand to touch her face, but found that he was sour all over, no strength.

Seeing that she was conscious, Lexi immediately picked her up from the ground, put her in the passenger seat, fastened her seat belt, and drove her to the hospital in a hurry.

On the way to the hospital, Le Xi was frequently distracted and turned to see Chi Chuji’s condition. Chi Chuji was limp in the front passenger seat, and after a long time, he was relieved.

When Lexi almost ran into a red light and collided with someone, Chi Chuji raised his hand and touched her arm, and said to comfort: “I… nothing?”

It may be that I have been too tired recently and have some low blood sugar.

Even though Chi Chuji said so, Le Xi couldn’t help but feel relieved. She drove the car anxiously, increased the speed, and drove the car to the hospital quickly.

After arriving at the hospital, she hurriedly got off the car, picked Chi Chuji out of the car, and hurriedly hugged her to the emergency room: “Doctor…Doctor…”

“Save people…Save people…”

Chi Chuji nestled in Lexi’s arms, and he was very tired. She was a little moved when she saw Le Xi crying in a hurry.

Le Xi Lu broke into the emergency room. The doctor saw a person her age, crying with rain, and was so frightened that Le Xi put Chi Chuji on the mobile hospital bed and hurriedly gave her to Chi. Make a diagnosis at first.

After inquiring about the condition, the doctor pushed Chi Chuji to the B-ultrasound room. After completing a series of examinations, he placed Chi Chuji next to the bed.

Lexi stood by the hospital bed, looking at the doctor who was watching the test results, holding back anxious heart, and quickly asked, “Doctor, what’s wrong with her?”

The doctor glanced at Le Xi’s face, always thinking she was very familiar. Okay? After a while, she asked, “Are you her alpha?”

Le Xi nodded, looked at the doctor and asked anxiously: “Just tell me, what is the problem with her? Why is it all right? She fainted. She is still so weak… She is always in good health… …”

Chi Chuji is a ballet dancer. I don’t know how much exercise she does every day, and her health level is even higher than hers. Why did you faint this time without? No reason?

Could it be that it is suffering from a very serious disease?

Le Xi turned her head and looked at Chi Chuji who was a little haggard on the hospital bed, feeling a little unbearable.

The doctor glanced at her? Then he looked down again? Chi Chuji, who was waiting for the diagnosis result quietly, smiled and said, “In fact, it’s not bad news, but good news…”

“This Miss Chi is pregnant.”


Le Xi seemed to have suffered a heavy hammer in the back of her head, causing her to take a step back involuntarily.

She turned her head, her eyes fell on Chi Chuji’s abdomen, and there was incredible light in her eyes.

There, in Chi Chuji’s womb, at this moment there is a life connected with their blood. One? Like Kong Mingque and Jiang Ming, they are going to have their own children.

Le Xi was stunned for a while, and even got up short of breath. She flushed and looked at the doctor with her fist. It would take a while before she mustered up her courage and asked tentatively: “You…have you been kidding me.”

“She… is she really just because, is she pregnant?”

Just because of pregnancy, why do you faint? Is there any problem with this child?

Lexi didn’t dare to say too much? Thinking, she turned her head to look at Chi Chuji, and she didn’t dare to speak deeply.

The author has something to say: Just…you can go and see what Chi Chuji said to Lexi when he was there.

The comment broke two hundred or one deep water night and one more.

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