Succubus Tail

[E] Ch 22 – When life gives you a blade, trade it for something better. No, wait, give that back!

It was nice to finally be back on top of things. Progress was slow going, of course. I couldn’t predict how long it would take to obtain the ingredients needed for the healer’s fanciful potion, nor just how potent it would end up being. But any amount of progress toward my goal was nice. 

I strode through the halls of the women’s dorm, head tilted upward and riding a high as I pondered what was to come. Things were going my way for now, but I couldn’t get too complacent. I had to expect that Dathlin would fail me, and in doing so, likely alert Melkar of my intended theft. At least the idiot boy had found his way all the way to the healer without collapsing. Dragging his unconscious body around would have been far too tedious. I’d never been the strongest of people, and I still wasn’t entirely sure if my new demonic affliction had made things worse. But strength could be built up, at least. It was my seeming lack of magic that was most worrying. 

The next, more immediate obstacle would be finding another moment to sneak away and obtain the other needed ingredient, the argentum vicus. Lilis was certain to be more vigilant from here on as she realized I had no intention of playing by her rules, to the extent that I could get away with. 

As I approached the room, I mentally braced myself to face her wrath for having snuck away while she was out. My hand reached out and pulled down the handle to Lilis’s door. Some small amount of relief hit me at the light click indicating it was still open. She at least hadn’t locked me back out. Pushing forward into the room with the slow hesitance of a nervous cat, I found it to be as empty as I had left it. Even the bathroom door sat open, clearly unoccupied. 

A smile graced my lips and the tension in my muscles melted. I took a breath of air and strode fully into the room. It seemed I was in the clear. 

Behind me, the door slammed shut, and I jolted in place. My body twisted to find my roommate standing in the doorway’s blind spot, leaning against the wall. She crossed her arms and stepped forward, leveling me with a heated glare that could melt ice. 

My tail curled around my leg and I winced, feeling a bit stupid for having missed her. But how could I have guessed that she’d stand there at the back of the door waiting for me? 

“Well well well, look what the shadow mites have dragged in,” she said, marching up to me. Her long hair swayed behind her, adding to the imperious look she was giving me.

Instinctively, I took a step back. Lilis paused in front of me, holding out a hand as though expecting something. I stared back, confused. 

“Well? Nothing to say for yourself? Why don’t we start with you handing those daggers over, hmm?” my annoyed roommate demanded. 

I frowned. “What? I’ve told you already, I need them. How can I defend myself without some kind of weapon? You know that I can’t cast.” 

“Drop the monster-dung. Do I look like a complete idiot to you?” She gestured to the doorway. “After sneaking out with them the moment I leave, you expect me to believe that you merely intend to defend yourself with them, and nothing else? I’m hesitant to even ask where you’ve been.” 

My eyes narrowed. She couldn’t have known what I’d been up to. I was certain that I hadn’t been followed, and while it was possible that Dathlin had been scried on, Lilis simply didn’t have the information network to hear of our little meeting, even were it the case. So why was she suddenly so suspicious about me having weapons? 

“I simply went on a walk,” I replied. 

Lilis huffed. “I should have known that giving you any sort of weapon was a bad idea,” she grumbled, rubbing a hand over her face. “I don’t know what I was thinking.” Her eyes pierced into me and she gestured, saying, “Now hand them over.”

While it was unlikely that she knew everything that had just occurred between Dathlin and I, her complete change in attitude over the blades and how I might use them seemed much too convenient, all the same. Someone had to be feeding her information, perhaps not of my current activities, but of things I’d done in the past. Anyone who knew much about me would have heard that I tended to prefer physical confrontation over spellcasting. Knives and daggers were ideal when you wanted to hurt someone rather than kill them, and this wasn’t my first time stabbing someone at the academy—not to mention all that I’d done before coming here. Yet Lilis had previously seemed either oblivious or indifferent to this, given that she hadn’t raised an issue with my request for the blades. Hence the question: why the sudden suspicion?

“Why would I use them for anything other than defending myself?” I questioned. “Do you think I have a death wish? I’m not giving them up. I need a way to protect myself should things take a turn for the worse. It’s perfectly sensible, Lilis.”

I stared her down, and she eyed me, putting together her thoughts. If I was right, she would insist on having them back still. The question was whether I would relent, giving them up, or make a stand here and now. I was confident that I’d come out on top in a physical confrontation. She was in easy striking range, and while her magic had caught me off guard previously, I wouldn’t let her pull the same trick twice. This time I was armed. 

The problem was that if I attacked her, I had to make sure that I’d win—not just now, but going forward into the future as well. The moment she managed to reflip the script, I’d struggle to regain any sliver of control without spellcraft or the right protective enchantments. And I feared what she’d do in retaliation...

My pride wanted me to take her down—to assert my place on top, but ultimately, reason prevailed. In the long game, I just couldn’t hope to beat her without magic. So for now, I’d continue biding my time. 


“Th-that’s not my name,” I insisted, the words spilling out. Something about the name slammed into my gut with near-dizzying force, like a sudden shift in paradigm.

I wasn’t Ruby. My name wasn’t Ruby. It was Gellin Zelian. 

Her frowning face turned thoughtful. “Isn’t it, at least for now? I do believe that you picked the name out yourself after insisting that I not call you ‘Gellin.’”

She wasn’t wrong, I knew. I’d agreed to it. But still, that didn’t mean I had to like it. With no real answer to give her, I turned my head, looking away. 

Lilis let out a sigh. “There’s no need to pout about it.” 

“I’m not—” I spluttered indignantly. 

“Just give me the daggers,” she demanded. 

I met her glare with a scowl, neither of us wanting to give in. The staring contest lasted for several long seconds, until finally, my shoulders fell in inevitable defeat. Biting my lip in annoyance, I turned away from her, slipping my red fingers into my blouse for the first dagger and unsheathing it from the simple harness strapped around my torso. Tossing it up, I caught the blade, offering it to her hilt-first. She grabbed it, slipping it from my fingers and then held out her other hand expectantly. 

I grumbled but acquiesced, bending down and pulling the second blade from my boot. 

Goodbye, oh wondrous blades. 

For now.

Lilis nodded as I handed it over, stepping away briefly to place them in a drawer before turning a chair to face me and sitting down. “Good. Now I believe it’s time for your punishment.”

My frown deepened. “Punishment? Was that not punishment enough? Without any way to truly defend myself, I’ll have no choice but to rely on you to solve any conflicts that come up. And no offense, but you’re just one woman.” I crossed my arms as I made my point. 

“From now on, I’m not letting you out of my sight. Because apparently, a girl can’t even go get breakfast without you running off to cause trouble. Now, come here,” she said, patting her lap and sitting upright in the chair. “I told you that there would be consequences if you didn’t follow my rules. We can discuss your weapons later.”

I hesitated, blowing out my cheeks as I thought over the pros and cons of listening to her. Then begrudgingly, I walked over, knowing there was little else I could do but follow along for now. If I fought her on this, she was sure to come up with something worse than whatever she currently had planned. 

“Now bend over my lap,” she commanded. 

My eyes widened as I realized just what she was intending. 

“You—you can’t be serious,” I stuttered out. My eyes stared down at her black pleated skirt in disbelief. 

“Exceedingly,” she replied with a straight face, her green eyes reflecting her staidness. 

I bit my lip. This was ridiculous. Just what sort of childish punishment was this? She didn’t even have anything to smack me with. 

Though at least, it was far better than anything my father would do.

“Fine,” I grumbled, rolling my eyes before moving to her right and bending forward over her lap.

My cheeks warmed as my knees touched the floor, and my upper arms were pressed against bare thigh. I looked away, unwilling to even catch a glimpse of her face, nor her of mine. Somehow, I imagined she had something akin to a satisfied smirk. 

“Good girl,” she spoke softly. One of her hands brushed through my dark hair as my stomach did several odd flips. This whole thing felt so oddly… intimate. And her words weren’t helping. Why did I feel so—

No! I could not get turned on by this. I would not! My mind drifted to earlier this morning when I’d been so filled with lust that I’d agreed to leave the room in nothing but a skimpy, too-short nightgown. 

It was barely a few hours ago that I’d had my fill of blood! How could I already be getting turned on again? I’d never had this sort of problem when I’d been a human man. Once more I could only wonder just how much becoming a succubus had changed me. 

Lilis’s hand wrapped around my tail near its tip. Her cool, delicate touch made me squirm. 

“Hold onto this and keep it out of my way,” she said. 

I did as she asked, not wanting to learn just how delicate the appendage was. As I wrapped the tail around my side and gripped it, Lilis’s hand went beneath my skirt, flipping it up, and sliding down the underwear beneath. 

W-w-what’re you—”

“They’re just going to get in the way,” she said simply, yanking them around my knees and past my feet, despite how tightly gripped my knees and thighs were. 

I groaned out my frustration and annoyance. The continual touch and her forcefulness was getting me far more bothered than it should have been, much to my shame. Why was I letting her do all this? Did I really have no spine at all? What happened to the proud Syr Zelian?


The first hit on my ass caught me off guard, causing a small yelp to slip from my mouth. I nearly bolted up to my feet before the second spank slapped the other cheek. Lilis’s other arm braced against my back, keeping me held down. The light sting was quite easily bearable, though I hadn’t expected much else. This was nothing compared to the torturous training my father put me through. I could do this, easily. 


The third and fourth hits were much the same as the first. I couldn’t help but count each spank that hit my rear, as Lilis seemed to alternate randomly between my left and right side. Each one stung a bit more than the last, building on each other. At the same time, Lilis grew in confidence, hitting just a bit harder. She got into a sort of rhythm, and I almost wanted to smirk at how little the pain bothered me. Wisely, my face stayed neutral. 

At around the eighth one, I realized that it wasn’t the stinging pain that I truly had to worry about. A warmth was slowly growing within me. My lips parted as my breathing deepened.


I groaned, though whether in shame or lust, I wasn’t sure. The tingling pain seemed to travel all the way to my crotch, where somehow, it turned into something else. My face turned hot as pleasant sparks slowly filled my insides, particularly focused around my ass and between my legs. 

What was wrong with me? Did Lilis do this knowing that it would affect me this way? No, she couldn’t have. This was supposed to be a punishment, not some peculiar ‘reward.’ 


Her hand briefly brushed my bottom, and I let out a shaky breath. I had to hold it in. I couldn’t let her know. How could someone get turned on by something like this? It was too embarrassing. With the next spank, I clenched my jaw shut. But it did nothing for the tingly pleasure that swirled inside me, flowing to my cunt. 

That’s what it was, wasn’t it? A horny little cunt, basically begging to be touched. I gulped. The next smack hit my right asscheek and I shuddered, giving a small shake of my head as though to clear it. These were not the sort of thoughts I should be having. I shouldn’t be thinking about… about…

What it might feel like if she smacked a bit lower. 

Or if instead, she just paused the spanking and started fingering me. 

The following slap came hard, and a squeal slipped out of me. My insides fluttered, and a wetness began to drip down my legs. When I squeezed my thighs together, I realized they were already soaked and only then did I smell the now familiar scent of my lust. I could only hope that Lilis didn’t have the same sense of smell I had. Did she know?

I began to almost anticipate the next. Something was building inside me, and I had a good suspicion of what. My arms squirmed beneath me, my hot skin rubbing against her own. Could I cum from something as simple as being spanked? I… I almost hoped so…

“You’re doing so well,” Lilis whispered, her hand rubbing up and down my back. I shuddered both at her words and her touch. 


“Being such a good girl for me,” she continued, only making it worse as her other hand pressed against my bare ass. “Just a few more and we’ll be done, okay?”

Her hand rubbed against my sensitive rear, sending tingles of warmth that made me suck in a gust of air and caused my tail to continually twitch. My eyes closed and I nodded, unsure if I truly wanted her to stop. Why was this so—so—fuck!

Her palm hit my ass just as hard as the last time, only this time lower, closer to the area between my legs. I squealed and then bit my lip—not from the stinging pain but the dizzying euphoria that came with it. 

I was getting close. Just a few more, and I might cum. Was-was that a good thing or bad?


Another squeak escaped me, followed by a heavy shudder. My breathing turned into open panting. 

“Just three more, alright?” she said. 

I shook my head. Would three be enough? I wasn’t sure. My body was so close to reaching its peak. Her hand hit my bottom once again, and I openly moaned. As long as she kept going, I almost didn’t care if she knew what she was doing to me. Part of me wanted her to know. 

The following spank was the hardest one yet. I could feel it vibrate through me, the stinging pain mixing with overwhelming bliss. My breath shuddered and sparks flared inside of me, concentrating between my legs. Her hand brushed my bare, throbbing ass…

And then I tipped over the edge. 

My back arched slightly as I gasped out. I shuddered, the first wave of pleasure rolling through me as though for the first time ever. My cunt seemed to pulse, squirting out, likely all over Lilis’s leg. And I could do nothing to stop it.

Then came the last spank, catching me completely off guard. My already-intense orgasm somehow doubled, like pure euphoria pouring through me with an electric zing. The moan that filled the air sounded hotter than a woman in a brothel having the fuck of her life. I only vaguely realized it came from my own mouth. 

Lilis spoke, but I didn’t hear her. Instead, I moaned once again as my body rolled through the third orgasmic wave, followed quickly by the fourth. My tail swayed in the air, no longer held down as the orgasm kept coming and I kept cumming. 

When the shuddering high finally tapered, I found Lilis’s hands trailing my body, one of them rubbing and kneading around the horns on my head. That oddly pleasant rumble that I’d felt before rolled through my chest and throat, stopping as Lilis spoke. 

“I didn’t expect you to actually cum.”

The reality of what just happened seemed to hit me all at once. I shot up from her lap, stumbling backward. My legs wobbled, and my ass had a lingering ache. I parted my lips, but no sound came out.

Lilis stared at me, head tilted slightly. “Succubi really are little sluts, huh? Orgasming from just a bit of spanking.” Her green eyes seemed to pierce into my very being, as though she could see all of who and what I was in my entirety. 

My head shook, as though to deny what had just occurred. Lilis ignored it. 

“Your skirt is wet and covered in cum. Take it off,” she commanded. 

Some small part of me protested, but it was quickly quashed, overwhelmed by everything else. I couldn’t feel any more naked than I already did. My fingers pulled the band of my skirt downward, doing as they were told, and I stepped out of it. 

My roommate hummed, as she continued to stare at my body, now naked from the waist down. “You don’t need the blouse either.” At the wave of her hand, I took a breath of air. But Lilis was impatient. “Off with it, Ruby.”

Without question, I once again complied. It took but a few seconds to undo the buttons and allow the blouse to fall from my shoulders and to my feet. She stared momentarily at my breasts. Then her eyes met mine, holding them with an intense, almost magical gleam. 

“Good. Good girl, Ruby. I knew you could do what you were told with the right motivation.”

Finally, I seemed to find my words. “Wh-what are y-you…” I stuttered out. 

Lilis nodded to herself, apparently satisfied. “Now that we’ve got you warmed up, it’s time for your true punishment.” 

I stared and my eyes widened in horror. 

Me? Writing an erotic chapter? I would never!!

Hope you enjoyed this one. It's one of my favorites! Of course, if ya wanna find out what happens next, you'll have to check out my patreon... or I suppose you could just wait till next week. =p As an added incentive, I just finished Ch 28, which was titled: "Lust and Loathing in the Academy of Lewd Arts"! There's lots of erotic chapters ahead to read. =3

I'm trying to do a lot more writing in an effort to make my patreon more succuessful. If I can somehow get close to like 1k, I can hopefully afford to just do this! In short, I've got a few weeks where I'll be posting 2-3 chapters a week. So now's a great time to become a patron if you were thinking about it! You'll get to read a steadily increasing number of weeks ahead. (Sorry about all the self-promo. o-o)

In other other news, I've been working on a new story!! It's basically a kinky western cowgirl cow girl trans transformation story (is that a tongue twister?), which I'm hoping to have filled with lighthearted smut, comedy, and action! Hopefully, I'll have time to finish and post the first chapter of it on Patreon today. I'm super looking forward to it. 

Edit: Forgot to mention, I also have a discord!

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