Succubus Tail

Ch 15 – Thinking thoughts and stuff is really hard when you’re a hungry succubus, I think?

It had been several months since I’d last dreamed of Amethyst. Every time I thought I was finally past those dreaded nightmares, they would return.

I only vaguely remembered her, in truth. We’d had but a few months together, and I was still a child then, ignorant of the ways of the world. I couldn’t deny that she held a special place, a beacon of kindness in my cold heart. She was one of the few truly good things in this realm, I was certain. 

Part of me liked to think she was still alive out there somewhere, still living a life of innocence and kindness. More likely, she was dead, either at the hands of my father or someone else.  

The cost of my failure had been her hand, as opposed to the finger he had requested. Much as the cost of my friendship with her had been the pain of losing her. I never saw the girl again after that day. My father probably stuck her in some dungeon, sending the girl’s hand as a ‘gift’ to her father for some slight. I later put together her true purpose for being on the estate: a hostage, as opposed to the friend that I’d wanted. And a convenient way for my father to teach me an important lesson. 

Everything has a cost. 

“Ruby?” Lilis still sat partially on top of me, hovering just over my lap. 

“What?” I growled. 

She gave me a scowl back. “Do you,” she paused, searching for the right words, “want to talk about it?” There was a level of uncertainty and awkwardness to her tone. 

“No,” I said, slipping out from the covers and off the bed. 

I jumped in place as her arms wrapped around me from behind. She dragged me back, almost pulling me back onto the mattress. Her chin pressed down against my shoulder. Just as I was about to throw her off, she spoke once more.

“You have no one to talk to, do you?”

Her words almost sounded like an accusation. 

I scoffed. “What a ridiculous idea.” As if I would trust anyone with my secrets. 

“I’ll admit to not being the best at opening up to others myself,” she continued. “But everyone needs someone to confide in.”

I turned around to show her my disbelief. 

“We don’t have to be antagonistic with each other,” she said, eyeing me. “We could be friends.”

My eyes rolled, and I pulled out of her grip, taking a step away as I turned my back to her. 

“We are roommates. Nothing more, nothing less.” For now. I would show the woman her proper place soon enough. 

“Is that so?”

A hand clamped around my tail, and I let out an unintended squeal as my body stiffened. Gently, her fingers slid up its length. I shuddered, knees feeling weak. The room began to spin as hunger hit me with force. My lips parted, and I felt a haze nip at the edges of my mind. The lack of food, or rather, blood was coming back to bite me. 

Lilis slipped out of the bed, her hand never leaving my twitching tail. Her other arm wrapped around my stomach, steadying me. 

In my ear, she whispered, “I think we became a little more than that yesterday, wouldn’t you say?”

A small part of my mind wanted to agree. Anything to make her continue—to let her push me down onto the covers behind us and slide finger up into—

I bit down on my lip, hoping it might clear my head. “N-no.”

“You’re hungry aren’t you? Practically starving, I would imagine.”

Nails glazed along skin. My breathing picked up. I could feel my body leaning further against her, and somehow, the prospect of giving in didn’t feel as abhorrent as it normally would. 

Against my better judgment, I nodded. 

“You like to act defiant, but I think we both know what you want deep down.”

I sucked in a breath as her hand pushed down into my underwear. 

“Let me take care of you,” she whispered. 

A shuddering moan slipped out of me. “N-no,” I managed. 

Even in my lusty haze, I knew there was more to that offer than the surface meaning. With every scrap of will that I had, I pulled myself out of her grasp. For better or worse, Lilis let me. My feet brought me to the end of the bed. When I turned to face her, she was studying me. Her face was nearly as flush as my own, but her eyes were leering. 

“We need to get you a true source of blood. I’m sure there are a few professors that could supply it, but your idea of going to the healer was a good one.” Lilis’s gaze finally met my own. 

Despite her more serious tone, I squirmed. “Right.” Thoughts and words were increasingly difficult to come by. 

My eyes widened as she pulled her black nightgown up over her head, and tossed it to the floor. A sweet scent filled the air, one that was vaguely familiar. I opened my mouth to question her, but no words came. Instead, I stared at her naked breasts without even a hint of shame. When I met her gaze once again, she had a brow raised, lips quirked up in amusement. 

“Are you going to get dressed?” she asked. 

My mouth eased shut. 

Right. Clothes. That made sense. 

Her amused smirk turned into a full grin. “Or would you rather go out dressed in that little nightgown?” 

She asked the question in obvious jest, but I shuddered as I imagined it. There was no doubt that many eyes would be on me, undressing me fully in their minds. How many students and teachers would see me, perhaps imagining me accompanying them to their beds? I leaned back against one of the bedposts, panting at the idea of it. 

“It’s not a bad idea, actually,” she continued, strutting toward me. “If we really want to pretend that you're a normal demon, you’re going to have to play the part.”

I found myself nodding. Then I shook my head. 

She leaned forward over me, fingers trailing up my thigh. “Or you could just take this little thing off,” she tugged at the ends of the gown, “and go completely naked.”

My hands reached out to stop her or push her back, but as I met her smooth, bare skin, my lust only flared further. 

I could see the excitement in her bright green eyes as she stared deep into my own. A groan left my lips as my fingers found their way into her underwear. Underwear that was completely soaked through. Realizing what I was doing, I snatched it away. 

But the urge to continue was strong. That or to slip a hand into my own. If I didn’t do something, this woman would have me walking through the halls, naked and fingering myself. The image brought both dread and another heavy pulse of lust. 

I bit my lip, bringing my panting to a stop. “L-let’s just g-go,” I mumbled, stepping back away from her and almost tripping over the bedpost. 

Lilis shot me a happy grin as she sped around me, and over to a dresser. She was enjoying this far far too much. If I didn’t stop her, she’d have me wrapped around her fingers by the end of next week. 

That was bad, wasn’t it?

I eyed her as she slipped into some proper clothes, before tying another white cape around her shoulders. She didn’t bother to change underwear. As she approached once more, her sweet, flowery scent hit me once again. I nearly sank to the floor. 

She brought a hand to my chin, lifting it so that my eyes stared directly into hers. 

“Will you do me a favor?”

I found myself nodding. 

“Take the panties off,” she breathed out. 

I froze, stuttering, “W-why?”

Lilis smirked. “Because I want you to.”

The gown was long enough, coming down to mid-thigh, that nothing would show. No one would see anything. Probably. Plus, it wouldn’t be all that different from when I’d first come to the dorm wearing just a cape. 

It didn’t take me long to consider it. No one would see; it would be fine. Why was I justifying it? Why was I even acknowledging the absurd request? My thumbs slid between the fabric and the panties slid down my legs, bringing a wet string of cum along with it. As I stepped out of them, Lilis rubbed a hand down my back, all the way to my now naked ass.

“Good girl,” she cooed, and squeezed one of my cheeks. 

I shuddered, hating how much the words and her simple touch turned me on. 

She grinned. “Let’s go.”

Her hand gripped mine and she pulled me to the door. My stomach did several flips as I thought about what I was about to do. This was such a terrible terrible idea. 

“This is going to do wonders for your image,” Lilis teased. 

Was… was this the image that I wanted to portray to people? I pursed my lips. Thoughts were hard at the moment. Lilis opened the door, and I didn’t have time to ponder it as she pulled me out into the hall. My feet left the soft carpet, touching the cool tiles. The short nightgown fluttered, as though threatening to reveal everything. Belatedly, I realized that my tail was sticking out and lifting up the fabric. Which meant my ass was on full display. Several girls ahead of us looked our way, and I found myself once more panting for air as they eyed me. 

I felt so warm, so hot. Perhaps I should take the gown off. 

My fingers gripped at the edge of the pink fabric. I could feel a bead of liquid drip down my inner thigh. Lilis released my hand and I suddenly felt naked. Then her hand gripped my butt and we began walking forward. 

Several people escaped to their rooms, not caring for the display. But others eyed me with blatant interest. My tail twitched as we passed. I squirmed thinking about how their eyes were assuredly on my backside. 

From around the corner, a sharp eyed woman with short hair stepped out, blocking our way. Even in my lust-fogged brain, I knew this meant trouble. 

Lilis,” she spoke sweetly, pausing just a foot or so in front of us. “It’s been too long.” 

The girl grabbed Lilis’s free hand, bending forward to brush her lips across it in a gentle kiss. My roommate’s grasp on my rear slid up to my side, pulling me firmly against her as though afraid the woman might snatch me away. When the unknown dark-haired girl looked my way, I thought for a moment that she would. 

“Good morning, Evara,” Lilis responded carefully. 

Evara’s eyes flowed down the curves of my body, lingering on the bottom hem of the gown. “How long have you had this little treasure?” 

Somewhat awkwardly, Lilis coughed. “She’s—the provost entrusted her to me yesterday.”

Why were they… talking about me as though I wasn’t there?

“H-hello,” I managed to insert. 

Evara’s smile lit up as she finally met my gaze with a piercing look. “A pleasure.”

She made to kiss my hand, only for Lilis to pull me away. The woman pouted and crossed her arms. Her head tilted, letting her short black hair sway to the side. I couldn’t help the small amount of disappointment that welled up inside me also.

“Perhaps we can catch up later. Unfortunately, I’ve much to do today,” Lilis said in apology. 

Evara hummed. “Very well. You should come visit soon, though. And bring the cute demon with you.” She gave me a wink. 

Instead of responding, Lilis pulled me down the hall. I could feel the eyes of Evara and several others on my bare bottom as I stumbled alongside her. My tail swayed in poorly disguised pleasure.

This was a fun chapter, eh? =3

My COVID ended up lasting a bit longer than anticipated. But, I believe I'm back into a good writing groove again! Chapter 20 is almost completed, and I'm hoping to keep my writing rolling next week. As always, if ya wanna read like 7 chapters ahead (once 2o goes up at least) do check out the Patreon. Hopefully, it'll be evening more in the coming weeks. And I also have a discord! Feel free to hop in!

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