
v1 CHAPTER FORTY-SEVEN: (18+) In which a popular lad helps his buddies out.

Content Warning: mind control/brainwashing, M/F sex, dysphoria, unsafe sex


Mick blocked James Kincaid’s overhead strike and feinted to the man’s left with his own bo staff. When Kincaid spun his staff to parry, Mick dropped into a lunge; he jabbed his staff into the man’s midriff and twisted it sideways—the way Spencer had taught him to do—and heard Kincaid’s breath catch in his throat and saw the big man stagger backward.

Spencer clapped his hands, and a smatter of applause broke out among the other recruits. “Skillful work, Father Belmont!” Spencer called out. He stepped over to Mick and patted him on the shoulder. “Now try it again without the distraction.”

Mick gritted his teeth and nodded. He turned away from Kincaid and faced off against the wall. This time when he struck with the staff, Kincaid moved to block but didn’t quite get there fast enough; Mick’s staff slipped beneath Kincaid’s legs and knocked him on his ass.

The others laughed loudly and cheered. Kincaid got up slowly and stood facing Mick with a scowl. He looked as if he was about to say something, but his unpleasant look faded into a good-natured smile. “The pupil is quickly becoming the master? Or perhaps it’s your strength and speed, Mick. No, the combination. Formidable indeed.” He reached out to clasp Mick’s hand.

Mick pulled the man closer to him—his height advantage made it easy—and clapped Kincaid on the shoulder; they bumped heads together in a comradely embrace.

Spencer cleared his throat and frowned at them. “Now that you’ve settled that little contest—”

“—it’s time to have a little fun?” Mick flashed his dazzling smile at Spencer, putting a little extra charm into it. As usual, the Monsignor was immune to Mick’s powers of persuasion, but there were hoots and hollers among the other recruits.

Spencer raised an eyebrow. “I suppose that would be fine.” Then he grinned and added: “You certainly know how to tap a vein of enthusiasm, Father Belmont.”

“Of course!” Mick declared with another smile. “Just putting the talents God saw fit to grant me to work.”


The recreation area was noisy, full of trainees chatting and sipping from red plastic cups. It wasn’t a proper bar, thought Mick, but the Curia’s training facility was out in the woods, somewhere up in the mountains. Perhaps we’re near New York, Mick thought, then stopped worrying about it. He hadn’t bothered to ask Monsignor Spencer that kind of question: where they were, could he return home for a visit, that sort of thing. It didn’t matter; the Curia staff had seen to everything for him.

Not all the recruits came from the ranks of ordained priests, as he and the Monsignor did. Just a handful, really—and he felt proud of that special bond. The others were all technically lay ministers or deacons, a designation which Mick suspected had more to do with making them feel important.

After a few days of training with the crowd, he’d realized there were a few distinct types of people here: first, the Talents, who had an affinity for some variety of magical craft; they were the most normal of the bunch in some ways, although prone to corruption, according to Spencer. The Bloodliners descended either distantly or directly from supernatural creatures—even demons in rare cases—whose essence had mixed with human stock. These recruits often had telltale signs of their ancestry, and many of them felt grateful to find a home that would accept their talents, or their unusual appearance. Unfortunately, said talents were sometimes erratic, depending on how many generations back they originated.

Then there were the Contained—those like Mick himself. The Contained had no natural abilities, but had fused with or possessed by entities such as demons. Mick didn’t enjoy thinking about the implications. The Contained had to exercise discipline and marshal willpower to prevent the entities inside them from taking control—entities whose power they might draw upon or even amplify. Most of the Contained were members of the clergy, such as Mick and Spencer himself. Mick wondered what powers Spencer had harnessed, but hadn’t worked up the nerve to ask. The Monsignor was very… self-contained, and private.

The last category involved those like Kincaid, who couldn’t do anything magical—but that didn’t mean they lacked ability. “I’m just a guy,” Kincaid quipped when asked about his background. Mick sipped his beer and looked over at the older priest, who was smiling and listening to another instructor’s joke. Still, there was something odd about the man.

Mick could sense the desires of others, and he sometimes sensed a faint wisp of yearning from Father Kincaid, but mostly he was… blank. That was the nearest word he could find: a mind like a clean sheet of paper. A very competent sheet of paper, sure—someone always seemed to have whatever skill was necessary for the day’s practice, and who followed Spencer’s orders with utmost loyalty.

“Mick! Mick-ehhh! Get the hell over here.” called Brad, a Talent who’d arrived not long before Mick. Brad had convinced himself that he was Mick’s “wingman,” whatever that meant. It mostly seemed to involve hitting on the female recruits.

Mick sauntered over, punching Brad on the shoulder. “At it again, eh?”

Brad grinned. “May I introduce you to Shauna? She has a little dryad thing going on, we think. And this is Elise, a… what did you say you did?”

“Mechanical engineering,” said Elise, a willowy redhead with large glasses. She observed the others with a studied disinterest. Shauna, on the other hand, was looking at Mick like he might be edible—she wore jeans and a loose top with ample cleavage showing; her eyes were dark brown and tinged with green eyeshadow. Her hair was short and frizzy, with a hint of green tracery through her brown locks.

“Brad says you’re a succubus,” said Shauna. “Can you prove it?”

Mick blinked. “I’m not literally a demon… and I prefer the term ‘incubus.’ Succubus has a… certain image, you know?”

“Heh,” said Brad. “All tits and ass and wings and horns, you mean? This guy won’t tell me what would happen if he lost control. Personally, I think he’d become an incredibly hot, slutty—” Brad cut off as Mick elbowed him.

“You really want proof?” asked Mick, fixing Shauna with his gaze. She shivered under his look. “If I show you, what would I get out of it?”

Shauna shrugged. “A kiss, maybe?” Mick smiled and nodded, then turned abruptly to Elise and crooked a finger.

Elise suddenly stiffened, startled as if by a sudden sensation. Then she blushed scarlet and fled the room like a rabbit from a wolf. Mick chuckled as he watched her go; her reaction amused him.

“What… what did you do to her?” asked Shauna. “I only just met her, but she didn’t seem fazed by anything going on here until now.”

“I just made her… a little more aroused. Well, enough that she’d notice right away,” Mick explained casually. Why did I do that? What a horrible thing to do, and that’s not like me… is it? “I’ll apologize later. Now, about my payment.”

“Oh yeah,” said Shauna. “I guess that’s fair. Where… do you want that kiss?” She looked at him, her eyes lidded and gazing up at him tentatively as she stepped forwards. As she moved closer, her cleavage swayed under his hungry stare, the dark line between her breasts an inviting valley.

Mick’s cock stirred, and his groin grew warm. There was a strange feeling in his chest, a sense of yearning, a hunger, a lust—and a need, not for Shauna but for how she could satisfy him. It wasn’t that he found Shauna unattractive. She was cute, sure. Instead, he craved something else: sex, the desire and release of others.

Of course, that’s why Monsignor Spencer had obtained a special dispensation to release his vow of celibacy; it was all in the cause of maintaining and using his powers. He couldn’t remember ever planning to become a priest that fucked, but here he was, so might as well make the best of it.

“What if I said… I wanted it in my room?” he whispered.

“Then you can take me there… and show me where you want your reward. Okay, Mick-ehh?” She smirked and reached down to tug at one of his belt loops.

Mick felt a surge of power; a wave of euphoria washed over him, and a tingling warmth spread across his skin. He could sense her desire, strong, like a growing thing. It was true: there was something earthy and natural about it. Can’t hurt to indulge a little, he thought.

Brad whistled. “Fuck, dude! It’s not even nine o’clock, and you pulled a hottie! Or she pulled you? I guess I’ll see you two later.”


Mick didn’t care much for the after-hours socializing, truth be told. The recruits acted like a bunch of rowdy college kids, and though he wasn’t any older than them, sometimes he felt aged beyond his years, like he’d lived for decades. Why couldn’t they be more serious? It was all right to drink, in moderation; although he knew he should warn them against the sin of premarital sex, the Monsignor had strongly suggested that the pressures of rigorous training had to be released somehow.

Partying just wasn’t… his thing. It certainly wasn’t why he’d chosen the collar of a priest… though he also had trouble remembering his ordination well. What’s going on with my focus and memory lately, anyway?

Mick led Shauna up the stairs to his modest dormitory room. “Hmmm. Okay, Shauna. Do you want to tell me what you’re looking for out of this encounter right now, or do I have to wait until after we smash?”

Shauna gave him a coy smile. “Impatient, aren’t you? Let’s just say I’m curious about how much your powers can do—I’ve heard rumors, and it sounds like you have some interesting skills.” She stared at his jaw, his chest, her eyes bright and hungry. Mick smiled back at her, feeling his cock stir again as she reached out to run her fingers through his hair.

“All right,” said Mick, “but remember, you asked for it. Demonic alterations can be… unpredictable.” He paused outside the door. “Are you sure you want to go through with this? It’s not something you can just… undo.”

Shauna shrugged. “I’m willing to risk it. I think we both are. Right?” Her hand moved down to the hem of her skirt and began stroking her thigh, moving inwards towards her panties. Mick stared at her fingers, a memory jolting him: his own fingers in a circle, a word: hani-yuo-toa? What does that mean? The thought, wherever it came from and whatever it meant, made him weak in the knees.

Seizing control, Mick pulled Shauna inside, then closed the door behind them. “Now, where were we? Ah yes—my reward.” He reached for his belt buckle.

“Mick!” exclaimed Shauna. “You mean you want me to kiss you… there?” An impish smile belied her mock coyness as she unzipped her own jeans.

Mick nodded slowly. “Yes. That’s exactly what I mean.”

Shauna dropped her pants to the floor, revealing a pair of lacy black panties. She kicked off the pants, pulled open her blouse and stood before him wearing only her underwear, her tits hanging like ripe fruit from her chest, her nipples poking through the fabric of her bra, stiff with lust. Mick inspected her body like a connoisseur: her gently rounded stomach, the wide curve of her hips, her soft thighs, the plump pear of her ass. She was beautiful, but not his type.

Then he looked into her eyes and saw something else. Something that made him shiver. His own reflection burning with hunger, a need, a lust.

He pulled off his own pants, putting a thumb in the waistband of his boxers—and found himself suddenly exposed. His cock sprang out, eager for action. “I think you’re ready,” she said with a smirk. He grabbed her hand and pulled her close, guiding her fingers to his shaft.

“Just like that?” she asked.

Mick nodded. “Just like that.”

Shauna kneeled, wrapped her lips around his cock, and began sucking. Just like that. Mick moaned as he felt her hot mouth slide up and down on him. I missed that sensation. Or did I? He thought about Brad, and whether Brad’s lips would feel this way on his cock. I’d feel his stubble grazing me in all the right places. Then maybe I’d return the favor.

Shauna was no amateur cocksucker; he returned his attention to what she was doing. Her tongue teased him; her hands squeezed his balls. With every stroke of her mouth, she made a little noise—a sound somewhere between pleasure and pain, and the audible signals of desire drove him to higher plateaus of pleasure. She licked along the underside of his dick, then took him deep into her throat.

“You know,” gasped Mick, “that for me to use my powers… you’ll have to be the one who orgasms? Just… let’s not get too carried away—unh!—too soon.”

Shauna looked up at him with his cock in her mouth, and Mick could see that how her eyes glazed over like those of an addict. She popped him out of her mouth. “That’s okay, Father,” she said, gasping. “I’m feeling pretty high already.” One of her hands was at the base of his shaft, the other sliding into her panties. She closed her eyes and went back to work on his cock.

Mick felt impressed; this girl was eager to pleasure him and herself, and that went a long way. He felt himself getting closer and closer to climaxing. At some deeper level, a knot in his gut told him there was something wrong with what they were doing, but he couldn’t help but feel the urge to cum, drawing him forwards to orgasm. He could tell she wanted his hot, sticky load in her mouth. But no—I don’t want it. Not like this! It’s just not… me.

Mick pushed the girl roughly away from him and grabbed a condom from his nightstand drawer. He rolled it on with some difficulty—his fingers weren’t working well anymore; he felt weird—then pushed Shauna towards the bed. “Now listen here, missy,” he said sternly as she willingly hopped up, lifting her hips towards him. He slipped his hand between her legs and began rubbing her labia, tracing his way up to her clit. “This will be your true payment for the use of my powers.”

Shauna moaned as Mick’s fingers found the wetness between her lips. “Oh god!” she cried out when he started rubbing more persistently, building to a steady pace. “That feels… so good!” She opened her eyes wide and stared at him with a look of surprise, which quickly faded back into pure lust. Her head fell back against his pillow, and she sighed loudly.

“Now… I want you to ride me like you mean it,” said Mick. “I want to feel that sweet pussy of yours sliding up and down my cock.”

Shauna nodded eagerly, and did as he asked, rolling her hips in a slow circle as he lay down and before she straddled him. The position felt perfect; the sensation of his hard shaft inside her was heavenly—but the moment she tried to move faster, he stopped her. “Not yet,” he said. “Take it even more slowly. You need more time to prepare.”

Mick could see the disappointment in her eyes. But he knew what he was doing. He had an ancient succubus inside him, chained and at his command, and she made him a love god. Now it was time to show this girl how much of a man he really was.

He rolled Shauna over and got on top of her—and then he pulled the condom off. “Now,” he said, kissing her sternum in a line towards her navel. “This is where you earn your reward.” He slowly slid himself inside her, pressing the top of his cock against her insides. With a second thrust, he buried himself all the way into her tight body. They both moaned as she wrapped her legs around him, pulling him deeper into her warmth.

“Oh my God!” she cried out. “Wait… what about the condom? I… I don’t want to—”

“It’s okay,” said Mick, still moving his hips. “I’m protected—unh!—by magic.”

Shauna gasped and looked up at him with wide eyes. “Y-you can do that? Keep your semen from… you know?”

Mick nodded. “If I don’t want it to come out, it won’t. You’d have to beg me for it.”

Shauna laughed nervously. Then she bit her lip and said, “Please, Father Mick—oh god! Please fuck me like a demon! I want your cum inside me…”

Mick continued, “For a sinner like you, perhaps the best repentance would involve cumming deep in your pussy and knock you up with a hundred baby imps.” He thrusted hard, slamming his thighs against her pelvis, his balls slapping against her ass. “Maybe two or three hundred,” he added.

Shauna moaned as she felt the tip of his cock hit bottom; then she bucked against him in rhythm with his thrusts. She was so wet now that their legs dripped with fluids and sweat. Mick regulated his pace; he needed her to cum first, to drain her properly. He lowered his face to her nipple and flicked it, just as his hand pulled gently on the hood of her clitoris. The dryad-blooded girl started shaking uncontrollably. Her head thrashed around against the pillow, and she moaned loudly as she came.

“That’s right,” said Mick. “Cum just like that.” He pounded his hips harder than before, making sure he buried every inch inside her with each thrust. As he was about to let go, he simultaneously reached out to pull in the sexual energy of her orgasm, drinking it into his soul even as his cock swelled and filled with hot seed. I won’t impregnate her… this time, he thought. No sperm.

When he finally finished, he pulled out of her and rolled off to one side. “Now that wasn’t too bad—was it?” he asked. He was talking as much to himself as to her. Somehow, despite the feeling of release and the heady swirl as he’d drunk the energy of her climax, he still felt wrong.

Shauna shook her head. “Not bad? Hell no, that was downright amazing.” She was dizzy and tingling with energy. Mick reached out to place a hand on her head, speaking with mock solemnity. “Shauna… you may have a boon of me, with the energy released by your filthy, depraved acts. Tell me now your deepest desire.”

She gazed at him with an intense expression, then said, “I want to look like a proper dryad; I want my body to be more like Elise’s, slender like a sapling. I know I’ve got the whole Earth Mother look going on,” gesturing down at her curves, “but the other dryads in my family look like models!”

Mick smiled. “Then it is done,” he said. He felt the energy departing his body, flowing into Shauna. She gasped and got to her feet, clutching her body. She tensed and shuddered as her shoulders arched. Her heavy, pendulous breasts grew smaller and lighter, settling at the size of a peach. At her midsection, Shauna’s waist and hips became slender, and the flesh of her thighs thinned and tightened, a new hint of muscle tone defining her shoulders. Her skin faded into a pale green—like the color of new leaves after winter, and her hair suffused with a darker shade of the same hue.

Shauna opened her eyes wide, staring down at her changing form. She turned to look in the mirror and shrieked in surprise and delight. Mick winced, just faintly.

“Oh! Oh my god… It’s like I’ve been reborn!” she cried out. “This is so amazing!” She ran her hands over her body, squeezing her tits and ass in wonderment. “It feels so good! It feels like… I’m me.”

Mick laughed and slapped her on the behind. “Of course it does, and of course you are. Now get dressed. I have other things to do.”

Next time: Mick starts to sense that not everything is just fine in the idyllic new life of a hunky incubus priest.

Thank you for reading! We want to know how you feel about this chapter, especially about the recent changes to the main character. What do you think of Mick? Should he stick around as a character in one way or another, or be exiled forever to the lightless depths of Hell / the wastebasket?

If you have thoughts, reactions, or even just a "TFTC" please leave a comment, favorite or a review. As long as we know there are readers out there who truly want more chapters, we'll keep posting! Thanks to those who've bought us a coffee through the KrakenRiderEmma ko-fi -- if you'd like to show extra appreciation with a small contribution, we'll put it towards a good succubus-related cause!

New chapters of Succubated! will be posted every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. We'd also love to hear your thoughts on the writing style (AI+human collab), what's happening next, the smut/plot balance, or anything else.

Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day:

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods, our first outside contributor to the shared universe.  A privileged college kid discovers his good fortune is tied to the demoness who'll be pulling his strings from now on...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a new story in which a private investigator finds himself in a very unusual bodily dilemma, on the far side of one of New York's many portals...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose dreams come true, in more disturbing ways than expected, when her girlfriend gets hold of a powerful magical artifact.
  • Samira's Curse, a short high-smut tale about two friends who run afoul of a transformative family curse that backfires in all the right ways.

Tip: You can use left, right, A and D keyboard keys to browse between chapters.