
v2 CHAPTER FORTY: (18+) In which a conflux of opposing energies results in a temporary office sauna.

Content Warning: F/F oral sex

The eleventh floor of the Office of Supernatural Affairs reminded Una of sections of the seminary she’d studied in before ordination, and of a few monasteries. Mazelike hallways lined with heavy wooden doors spread out from the elevator lobby in a bewildering pattern of near-identical junctions and corners. The floors were polished marble or white tile, but the plain walls had a utilitarian, institutional quality.

They passed a few other people, but none stopped to greet Susan, and Una’s attention wandered as she struggled against the continued urge to rub her thighs together. Susan finally pushed open a door marked ‘Meeting Room 12’ and guided Una inside.

If Susan’s looking for an unused room, thought Una, it’s not hard to see why she came here. Windowless and drab, with a single small table and three plain chairs, it looked more like an interrogation room or holding cell than anywhere someone might actually want to hold a meeting.

Susan spun Una around and pressed the succubus against the closed door, her hands gripping Una’s wrists and pinning them above her head. “I’m going to take care of your hunger problem, my little succubus. After all, I did this to you, and I want to explore my handiwork.”

Una gasped, her heart racing. Her whole body tingled, and she could feel her folds growing slippery. Susan was staring intently at Una’s lips, as if considering whether to kiss them, but she didn’t move any closer. “Susan,” breathed Una. “Please…”

Susan leaned in, brushing their noses together, but her eyes remained locked on Una’s lips. “Yes? Please, what?” She tilted her head to one side. “Please stop? Or please fuck you?”

“You know I want to…” Her voice almost sounded angry. Una arched her back and pressed her body against Susan’s, desperate for friction and release. She felt a surge of lust, and she struggled against Susan’s grip. Just like John, her thoughts flashed, something about this body makes her more aggressive and commanding. Is it because I’m smaller? Softer. It’s… hot.

Unlike her boyfriend, Susan Miller wasn’t significantly stronger than the succubus in her transformed state, so Una could push her back and turn the tables, slamming the shorter woman up against the wall. She pinned Susan’s body with her own, kissing her hungrily.

Their tongues met as their mouths crushed together. Una tasted Susan, felt her breath hot and heavy on her cheek, and her hands on her hips. Susan moaned softly as their limbs intertwined; Una shivered as she felt the other girl slide one hand up her side, lifting her dress.

“Oh, Una,” Susan sighed, “I missed this. And I like you… like this.” She cupped Una’s breast in her palm, stroking the nipple through the thin white fabric, then squeezed lightly.

Susan’s touch sent sparks through Una’s body, and she whimpered into their kiss. Susan’s fingers teased her nipples, sending bolts of electric pleasure shooting through every nerve. Una pressed herself against Susan again, twisting her hips in desperation for relief.

Susan took the opportunity provided by her pleasure-wracked girlfriend to drop out of Una’s grasp and sink to the tiled floor, pulling Una’s hips down with her. She slid her hands under the hem of Una’s dress and tugged down her simple underwear, revealing the glistening folds of her girlfriend’s waiting cunt.

Susan tilted her head up to look at Una, who was all snatches of ragged breath and tousled hair. “Look at me, my love,” she insisted. “See how much I want you? I want you just like this; stay with me, don’t change just yet.” Her voice was husky with desire, and her breath tickled Una’s thighs. Una met her gaze and wondered at the depth of feeling in those deep brown pools. Golden flecks swam and moved in Susan’s irises. Are they larger than they were two weeks ago?

Then Susan pulled her hips forward against her face, burying her mouth in Una’s pubic bush, and the succubus lost her ability to think coherently. Una cried out and braced herself on Susan’s shoulders, even as the scholar reached around and gripped the base of Una’s tail firmly in one hand. The sensation was like nothing else in either world, a jolt of raw pleasure and pain that went straight from Una’s tail to the deepest parts of her cunt.

“Ohhhh f-f-fuck, Suze!” she yelled. Her knees buckled, and she sank further, her pubic bone pressing against the bridge of Susan’s nose. The smaller woman moaned happily as Una’s juices smeared across her cheeks, her eyes closed in ecstasy as she lapped at her girlfriend’s pussy.

Susan lapped and drank greedily, her tongue swirling in ever faster circles around the other woman’s clit. Una’s legs shook and swayed, barely supporting her weight. She leaned on her hands, pressing into Susan’s shoulders, and her hips, pressing her cunt against Susan’s industrious mouth.

Una’s vision blurred, but she kept her gaze locked on her lover below, watching the movement of her head, the flutter of her lashes, the way her cheeks moved as she devoured her tender flesh. Susan kept looking up during her ministrations, meeting Una’s eyes with a look that seemed equal parts love and hunger. She’s so different from him, Una thought, her shreds of awareness pierced by flashes of mounting pleasure. Less wild, but so damn methodical. She’ll always keep going until… until…

Her orgasm began as a slow rumble, starting deep in her core and radiating outward through her entire body. It spread through her limbs until every fiber sang with it; she could feel it in her breasts, nipples hardening to aching points, and in her scalp and toes.

Una heard a wordless song and realized that it was coming from her, that she was singing her climax. The ululating notes rang off the bare walls, filling the small room. Her voice echoed back at her from the hard surfaces, and she felt it vibrate inside her skull.

Waves of energy smashed away her thoughts and worries, leaving only the sensations of her body. The pressure of the tiles against her buckling legs. The warmth of Susan’s skin beneath her hands. The folds of her dress draped over her thighs and belly. The wetness of Susan’s mouth, the firm grip of her hands.

Una’s voice cracked and broke, her song giving way to ragged sobs as she came, hard. She was crying, tears streaming down her face, as she slumped over and curled up into a quivering ball. The aftershocks of her release left her twitching and moaning. Her body felt boneless, and she could hardly breathe for gasping, but Susan’s arms encircled her, cradling and comforting.

“Shhh, it’s okay, my mistress,” Susan whispered. She sat cross-legged on the cold floor now, with Una’s head resting in her lap. “You did it, you still look the same… you look beautiful when you come apart for me.” Una shuddered one last time, and then her eyes closed.

“I think it was John’s orgasm that changed me,” she said after a moment. “So much energy coursing between us. If you really want to test me, you’ll have to let me make you come too.” Her voice was thick with emotion, and she felt exhausted, but her body still tingled and hummed with desire.

Susan chuckled softly. “I have another favor to ask you, one which might serve. I’m, ah… brimming a little full of angel energy. Too many experiments here at work, and the boss wanted me to, you know. Demonstrate my healing powers.”

Una’s eyes flicked open again. “You need me to drain you again? Why didn’t you say so?” She sat up, peering at Susan for signs of angelic infestation, but the woman looked perfectly normal. She wasn’t glowing, or rippling with muscle.

“I’m trying to be careful, you know?” Susan’s eyes were still bright with post-coital happiness, but Una thought she heard a note of concern in her voice. “I don’t want the angel seed to go to my head—literally, I don’t want it growing in there.” Una nodded. “So I haven’t been pushing it too far; if you can help me out, I won’t have to. I’ve been having… urges again.”

“What sort of urges?” Una sat up, stretching her arms and legs, but looking at Susan with a curious tilt of her head. “You mean like before, when you performed that ritual where I touched a bowl of water?”

Susan shook her head. “No, not like that.” She bit the edge of her lip, looking thoughtful. “More like… wanting to do things. To you. For you? The other day I found myself writing calligraphy, but when I read what I’d written semi-consciously—well, you can see for yourself.”

Susan stood and went to her satchel, pulling out and flipping through a notebook. She sank to the floor again and handed it to Una, open to a page filled with dense lines of text, written in a flowing cursive script. The lettering was beautiful, but consisted of three words repeated again and again: Praise Unto Una. Praise Unto Una. Praise Unto Una. She turned the page; the words continued, large and small, and in other languages: French, German, the lines and circles of Hangul, and others she didn’t recognize. Some that don’t look human, she thought.

“Wow,” murmured Una. She ran a finger along a particularly ornate example of the phrase and felt something like electricity prickle her fingertip. “This is… unexpected. Do you feel like this is the angelic seed in you talking?” At the center of her swirling thoughts, she felt an imagined touch from an unseen hand, stilling her impulse to say more.

The scholar’s expression held a mixture of embarrassment and awe as she looked at her girlfriend, who sat cross-legged on the floor across from her, the skirt of her blue dress draped over the curve of her hip and thigh. “I wish it were that simple,” she said at last. “But some of this urge comes from me. From the way I feel when I think about you. From the wish I made to be with you.”

Una felt heat rising in her face as she listened intently to Susan. She reached out and took the other woman’s hands, interweaving their fingers tightly. “Whatever this portends, we’ll face it together. And keep you safe and whole. I love you for who you are, and no matter what angels may extol, there’s no better way for you to love and serve me than as yourself, Susan Sunghi.”

Susan’s eyes glimmered with feeling. “Thank you. I needed to hear you tell me that.” She leaned closer, looking bashful again. “Now, can I ask for your help? With my excess energy?”

Una squeezing her girlfriend’s hand and nodded. “Of course.”

Susan promptly began unbuttoning the front of her blouse, revealing a black satin bra and a smooth expanse of pale skin. Without even bothering to take her clothes off, she shifted the band of her bra to the side, letting one breast pop free from its cup.

Una stared in fascination as Susan’s nipples swelled under her gaze, growing stiff and pink against the creamy backdrop of flesh. She licked her lips unconsciously as Susan cupped one breast and offered it to her. “I… I think I can concentrate the flow, so that you can, um…”

Una leaned forward and held Susan’s gaze with her own while she took the proffered nipple in her mouth, sucking gently. Susan moaned softly, her eyes fluttering closed as Una’s tongue circled the tip of her breast. Una felt the rush of white-hot energy flowing into her mouth, molten gold on her tongue, and swallowed dutifully. The pain began immediately, burning her throat and chest, but she ignored it and focused on drawing more of the glowing liquid out of Susan.

Una felt Susan’s body tremble under her hands, and heard her cry out as the succubus sucked harder, taking her nipple between her teeth. “Una! Please! Oh… it’s so good!” She writhed in ecstasy as Una continued, her body arching and twisting.

Una pulled back, turned her head, and exhaled sharply. Three jets of steam spouted from her nostrils and mouth, white arcs of vapor that smelled like fresh-baked bread and honey as they rose to the ceiling. Susan yelped in surprise, but Una bent towards Susan again, pushing the other cup of her bra down and latching her mouth onto the second swollen nipple.

“Una!” Susan gasped. “Are you… oh, oh my…” Her words dissolved into incoherent sounds of pleasure as Una drank from her. Una felt the pain intensifying and clenched her hands around Susan’s waist to steady herself.

Una felt the heat building in her core again, radiating outwards until every inch of her felt scorched and tingling. She kept swallowing, gulping down the sweet, fiery nectar in Susan’s veins.

Finally, Susan pushed her away with an urgent shove, her eyes wide with fear and excitement. “That—that should be enough. Una, you’ve got to let it out before—” The succubus’ eyes had rolled back in her skull, and her skin glowed faintly. Just behind her hairline, the small nubs of her horns seemed to pulse and vibrate.

With a strangled moan, Una threw her head back and exhaled; more plumes of steam billowed from her mouth, nostrils, and the corners of her eyes. Susan pushed herself back, away from the scalding heat.

Una’s body convulsed, and she coughed once, wisps of steam drifting from her lips. She blinked, shaking her head, and then turned to Susan. “How was that?” Her voice was shaky, and her skin flushed bright pink, like someone who’d spent too long in a hot bath.

Susan crawled forward to take Una’s face in her hands, looking deeply into her yellow irises. “That was… amazing. But are you okay? You’re not hurt, or anything?”

Una smiled, and the tension seemed to drain from them both. “No, Susan. I think we… did it?” She leaned into Susan’s touch, and their lips met, tentatively at first. They melted into each other, tongues exploring and tasting.

A knock sounded at the door. “Agent Miller?” A woman’s voice, sounding concerned.

They froze, staring at the door with expressions of guilt on their faces. “Um… yes! One second!” called Susan in a small voice. She adjusted her bra, hastily settling her breasts back into its confines as she scrambled to her feet. She glanced at Una, who sat on the floor straightening her skirt, then went to the door, opening it just a crack.

A billow of steam poured out into the hallway, causing the woman outside to stumble backwards, covering her face. “Oh, my! Gabriella, I’m sorry. We need to air this room out.”

An immaculately coiffed woman in an ornate blouse and pencil skirt pulled the door all the way open. “Is everything all right in here? Victoria sent me to look for you when you didn’t arrive at the staff meeting.”

Susan put a hand to her forehead. “Crap! I was rushing to get here on time and forgot what I needed to be here for! What time is it?”

The woman consulted a slim silver timepiece on her wrist and raised her eyebrows slightly. “16:45.”

Susan groaned. “Okay, I missed everything. Does she want to see me?”

Gabriella nodded. Una had stood up and walked closer to the door; the woman’s eyes widened. “So this is Una Belmont, then? I thought you weren’t bringing her in for a little while yet.”

Susan looked over her shoulder. “Una, this is Gabriella. She’s… completely amazing, really. Runs a lot of things here as Director Lombardi’s aide.”

Gabriella held out a slender, tawny hand with elegantly manicured nails, and Una shook it politely, noticing that Gabriella seemed to size her up. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, Miss Belmont.”

She glanced around at the steam, still dissipating through the hallway. “I hope the… unusual nature of our workplace isn’t too unsettling for you.” Una noticed the woman had a slight accent, maybe Caribbean.

“Not at all,” replied the succubus, all too aware that she was still tingling all over, and probably looked like a lobster. “Susan was just… showing me around.”

Gabriella nodded. “Agent Miller, why don’t you go check in with Victoria while I show Una the kitchen… a soda or coffee, maybe? Or a light snack?” The woman’s smile was all professional courtesy, but Una felt a hint of suspicion in her tone.

Susan saw the uncertainty on Una’s face and gave her an encouraging smile. “I’ll come find you as soon as I can. You’ll be safe, I promise. Gabriella, please take care of her. Is there any chance you could take her to the library? I was hoping to get her help with some research. Nothing classified, of course!”

Gabriella smiled, but there was a hard look in her eyes. “That might be possible. Let’s get you taken care of, Miss Belmont. Follow me, please.” She pivoted to face the end of the hallway without another glance at either of them. Una just had time to look back at Susan before she hurried to catch up.

The disheveled young scholar was shouldering her bag and looking right at Una, her reassuring expression replaced by a frown of concern. She smiled again and blew a kiss, then hurried in the opposite direction.

Next time: Tea, sympathy and research.

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day!

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  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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