
v2 CHAPTER FOUR: (18+) In which a contentious sexual encounter gets out of control.

Content Warning: combative demon sex, dubious consent, oral, anal, beastial transformations

John and Cassandra watched from the hospital’s waiting room as Susan spoke in animated tones with Dr. Avakian. The dark-haired doctor wore a long-sleeved lab coat and a suitably serious expression, all her attention trained on Susan. He couldn’t quite hear what the two women were saying, but the doctor was taking notes on a clipboard. Susan was probably talking about Sherril, or explaining whatever she knew about the baku, Sherill’s people. Or was it “species?” John never knew how to refer to various kinds of supernatural beings.

It had taken them a while to find the exact medical professional that Susan deemed “the right doctor,” based on what she’d read online. John just hoped that this Dr. Avakian was willing and able to help Sherill out—at least until they could find out more about the girl’s parents, locate a next of kin, anything. Una might know, he thought, but we still need to find Una… and it feels like we’re running out of time.

“Well,” he said. “If there are priests and Demon Hunter willing to come to the aid of supernaturals, I shouldn’t feel shocked that some doctors have earned a reputation for it.”

Cassandra glanced up from where she sat with her elbows on her knees, shifting her gaze away from Susan for a moment. “Demon Hunters aren’t ‘willing to.’ Don’t get the wrong idea about why I’m here, or about the Hunters. My kin are… unkind.”

John raised an eyebrow, then sat down next to the wiry, androgynous girl. She looked to be in her twenties, but there was something sharp and experienced about the way she moved her eyes and positioned her body. She looks like someone who just got out of prison, John realized. I’ve known a few… always looking over one shoulder for trouble, and ready to strike first before someone else hits them.

On the other side of the waiting room, Maria was banging on a soda machine and fiddling with the change slot. Susan was still talking with Dr. Avakian, pointing at something on the clipboard. Might as well take the opportunity, John thought.

“If you don’t mind my asking… why are you here, Cassandra? The rest of us are friends of Micki’s… or ah, something like friends?” He coughed, suddenly self-conscious. “But you were hunting her, weren’t you? You come up here to keep an eye on your prey?”

Cassandra inclined her head minutely and swung her eyes to regard the priest without facing him. “Maybe at first,” she admitted. “Wanted to see what happened to the priest, Father Michael. Told him once that death would be better than possession.” Cassandra shrugged. “Maybe I was wrong about that.”

John nodded. “I understand what you mean. She’s different… Una, or whatever she’s calling herself… different from what I expected. I told my old mentor, Michael Belmont, that I knew he was still the same person, no matter how he was changing. Can’t say that’s true anymore, but…” he shook his head. “I was afraid of losing my friend to a demon. Now it seems she’s become something more than that.”

Cassandra nodded. “Succubae are tricky. Make you look past how rotten they are. But that one’s not much like a typical succubus, either. Still remembers who she was, as a human… never met a demon like that.”

John wanted to ask the Hunter what she meant, but Susan was approaching them, and Maria had finally returned with a can of lime seltzer. The black-haired graduate student, one of the few occult experts John had ever met, adjusted her glasses and let out a sigh of relief.

“All right. Sherill’s in expert hands, I think? Dr. Avakian’s never treated a baku before, but I’m not sure how many doctors in our realm have. They’re awfully rare, and Sherill’s a half-baku, so…” she shrugged. “I pointed her towards some useful sources of information, half of which she already knew about. Her injuries need monitoring and care, but it’s nothing too out of the ordinary… for someone who had a building fall on them?”

John looked at Susan for a moment, then smiled. “Take a deep breath, Ms. Miller. You’ve done everything you can for her.”

Susan shrugged. “I wish one of us could just… stay with her. But we have bigger fish to fry.” At some unspoken signal, Maria handed the other girl another can of seltzer with a polite nod.

Cassandra clicked her nails together. “If your succubus was right about other survivors, we should get back to the compound tomorrow. Early.”

Susan took a sip of seltzer, then let out a deep breath. “In that case, we’d better get back on the road. I hope you all like the suburbs. After we arrive… I’ll try to find Una. I just wish I knew whether she’s safe.”


Atop the mountain, two giant demons fucked. Though the sky remained clear, thunder crashed in the clouds overhead, as if the energies of the unholy union railed against the heavens.

With the first thrust of Nezz’s gargantuan cock, Una already felt pushed to her limits and beyond. The massive archdemon had flipped her over roughly and slid himself inside her with one fluid motion, spreading her lips around his cock with an almost comical ease. He filled her like no other, the stretch and burn of it taking her breath away as she lay beneath him on the rock, gasping as she looked up at the towering archdemon looming above her.

His face still twisted in a feral leer as he took hold of her thighs and hoisted her into the air, bringing her to ride him like a mount, encircling her waist with one hand. He had positioned himself on the edge of the summit, leaning back on his haunches with Una in his lap, impaled on his shaft and helpless in his grasp.

If he let go, she would tumble off his lap and plummet to the forest below, or spread her wings… if she could even fly in this engorged shape? She looked down at him and saw her newly immense form reflected in the lake of his red-gold eyes.

The force of his thrusts made her flesh shake with the impact, each movement driving his cock deep inside her. Una’s head fell back as he slammed her against his hips, drilling into her as if trying to reach the depths of her being. Her swollen breasts, heavy with unfamiliar weight, swung back and forth with each stroke like jiggling pendulums. Una’s ass, equally large and plump, slapped against Nezz’s thighs with a wet rhythm; her muscular midsection seemed to distend outward each time the massive shaft entered her.

Swaying at the tips of her breasts, her nipples too had ripened into dark, fat cones, thick as thumbs and aching to be touched. The whole of her became a burning icon of desire, on fire with a terrible fever and serving no purpose save carnal pleasure. Nezz’s thrusts rocked her back and forth as she dug her talons into his broad shoulders, drawing blood. She shrieked, licking at the dark ichor with her thick, leathery tongue. Fueled by Nezz’s awful power, the wounds closed almost immediately.

The heat in the middle of her abdomen kept building into a raging fire, but never released. Operating on some instinct she barely understood, she continued to wind and knot her mounting ecstasy around the pearl of pleasure she kept in her core.

“Wound me?” Nezz snarled, his words barely intelligible. His face was contorting, not only with exertion and pleasure but with some wilder, more bestial expression. Una cried out as she felt an intense pain in her loins—Nezz’s cock had grown spines, ripping against her sensitive flesh each time he slammed her against him.

She tried to cry out again, but found her voice ragged and cracking. No human form of love could compare to this maddening rapture and agony; the hideous torrent of pleasure and pain seemed to wash over her like the ocean tide.

But Una too brimmed with power. The walls of her cunt closed in on the intruding spines, crushing them between the muscular sides of her passage. Her sex felt so tight that Nezz’s thrusts grew labored, as if her pussy were trying to imprison him. Her massive thighs wrapped around Nezz’s hips as he tried to keep thrusting, and Una let out a triumphant growl. Since embracing her destiny as a woman, she’d felt her pussy as a source of power. But this… this is something else.

She willed her cunt to grow and change, to fight against the intruder, and let out a cry of pain as she felt something within her tear into Nezz’s flesh. Rivulets of dark liquid spilled out of her, dripping down her legs and splattering onto the stone slab.

“Oh fuck,” Nezz grunted, the word distorted and animalistic, like the sounds a wild animal might make. Seizing her with both massive arms, the archdemon ripped her away from his body. He hurled her down to the stone surface of the mountain with enough force to drive the air from her lungs. Una’s ass bounced against the slick rock as she slid, but her gaze remained on Nezz. Between his legs, the monstrous shaft was slick with black fluid, rent asunder along the sides. She stared at the damage her cunt had wrought and laughed as her tail thrashed wildly in the air behind her.

Nezz lunged towards her, grabbing her horns and forcing her face to his cock. She let out a snarl and wrapped her hands around the base of his shaft, holding it as still as possible as she sucked him. Una drank down the fluids of his injury, and lapped at the cut flesh, sucking at it with her meaty, hungry lips. Again, his wounds healed and closed within seconds. Nezz shuddered and thrust himself deeper, trying to get past her hands and force his way back inside her.

The spines on his cock were gone, she realized, though her inner flesh still burned from their invasion. The tip of Nezz’s cock pushed into her mouth, past her lips, and she opened wide to let it fill her. She took the head in her mouth and let it slide down her throat as far as it would go. Her hands reached around and squeezed his massive balls as he continued to enter her. The shaft pulsated in her throat, stretching it to the point of pain, and the tip brushed against the back of her gullet, threatening to force its way into her belly.

The archdemon fucked her face, sliding in and out with an urgency she hadn’t seen in him before. His monumental cock throbbed with need, each stroke distending her flesh. Her jaws were aching, and her mouth felt bruised, but she relished the sensation of enveloping him, absorbing his need. With one hand, she stroked the great orbs that dangled beneath his pistoning shaft. With the other, she caressed herself, running a long-taloned finger down the slit of her cunt and slipping it inside her to pleasure herself.

Her clit engorged with need, throbbing in time with her pulse, as if begging for attention. She flicked at it, circling the engorged button, teasing herself and savoring the mounting ecstasy as she delayed the release of orgasm. Una breathed rhythmically through her nose as Nezz thrust his hips into her face, over and over.

Time seemed to distort and bend, thunder crashing in the sky as the sun moved overhead. Una no longer knew how many minutes, or hours, had passed since she’d mounted the mountain peak with Nezz in pursuit. The feeling in her loins grew unbearable and then abated. Her breasts ached, and a translucent fluid leaked from the nipples as her chest heaved with exertion. Her own pleasure grew stronger with each passing second.

At some point, Nezz withdrew, releasing Una from his grip, and she slid down his body to kneel in front of him. He had stopped moving, but she felt him quivering with desire, and his cock was still so hard that it seemed to vibrate.

“More,” she demanded, and he looked at her with wonder.

He scowled and reached out to grab her shoulder. “You… are strong, succubus,” he growled. “And your strength has not gone unnoticed.” His voice seemed to fill her skull like the howl of the wind, but his grip on her shoulder was light and his fingers warm. Then he turned her around. “You shall see.”

Nezz shoved her face down into the rock slab with a loud grunt. She could feel the rough stone on her nipples and face as she felt the great archdemon move behind her, pressing her against the rock. This time, he lifted her tail with one hand and gripped the base of his shaft with the other, aiming himself towards her asshole. He rubbed his tip against the hole for a moment before plunging inside.

Una felt herself clench at the sensation, the flesh of her anus squeezing tightly against his invading shaft. She gasped at the strange feeling—something she’d so often imagined, but never experienced. Fucking hell, she thought. He found a way to be my first, and all because I could never convince John to play with my ass. 

Nezz laughed while he forced himself into her. She was tight around him, her anus fighting his every movement as he continued to thrust himself deeper. He pulled out a little, and she could feel his thick pre-cum dripping out of her hole and running down her legs. Again and again, he forced himself inside her. His massive hands grasped her ass cheeks and pulled them apart as he drilled into her, filling her ass with his massive cock. She gasped at the feeling, at the intensity of the penetration, as he thrust into her repeatedly.

Una yelled, a long low cry, and felt something changing in her again. Dark fur sprouted all over her body: between her breasts and around her shoulders and along her arms. It covered her thighs and stomach, even the base of her tail. It grew along her back, wrapping around her ribs and spilling over her breasts like a living blanket. Her fingers were elongating, her hands turning into claws. She was becoming something more, a hybrid of succubus and beast.

“Fuck yes, oh god yes, give it to me!” Una shouted, thrusting her hips back to meet his cock. Her voice emerged as a guttural snarl. Nezz grunted in reply, slamming his cock into her with each thrust, fucking her harder than he had before. He grabbed her shoulders and hoisted her into the air as if she were weightless, keeping his cock inside her the whole time, then slammed her down again, burying his shaft deep in her bowels. She cried out, arching her back and lifting her breasts towards the sky, feeling her muscles bulge with new power.

New, larger teeth burst forth from her jaws and filled her mouth with a rush of blood and saliva. Her face shifted and reformed, growing wider and longer, her lips stretching thin over newly formed fangs.

The great archdemon let out a low groan of pleasure just as she did; she turned her bestial face towards him and saw that he, too, had transformed. Nezz’s features became elongated and animalistic, with great canines and horns curling back from his brow. His skin had taken on a grayish tinge, with the color mottling from a pale green to a near-black; dense hair covered his entire torso.

“Now I shall truly own you,” he growled. His cock grew thicker still as it pounded her, his flesh hard as steel, like a length of oak in her ass.

Two bestial demons clashed and writhed against each other with fur and fang, their shapes like a monstrous hybrid of wolf, ape, and bear. Nezz gripped Una’s massive shoulders in his powerful hands and rammed her down against the rock again, harder than before. Her head bounced against the stone, and she snarled in anger, then wrapped her tail around Nezz’s throat. The demon simply gripped her tail with his hand, pulling it away as he fucked her harder than before.

Give yourself to me!” he commanded, his words booming and resonant in her head. “Cum for me, bitch!” Rain began to pour down, but she hardly noticed. All she could feel was Nezz’s cock as it pumped into her, over and over. It stretched her open, violating her ass endlessly, making her cunt twitch and spasm alongside its pulsating length.

Suddenly, his hand was between her thighs, reaching down and touching her swollen clit. The archdemon’s hand rubbed it in small circles and then in long strokes, flicking and teasing her pussy in rhythm with his cock. Una howled and screamed and moaned with each touch of his hand.

No. She would not accept it, could not let herself surrender to the rush of ecstasy. She coiled it within herself, drawing on its power.

Give me your pleasure!” the beast demanded, but she continued to hold herself in check, continuing to gather her climax around her center. “Now!” Nezz hissed in her ear. Rain spattered on her face, but her vision blurred and filled with flashes of light.

All her senses seemed to concentrate deep within her cunt. The tension built as she wound it around herself, focusing it on that spot between her thighs and that deep place within her belly. Her body strained against the onslaught of sensation, but still she coiled.

Behind Nezz, Una’s tail snaked towards Nezz’s legs. It slipped up and insinuated itself between his thighs, pressing against his balls. Una reached down and stroked the demon’s testicles with her long fingers, teasing and cupping with distracting strokes.

“Yes,” Nezz snarled, and then she felt him shift his hips, driving himself harder and faster, plunging himself deeper and deeper. She held on, focused on her intent. The tip of her tail, bulbous and swollen, shoved itself into Nezz’s asshole with the force of her will, wriggling itself into the archdemon’s rectum.

Una simultaneously reached back to grab his muscular thighs, pushing herself up on her hooves so that her body would encompass the force of his thrusts. She clenched her asshole so that her tight passage surrounded his cock utterly, even as the archdemon slammed into her over and over.

“What—what are you—” the archdemon snarled, but Nezz too had given himself over to abandon, to bestial hunger. Una’s tail writhed with precision through his insides, teasing him as it massaged his prostate, seeking his depths. Una thrust herself against him with the same force he was using to impale her. The friction between their flesh grew intense as their sweat mingled, as the two massive bodies ground against each other.

Moving her long, slimy tongue around slavering gums, she did her best to speak. “Now it is you who must give me your pleasure, wild beast. Show me how much you want this pleasure…” She reached up to grab the back of his neck and brought his head towards hers, then licked his ear. “You will cum for Una.”

He strained, tried to resist, his massive body jerking. But the effort only increased his arousal, the thrusting of his hips and the hammering of his cock. “Fuck you!” he cried, his words ragged, the beast’s language tumbling out of his mouth as if by accident.

“Oh,” she panted. “You want to stop?” A coil of her tail squeezed tight around the base of his massive cock, and she gripped the length of the shaft inside her tight, holding herself utterly still. The sound of rain and their heavy breathing was all she could hear. She brought her hands up to cup his balls, cradling them as they twitched, heavy with unspent seed. “Well,” she whispered. “We can stop right now, if you don’t like this.”

Nezz roared with frustration. His hips tried to buck against her, but Una’s grip on his shaft and balls kept him in place, forced him to submit to her. His claws dug into her flesh and drew blood. His teeth bit into her shoulder as he slammed his fists against her back, but she remained impassive.

“Beg me for pleasure, for your release,” she howled. “I’ll make you cum so hard you’ll forget everything but me, your demoness. Cum for me, you stupid fucking dog.” She remained utterly still, holding him in place.

“N—no,” the archdemon gasped. “I can’t—” His words trailed off as he shook his head, the long black hair covering his shoulders swinging wildly. He struggled to push her off, but she was immovable. Her body felt so full, so powerful, her flesh a conduit for her lust. “Hell’s depths… just let me…”

“Do you want more?” She twitched her tail, just slightly.

“Yes! Damn you to the abyss! Just—fuck—please!” Nezz was begging her, she realized, begging to cum for her, begging for the pleasure she’d promised. Una grinned as she thrust herself against him again, gripping his shaft and pulling it deeper with each motion, taking his massive cock to the hilt. She relaxed the grip of her tail, then tightened it again, lashing the tip against the sensitive spot deep within his ass.

The rain came down in torrents now, pouring down over their writhing bodies, as Una rode Nezz’s cock and tail. His face contorted in pain and ecstasy, and his muscles strained against her grasp as she milked his shaft with her asshole.

Nezz let out a low bellow that grew in intensity, like the thunder above. “Una—UNA… AH—YES!” With a quick motion, Una pulled herself off of the archdemon. She gasped at the sensation as the enormous member slipped out of her cunt with a pop. Nezz was shuddering, his entire dark-furred frame quaking.

Una kneeled on the ground in front of him, his massive shaft throbbing and jerking as his orgasm tore through him. She reached up to place her hands over the tip of his cock and pump it, guiding his orgasm.

A huge torrent of seed exploded out of the end of Nezz’s cock and sprayed out across the stone, spattering her face and chest, dripping down her chin. His shaft was jerking with every pulse, sending spurts of hot fluid everywhere. The cum glowed an iridescent green, brilliant even in the storm’s darkness. The smell and heat of his cum made her pussy spasm with desire, but she ignored it, instead watching with a savage glee as Nezz emptied himself on the rock.

Milky green strands hung from Una’s body like ribbons. The liquid had soaked into her fur, which shone as if coated in a fine oil, and globules of the strange substance beaded on her long horns and tail, gleaming as if in sunlight. Nezz collapsed, panting, to his knees. The rain eased rapidly into a drizzle, the storm just as spent.

“Very good, my little lord,” Una purred, rubbing the mess of semen and slime between her fingers. She scooped up some of the stuff and let it run down her clawed fingers. “You have rendered unto me my due, my payment.”

Nezz stared for a moment in mute incomprehension, then let out a low whimper, at odds with his immense size. “No… not again. What have you—why have you—?” His eyes rolled back and his tongue lolled from his mouth. He looked down at the stone slab where his cum still gleamed like emeralds in the wet darkness. Una giggled as he stumbled towards the edge of the cliff, disoriented and drained.

The magnificent beast of an archdemon, Dread Lord of Control, dropped off the mountaintop, vanishing over the edge of the precipice. Una’s maw opened in surprise, and she clambered forward to look down. Nezz’s vast, dark bulk was rolling, tumbling down the slope. He crashed into the undergrowth, and picked himself up, howling. His face contorted in pain as he rose, shaking his head and bellowing as if to shake off a spell. He stared at Una for a moment and bared his shrinking teeth in a grimace, then fled down the slope into the trees, still clutching his flapping, dwindling cock.

I broke him instead, she realized. Bucked him off like a mount he couldn’t tame, and I didn’t even realize what was happening. The archdemon of control had thought to best a succubus in her own domain, the ecstasy and abandon of sex, and had lost control of the form he’d chosen.

That’s gotta sting, she smirked to herself. Then, in a deeper current of memory: I left him vulnerable and mortally insulted, a fraction of his power ripped away. No wonder he’s running.

“Now, where was I?” Una murmured to herself, stretching her slender limbs atop the stone slab as the sun crept out from behind the clouds. “Oh, yes… I’ve left something undone.” The pearl of intense, built-up tension within her slowly uncoiled, and she broke out into a sweat.

Una ran her hands down her body, cupping her breasts, now merely the size of grapefruits. She rolled her nipples between her fingers as her cunt clenched with renewed need. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she gasped. Her whole body seemed to shiver as the pleasure rose and rose, gathering at her center like a knot coming untangled.

Reaching down, she found her swollen clit, engorged and pulsing, and pressed her thumb against it. A ripple of ecstasy passed through her body, from the center of her belly out to her arms and legs, making her writhe. She would complete this rite, with and for herself alone. Her back arched as she thrust her hips towards the sun, using the fingers of both hands to tease her lips and flutter in circles around the sensitive button. Her mind raced as her pleasure grew, each second passing in slow motion as her whole body shuddered.

Una’s tail found her entrance and wormed into her, its thick tip stimulating her inner walls. Her mouth fell open in a silent cry of ecstasy. The pleasure knotted in her body ascended rapidly to its zenith, her body trembling and grow taut, each throb of her pulse echoing in her cunt. Una pressed down with both thumbs on her clit, pinching it and squeezing it between her fingers. The world went dark around her, her whole being concentrated in that singular spot of ecstasy between her legs.

So much pleasure wound around her core in a tight coil. Her hands and tail kept probing her most sensitive places, pushing her towards her peak. Within her awareness of woven pleasures, she created a single loop of energy and let it unfurl like a net around her loins. Una arched her back and gasped, then moaned, as she began to orgasm. Light exploded behind her eyes. The universe narrowed to that tiny space between her legs; the warmth and pressure burst within her cunt as her hips thrust into her own hands.

Her pussy clamped down around the long appendage between her legs as her whole body contracted with pleasure. Her cry was long and piercing, echoing through the mountain valleys and back into her own ears, the sound reverberating within her skull.

After the climax, Una felt weak, like her limbs had turned to water. She rolled onto her stomach and let her tail slip out of her. It snaked across the stone, sliding through a puddle of Nezz’s spilled seed… then seemed to absorb it. Una watched in fascination as her tail pulsed slightly and drew more of the cum up into itself like a sponge. She felt a tingling sensation, of something… entering her, suffusing her with warmth.

Soon, her tail had absorbed the rest of the archdemon’s cum. The substance siphoned into her flesh, filling her with energy—not entirely unlike other times she’d absorbed energies of sexual pleasure, but distinctly alien as well. The tip of her tail still seemed to glow with a greenish light.

“Hmmm…” She stood and stretched, flexing her limbs. The change in her body had left her sore, and the lingering sensations of sex kept twitching in her core as she recovered from the intense climax. “Time to depart?”

She gazed down at herself: naked as daylight, luxuriating in the soft breeze that flowed across her smooth scarlet skin, and let out a deep sigh. With a powerful breath, she tensed her shoulders and willed her great, feathered wings into existence. She flexed her fingers and spread her dark pinions wide, beating the air to test them.

Una took flight, scanning the mountains below. Her heart felt lighter than it had in many days, strength coursing through her limbs as she exulted in freedom. The landscape seemed more vibrant, the wind in her hair sweeter. In the distance, she felt something beckoning, calling to her—something familiar and strong, a connection that felt as natural as breathing. She flew towards it.

Below her, a naked man with a mane of dark hair stumbled through the brush. His form shed mass as he ran, shrinking to human proportions. Nezz glanced up and caught sight of Una in the sky, flying away, and screamed with wordless outrage. The succubus showed no sign of hearing or changing course; she flew away with an indifference that cut deeper than any knife. Nezz sank to his knees, watching her disappear beyond the treetops.

Next time: Hey Mom? Can I have some friends over?

This week's illustration of Una in the throes of transformation is an AI-generated artwork by Aman2001... who's volunteered to help out and give us more time to write! Aman is also available for commissions: if you like the quality and style of the artwork in Volume 2, check out his fiverr to commission something in a wide variety of styles!

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Want more? If you haven't already read them, check out our side-stories from the same universe, New York City after Portal Day:

  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata...
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a short smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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