
v2 CHAPTER SEVENTY-FIVE: (18+) In which the more nefarious aspects of a curse are unceremoniously severed, but not before lust plays havoc.

Content Warning: M/F masturbation, F/F/M threesome, sex under personality-altering influence

“I can’t believe security just, like, let you in here. I can never get off-campus friends into the dorms.” Rian’s complaints began grating on Susan as they ascended to the third floor of the residence hall.

Susan shrugged. “You’d be surprised at the places you can just walk into if you seem like a grown-up who knows what she’s doing… and can flash a badge.”

Rian wrinkled her nose as the elevator doors opened. “How old are you, anyway? Like… thirty?”

“Almost. Before we go knocking on any doors… remind me again why exactly you think Agent Belmont might be here?” They stepped into a dingy corridor lined with numbered apartment doors, the carpet scuffed and worn. Susan looked around, noting a faint smell of marijuana smoke and the sound of muffled music coming from a door down the hall.

An exasperated look crossed Rian’s face; it was rapidly becoming her default expression. “I told you, it’s all about lacrosse. There’s a lacrosse team party suite here. The lacrosse team is notorious for flaunting school rules, and there’s a school legend about a player who had thousands of dollars in library fines wiped clean so he could graduate.”

Susan frowned. “And how would Agent Belmont know this?” They passed two male students locked in an embrace, with the shorter boy leaning against the wall and the other kissing his neck. Rian stared openly before turning back to the older woman.

“Because, Miss Smartypants, she could just ask. If I was a sex object—and I guess I am at the moment, despite your magic choker—and a librarian looking for a hot time, I’d ask about overdue library books. And this is where students would send her.”

Susan glanced over Rian’s shoulder through an open doorway. In the room beyond, a pair of tousled heads were barely visible above sheets in motion; another pair of students in flagrante delicto, apparently.

“Fascinating,” Susan said, stopping in mid-stride to look around the hallway. “From what the security guard downstairs said, some woman in a tweed suit walked right into this building, so your hunch might be right. I wonder if you have an intuitive understanding of the mentality imparted by the curse…”

Rian waved her hand in front of her face, trying to dissipate the scent of weed that hung heavy in the hallway air. As they rounded a corner, she quickly sidestepped to avoid tripping over another pair of embracing figures, this time an olive-skinned girl grinding herself with abandon on the crotch of a redheaded boy who lay on the floor, his eyes closed.

Rian turned back. “For fuck’s sake! I wonder how many of my filthy hippy schoolmates are having sex on this floor. I knew some of these halls were party dorms, but I never thought it would be quite this blatant…”

Susan grimaced. “This might not be entirely natural. Don’t you feel that… pull? There’s lust energy in the air. Come on.”

The blonde college student blinked, looking apprehensive. “I’m not even sure what I’d feel in this body.” She fingered the ankh choker at her neck. “Maybe I’m glad I didn’t notice it—wait, this is it!”

The door to Suite 324 was nearly at the end of the hall; it stood slightly ajar. A peeling decal of two lacrosse sticks crossed in the shape of an X was stuck on the door, and a thumping bass line resounded from inside. Rian raised her hand to knock, then paused as a high-pitched moan drifted through the gap.

Rian’s blue eyes went round, and she shot Susan a worried look. Susan shook her head and motioned for the younger girl to move aside. She pressed one hand to the door and nudged it open.

In the common room, a pizza box lay open, with a cooling pizza nearly untouched next to it and several bottles of craft beer scattered around. The TV was still on, but the sound was off; some kind of action movie flickered silently on the screen.

“Aaugh!” Rian blurted as she stepped into the apartment and saw the spectacle on the couch. “I can’t unsee that kind of thing!”

A dark-haired woman had her face buried deep between the legs of another woman, with short red hair soaked in sweat and plastered to her forehead. The redhead arched her back against the nearest armrest of the sofa, shuddering as the woman between her raised legs lapped at her pussy with obvious enthusiasm.

The brunette’s fingers were busy, one set tweaking and pinching the fat, dusky nipples that topped her own ample tits, and the other plunging into the depths of the redhead’s cunt as she continued to eat her out with gusto. Still, that was scarcely the most astonishing thing about the sexual tableau. A third figure lay prone on the couch, head pointed towards the far end; the dark-haired woman’s hips lifted and lowered methodically as she impaled herself upon his erect penis, her ass jiggling each time she descended.

Susan sighed and walked over to inspect the man, who appeared to be barely conscious. She lifted an eyelid and noted a glassy stare, his gaze unfixed, his breathing shallow. The redheaded girl let out another cry, her back arching as she bucked against the brunette’s face.

“Oh my god!” Rian’s voice was strained, her cheeks flushed with color. “That’s Siobhan O’Connor! I’m in a class with her. And I’m still a virgin. I shouldn’t be exposed to this level of depravity!” Susan raised an incredulous eyebrow at the girl.

“Calm down, I still need your help. Can you check the other rooms to see who else is here? This boy looks alive but thoroughly drained, and I—well, I want to know if we have any corpses on our hands.” Susan turned to the women, who seemed oblivious to her presence and had only increased in tempo.

“Corpses?” Rian let out a faint groan of distress but obeyed, walking gingerly across the room towards the suite’s bedrooms while trying to avoid the couple on the couch.

Susan kneeled beside the women and looked at the brunette. Yes, definitely Una, she thought, as if there was any way she could mistake her mistress’s aura. The succubus’ features had certainly shifted a little, and Susan had to admit she could have passed for a relative of Susan’s own, even a sister. Her hair, which had been a sleek bob when they’d parted ways earlier, fell past her shoulders and curled inward at the ends. Una’s figure had grown even more voluptuous: her breasts looked larger, her curves more exaggerated. Susan couldn’t help but notice the way the brunette’s ass bounced with each motion of her hips, and the sight made her own cheeks flush with color.

The redhead gasped and clutched the couch cushions, then let out an escalating series of shrieks that culminated in a drawn-out wail that sounded almost like a sob. Still running her tongue up and down the girl’s labia with frenzied abandon, Una slammed her hips downward, writhing her body in a twisting, undulating motion, then raised herself up as the man beneath her climaxed as well, his body jerking as he let out a groan of pleasure.

Pearlescent strands splattered Una’s belly and chest, some spurting as far as Siobhan’s bare legs. The brunette lifted one supple breast, then ran her tongue along her nipple, licking away a droplet of the sticky white fluid. Then, with a contented sigh, Una pulled away from the redheaded lacrosse team manager, her body glistening with sweat and cum.

“Sweetheart?” Susan asked. “Are you done? Do you remember who you are?”

Una blinked at her partner, and her gaze sharpened into focus, seeming to lock onto the other woman like a target. “Hey, you…” she said in a languid voice. “You’re just in time. I think these athletes need to cool down a bit. But you look like a girl who likes to work up a sweat. Wanna join us?”

Rian stepped out of the hallway. “Um, Agent Miller? There’s a naked guy slumped over in the shower, covered in semen. And Cody Matthews! He’s, like, the lacrosse team’s quarterback or whatever? He’s passed out on the bedroom floor right over there.” She looked faintly shell-shocked, but also seemed to struggle with some internal excitement at the same time.

Una disentangled herself from Siobhan, who seemed to have fallen asleep, her breathing slow and steady. She leaned over to drape her arms around Susan’s neck with a lazy grace. “You’re pretty hot, you know?” she said, pressing her breasts against Susan’s body. “Do you work at the library, too? And who’s your blonde friend? She looks refreshingly… innocent.”

Una’s body radiated heat, not just from the intensity of her recent exercise. She’d clearly absorbed a great deal of energy, and her skin glowed with an unnaturally healthy radiance. Her eyes gleamed, and Susan caught a whiff of the same scent she’d encountered earlier, a musky sweetness with something spicy mixed in, like incense. Oh, my mistress, she thought, and nearly gave in to the urge to let Una sweep her away, to grind her twitching clit against the demoness’ hip and seek sweet bliss.

“No, no, no…” Rian stammered. “I’m really not all that innocent. Did I say I was a virgin earlier? I meant, uh… I’ve seen porn, like, lots of porn? I’m totally experienced with… stuff.”

Susan shook her head, trying to clear her thoughts. “Dearest, you’re not yourself,” she said, her tone firm. “Remember who I am. Remember who you are. You’re Agent Una Belmont, currently assigned to the Office—”

“—Office of Supernatural Affairs,” the succubus purred. “I know all that. I’m just not her right now. She’s too boring.” Una started unbuttoning the top of Susan’s blouse.

Susan reached up and took Una’s slender wrists in both her hands. “Rian, I may need that choker from you for a moment. If you can hang on, just sit down and relax, clothes your eyes and breathe. Maybe I can snap Agent Belmont out of this state.”

“The… the choker I’m wearing?” Rian said, nearly panicking. “The one that’s keeps me from believing I’m just a status-obsessed sorority girl? And you want me to give it to you? No fucking way! It’s all that’s keeping me sane right now! I’m not taking it off!” She clutched at her throat protectively. “You can’t make me!”

“I can, actually,” said the older woman with a sigh. “But look, Una hasn’t forgotten who she is.” She winced as the succubus nibbled at her earlobe. “I think. She’s just… very different right now.”

The succubus laughed, a low, husky sound. “You’re so uptight! I bet I could help you loosen up. I’m good at that, I promise. Just give me five minutes, and then you can do anything you want to me. Okay, maybe ten minutes. The things I want to do to your ass… mmm.” She licked her full lips.

“Ugh, fine,” groaned Rian, coming closer and turning her back so Susan could undo the choker’s clasp. “But please put it back on me as soon as possible. My body… I mean, seeing all this sex is doing funny things to me. Downstairs.”

Susan unscrewed the clasp and removed the choker, then twisted back to Una as Rian stepped away. The demoness’s hands were free and roamed across Susan’s body with increasing eagerness.

The scholar gasped as Una’s touch found all the right places: her sensitive nipples through her bra, her ears, her inner thighs. “Wait, please! I promise I’d love to do more of this later, sweetheart…”

“Don’t call me that,” hissed Una with an unexpected ferocity. “I’m not sweet, little mortal, and you know it. I’m your mistress. A queen among demons, a succubus of ancient lineage! You belong to me… not the other way around.”

“Yes, mistress…” said Susan with a shudder of pleasure, and fastened the ankh choker around Una’s neck.

The succubus blinked once, then again, and her eyes focused. “Oh, damn,” she said, in a voice much more familiar to Susan. “What… what did I… oh, damn.”

Susan let out a relieved laugh, staring into her lover’s eyes with a gaze that oddly mirrored her own. “Rian?” she called out without turning her head. “Are you all right?”

“I’m just peachy, Miss M! I don’t know why I was freaking out before.” The transformed girl’s voice rang cheerfully from the hallway, and Susan thought she sounded… bubbly?

“Una, darling. Do you remember what happened? We have to help our ad hoc college intern over there.” She searched the other woman’s eyes.

Una brought a hand to her forehead. “Well, I can’t believe I fucked four lacrosse players. I just felt so… hungry. And I got them to… I…” She looked down at herself. “I didn’t mean to change like this, obviously.”

Susan couldn’t repress a grin. “We ought to take a selfie: me, and you as your fantasy girl, who it turns out is also based on me? Maybe I should feel flattered, but the whole librarian angle is mostly hilarious and a little cringe. Don’t you see me as more of a professor? A hot teacher?”

Una rolled her eyes. “I’ll ask you for some private tutoring later. I heard what you said about the choker, despite trying to jump your bones. Should I take it off and get it back to Rian?”

They stood up, Susan pursing her lips. “I only have one way of disrupting a curse like this, and I don’t want it to take hold of you again. But maybe… Rian, what are you doing?”

The college student sat in the doorway of Cody Matthews’ room, the star attackman’s head and shoulders in her lap. She ran her fingers down his jawline and neck, stroking the muscles there. “I dunno,” she called back. “Just touching him. He’s pretty hot.” Her voice was breathy.

Cody stirred, making a noise of contentment as Rian’s hand drifted lower. His cock, limp between his legs, twitched and swelled.

Rian’s cheeks flushed, but she continued stroking his chest. “You guys don’t need to worry about me, actually? I’ll like, stay and nurse this poor boy back to health.” She licked her lips unconsciously, her gaze darting down Cody’s torso and fixating between his legs.

Susan exchanged glances with Una, then cleared her throat. “Rian, I don’t think that’s a good idea. You may end up regretting it. Agent Belmont, see if you can return to another form? That might loosen up the curse’s hold, and we need to leave before anyone else gets here.”

Una nodded, closing her eyes. She concentrated and felt her body shifting, growing slightly leaner and taller, though almost as curvaceous. When she opened her eyes, Susan was looking up at her, smiling in approval.

“I still feel… I don’t know. I’m not sure I broke free?” Una furrowed her brow. “Let me use my other sight.” She blinked, and Susan saw her eyes reflect the light strangely.

Rian, paying no attention whatsoever to Susan or Una, now had one manicured hand on Cody’s cock, and the other had lifted the athlete’s palm to cup one of her high, firm breasts. The lacrosse player’s mouth opened, and his eyes flickered open with a dazed look.

“Oh god,” said Rian. “This feels… amazing. I can’t stop. Hi there, cutie.”

“Wow,” said Una, staring around. “I released a lot of sexual energy into this area, huh? And I can see the curse, I think… like a thin spiderweb? The choker is deflecting it from me, and… I’m not sure how to do that on my own.”

Susan frowned, glancing with growing alarm at Rian’s hand, sliding slowly up and down Cody’s thick shaft. “That’s not a simple task, even for someone who weaves curses. We’ll have to go back to Bethany’s apartment to break or suspend the effect, I guess. I’m sure it’s emanating from Autumn or her centers of power. If we’re lucky, our backup has arrived from New York. Demetrius insisted on sending a helicopter, if you can believe that!”

“Who… who are you?” Cody looked startled but pleased at waking to Rian’s touch.

“I’m Rian,” she whispered. “I’ve always admired your moves on the field, Cody. And if you like, I’ll let you put this big thing inside my tight virgin pussy.” The lacrosse player’s eyes grew enormous, and he moved his fingers to feel the warm swell of Rian’s breast.

“This is wrong,” Una said, pinching the bridge of her nose.

“No kidding,” said Susan, trying to pull Rian away by the shoulder. “Come on, you! You’re under a spell, you can’t consent. I don’t care how much you’re enjoying it!”

Rian swatted her hand away. “I know what I’m doing, mom!” She leaned forward and brought her lips to Cody’s mouth, her hand moving faster.

“Wait, no,” said Una, looking distracted. “I mean, this web thing… it’s horrible, the way it’s wrapped around her.” Her features twisted into an expression that mingled disgust and anger. “I can’t let this stand. I have to break it.”

“Una, I know, but it’s—” Susan broke off as she saw Una’s right hand lifted in a claw. The succubus had worn her nails long, dark, and sharp all day, but now they were wreathed in tendrils of shadow. She clenched her grip in mid-air, moving her fingers as if ensnaring invisible strands.

“Una, what are you doing?” Susan’s voice sounded panicked. “If you try to alter the curse, it could rebound, or… I don’t know what else!” Next to them, the two college students continued to kiss, oblivious. Cody’s hips thrust upward, and Rian let out a squeal of delight as he tweaked her nipple.

Tzadku.” Una spoke the word as if it were a command, with a finality that brooked no argument. She brought her left hand over her right, in a chopping motion through the air. The sudden change was palpable; Susan felt a wave of cold pass over her skin.

Cody let out a cry of surprise, his eyes wide. Rian’s hands froze in place, and she stared at him in shock. She blinked, pulled away from him with a gasp of shock, then looked down at her hand, with its long red nails still wrapped around the lacrosse player’s erect cock.

Rian screamed in horror and pulled backwards. Cody screamed in pain; Rian’s hand was still squeezing him tightly.

“Fuck, fuck! Oh my god,” she shouted. “I’m sorry!”

Cody’s shoulders hunched, and his look of shock and surprise convulsed into something more primal and unstoppable. His orgasm, already past the point of no return, spasmed through his body as his cock erupted in Rian’s hand.

“Wait!” shrieked Rian, pulling away, but it was too late. Cody’s semen splattered onto her arms and chest, leaving her looking astonished.

Susan sighed.

Una pulled the confused girl away from Cody and adjusted her tailored blazer. “Sorry, Rian. Could be worse; if I hadn’t milked so much jizz out of him earlier, you’d probably have it all over your face, too.” Rian looked at her, makeup smudged and face pale, with a look that bordered on terror and awe. The lacrosse star’s cum dripped down her cleavage and belly.

“Let’s both get cleaned up,” Una continued. “I’m coated head to toe in the stuff. Then we can head back to the other apartment.” She led Rian towards the bathroom, casting a skeptical eye inside, then turned back to Susan. “Agent Miller. Please tell me you have a change of clothes somewhere on you? I think I ripped off most of my… librarian costume.”

Susan gave Una a thumbs-up sign, then looked down at Cody. “You have any more towels around here, chief?”

Next time: Dealing with the aftermath... but can our investigators reverse the curse's effects?

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  • Parturient, a story by The Wolf Among the Woods. A different and motherly form of demonic possession...
  • SYNCHRONY::OVERRIDE, a strange tale of body and identity in a pocket dimension of soul-driven automata... (more chapters coming after Succubated Volume 2 wraps up!)
  • Redraw Me, a slice-of-life relationship tale about a trans woman whose girlfriend draws her dreams to life...
  • Samira's Curse, a smutty romp about two friends whose relationship is transformed...

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