Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 10.1

"The blue or the red?"

"Are you serious? The blue!"

"You sure? I kinda like the pattern on the red."

"You have green eyes, Nick. When she's staring longingly into them, do you want her thinking of Christmas?"

"Alright, fair point. Blue it is."

Nick hung the red shirt back up, then pulled the door closed. He dressed himself in the mirror hanging on the back of his closet, making sure every detail was perfect. The dark blue button-down shirt went over a thin white tee, and he spent several minutes rolling up his sleeves just the way he liked.

"So, when do I get the full story about you and Tessa?" Nick asked.

"What, like a play by play of how we hooked up? Pervert." Amara laughed, sliding to the edge of Nick's bed. She was laying on her stomach, flipping through social media feeds as she helped him get ready.

"Please, I could get that from her if I wanted. Do you know how she told me that you two hooked up? She sent me a picture of the bite mark you left on her neck, saying 'Guess who I just did!'. I want to know how you feel about it, this is the first time you've slept with someone other than me."

"I dunno, maybe it's my succubus blood, but it all feels kinda normal. I needed to get her out, we're both into each other, it just made sense."

"What about your abilities? Do they feel any different?"

"Will you stop fussing about me? I'm a grown woman, and I can take care of myself. Maybe you should focus on, I don't know, your date with one of the hottest girls on campus?"

"Hey, I can be nervous about two things at once!" Nick protested.

"Look, I get it. This last month has been a lot, but I'm not the only person in your life. Today is about you, not me."

Nick sighed.

"I know, I know. It's just... it's weird right? How mundane this all feels? Like demon puberty is just a thing people do, no biggie."

"You want to complain that stuff isn't weirder? Are you trying to tempt fate?"

"I'm just nervous that we're missing something. Something waiting to bite us when our backs are turned."

Amara stood up, moving to Nick and hugging him tight. "Nick, I know you like being prepared, but that can't stop us from living our lives."

A moment passed, the two leaning on each other as Amara's words hung in the air. Nick paused, letting his thoughts wander as his friend tried to calm him down. It struck him that their dynamic had returned to normal, or at least close enough to what had been normal previously. With Amara more in control of her abilities, much of the initial confusion and terror has passed.

"I won't lie, it'll be nice to do something normal for a change." He finally said.

"Something? Or someone?" Amara said, smirking as she jumped back on the bed.

"That's not what I mean!"

"Uh huh, suuure. You think she's secretly a total animal in bed? Maybe she's got, like, a huge pain kink."

"Amara, I'm being serious. I don't want to sleep with her today."

"Well, does your libido know that?" Her eyes flared with recognition. "Your aura doth protest, m'lord."

"Hey, I'm used to sidestepping my body's craven desires. Before you turned all demonic, I was actually in a bit of a dry spell."

"It won't be distracting? Wondering what her body feels like? Picturing her hot breath tickling your neck as she inches further and further down?"

Nick couldn't help but notice that, halfway through speaking, Amara's voice had pitched up. When he turned back to the bed, Vee was staring back at him, a devilish smirk on her face.

"You're not helping, Amara. Quite the opposite, in fact."

"Oh c'mon, can you honestly say you're not curious?" Amara rolled onto her back, kicking her legs playfully in the air as she traced Vee's curves with her hands. "That you don't want to know what this body feels like?"

Nick swallowed nervously. He was telling the truth about his plans, but Amara's relentless teasing wasn't making that decision easy. He continued watching, aware that this wasn't Vee, but unable to look away from her objectively enticing body. "That's... not what I'm saying. What is the goal here? Make this date even more stressful for me?"

"Absolutely not! In fact, I know just the thing to get you ready." Amara slipped off the bed, onto the floor, and slowly crawled over to Nick. "Let me take the edge off. Your libido will be happy, letting you focus on the date. Plus, it'll get you to stop worrying about me and Tessa."

"An ulterior motive? How devilish of you!" Nick watched his friend move closer, licking her lips in anticipation. "Alright, fine, if you insist. On two conditions."

Amara sat up, now directly in front of Nick, her eyes reluctantly moving away from his bulging pants. "A foolish play, to bargain with a demon such as I! But fine, name your price, and perhaps I will take mercy!" Her hands traced up his legs, squeezing them as her eyes flared with excitement.

"I already showered, and I don't have time for another, so only oral. I'm not going on this date reeking of sex." He paused, waiting for Amara to nod before continuing. "Secondly, you turn back. I'm not doing anything while you look like her."

Without a second thought, Amara shifted back into herself. "Ha! You fell into my trap! That's exactly what I wanted you to say!"

Nick watched as the demon reached for his pants, unbuttoning them quickly before pulling them to the floor. He had already been struggling to keep his libido in check, and her teasing had pushed him over the edge. By the time his cock had been freed, it was already quite hard, and he couldn't help but moan when her eager hands wrapped around it.

Amara leaned in, her eyes bright, and kissed the tip of his cock, slowly teasing it with her tongue as she continued stroking him. She was definitely teasing him, mimicking what he'd done their last time together.

"Fuck, that feels good..." Nick muttered. His hips were already moving along with her hands, subtly asking for more as she stroked him.

After another kiss, Amara pushed forward, her tight lips pulling his cock inside her mouth. She moaned loudly, letting the vibration tickle his shaft as her tongue reached for more. After a deep breath, she began moving back and forth, sucking him off in earnest as his breath quickened.

A quick burst of embers suddenly appeared, and Nick watched as Amara's horns manifested again. He flinched in surprise, still not used to the fires of her transformation, but quickly saw that he was completely unharmed.

"Those for me, or for you?" Nick asked quietly.

Amara pulled off his cock, continuing to stroke him as they talked. "Well, a little of both, but mostly for you." With another kiss, she wrapped her tongue around his shaft and sucked him back into her mouth. As she did, she reached for his hands and moved them to her head, wrapping them around her horns.

"Someone's feeling feisty today... you sure about this?"

A soft pop filled the air as Amara pulled off his cock again. "Oh, I'm positive. Don't you want to take out some aggression? Get back at me for my relentless teasing?"

Nick tested his grip on her horns, and found they were much more comfortable to hold now that they were longer. "The thought might have crossed my mind. You sure you can handle it?"

Without saying anything, Amara dug her nails into Nick's hips. Her intent was obvious; She was trying to push him, and wanted him to stop asking questions. She did this frequently, it was her way of bullying him to be more decisive, though it had never been this sexually charged in the past. Knowing it was foolish to try and argue now, he figured he might as well enjoy one of his favorite fantasies.

Gripping tight, he pulled Amara back so just the tip of his cock rested on her lips. After a moment, he pushed her down, testing to see where her limits were. She gagged softly, and the sound fueled Nick's aggression.

He continued like this for another minute, slowly moving her up and down his shaft, pushing a little bit deeper every time. He let himself move faster, trusting that Amara would speak up if she were uncomfortable, and soon he had successfully lodged his entire cock in her throat. Her eyes were flaring with pride as he held her down, and he took care not to keep her there for long.

"Fuck!" She gasped, spit dripping down her chin, "That's more like it! Put this little demon in her place!"

Responding with only a smirk, he pulled her down again. Her throat opened easier now, and he decided to test how rough he could get. Redoubling his hold on her horns, he began fucking her face in earnest, watching as his entire shaft slid in and out of her mouth.

Nick's breathing grew more erratic as he started losing control, his orgasm only seconds away now. With a final thrust, Amara's head firmly planted against his crotch, he grunted loudly as he started cumming.

His cock twitched as it emptied itself, the demon's throat massaging it eagerly. He felt her swallowing every load of cum, the sensation unlike anything he had felt before. Another burst of flame filled the room, and soon her tail was wrapping around his leg, refusing to let him go. He knew from experience she was feeding on him in more ways than one, and was happy to let her decide when she had gotten her fill.

After barely a minute, Amara's tail relaxed. She had stopped swallowing, and Nick had long ago stopped cumming. She pulled back, happily wiping the spit off her chin.

"Mmm fuck! I didn't know you could get so aggressive!"

"Are you okay? I thought that's what you wanted and I--"

"Oh, shut up and enjoy the afterglow, this might be the last time you get to pound my throat like that!" Amara smirked as she stood up, running to the bathroom.

When she returned, she had a small washcloth. It was already damp with warm water, and she kneeled one last time to clean up Nick's dripping cock. He paused, taken aback at his friend's attentiveness. "Amara, I can clean up after myself, you really don't need to do this."

"I want to! Besides, like you said, you don't want your first date to reek of sex." Amara stood up, happily kissing Nick on the cheek as she finished. She paused briefly, her face betraying a hint of vulnerability. "Look, everything about this is weird, I get it, but I can take care of myself. I just want you to be happy. You and Vee will be really cute together."

"And... you'll be alright if we stop all this?" Nick gestured to his pants as he finished buttoning them.

"I'm in control of my shapeshifting now, remember? I don't have to worry about outing myself when I hook up with someone! Plus, Tessa's a total monster fucker and she'll happily keep me fed. It's time for this little demon to spread her wings."

Once Nick had cleaned himself up again, he checked his phone. After a few quick texts, he pocketed it and took a deep breath. "Well, that was Vee. Looks like it's time to head out!" He opened his arms, silently asking Amara for a hug, and she eagerly jumped in to accept.

"Also, you'd better appreciate how lucky you are. Vee is an absolute sweetheart, and if you hurt her, I'll never forgive you!"

The two friends laughed as they locked up Nick's apartment. After making plans for lunch the following day, with Amara eager to wait as little as possible for news about the date, they went their separate ways.


By the time Nick caught up with Vee, she was leaning against a brick wall near the entrance to the restaurant. A thickly knit sweater hugged her body, fending off the impending chill of autumn, and a simple pair of jeans framed her legs in a very flattering light. Her eyes lit up when she saw him, and he swore her smile alone made his heart skip a beat.

"So, this is the place?" Nick asked.

"Yup! I've never been here myself, but I've always wanted to, and I'd say this is a pretty good excuse."

"As long as that's not the only reason I'm here, I'm more than happy to be a guinea pig with you!" Nick laughed as he let Vee lead the way. She held open the door for him, and soon enough they were sitting at their table.

The restaurant itself was nothing unique, essentially just a bar and grill, serving the usual American fare. They placed their order quickly before settling into a comfortable routine, catching up with each as they talked about classes. Nick felt it was strange, being on a first date with someone he'd already known for a while, and he wondered if Vee had the same butterflies in her stomach.

"So, full disclosure, but I'm a little nervous about today. I feel like we've been casual friends for a while now, and I'm not entirely sure how to switch over to dating." Nick said.

"I'm glad it's not just me!" Vee relaxed slightly, as if some invisible burden had just been lifted. "Like, obviously I want things to change so we're not just friends anymore, but also I don't want them to change too much, so where's the line?" She took another drink, then sighed. "Honestly, I'm just happy we agreed to take this slow. I don't need more unpredictability in my life right now."

"How are things with... you know who?" Nick asked, reaching across the table to grab Vee's wrist.

"They're... not good. I'm not going to jail, and he's not pursuing formal charges, likely because he has no proof, but he's still telling everyone that I'm at fault. I'm just trying to keep my head low, and avoid busy spots on campus when I can." Vee had picked this restaurant partially because it was off campus, and partially because it was a little pricier than other places nearby. Hopefully, the broke college masses would avoid this place in favor of something cheap and close.

Vee turned her arm, lacing her fingers between Nick's as she smiled at him. "But I'm not here to talk about that bullshit." She continued, "How are you? Amara still dealing with... what was it, family stuff?"

Nick smirked. He'd mentioned a few times that he was helping Amara through some vague problem, and he'd avoided saying anything other than nondescript family drama. "I think she's finally moved past the bulk of it. We had a few weeks of doing nothing but dealing with that, figuring things out, but recently things have mostly gone back to normal."

Well, as normal as they can be when your best friend is a succubus.

"That's good! I'm really happy she's moving past it. It might not be the same, but I understand the stress a family can bring."

"Oh? I don't think you've ever talked much about your family."

"I... try to keep quiet about it when I can." Vee mumbled.

"We can talk about something else, if you like. I don't mean to pry."

"No, I want to. Plus, if we're gonna be dating, we should learn to lean on each other, right?"

Nick caught himself blushing, giddy they were actually committing to starting something. "I'm all ears."

"My family is... well, it's complicated. This may sound a little silly, but because of who my parents are, there's a lot of pressure on me to live up to certain expectations. I try my best to stay on top of everything, but it can be exhausting at times."

"I don't think that's silly, tons of people have parents trying to push things on them. Are they like, public figures of some kind?"

"I guess you could say that. I'm also not entirely their kid, which can be a bit odd at times."

"You mean you're adopted? Or they used a donor?"

"...something like that. Let's just say I have a pretty confusing family tree."

Nick noticed that they seemed to be veering into uncomfortable territory, as Vee had pulled away from him. "We can leave it there, if you like. Just know that, whatever you're feeling, it's valid."

"Thanks Nick, I really appreciate it." Vee paused, her nose twitching as she looked around the restaurant. "Do you smell anything weird? Like, kinda foul?"

Nick paused, focusing on the smells around him as he joined her in looking. "I don't think so? Though, my sense of smell has never been the best."

"It's probably nothing... forget about it." Vee repositioned in her seat. "I'm glad Amara is doing better. What'd you guys end up doing?"

"Well, it was just a lot of very sudden changes all at once, and eventually she got used to the new normal. It's funny, at times she almost seems like a completely different person."

"I'm sure being sick in the middle of that wasn't helpful."

"Sick?" Nick paused, briefly forgetting that they'd told everyone she was sick when her wings first appeared. "Right, the week off. Yeah, that wasn't ideal. Still, it gave us more time together, right?"

Vee smiled, pushing some loose hair behind her ear. "That was definitely an upside, though it's a shame she had to lock herself away for a week for you to finally ask me out. I'll be sure to thank her the next time we hang out!"

"I think she'd appreciate that, it's weird how excited she is for us to get together."

"She's really something isn't she? Sometimes I see you two and wish I had a friend like that, someone who knows absolutely everything, and sticks around anyways."

With a questioning look, Nick tried to figure out if she was joking or not. Within moments, Vee's face broke into a smile, and his laughter joined hers. They quickly pushed away from each other as the food arrived, and the conversation veered into other topics.

They talked about classes, complaining about teachers and unfair deadlines. They talked about what might happen after college, what they hoped to do once they had their degrees and were out in the world. Nick found himself going on small tangents about his love of architecture, sharing his thoughts on various structures around campus.

Vee seemed quite interested in hearing him talk, though he couldn't help but grow self-conscious about taking up too much of the conversation. He periodically tried to ask her similar questions, about what she saw in her future, hoping to learn more about her.

The first time he tried, she only mumbled something vaguely about 'the family business'. Each time after that, she would happily share a quick thought or two, but always redirected the conversation back to him. Once he noticed this happening, he did his best to ask questions that she seemed more interested in answering.

He also noticed that, every few minutes, her nose would twitch and she would quickly look around the restaurant again. Though she never mentioned the smell again, it's obvious it was on her mind.

They had just about finished their meal when a small group of students approached the table. The one in front, a shorter girl with brown, braided hair, spoke up first.

"Wow, Vee, it's so crazy running into you here!"

"Yeah, Tania, what are the odds..." Vee shifted uncomfortably as she spoke, her voice quiet.

"So, this place serves arsonists now? I don't know if I feel safe eating here anymore." The group of students around her snickered.

Nick pushed his chair back, standing to face the group. "Hey, how about you leave us alone. It's hardly our fault Derek got drunk and decided to play with matches."

"Oh, we were just leaving. C'mon girls, let's eat somewhere a little safer tonight!"

Nick stood tall, watching Tania and her friends leave. Once they were out the door, he sighed heavily, then turned back to Vee. She was in the middle of standing up, her purse already hanging across her body.

"Vee, wait, they're not gonna bother us anymore."

"No, I knew this was a mistake." Her voice was shaking, a precarious mixture of rage and despair.

"You don't... mean me, do you?" Nick asked quietly.

"No, not that." Vee took a deep breath, seemingly pulling her nerves together. "Never you. I just meant...all this. Trying to have a normal life, thinking I could avoid... it's nothing. I'm getting out of here. Do yourself a favor, you'll have an easier time if we don't do this."

Vee pushed past him, her strength catching him off guard. He chased after her, tossing a credit card at a waiter, and caught up about half a block away.

"Vee, wait!" He said, grabbing her wrist. She paused, still facing forward. "I'm not here because it's easy, or convenient. I'm here because I like you, I want to be a part of your life. Everyone has baggage, that's why we lean on each other, right?"

Vee turned quickly, burying her head in Nick's shoulder. She was almost as tall as him, though her defeated posture made it easy to wrap his arms around her. He felt her shoulders twitch, her body fighting to hold back tears.

"There's so much I want to tell everyone, to tell you. Things are just so complicated, and I feel so alone..."

Nick paused, trying to find the right words. "Look, I get not wanting to share everything. Believe me, I've seen some crazy shit this year, but... I can still be a part of your life, I can make this easier for you."

Vee shifted, turning to look at Nick. They locked eyes, their faces now unexpectedly close, and she pushed forward.

When their lips met, a thousand thoughts raced through Nick's head. The intimacy was beautiful, it was everything he'd imagined, but he could feel the weight she carried. He pulled her in, inviting her to lean on him as he squeezed tight. Her perfume washed over him, filling his senses briefly before she pulled back.

Her nose twitched.

She froze, her eyes wide with shock as she stared at Nick. "No..."

"What's wrong?" Nick asked, trying to hold Vee tight.

She pushed harder, brushing his arms off as she stumbled backwards. A tear finally fell. "You... you too?"

"Vee, what do you--"

"Stay away! Leave me alone!" Vee turned again, breaking out into a sprint. For a split second, Nick thought about following, but he knew it wouldn't do any good.

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