
Chapter 116

Chapter 116: Jinjiang Literature City exclusively published 94

People are gregarious animals. After Lexi relied on his friends to vent, the backlog of sadness in her heart, like the gloomy autumn sun, also dissipated a lot.

As a reliable partner, Zhao Sisi believes that Lexi should not be overly indulged in a single emotion. The world is rich and colorful, even if it’s going to travel and relax, just find something that can distract you.

In addition, Lexi was too thin recently. Zhao Sisi was worried that she might make herself dead one day. He took her to the Chinese Medicine Hospital by the way, prescribed a dietary supplement, and found a dietitian to come and supplement her body.

While she was giving Le Xisai something to eat, she also muttered: “Don’t think about Chi Chuji anymore. I will take you to play another day. If you have more fun, you can just want to open it.”

Lexi frowned and drank, and said unhappily, “What if it’s taken?”

Zhao Sisi rolled his eyes at her: “When you were photographed, you would be photographed. In high school, you pretended to be a good boy, more perverted than anyone else. How come you are too old to be rebellious? ”

“People live in this world, they should follow their own heart. Anyway, you just made the first movie. Maybe in the future? You have to go behind the scenes and play? What’s wrong?”

Le Xi agreed.

Apart from busy work and study, Le Xi began to play with Zhao Sisi everywhere. Zhao Sisi just asked her to relieve her mood, but didn’t make her drunk.

Maybe Lexi’s eyes were so swollen that she couldn’t cover her with makeup because she cried too many times at night. Zhao Sisi feels that makeup is a waste of her natural face, so Lexi wears sunglasses every time she goes out.

Over time, a black suit and black round-frame sunglasses became Lexi’s standard equipment.

Since Zhao Sisi is A-sexual, the occasions she went to were more or less special. Lexi was photographed several times, and some media began to circulate that Lexi was a sex? Scandal.

The rumors were so fierce that Lexi didn’t bother to clarify this kind of thing. He also won the support of many sexual minorities and the favor of some media people.

Soon after, Le Xi received an audition invitation for the movie “Two Colors”.

This is a double-A same-sex movie. It tells a story about a lover who doesn’t care about his sexuality. Lovers like Flower Butterfly, Lin Chu, and Little White Rabbit are separated and combined.

The childhood experience made Lin Chu extremely lack of love and stingy in giving love. Therefore, although she loves Qingyi, she does not dare to admit it too much. At the same time, because of lack of love, she will be attracted by all kinds of people and have relationships with them.

So in the seven years they fell in love, Lin Chu had been entangled with Qingyi repeatedly under such a morbid psychology.

Qingyi also loves Lin Chu very much, but he can only accept one couple for a lifetime, and cannot keep up with Lin Chu, who is open to love.

Whenever she saw Lin Chu having **** with others, she wanted to break up with pain. But every time soon after the two separated, Lin Chu would come to her to reconcile because he was still in love with Qingyi.

Qing Yi was reluctant to separate from Lin Chu, and finally chose to forgive each other.

The two tortured each other for many years in this love, until Qing Yi was repeatedly injured, tired of this pattern, and then committed suicide…

Lexi has always been interested in this kind of entangled story. Especially in Lin Chu, her own charm is much bigger than Qing. Even though the crew asked her to play the role of “Qing Yi” when they were invited to audition, Ke Lexi still won the role of “Lin Chu” for herself.

When Lexi got the role of “Lin Chu” and signed the contract to join the team, he knew that the person playing the opposite role with him was his college roommate—Zhang Xiaoran.

Since the two of them are roommates, the director, who originally wanted to arrange for them to eat and live with each other for three months, shortened this period to one month. After waiting for the two hospitalizations to have a tacit understanding, I will carry them around the world to shoot.

In a blink of an eye, it was November, and Le Xi also ushered in her 24th birthday.

On the morning of Lexi’s birthday, the morning light was unusually bright. After Chi Chuji got up in the morning, as usual, after finishing washing and eating breakfast, he drove to the theater.

When the car arrived at the crossroads, while waiting for the traffic lights, Chi Chuji received a call from the cake shop: “Hello, Mrs. Chi, today is your child’s birthday? Do you still need us to prepare cakes for you this year?” ”

The cakes Chi Chuji ordered for Le Xi in previous years were all from her favorite chain dessert shop.

When the clear female voice sounded in his ears, Chi Chuji was silent for a while before asking, “Is it November 1st today?”

“Yes, so do you still need our birthday cake service?”

Chi Chuji pursed his lips and waited until the green light came on before he drove the car forward slowly: “Well, you need it. If you have an address, I’ll send it to you later, thank you…”

Chi Chuji hung up the call and drove to the theater.

Recently the troupe is going to complete a large-scale performance, so Chi Chuji is very interested.

As a highly anticipated choreographer and head of the ballet industry, she spent a lot of effort on this performance to complete an excellent adaptation of a classic repertoire.

Too busy? Work, so she can’t wait to split one minute into two minutes to spend.

After such a busy day, after finishing work in the evening and returning home, Chi Chuji, who was extremely tired, entered the elevator in a daze, and suddenly remembered that the cake ordered today was still left in the security room and not picked up.

She had to get down from the elevator, then hurriedly turned to the security room, took the cake and took it home.

Chi Chuji held the cake, opened the door lock with his fingerprints, awakened the indoor lamp, and walked to the living room.

She put the cake on the coffee table in the living room and sat on the sofa.

The night outside the window was very dark, as if a dark curtain shrouded all around, making Chi Chuji feel that this empty and bright home was like an empty cold box.

Chi Chuji sat on the sofa, holding his cheek, looking at the cake on the table, and was silent for a while.

After a long time, she took out her phone, clicked on WeChat to open the interface belonging to Lexi, silently watched the last message between them, and did not open the dialog box for a long time.

Chi Chuji constricted his eyes and looked at the chat interface in silence. It took a long time to click on Lexi’s picture and turn into her circle of friends.

The latest circle of friends is a group photo of Le Xi and Zhang Xiaoran.

The thin girl, wearing a close-fitting slim-fit vest, showing a slender neck and a slender clavicle, was held in her arms by Zhang Xiaoran who looked pretty lady in a skirt, and together she looked at the camera with a “Y”? gesture.

Chi Chuji glanced at Le Xi, stepped back from the circle of friends, and didn’t look any further.

She put the phone aside and stretched out her hand to take apart the cake layer by layer, until the delicate cake was completely spread out in front of her eyes, Chi Chuji stopped her hand.

Chi Chuji looked at the layer of fruit surrounding the cake, pursed his lips and thought about it, before reaching out to take the fork on the side, carefully picking up the cherry at the top, and sending it to his mouth to take a bite.

Chi Chuji frowned slightly when his teeth bit through the flesh and the plump juice wet the tip of his tongue.

She bit the whole cherry and put it in her mouth to taste it for a while, and a thought came up in her mind: Is this year’s cherries a bit too light?

Not very sweet? Looks like.

Thinking like this, she carefully spit the nuclei into her mouth, got up and walked to the trash can, and while throwing away the cherry nuclei, she thought: next year, we still don’t order cakes.


On the night of her birthday, Le Xi was lying on the railing outside the rental room where the crew was located, wearing a thin shirt, holding her mobile phone and looking up at the star in the distance. He waited all night with a cold wind and did not wait to come to Chichu. Ji’s? Phone.

When the twelve o’clock alarm clock went off, Le Xi looked down at the phone and didn’t see any Chi Chuji’s news. She was in a daze and understood the fact: Chi Chuji, is it true? We are going to be separated from her.

From this day on, Chi Chuji completely disconnected from her.

Obviously she has each other’s phone number and knows each other’s address, but they are like two parallel lines living on this planet, they can never touch each other’s space and share everything about each other.

She couldn’t turn her head back, she could only keep moving forward.

She lost Chi Chuji.


After Le Xi’s birthday, “Two Colors” officially started filming. This shot is half a year. Lexi’s originally thin physique, under the director’s “perverted request”, was tossed to the point that there was only one skeleton left.

Because of the strict requirements of the director, Le Xi couldn’t go home during the Spring Festival. In addition, at the time of filming, she was in a foreign country and her signal was not good, so she simply posted a Weibo and Moments to her relatives and friends and then moved into busy work.

In April of the following year, Le Xi followed the crew to a scenic peninsula country in the northern hemisphere and completed the filming of the final scene of “Two Colors”.

After so many years of separation, separation and reunification, the former sunshine was cheerful and clear, because of the derailment in Lin Chu again and again, he was suffering from gains and losses in love, and finally was tortured in a gloomy spirit, and said goodbye to the seven years of entanglement with suicide. Emotions.

After Qingyi committed suicide, Lin Chu bought a ticket and came alone to the country where Qingyi wanted to travel and get married before, and saw the sea she wanted to see.

That day, the sky was very gloomy. The lead-grey clouds pressed against the blue sea, seeming to dye the sea a dark gray.

Lin Chu was wearing a windbreaker, sitting on the reef in the deep sea, looking at the boundless blue sea, his expression gloomy.

The salty sea breeze blew up and raised the curtains of her hair, revealing her beautiful beauty tips.

In the cold and damp wind, Lin Chu opened his windbreaker, with a red nose looking at the sea in the distance, looking at the faintly splitting sky in the sky, and there was light in his eyes.

She thought in her heart: “You always say that the sea in Tbilisi is blue, as deep as black, and can accommodate all the colors in the world, so you want to come here with me to get married.”

“I’ll watch it for you this time. It’s really blue. It’s dark enough to swallow me.”

“I used to say to you that it’s okay for everyone to be happy together, and it’s normal to separate if you’re not happy? Things. Since you like the sea so much, why didn’t you end up holding everything like the sea?”

“Ah, because I’m rubbish…”

Lin Chu licked her lips and closed her eyes: “The sea in Tiberi, don’t accept rubbish.” But this time, she came innocently, with the brand of Qingyi, and she was no longer rubbish.

Thinking like this, Lin Chu stood up with his eyes closed, and walked towards the end of the reef facing the sea breeze step by step.

When he reached the edge, Lin Chu closed his eyes and jumped, like a broken kite, falling straight into the surging deep sea.

The author has something to say: the comment breaks two hundred or one deep water eight points and one more

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