Succubus Tail

[E] Ch 25 – Tea alone may not be enough to hide the secrets below. Something is bound to spill.

Evara’s lips quirked as she regarded me. Her right eyebrow rose, and she gave a small tilt of her head, asking me some question that I wasn’t privy to. 

What did she want? Was there something I was missing?

Could this be some secret ladies' code for something, perhaps? Or… was she propositioning me?

Beneath her gaze, I felt pinned. An animal driven into a corner, frozen for a moment in time. My intentionally revealing outfit—if it could even be called that, considering how little it covered—made it all the worse. The strings of ribbon felt like a snare entangling me as the black corset clenched between my chest and hips, holding me in place. 

Even if I wanted to, I couldn’t leave. There was no way I’d make it back to the room unscathed.  Just the thought of it made me quiver. 

“My uncle has locked himself in his greenhouse again,” Lilis said, breaking us out of our intense stare as she continued her conversation with Gaila. 

I looked away from the devious short-haired girl, instead bringing my focus back to the conversation at hand. My imagination and thoughts were getting away from me once again, I realized. 

Everything was fine. What did it matter if I was essentially naked and being stared at like an object desperate to be used?

My eyes closed, and I took a deep breath. 

“Aunt Levaine has threatened to burn the whole thing down, as usual. Last I heard, the two were almost coming to spells.” Lilis took a delicate sip of her tea. “That was a week ago, now. I imagine he’s either finished cultivating whatever plant he was obsessing over, or Levaine has finally gone through with her threats.”

The blonde woman, Gaila, chuckled. “And here I always thought my own family eccentric. Your relatives are always so dramatic over such little things.” Her hand rose up to do a small swirl. 

As the two became caught in conversation, Evara leaned over my right shoulder. Her whisper was so soft that even with my better hearing, I barely caught it. “Want to have a bit of fun?”

I inhaled as two of her fingers slid along the bare skin of my side. The implication was clear. Once more, I looked her way, but instead of meeting my gaze, she stared forward toward the two socialites.

But what exactly was she going to do?

Against my better judgment, I gave a subtle nod. She smiled, and a flutter of excitement swelled within me. 

This was assuredly a terrible idea. I hadn’t a clue what specifically she even planned to do. Why did I keep letting my libido make decisions for me? For a moment, I debated taking it back. Then the tips of her fingers glided slowly up my inner thigh. 

My body leaned forward, a shiver traveling up my tail, to my spine, and all the way up past my neck.

Gaila made a face, her lips forming a subtle frown. “As for me, my brother is still expanding his little senkella industry. He’s been really pushing its distribution in Dwenill. I don’t think the fool will be satisfied until half the city is addicted to the stuff. It won’t be long before the duke takes notice, I imagine.” The blonde sighed. 

“He thinks they won’t retaliate?” Lilis asked. 

Gaila shrugged. “They had a rather poor crop this year, and tensions have been high between Duke Phorens and the eastern nobles. Bekallan seems to think it will be enough to keep him distracted.”

Evara’s fingers brushed back and forth, tickling my thigh as they moved closer and closer to the ribbons between my legs. I bit my lip as I tried not to squirm or look her way. 

Surely she wouldn’t—she couldn’t… 

“Mostly, I think my father’s words have been going to his head. The number of times that I’ve heard the man claiming the nobles are getting dumber by the year…” The blonde rolled her eyes. “I think they’re getting bolder more than anything. They may not be willing to tackle the whole of the kingdom’s underground, but the king did imprison that Honvur fellow and much of his little trafficking cabal a few months back.”

Her fingers slid further, teasing the spot just beyond where my thighs met and slipping down between my legs. My legs parted, inviting her further. Behind me, my tail twitched and flailed before I managed to wrestle it under control. 

Lilis hummed. “There’s a difference between that and imprisoning someone like your brother, though. Do you really think they’re brave enough to take the risk? No one wants a civil war, and your family isn’t exactly minor.” 

Two fingers curled up beneath one of the ribbons and pulled. I gasped and jolted, almost jumping up from my seat as the fabric dug up between my legs. The three ladies each turned my way, and my already warm cheeks flooded with embarrassment. I was certain that my whole face darkened in color as they stared.

“It’s not that shocking, Ruby. Really, don’t be so dramatic,” Lilis chastised me. As she set down her teacup, having nearly finished its contents, she said, “It’s unlikely that anything will come of any of this, at least for anyone of import.” 

I nodded jerkily, not trusting my voice. Emara leaned forward, pressing the elbow of her other arm onto the table in a distinctly unladylike fashion. The fingers, now below my belly, twirled around the ribbon, tightening the sleek fabric as it looped around. I released a heavy breath.

“Let’s hope not. I’d really rather not have to deal with becoming the heir to my father’s mess. My brother’s even more so.” Gaila huffed. “Why couldn’t I have just had a family more like yours?” she bemoaned. 

The ribbon loosened, and I let out another breath of air. Emara had barely done anything, and I already felt mortified. It was only by luck that I hadn’t given us away. Was she already done? How long could she pull this off before we were caught? 

I didn’t want to know. And yet, I also did. Only the large tray holding the kettle hid our little misdeed beneath the glass table. If either of them got up or leaned to the side…

“Really, Gaila, your family’s not too bad,” Evara said. “Could be much worse.” She shrugged and used the gesture to pull at the ribbon once again. 

I squirmed, my eyes squeezing shut as I prayed no one paid attention to me. 

“A fair point, I suppose,” the blonde said. 

Just as the shivers down my back faded, Evara’s hand moved once more, exploring beneath the ribbons. With great difficulty, I managed to control myself, not moving a hair. 

Gaila took another sip of tea and continued on. “So, tell me—how did you manage to obtain your little demon here?” Her eyes momentarily met my own, before looking once again at Lilis. 

My roommate sighed. “I’d love to claim it’s a long story. The truth, however, is that Professor Fell inexplicably showed up at my room and dropped her on me, making Ruby my responsibility—for the time being.”

I felt a small twinge of annoyance at how galling she made it all sound, as if I were just some inconvenience she’d prefer to toss aside. Then Evara landed on a spot that felt particularly sensitive. My back arched as tingles of pleasure went up my spine, and my tail curled in a spiral. I had to clench my teeth tightly together to avoid the moan that threatened to spill from my lips. 

“Truly? I suppose the professor really does despise you, doesn’t she?” Gaila looked my way, and I froze beneath her gaze. “Beyond that, though, I’ve heard… rumors.” 

Lilis met my eyes. “As much as I trust you, Gaila, Ruby’s secrets aren’t really mine to tell.”

Evara hummed, her fingers rubbing the button of pleasure in a smooth circle. I bit down on my lip, shuddering as the three of them eyed me. A single drop of sweat rolled down my neck, despite how cool it was out. My roommate frowned with a contemplative look, and what I suspected was the first hint of suspicion.

The short-haired devil beside me leaned forward once more. “So there are secrets, then?” An excited glimmer reflected in her eyes as she stared meaningfully toward Lilis.

My roommate gave a nonchalant shrug, finally turning her gaze away from me. “She’s a demon. It only makes sense that she’d have secrets.”

My breath was becoming heavier as the finger continued to swirl. I was close to losing myself. Either a moan was going to slip past, or an orgasm was about to rock through me. Likely both. My eyes began to glaze over. Then, as though sensing that I was on the edge, Evara stopped. Her fingers eased gently downward. 

“Perhaps I could tease some of them out of her.” Evara turned toward me with a smile. “What do you say, demoness Ruby? Care to tell us whether the rumors are true?”

A finger pushed its way inside of me, sliding easily within. My eyes widened, staring directly back into hers. Then my lips parted. It took everything I had not to release a loud moan as all three of them stared at me. Instead, a small squeak left my mouth. 

This witch! Her cruelty knew no bounds. 

“Well?” Evara pressed, just as her fingers pressed up inside of me. 


In truth, I wasn’t even entirely sure what they’d asked of me. All I could think about was the finger slowly gliding in and out of me.

She brought it back out, only to slip in two. 

“F-fuck,” I groaned. 

My whole body shuddered, and I fell forward to hide my face, my forehead bumping against the tray. A loud moan shamelessly left my mouth, no longer held at bay. 

“Is she alright?” came Gaila’s innocent question.  

Lilis gave an exasperated groan, making her annoyance clear. “She’s fine.” I could tell by her tone that she knew. 

Despite being assuredly caught, Evara didn’t stop; her fingers moved in and out at an increasing pace. I shuddered as the full extent of my orgasm slammed into me. Another pleasure-filled moan met the air. At that point, I didn’t even care to try and stop it. 

Evara,” Lilis hissed. 

“Yes, Lilis?” the devious woman responded sweetly. Yet she didn’t stop.  

Really?” she asked, full of incredulity. 

Finally, those terrible, heavenly fingers stopped, and Evara slipped her very-wet hand from between my legs. 

“I can’t fucking believe this. You’re worse than her,” Lilis continued. 

Against my better judgment, I lifted my head. Lilis was staring daggers at Evara, who held an innocuous smile. Gaila was as red as an apple, having finally caught on to what was happening. As my panting slowed, I suspected I looked just as embarrassed. 

“As if the two of us haven’t done worse,” Evara teased. “Are you sure you’re not just mad that you weren’t involved?”

Lilis released a sound that could be only described as a growl. “You’re truly an incorrigible harlot. Leave before I start throwing spells at you.” 

“By your will,” Evara responded, standing up to her feet. Almost reluctantly, my tail uncurled from around her leg. She sauntered out of the gazebo, her cape flowing behind her as called back in a sultry tone, “I’ll look forward to seeing both of you later.”

Slightly late chapter today, but I've nearly finished writing/editing chapter 30! So overall, yay?! Chapter 30 should be going up on Patreon tonight. If you've enjoyed this chapter, do consider joining for more of this story as well as the very fun Cowgirl Cowgirl story. There's even a secret, exclusive monster-academy themed story that went on hiatus a long while back that you can check out. =3

This week has been hellishly busy due to all the moving. Luckily, that should be winding down over the next few days and I can get back to writing more consistently. Here's to hoping I get another chapter done Monday! (Or at least by Wednesday lol.)

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