Suddenly A Succubus

Chapter 14.2

In the time it took for Nick to say goodbye to everyone, Amara had half-heartedly picked up her room. It was still leagues beneath her typical standards, but she was more than willing to settle today. As he entered the room, he caught her in the middle of a yawn.

"So... talking with Chloé helped?" he asked.

"Look, I know you want to ask a million questions, but can we not? I'm gonna focus on what's in front of me, one step at a time. Which means, well..." Amara flexed her wings, "I need your help putting these away."

Nick was clearly nervous, and Amara could see his thoughts racing as he tried to think of something comforting to say. "Of course. Did you have anything in mind?"

She paused, the awkwardness of the situation staring her in the face. "Obviously I need to do this, but there's a lot I haven't shaken off. A distraction would be nice, would you want to put something on? Got any favorite pornos?"

The thought clearly caught Nick by surprise. "Uh, yeah, we can do that. What do you like?"

As she thought back to her porn watching days, Amara lazily began undressing. Her sweatpants came off easily, especially with the help of her tail. "What about... something with anal in it. That used to be my go-to for a while."

Without saying anything, Nick pulled up his phone and started scrolling through a porn site. While he looked, Amara had an idea and ran back to her closet, looking through her photography equipment. After a moment, she found what she was looking for - a ring light on a tripod, with a designated phone mount in the middle. She'd bought it first semester with the intention of using it for some of her marketing assignments, though she'd never gotten around to using it much.

"Wait, we're not filming this, are we?" Nick asked, finally looking up.

"Absolutely not! I just figured we need a place to put your phone so we can both see it." Amara set up the stand at the foot of her bed, and grabbed Nick's phone. Turning the mount sideways, she attached the phone and hit play. "So what did you find?"

"I don't really have any favorites, but I found a video from an amateur couple I've seen before." Nick said as he undressed.

After an awkward moment of staring at each other, both unsure how to initiate things, Amara finally spoke up. "Alright, look, this isn't gonna be the world's best fuck. I just need you to cum, and I'll get what I need. How about you get behind me, get yourself excited, and just... go for it."

Amara repositioned so she was lying on her stomach, facing Nick's phone. She felt him get behind her, and bit her lip as he started massaging her ass. She had a feeling he was going to try and make this enjoyable for her, though she didn't know if that was possible today.

In front of her, the girl in the video was showing off her bikini, bending over and spreading her legs to show how little it covered.

Nick's hand reached between her legs, his fingers running up and down her pussy before settling on her clit. He started rubbing in small circles, his other hand carefully pushing a finger inside her. Surprisingly, it felt better than expected, and she spread her legs further to give him better access.

They stayed like this for a few minutes, Amara enjoying the laid-back finger fucking while letting herself get lost in the video. The amateur actress was on her knees now, eagerly gagging on the thick cock of whoever was manning the camera. As she pushed herself further down, the camera catching every detail, Nick pushed another finger into Amara.

She moaned, pleasantly surprised that she was actually enjoying this. She laid her head down and started teasing Nick with her tail. She ran it up and down his legs, eventually wrapping it around his cock and stroking it slowly. She let herself experiment with all the different things her tail could do; its dexterity still caught her off guard sometimes. She practiced stroking him up and down, but wrapping his entire shaft and flexing different pulses to simulate being inside someone. Based on his aura, and his moaning, he was clearly enjoying himself, and Amara happily started feeding.

Eventually, the slow pace grew annoying, and Amara wrapped her tail around his waist and pulled him closer. He clearly got the hint, lined himself up, and pushed inside of her.

Nick's aura intensified quickly, and she continued pulling energy from it. The lethargy that had been hanging over her head since Halloween started to thin, her aches faded, and she felt her body waking up. Looking back at the video, she saw the couple had switched it up. The girl was now lying on her back, holding her legs in a split, as the cameraman pushed his cock deep inside her ass.

Suddenly remembering how much fun porn could be, Amara kept watching as she started meeting Nick's thrusts with her own. She could feel through his aura that he was close to cumming, and she was eager for the energy of his orgasm to top her off.

Focusing her attention away from the video, she read his aura close enough to see exactly what he wanted, and gave it to him. She threw herself harder and harder, letting his cock bury deep inside her pussy, and within seconds she'd achieved her goal. Energy from his aura, as well as a full load of cum, rushed into her. She could feel her body returning to prime form, her inner fire roaring, and soon the excitement overwhelmed her.

Her orgasm was nowhere near as spontaneous as Nick's, but it was enjoyable all the same. Slow, powerful waves of pleasure washed over her, wiping away the last of her aches and pains. She took care to monitor her body, ensuring that no errant flames appeared as she came.

By the time she finished, and had caught her breath, she noticed that Nick's orgasm had long since passed. She fell forward, releasing her hold on Nick as he pulled out of her, and took a deep breath.

"Well, I won't say I feel better, but... I certainly don't feel as bad." Amara said.

Nick moved to the edge of the bed next to her, grabbing his phone and turning it off. "Glad you got something out of it. Other than your energy back, I mean. I heard you're gonna meet Chloé for dinner?"

"That's the plan. She's gonna show me her charity plans and... and I'm gonna see what I can do to help."

She readjusted, swinging her legs to the floor slowly as she watched Nick get up. He seemed ready to ask a question, but his expression changed quickly and he stayed quiet. Amara was barely paying attention to him anyways. Her own morbid curiosity had returned, and she was staring at the back of her hands, slowly flexing them.

I have to know.

She connected with her inner fire, pausing for a moment as she let herself bask in its warmth. It had been so long since she'd felt its glow, she'd forgotten how comforting it was, even if it was now tinged with uncertainty. She tapped into that strength, directing it at her hands as she tried to alter them. It was a slow process, and it required thinking about what they looked like before, but she fought through the painful memories.

After a minute, she watched as a collection of bony ridges grew on the back of her hand. The material was black, and seemed to match her horns and wingtips. It was hard to the touch, reminding Amara of some kind of exoskeleton you might find on an insect. Flexing her hand, she watched as the various plates seamlessly layered over each other, allowing her complete freedom of movement despite their rigidity.

"Whoa, that's really something." Nick was halfway through putting his pants on, but seemed to have stopped to watch Amara.

She jumped in surprise, having forgotten he was there, and she shook her hands to get them back to normal. "It's nothing, I shouldn't have... just forget about it." Amara stood up, and after a small flurry of embers, no longer had her demonic features.

"I'm jumping in the shower. Just... do whatever you want." She took a few steps into the hall, paused, then doubled back. "And... I'm sorry about earlier."

Nick simply nodded, quietly smiling at Amara. Through he said nothing, they both knew what he meant.

After a long, lukewarm shower, Amara finally got dressed and left the house for the first time since the party. Loathe as she was to admit it, locking herself inside maybe hadn't been the best idea. She did her best to smile, to laugh with her friends and enjoy dinner, but the pain was still there.

It came in waves, sometimes paired with guilt, sometimes with anger. As much as she tried to hide it, she could tell that her friends noticed. Still, they seemed willing to leave the matter alone, and Amara appreciated it.

They spent most of the dinner listening to Chloé's plans, including a run down of how her platform worked. It seemed to focus on two main ideas; keeping all the spending transparent, and giving a platform to everyone raising money for the charity. As Chloé explained it, anyone that wanted to contribute to a specific charity could link their efforts through the platform. Then, people that wanted to donate money could scroll through everyone raising money, and look for ones that stuck out to them. Someone might commission art from an artist, then realize through the platform that another creator was offering personal training, and buy from them as well.

Ideally, she explained, creators would be incentivized to advertise their services, while potential donors would have more reasons to donate other than the goodness of their heart.

Amara was thoroughly impressed with everything she heard, and eventually took over the conversation as she explained how she could help manage the social media side of things. She explained peak traffic hours, which content would work best on different platforms, and tried to help set reasonable expectations when it came to setting donation goals.

After spending considerably more time talking than she'd imagined she would, and eating her first real meal in days, Amara felt the exhaustion of the week catch up with her. She hugged each of her friends tight, thanking Chloé in particular, and went home to finally get some sleep.


It was dark, the only light coming from the occasional streetlamp. One flew by every few seconds, whizzing past the car at impressive speeds. She checked the dashboard, and saw she was driving much faster than the speed limit. Laughter filled her ears, and she realized she wasn't alone. To her right, a woman sat in the passenger seat, her phone illuminating her face.

A tight miniskirt left her legs completely on display, and the sight of them drove her crazy. She reached out, grabbing the woman's thigh before sliding her hand higher. It was playfully slapped away, and the passenger smirked as she said something, but the words were muddled, almost as if she were underwater.

Without a woman's body to enjoy, Amara instead reached for the drink in the cupholder. The beer was starting to warm, and she finished it off before throwing the can in the backseat.

A scream filled her ears, and when she looked back at the road, she couldn't find it. The car rattled as it veered into the grass, colliding with a small barrier before smashing through it. The car left the ground suddenly, jumping into the air before veering down and crashing into a river.

The water slammed into the car, hurling her forward before--


Amara sat up in a panic, her body shaking. Sweat dripped down her face, and her sharpened hands were gripping sheets so tightly they'd ripped holes in them. She looked around the room, nervous and disoriented, as she tried to catch her breath.

"What the fuck?"

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