Suddenly Found Out That His Girlfriend Is A Superhero

Chapter 116

Chapter 115 Who Is The Real Lightning Controller

“Hehe, Queen Lightning, it’s rare that you have the courage to challenge me! Then, in order to pay my respects to you, I promise you that you will end your life with my strongest moves! After all, you are also an electric superpower. Who is!”

Electric God Electra sneered.

“Hey, stop talking nonsense, let’s see the real chapter under your hand!”

Liu Qing let out a coquettish drink and raised his palm.

Boom! Boom!

Two arc pulse cannons blasted towards Electra in an instant!

“Tsk tsk! The dignified Queen of Lightning, do you only know such rude moves?””

Electra sneered and drew a circle in front of him with one hand!

call one

A round shield composed of electric current formed in an instant, blocking it in front of him, and firmly blocked the two arc pulse cannons that Liu Qing blasted!

swoosh swish…

More than a dozen small missiles quickly shot out from Liu Qing’s armor, whistling across the arc in mid-air, and slammed into Electra from different angles!

“Tsk tsk, this kind of thing is even more useless to me.””

Electra’s face was flat, and he drew 21 of the five fingers of the current round shield’s palm.


That current round shield instantly turned into more than ten currents, which accurately shot at more than ten small missiles!

boom boom boom…

More than ten small missiles could not get close at all, and they were detonated in mid-air by Qi Qi!

“Look, Queen of Lightning, everyone uses electricity, so you should know that your technological equipment is really useless to me! It’s like the iron lump on your body, maybe in the face of other superpowers It’s useful, but in the face of me, forget it!

After Electra finished speaking, he stretched out a hand and kept drawing circles in mid-air.

In an instant, I have already drawn an unknown number of circles out of thin air.

Every circle, with a blue current.

sizzle sizzle…

The blue electric current kept making a sizzling sound, and it actually formed a spiral in mid-air, like a large electric current spring!

Afterwards, Electra raised his hand and waved, and the blue electric spring fluttered towards the armor on Liu Qing’s body!


Liu Qing’s foot moved, instinctively dodged!

But the current spring seems to have the ability to track, follow suit like a shadow, hit Liu Qing’s armor like a ghost!

next second.

“Warning, the armor has encountered super electromagnetic interference! It is about to disintegrate!


There was only enough time to sound an alarm in the battle armor, and the battle armor on Liu Qing’s body automatically disintegrated into dozens of parts and fell off to the ground!

Liu Qing exclaimed with a solemn expression.

It was not the first time that she wore this armor to fight, and she knew the power of this armor.

But now it has been disintegrated by this Electra!

What’s his move?

Super electromagnetic interference?


This must be what Ah Xuan once said, the mutual conversion of electricity and magnetism!

It seems that after the understanding and mastery of the electrical system ability reaches X level, can it really be done to such a degree?


Liu Qing pondered in his heart, but his hands did not stop. The blue electric current gathered in his palms and kept making squeaking bird calls.


After this period of hard training, Liu Qing was already able to use this trick of Chidori with ease!

“I’ve never seen this trick of yours, but, so what? In the face of X-level abilities, all tricks are useless!

Ten million volt ball lightning!”

When Electra turned his hands, a ball lightning with a diameter of half a meter was formed, almost twice the size of the autumn lightning that Liu Qing could use with all his strength!

Once the ball lightning took shape, it slammed straight towards Liu Qing in an instant, and Liu Qing didn’t dodge either. With the movement of his feet, his palms continued to gather blue electricity, and he actually launched a charge towards Electra!

“Idiot, charge forward, you can’t even touch the corner of my clothes, you will be electrocuted into a pile of coke by my ball lightning!

Electra sneered and stood still, waiting to see Liu Qing’s good show.


Seeing that, Liu Qing was about to collide with the ball lightning.

The corners of Electra’s mouth twitched.

In the next second, Liu Qing suddenly raised his hand and stabbed forward, with a coquettish voice in his mouth:

“Chidori sharp spear! 35


The blue electric current gathered in Liu Qing’s palm instantly turned into a long electric current spear, piercing the ball lightning in front of him, extending for dozens of meters, and stabbing straight in front of Electra!


Electra was smugly waiting for Liu Qing to be turned into coke by the ball lightning, but unexpectedly, the autumn lightning was suddenly pierced by a blue light, and the blue light stabbed in front of him even more!


In a hurry, Electra suddenly flashed sideways.


The chidori sharp spear rubbed Electra’s body and cut a long gap in his three-color windbreaker!

At the same time, the ball lightning was stabbed and exploded suddenly, causing Liu Qingzhen to retreat dozens of meters away.

“Queen of Lightning, you are very good, you have successfully angered me!

Electra ripped off his windbreaker, his eyes blazing with anger.

He, an X-rank electric power user, was almost injured by an S-rank electric power user. Wouldn’t it be a shame to spread it out?

“Queen of Lightning, since you are called Queen of Lightning, then I will let you die under the power of lightning!

“Thundercloud storm! 9

Electra raised his hands high and shouted!

The sky was originally full of black clouds, but those black clouds had been pouring rainstorms continuously.

And now, as the voice of Electra fell, among the black clouds in the sky, the currents began to surge continuously…


A flash of lightning pierced through the sky in an instant and slashed towards Liu Qing!

Liu Qing didn’t have half 590 points of dodge time, and he was hit immediately!


Electric current surged wildly in Liu Qing’s body, Liu Qing’s body shook for a while, and it was difficult to offset the energy of these currents.

Although she is an electric power user, it does not mean that she can withstand infinite electric energy, especially the powerful electric energy release of lightning!

If it had just been replaced with another non-electric power user, I am afraid that this flash of lightning would have already split it into coke!


Liu Qing had just slowed down from a flash of lightning, and the flashes of lightning continued to chop down from the black cloud one after another!

Liu Qing couldn’t dodge at all, he could only continue to carry the lightning hard, and at the same time, he tried his best to transform the power of the lightning, and then turned it into his own lightning attack, and slashed towards Electra!

After Electra was struck by Liu Qing’s lightning, he once again shot the electrical energy into the black clouds in the sky!

As a result, a circle of electrical energy was formed between the two of them and the dark clouds in the sky!

It’s just that Liu Qing is only S-rank after all, and cannot completely offset the damage of lightning. Every time she suffers a lightning, she will be injured by one point; but Electra’s mastery of electrical energy has reached X-rank far beyond S-rank. Take Liu Qing’s lightning attack and transfer it to the dark clouds in the sky with little damage!

In this way, with the passage of time, Liu Qing had been struck by dozens or hundreds of lightning bolts, and it was finally time to stop.

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