Sucked into a Fantasy Game

Chapter 30-Kiminaru’s Stats

Pictures of Rika and Elora are below.



When the match was over, everyone was automatically teleported back to the Adventurers’ Guild at the table. Kiyomi stood and the rest sat at their initial spots.

They stared at Kiyomi in puzzlement. Some in embarrassment, especially Felix. He wouldn’t talk. Kaz was amused, smiling. Rika was staring in utter admiration.

Felix looked down at the many scratches in the table, finding it hard to keep eye contact with her.

While the rest were quiet and trying to find their words, the noise and chatter continued around them from other adventurers at other tables.

“You gonna stop staring or what?” Kiyomi asked.

“Can you join our guild, please?” Rika asked. “You’ll totally love it!”

“No, I’m good.” 

“Aw. Can you at least think more about it?” she pressed on.

“No.” Saw that coming from a mile away. But she knew that if she joined, she would have considerable weight in the guild’s strength against anything—PvE and PvP.

“We’ll make you Vice Guildmaster,” she tried again. “The spot is open.”

Kiyomi sighed. Does this girl have a brain?

“25% of the guild’s collected weekly tax?”

She’s really trying hard, huh. But at least Rika understood that Kiyomi’s worth was extremely high.

“Give it a week,” Kaz said. He had taken off his half helmet. He was bald and beardless with a thin, neat line for a moustache and tanned skin.

“You should,” Felix spoke up, though still kept his eyes down on the table. His eyebrows were sharp.

25%... Hmm… “How many members do you have?”

“509 and still rising slowly,” Kaz continued.

“Total weekly collected tax?”

“3 million.”

So, Kiyomi would be getting 750 000 gold for doing nothing. That was a hefty amount. Damn, this is a tempting offer. Anyone with a brain would jump at this chance. She could join for now then have Sako take her place when she was done with the king’s quest. 

“To put that into perspective, the average midgamer typically makes around 100 000 per week—give or take depending on what they do—whether through questing, PvEing, merchanting in the Auction House, doing a trade like Crafting or Smithing, or other things. If they’re good, 200 000. If they’re great, closer to 300 000. Decent endgamers could make a few million, but it takes them a lot of effort and skill, and even then, the drops aren’t always guaranteed because of RNG and dying.”

“Charlotte won’t like this,” a guy mumbled, worry in his tone.

“It’s fine. She’ll get over it,” Rika replied.

Kiyomi relinquished. “1 week.”

Their faces lit up with smiles.

“You’ll have a great time,” Kaz said.

I doubt it. I could make myself scarce and continue doing my own thing.

“What about the raid?” She still wanted to get in on that. 

“We need 40 more.”

“Add me and send me the info for the boss.”

They both opened their holoscreens.

Kiyomi accepted his request, then opened the info on the boss he sent. She scanned through it…


Level 20 000

Attack Damage

(on average before dmg reductions)

1 200 000


10 000 000


4 000 000


18 000 000


18 000 000





Critical Rate


Critical Damage





Sea Monster


Wayener Cavern; Ranta


During the war between the Sayoran Empire and the Xaxton Empire, the highly revered warlock Yen of the Xaxton Empire summoned this serpent from another plane of existence as a last attempt to win the war. 

But then he saw no way to win, and so, he hid the snake by casting it down into the cavern deep underground between the empires, hoping to return one day to exact vengeance onto his enemies. And now, this translucent, black snake awaits his return.

She looked up at everyone. “That’s it?”

“What do you mean ‘that’s it’? That thing will one-shot us if it hits. Read all the skills in detail and you’ll understand. I know you’re strong, but this is designed for a 50-man team, not 10.”

Kiyomi looked again.

Skills & Phases


Master of the Sea (passive)

Kiminaru is immune against all water-based attacks.

Naga Assault

At the start of the fight,100 nagas emerge from the lake, surrounding players from all sides. Each has 10 000 HP. To move to the next phase, all nagas must be killed within 30 seconds or the corpses of the ones killed will rot and despawn, leading to a repeat of the phase.

Kraken Assault

The corpses attract the Colossal Kraken with 2 million HP.

It will constantly grab players and stun them. They may be freed by severing the tentacle or stunning it. [See Tentacle Barrage next]

Once down to 5% HP, a total of 50 000 damage must be dealt within 10 seconds to daze the kraken. If unsuccessful, it becomes enraged and sucks everything into its mouth, resulting in an instant death while regenerating to full health.

If successful, its mouth stays open for another 10 seconds, providing the chance to plant a thunder elemental ore inside of it, which can be found at the bottom of the lake near the sleeping Kiminaru. (It is advised to avoid waking him this early, or he will become furious and eat all intruders.)

Shortly after planting the ore, it explodes, depleting the remaining HP.

Tentacle Barrage

After 30% of its HP is destroyed, water-based tentacles erupt around the arena. They must either be frozen or electrocuted to take damage.

After 60% is destroyed, the kraken temporarily becomes enraged and roars. All tentacles permanently gain an additional 200% attack speed. More tentacles spawn.

Juvenile Kraken

After 90%, the Colossal Kraken roars again then temporarily retreats underwater and summons tornadoes in its place. At the center, a Juvenile Kraken appears with half of the Colossal Kraken’s stats. Once defeated, the Colossal Kraken returns with 50% HP. [See Kraken Assault next]

Invader Purge

Kiminaru’s voice sounds from below the water as he notices the invaders.


200 naga warriors and naga sorcerers surface on the lake and must be defeated. Each has 20 000 HP.

Freezing Point

Starting on the Invader Purge phase, the air becomes very cold. Stats will decrease to 25% of the full amount. Players attuned to the water element instantly freeze. This effect persists.

Water Barrage

Occasionally, and starting on the Invader Purge phase, 50 huge spheres of water float up into the air from the lake. After 2.4 seconds, they rain down onto everyone simultaneously for AOE damage. This effect persists.

10 would be more than enough actually. She just needed electric spells.

“Do you have any electric spells?”

Kaz shook his head. “Our biggest mistake was going in without them.”

“Pfffft. We don’t need those,” Rika said.

Felix rolled his eyes at her then shook his head slowly as if she was an idiot. Well, Kiyomi didn’t blame him.

“Alright. I’ll try and figure something out.” She needed to go find someone with electric spells and persuade them to join the team.



After 3 minutes, whether or not the warriors and sorcerers have been defeated, a ten-headed hydra with 4 million HP breaks through the left wall of the cavern. After a long roar, 10 mirages of itself appear around the arena, impervious to all damage and can’t be defeated. Each head of the real hydra has 800 000 HP.

All mirages deal water damage. If a target is immune or highly resistant to water-based attacks, the mirage attacking that target will analyze the target to find the target’s greatest elemental weakness and use that element.

Water Surge

For basic attacks, each mirage spits water at its primary target at regular intervals.

Water Cannon

For each mirage, after every 10 attacks, it shoots a powerful, continuous stream of water from its mouth for 30 seconds.

An Eye for an Eye

If any mirage is stunned or bound, all other mirages will become enraged and begin attacking the culprit, stunning with every attack. Enrage increases damage and attack speed by 20%.

“Hmm…” Kiyomi looked up again. “So, we can’t one-shot it apparently.” She had hoped for that.

They looked at her as if she had lost it.


They didn’t reply.

Kiyomi read the last bit.

Final Stand

“Amusing, but you are still no match for me.”

After the hydra has been defeated, Kiminaru finally shows himself and rises from the water with an army of nagas, each having 100 000 HP. He is covered in a thick coating of water. He sticks his tongue out and wraps it around the nearest target then swallows them whole, resulting in instant death.

All basic attacks are AOE water attacks. The further the target, the more damage they take.

His water armor and helmet must be destroyed with electric or ice attacks as they are highly resistant to every other element.

Tip: Freezing the armor slows down Kiminaru’s attack speed. Breaking it while frozen does considerable damage.

“You are persistent.”

Once his HP drops to 7 million, with his willpower, many tidal waves rise from the lake and crash down onto everything for 2 minutes.

“You are about to see true power!”

Once his HP drops to 5 million, 200 pillars reaching up to the ceiling appear around the room simultaneously. If they are not all destroyed within 3 seconds, they will pour out water to fill the room and drown everything. While in the water, he is empowered and now deals 5 times his base damage. His Critical Damage also increases by 500%. Additionally, 20 sharks appear that are almost as big as Kiminaru. These sharks are immune to all damage except electric damage.

“I will not lose to silly mortals!”

Once his HP drops to 1 million, and if the water is present, it gradually becomes colder. After 60 seconds, the temperature reaches absolute zero and kills everything.

“I have been…vanquished.”

Once killed, his corpse falls to the ground. Any remaining water evaporates.

“You know, theoretically, it’s even possible to duo this,” Kiyomi said. “But I don’t have anyone reliable enough.” No one except Sako. Sako was a fast learner and was quick to adapt to situations. She was busy with that quest though.

“Or crazy enough,” Felix added.

“Sure,” Kiyomi replied.

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