Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 12-Mod Aelis

After the test, Elora went back to her spot behind the counter with Sako, Kiyomi, and the Guildmaster in front.

By then, the place was livelier. More adventurers had arrived, now sitting and talking around the tables.

“F! You’re both starting from F!” Folduin furrowed his brows.

They got a few curious looks from some tables.

“You can’t be serious.” Though Kiyomi wasn’t surprised.

“I’m fine with that!” Sako beamed.

“Are you an idiot?” Kiyomi mumbled to Sako.

“Nope, I’m just glad for the fight I got.” Sako was quite content. “But it was a little bit disappointing.”

“You’re lucky I didn’t set you both at G.”

“Now Guildmaster…” Elora chimed in.

“No, F. That’s final.”

“You’re just bitter because you lost to us. You had to forfeit twice. Not just to me, not just to Sako, but to both of us.”

“Yeah, what a sore loser, am I right?” A woman’s voice sounded behind Kiyomi. Crunch, crunch, crunch, crunch.

Kiyomi looked around.

Bunny ears. Bow tie. Pantyhose. A casual, cute face. Munching on a carrot. Bunny girl.

“Oh don’t you start with me now!” Folduin snapped.

Kiyomi wouldn’t take her eyes off her for suspicion that she would disappear again before she had the chance to examine her stats.

“I’m not starting anything.” The woman shrugged.

“Can we at least be allowed to choose any quest from any rank?” Sako asked.

“Alright. But if you die, it won’t be my problem.”

“You really are a heartless Guildmaster,” the woman said, though she wasn’t in the least bit concerned.

“I like your clothes by the way,” Sako said to Folduin.

The bunny girl snorted. “Those things? I saw him the other day. He beat up a noble, stripped him naked, and ran away with everything.”

“Mind your own business!”

“I would if you gave me fresh carrots like I asked for.”

“I gave you carrots!”

“No, you gave me stale carrots that you had found on the side of a street. Don’t think I didn’t see you.”

“Well, where am I to get fresh carrots?!”

“At a place called the market. Ever heard of it? Have you ever been outside to see the grass and the sun, Cystenn?”

“Why don’t you get the carrots yourself, since you know where the market is.”

“I’m too busy.”

Folduin clicked his tongue in irritation.

Kiyomi looked at her stats on her holoscreen…

Moderator Aelis

Level ---

Info 🛈



Affects physical power; attack damage, lifting ability against Weight, and Carry Weight.



Affects HP and Defense.



Affects damage of magic attacks, MP capacity, and MP regen. rate. Also affects overall wisdom.



Affects physical speed and perceptive speed.



Affects deftness in minor tasks and movements, especially with the hands. Also affects accuracy of projectiles.



Affects stamina and stamina regen.



Affects resistance to status ailments and elemental damage.



Affects charm, leadership, and persuasive skills.



Affects drop rate by a small amount and crit chance.

Class: Senior Moderator

“Is Cystenn his actual name?” Sako asked.

“Oh, so he hid even that from you?” Mod Aelis was amused. “Heh, Cystenn, you’re better suited for the Thieves’ Guild, and you know it.”

“Yes, well, it’s too late for that now. I’m stuck. I can’t just magically find someone to take my spot. Not just anyone can be Guildmaster.” He groaned.

“He’s right,” Elora said. “We asked the Arts and Trades Commission, but they don’t seem to have anyone suitable to fill his position at the moment.”

“Pffft. All they’re good for is taking people’s taxes apparently. A worthless bunch.” Mod Aelis set her eyes on Kiyomi. “Peeking at my stats, are you?”

Kiyomi’s stomach twinged. “You know?”

“I know a lot of things. I figured you were looking. It’s a common habit. You seem very focused on me too, so that’s a dead giveaway.”

“It’s just that you’re…”

“Let’s talk about that upstairs.” Mod Aelis made her way to the stairs, passing Cystenn and Elora. “Well, good luck with your work, Guildmaster.” She waved a goodbye and headed up the stairs. “We’ll pick this up later!” she called back to them.

“Always cutting me off in the middle of a conversation,” Cystenn grumbled.

“At least she waved this time,” Elora said.

Kiyomi went up the stairs after her, leaving Sako behind.

Sako realized. “Huh? Wait for me!” She turned to Cystenn and Keisner. “Um, excuse us!” Sako bowed then speedwalked up the stairs to catch up.

Kiyomi and Sako followed Mod Aelis into a room.

She waited for them to come in before shutting the door. Then she went and sat on a chair by the open window.

Kiyomi sat on a chair in a corner. Sako sat on the bed after she took her shoes off, leaning her back against the wall.

“You both have impressive stats.” Mod Aelis sat upright, stiffly like a corporate executive ready to do business. “I’d like to see you in battle sometime.” She cracked a smile.

“You can see them?!” Kiyomi asked.

“I can see anyone’s stats if I want to, even if they try to hide them.” Moderators had that perk apparently.

Kiyomi and Sako looked at one another to confirm if Kiyomi should go ahead and ask her questions. Sako nodded.

“I assume you have plenty of questions for me.”

“We do,” Kiyomi replied.

“Actually, I want some tea first with a carrot flavour.”

“You can’t be serious…Where the hell am I supposed to get that?”

“Do we even have teacups and a kettle here?” Sako asked.

“Yes, there’s a kitchen in the other room, but we don’t have carrots.” Mod Aelis groaned. “Can one of you go get some carrots for me, please? Fresh carrots. Then we can talk.”

“Ugh.” Kiyomi stood up lazily.

“I’ll follow Ki.” Sako got up. “Exercise and sunlight are good!”

“It’s night, dummy. And I rather sit here and rot.” Kiyomi sluggishly dragged her ass to the door.

“If you want, I can carry you.” She held her hand out for Kiyomi to take.

Kiyomi glanced at her then looked away with a blush. “I have feet. I’m fine.”

“Good luck out there. Try not to be too long. I’ll pay you when you get back.”

“Yeah, yeah. Whatever,” Kiyomi mumbled.

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