Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 11

Amara stumbled through her front door, her body weak from the trek home. Even with Tessa helping her walk, she could feel the lingering radiant energy sapping her strength. Its sting came in waves, and a particularly nasty shock ran through her system just as she collapsed on the couch. She gestured to her front door, silently asking Tessa to close it.

"Another one?" the witch asked.

Amara nodded silently, clutching her sides as she waited for this spasm to pass. She briefly lost track of time, and when the episode passed, Tessa was sitting next to her on the couch. She happily reached for the glass of water that had appeared nearby.

"Don't suppose you know how long this'll last?" she asked, already knowing the answer.

"Not even a little. I know more about nuclear physics than I do about Enochian. Plus, y'know, never met a demon before."

Amara sighed. "Yeah yeah, I know... stupid angel bullshit. What have I even done? Defend myself against Derek? What gives them the right to hunt me down like some kind of animal?"

"Look, I hate to say this, but that's probably all you are to them."

Another few seconds passed as Amara shifted on the couch, sitting up completely. "I still don't know how they found me. Have they been after me my whole life? Just since I started turning?"

Tessa turned to face her, grabbing her hands and pulling her close. "I know this is frustrating, but there's no way to know. What if we focus on something else? Maybe we can try to find a way to fight whatever's going on right now? For all we know, it might not go away unless we do something."

"I'm open to ideas," Amara grumbled, "this sucks."

"Well, fighting back is normally easier if you're stronger, right? Do you think you can still... feed?" Tessa's voice grew quiet, almost as if she were embarrassed to ask.

"Is that a serious question? Or is someone feeling a little frisky?" Amara teased.

"I mean it! You get stronger by fucking, it's not a weird question!"

Amara laughed, still surprised at how flustered Tessa could get about sex when she wasn't the one in control. "No, it's a good question, and a good idea. Presumably, whoever's hunting me isn't going to stop, so I should learn how to recover from this."

Tessa blushed. "So, how should we--"

Without waiting for Tessa to finish, Amara leaned in and kissed her. They stayed like that for a moment, enjoying the intimacy, before she pulled back and began speaking again. "My room?"

The witch nodded eagerly.

Amara had butterflies in her stomach as she walked Tessa back to her room. She had no idea why she was nervous, as they'd already fucked before, but something about this felt delightfully mundane. There were no magic circles, no vines, and she didn't even have her demon bits. It would just be two girls, alone in a bedroom, having a good time.

"So, my feeding. I'm drawing from your arousal, not mine, which means the more turned on you are, the better. The more open you are about what you like, and what you want, the easier this will be. I know you really like my demon bits, but... sadly those are out of the picture."

"Amara," Tessa started, "the horns, the tail, they're not the only reason I'm into you. Like I said last time, I thought you were crazy hot even before you turned."

Amara found herself blushing. "Well, all I'm saying is, what do you want to do?"

"I think... last time I got a lot of attention. I want to explore you and see what makes you tick. Have you got any toys?"

Amara nodded, reaching under her bed for her toy box. As she opened it, showing everything to Tessa, she realized she hadn't seen, let alone used, any of these toys since she discovered she was a succubus. Once upon a time, hardly a day went by without her playing with at least one of them. As she reminisced, it also occurred to her that she'd stopped watching porn. She had all these memories of her solo sex life, yet they seemed so foreign now, like they belonged to someone else.

"Oooh you've got plugs? I didn't know you were into butt stuff!"

"I never used those, actually. Bought them on a whim, but trying them on my own felt... I dunno, not worth it?"

"Would you want to give it a shot?"

Amara could see the excitement in Tessa's eyes, but also noticed the vibrant aura growing around her. "Let's do it! I can see your aura, so let's hope that's a good sign."

With the logistics out of the way, Tessa eagerly took the lead this time. She leaned in, kissing Amara slowly before pushing her onto her back. The witch straddled her, moaning softly as their bodies pushed against each other. Their lips met eagerly, over and over, while their hands explored each other's bodies.

Tessa brushed a hand against Amara's cheek, softly holding her before turning her head to the side. She leaned in, kissing her neck, biting the sensitive skin. Amara gasped, quietly moaning in pleasure as she felt Tessa smirking in satisfaction.

"Can you feed yet? Just a tiny bit, maybe that won't trip the magic."

"I-I can try. You saying you're horny enough?" Amara teased. She moved her hands to her own legs, worried about what happened back in the staircase, and cautiously reached for the witch's aura. Tessa seemed to be right; by playing it safe, the holy magic left her alone. She could still sense its presence, and felt like she was navigating around an electric fence, but she was able to form a connection.

The aura, and its energy, tasted delicious, but it came slowly. "Mmmm, that seems to be working," Amara said, "you can't feel anything, can you?"

Tessa shook her head. "Nothing. For all I know, you could be making it up to get laid." She pushed her hands under Amara's shirt, grabbing her waist and pulling her close as they repositioned their legs.

"Oh, woe is me! I'm afflicted with a terrible weakness! If only I had a hot, young nurse to tend to my every need!"

"That how you want to play this?" Tessa asked, smirking. She moved down, peppering Amara's neck with kisses before pulling her shirt off entirely. "I'm afraid I left my nurse costume at home, got any other fantasies?"

"Wait, do you actually have-- Fuck!" Amara couldn't finish her question as Tessa's teeth had found her midriff. She bit hard, just underneath her bra, leaving the demon to shriek in surprise. After the initial shock, Tessa lightened up, teasing and kissing her friend's stomach before reaching up to undo her bra.

Amara continued feeding, and while the process was frustratingly slow, she appreciated the extra energy. She couldn't help but notice that the magic shocks had stopped, and hoped that their plan was working.

She felt Tessa's mouth move further down, her lips teasing her stomach, then her hips. She would still bite, occasionally, but she always kept it tame. Amara loved the attention, the teasing, and had to fight to keep her feeding under control. Tessa's hands began undoing her pants, and soon after she saw the familiar glow of the witch's tattoos. She smirked as her jeans slowly pulled themselves off her body.

"That's a neat trick, I'll bet your partners love that..." Amara purred.

"They, uh, don't know I'm a witch."

"What! No way!"

"No one does, Amara. Well, no one used to. You and Nick were the first." With Amara's pants now on the floor, Tessa began tracing the inside of her legs.

"Well, either way, I'm glad you told me."

"It's... nice to be open about it. More than I would have guessed." Tessa bit the inside of Amara's exposed thigh, causing her to jump in surprise.

"Be careful, I'm really sensitive there!" Amara yelped, her legs twitching as the witch continued biting her. She squirmed, giggling as Tessa held her down, unable to deny that the torture felt amazing.

Eventually, Tessa took mercy on Amara and stopped her assault. She hooked her fingers into her panties, pulling them down before tossing them aside. Now fully on display, Amara reached down to play with Tessa's hair, then pulled her close so they could kiss again.

Their legs intertwined, both girls slowly grinding against each other as they kissed. Amara's hands explored her friend's body, eagerly pulling off her shirt, then her bra, so they wouldn't have anything between them. Finally, with Tessa completely topless, she leaned in to kiss her breasts, biting her nipples to return the earlier teasing. The witch moaned, her body twitching, her hands grabbing Amara's hair to keep her from pulling away.

After a minute, Tessa released her hold, pushing Amara back to the bed. "Alright, I'm done waiting, I want to fuck you!" She grabbed for the box of toys, pulling out two in particular, along with some lube. The first was a small bullet vibrator, the second was the smallest plug of the set.

"What do I need to know?" Amara asked, readjusting the pillow under her head.

"Just keep breathing and relax." Tessa squeezed some lube onto the toy, then moved it into position.

"Oh! That's cold!"

Tessa laughed. "Lube tends to do that. Here, use this vibrator, it'll make it easier to adjust to having something in your ass for the first time."

Amara nodded, taking the bullet and turning it on. She held it against her clit, letting out a moan as the vibrations began working their magic. As she settled in, she felt Tessa pushing the toy, its slender tip working into her ass. The smooth plastic felt odd, but not entirely unwelcome, and Amara did her best to keep breathing.

"How's it feel?" Tessa asked, slowly pushing the small tip in and out.

"It's... odd. Not really pleasurable, but I don't dislike it. You were right about the vibe, much more enjoyable this way."

Tessa moved a hand towards Amara's chest, massaging her breasts and pinching her nipples as she pushed the toy further in. Amara gasped, still adjusting to something being in her ass. The extra attention, from the vibe, from the pinching, did wonders. Were the only stimulation the anal play, she doubted she would be won over by it.

As the toy pushed in, bit by bit, Amara found herself growing used to the strange sensation. It still wasn't directly pleasurable, but the stretching made a fascinating addition to the vibes coursing through her clit. Once enough of the toy was inside, Tessa began properly fucking her with it, moving it back and forth slowly. The conical shape meant that each thrust pushed her ass a little further open. She wondered what anal would feel like with a real cock, knowing that most aren't shaped like cones, and decided it would be a very different experience altogether.

"The toy is almost all the way in, how are you feeling?" Tessa asked.

"I think... the stretching is actually kinda nice. I have a bigger one, right? That's the same shape?"

"You do! Want to step it up?"

Amara nodded, and while her eyes were still closed, focused on the vibrations and the toy, she could sense another pulse in her friend's aura. "I swear you're enjoying this as much as I am."

"I'm fucking a smoking hot chick in the ass. This is a dream come true." Tessa pulled the first toy out, set it on the nearby towel, and grabbed the bigger one. Soon it was covered in lube, and taking its place at Amara's tight entrance. "Aura reading still kinda freaks me out though."

"Oh yeah? Why's-- Oh fuck, that's interesting." Amara's thoughts were cut off by the bigger toy pushing into her. Even with Tessa taking it slow, the stretching was much more intense.

"Still comfy?"

"Yeah, it's just... new. Still getting used to it."

"I'll just tease you with the tip for a bit, let you get used to it. You tell me when you want more."

Amara nodded, repositioning the bullet vibe slightly. "So, aura reading is freaky? Why's that?"

"It's like you're reading my mind, you're seeing parts of me that no one has ever seen before. I know it's strictly a sexual thing, but it's still odd being so... visible."

Amara reached for Tessa, gently holding the side of her face. "Want me to talk about it less? I'd hate to make you uncomfortable."

Tessa laughed. "No, you're fine. Just getting used to my bestie being a sex demon, as you do. Ready for more?"

"Give it to me!" The witch pushed deeper, the plug stretching Amara open as she gasped. "Ohhh fuck that's big, keep it there for a sec." Amara whispered.

She felt Tessa hold the plug at its current depth, slightly rocking it back and forth to help her adjust. Amara turned up the intensity on the bullet, moaning loudly, her hips starting to rock with Tessa's movements. The plug still felt odd, but she was starting to see why people liked anal play. The stretching, the fullness, it paired amazingly well with the bullet, and she could feel hints of an orgasm approaching.

"Someone's enjoying herself," Tessa smirked, "have we got an aspiring little anal slut here?"

"Didn't... fuck... take you for a dirty talker, Tess." Amara groaned, her body twitching. The vibrations were coursing through her, desperately reaching for an orgasm, and she was eager to surrender it. She felt Tessa's hand return to her breasts, pinching her nipples hard before moving further down. The witch grabbed her waist, holding her tight before starting to properly fuck her with the toy.

Amara gasped louder, feeling the toy work in and out of her tight asshole. She started thrusting harder, bucking her hips to try and take more of the plug into her ass. She maxed out the intensity of the bullet vibe, eager for her first anal orgasm. Tessa's nails began digging in, and Amara finally lost control.

She screamed out, body convulsing with pleasure. Her legs grabbed Tessa, pulling her close as wave after wave of orgasmic bliss cascaded through her. She felt the witch's hands grab her waist tight before the feeling of teeth on her nipples returned.

Amara grabbed Tessa's hair, holding her down as she continued biting. The added sensation was incredible, pushing her orgasm to new heights as it continued long past anything she'd ever felt before. She held tight, Tessa's hands moving to her breasts and squeezing them while her tongue explored her nipples.

They stayed locked in that position for minutes, Amara squirming and moaning, before her orgasm finally faded, her body completely spent from the process. "Fucking... wow... Tessa, that was incredible!" She whispered between labored breaths.

The witch looked up at her, releasing her grip on Amara's waist. "Oh, you're definitely an anal slut now."

"If that's what an anal orgasm feels like, then you're absolutely right." Amara pushed herself up on her elbows, running her hands through Tessa's hair. "Wait, how are you holding me? Wasn't one hand holding the toy?"

"Oh, you bottomed out a while ago. You were fucking back so eagerly that it slipped in."

Surprised, Amara moved her hand between her legs. Sure enough, the butt plug was completely inside of her. "That's crazy! No wonder I came so hard..."

Tessa crawled closer, eagerly kissing her again. Laying down on Amara's chest, the witch wrapped her hands around her torso and began relaxing. Their breathing slowed, slowly synching as they reveled in a post orgasmic stupor.

"Wait!" Amara said, "You didn't cum yet!"

"Oh, believe me, I've had more than enough fun." Tessa reached up, playing with Amara's hair while they talked. "Plus, I don't want to risk you feeding too much and triggering more holy magic spasms. How's that feeling by the way?"

"I mean, I didn't have any attacks while we were fucking, but otherwise it's hard to say." She sighed, matching Tessa's gaze, "I should probably check, but that requires leaving bed..."

"Just get it over with! I'm not going anywhere." Tessa pulled back, and she was now free to sit up. Before sliding off the bed, she cautiously pulled the buttplug out, working it slowly to avoid any painful surprises. When it finally popped out, she tossed it on a nearby towel, and moved to the middle of the room.

Standing tall, she stretched her arms above her head, feeling her back crack in a few places. Closing her eyes, Amara connected with her inner fire, which was much stronger after her recent feeding. She tried to pull it forward, ever so slightly, trying to manifest a tiny flame in her palm.

The holy magic fought back, restraining her magic and zapping her for her efforts. This time, however, the shock felt manageable, perhaps even surmountable. She could feel her own fire straining against the Enochian, eager to break free, and she felt confident enough to try. With a deep breath, she pulled more fire out, igniting her hands further. The shocks continued, and she winced, but knew she could keep pushing.

"Tessa, back up." Amara said, her body tense. After making sure her friend had moved away, she summoned all her energy and tried to manifest her demonic aspects. The magic fought back, its vicious sting desperate to punish her, but she knew she could beat it.

Her body warmed rapidly. While she couldn't feel the heat directly, her awareness of her abilities told her that heat was pouring out of her body at an impressive rate. Her fire grew, eager to break free, and she directed it to her wings, her horns, her tail. Holy magic attacked her, running circuits through her body as it fought. Finally, when her flames were at their hottest, she found the breaking point of the Enochian.

With one final push, she felt her true form return, her entire body cloaked in flames. Her eyes shot open, watching as the blinding light of the holy magic left her body, fading into nothing while she stood triumphant in its wake.

"Ha! I'm back!" Amara yelled. She flexed her tail, pulling it close to examine it, before doing the same with her wings. Nothing seemed out of place, and she did one final spin before turning to face Tessa again. "How do I look?" she asked, seductively stepping closer to her friend.

"Fuck, Amara, that was... really fucking hot. In every sense." Tessa's naked body was glistening, drenched with sweat that definitely hadn't come from the fucking.

"Shit, are you okay? I may have lost track of how much heat I was pumping out."

"I'm fine! Just a little surprised, I guess. It was practically a sauna for a minute, I'm glad nothing caught on fire. Although..." Tessa crawled to the edge of the bed, "it looks like the carpet and the ceiling got a little singed."

Amara groaned as she saw what Tessa meant. A vague circle of discoloration was burned into the carpet, and the paint on the ceiling seemed to have warped slightly. When she moved, she also saw two distinct shapes where her feet had been during the transformation. "Ugh, this poor landlord." She paused briefly, "Think insurance will cover this as an Act of God?"

It was Tessa's turn to groan as she fell back on the bed. "Amara, that was terrible, you're above that."

"I'm a demon! I'm above nothing!" She wrapped her tail around Tessa's ankle, pulling her close before jumping on the bed with her.

"No! Let me go, foul beast!" Tessa screamed. The girls wrestled for a moment before their laughter overtook them. When Amara finally collapsed next to her friend, their lips met once more before Tessa spoke again. "So, at the risk of killing the mood, I desperately need a shower."

"You should definitely do that before I do. I'm pretty sure I drain the entire building's hot water supply every time I'm in there." Amara finally sat up, grabbing a spare towel for Tessa.

"It's a shame you can't just, like, heat your own water."

"Right? Like, I love that I can summon fire but damn I wish it were more useful."

As Tessa showered, Amara happily played with her tail as she examined her body in her full-length mirror. At first she was looking for any possible damage, but soon her gaze turned from one of caution to admiration. She was happy to have her body back, to an extent that surprised her.

When Tessa finally left the shower, she found Amara laying down, lazily drawing shapes in the air with her flames. They switched places, and soon Amara was back to cursing her building's water heater.


Vee quickly tapped the door with her knuckles, then went back to nervously fiddling with the straps on her backpack. She looked up and down the hall, scared she might find someone watching her, and cursed herself under her breath. She had thought about placing tracking runes around the dorms, but in the excitement for her date, she hadn't gotten around to it yet.

Maybe I deserve this. I let my focus slip, I tried to give myself a sliver of a normal life, and now Nick is wrapped up in all this.

When Amara finally opened the door, Vee jumped forward, wrapping her arms tight around her friend. "I didn't know where else to go..." She mumbled into her friend's shirt.

Amara returned the hug, closing the door quickly. "Hey, is everything alright? I heard the date was... not the best time."

What do I say? Do I tell her about Nick, that he might be lost?


I need to stay focused; I can't allow myself to get distracted. There's so much more at stake than just one person.

Vee took a deep breath, then pulled away from the hug. "It wasn't that bad, I just... I had to leave."

Amara grabbed her hands, holding them tight as she walked them both to the couch. Vee couldn't help but notice how warm Amara was, how nice it felt. "I know about the assholes at dinner, but is there something else? Something other than this mess with Derek?"

Vee set her backpack down, then joined Amara on the couch. "I guess you could say that. I've... got a lot going on right now, more than you know."

"Well, I'm not going anywhere. Talk to me, Vee."

"I wish I could, Amara, I really do, but I can't. Things are just so complicated, and I'm being pulled in so many different directions. When I was out with Nick, something clicked and... and I realized I can't do this right now."

Without saying anything, Amara pulled Vee in for another hug. She was so warm, so relaxing, Vee had to fight the temptation to fall asleep in her arms, to try and escape her life. Unfortunately, she knew that her problems followed her into her dreams, and there was only one way out of this prison.

"This may sound a little random, but has Nick been seeing anyone recently?"

"Like, dating? No, just you, it's all he can talk about."

"He hasn't hooked up with anyone at a party recently? Maybe within the last month or so?"

Amara paused, shifting uncomfortably in her seat before speaking. "N-nothing like that. He actually just told me he's been in a bit of a dry spell recently. Vee, what's really going on here?"

I wish I could tell you, Amara. You're such a great friend, I can see how worried you are, but there's nothing you can do to help me. If you haven't noticed anything different about Nick, then the Succubus must be doing something else. Maybe she's in his dreams?

Vee sighed, giving up her train of thought. She leaned against Amara, her friend's warmth washing over her. "It might be nothing, I don't know. I... I feel like I'm falling apart, Amara." Vee's body twitched slightly, tears threatening to form.

"Hey, it's gonna be okay. I'm sorry things didn't work out with Nick, but that doesn't mean you have to give up. We've still got each other, right?"

The girls stayed quiet for a few minutes, holding each other. Despite her best efforts, Vee felt tears falling down her cheeks, and eventually she pulled back to avoid rubbing her tear-stained face on her friend.

"Do you still keep tissues in your bag?" Amara asked, holding Vee's face and brushing a tear away.

Vee nodded, sniffling as she curled into herself.

Amara zipped open her bag, reaching in to start digging around. Before she could get started, however, Vee heard a small shock, and watched as Amara flinched, pulling her hand back quickly. "Shit!"

"What's wrong?"

"Just a little shock! It's been pretty dry recently, I should actually get some lotion real quick." Amara jumped up, hurriedly walking to the bathroom. As she got up, her phone fell from her pocket.

That was odd. Why was she in such a rush?

Shrugging, Vee pulled her bag closer to look for the tissues herself. When she looked inside, however, she froze.


She'd forgotten to take out her Enochian Texts.

No no no no.

The holy book was glowing, its magic recently activated.

That's not... that doesn't make any sense, how would she--

Her breathing quickened, her pulse racing as she started looking around the apartment.

She saw Amara's phone, its case blackened and warped. In the corner of the kitchen sat a fire extinguisher, clearly recently used. The walls were covered in scratches, and several portraits lay broken on the floor.

My nightmares started the night of the party. The party that Amara left early.

With Nick.

Vee heard the water in the bathroom running, she likely didn't have much more time alone. She zipped up her bag, her panicked thoughts racing, and she prayed she was wrong. As she tried to calm her breathing, she realized that her senses were no longer enhanced. In fact, they'd been mundane every time she'd visited Amara.

She swallowed nervously, starting the prayer to enhance them once again.

Please be wrong, please be wrong, please be wrong...

Divine energy flowed into her body, amplifying her senses, and Vee was immediately overwhelmed.

Amara's apartment reeked of sulfur.

She broke the spell, unable to withstand the overwhelming stench. The door to the bathroom opened, and Vee watched Amara walk back to the couch.

I can't let her know. I have to get out.

"Ah, much better." Amara paused, studying her face. "You alright? You look like you've seen a ghost."

"I... have to go." Vee stood, her body tense as she grabbed her backpack. She moved quickly to the door, fighting every urge to sprint from the building.

"Wait, what? Please, just talk to me!" Amara tried to catch up but paused in the doorway.

Vee was halfway down the hall when she stopped. The sun had already started setting, its absence covering the halls in shadows. When she turned back to look at Amara, she saw only a darkened silhouette, a vague suggestion of a person. Their eyes met, but Vee no longer saw the comforting gaze of a friend.

She only saw the glowing, amber eyes of a demon.

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