Sugar Daddy, Hoodoo in My Life!

Chapter 40 - A long-planned Murder

Chapter 40: A long-planned Murder

Translator: Guy Gone Bad

That woman asked Jian Rushi not to drive and to be dressed like a poor person no matter if Jian Rushi was rich or poor. She said that only in this way could they disillusion Mr. Xiang. It was really a special request.

Jian Rushi also wanted to get rid of Mr. Xiang, so she readily agreed.

She got dressed casually and went out. Then she got into a taxi parked at the roadside, and told the taxi driver where she wanted to go.

The driver started the engine and directly drove forward, without saying a word. Jian Rushi had never met such a quiet driver who didn’t talk to his passenger, instead, drove fast towards remote suburbs.

Her heart begins to beat fast. “Excuse me, I think we are going the wrong way.”

The driver didn’t respond. He drove straight on.

Jian Rushi instinctively looked at the rearview mirror, and the eerie smile on the driver’s face made her hair stand on end.

She had an ominous presentiment that the driver might be a pervert.

“I suddenly remember I forgot something. Please drive back!”

The driver ignored Jian Rushi and pressed the accelerator hard. The car suddenly accelerated.

She gave a shudder of fear, took out her mobile phone and tried to call Helian Ze, but there was no signal. She looked around and found a cell phone signal shielding device in the car. It seemed that he did all this with premeditation.

All of a sudden, the car stopped. Inertia leaned her forwards and she felt dazed and dizzy. The driver got off the car and opened the rear door.

Jian Rushi kicked out at the driver, but he grabbed her by the ankle and dragged her out of the car.

They were now in a remote place. She looked around and found that this place was deserted, without a soul to be seen.

Jian Rushi regretted not putting on fake nails. She tried to scratch his face, but left no cut because he had a thick skin.

“Let me go. I’m an expert at martial arts.” In a trembling voice, she was trying to frighten him.

The driver grabbed her by the wrist and shoved her to the ground. Then he sat on the top of her and pinched her neck.

Jian Rushi felt suffocated, as everything blurred before her eyes. Anyway, men were much stronger than women.

Her eyes blurred from lack of air, and the sound of many chaotic voices rang in her mind…

“Jian Rushi, come on! You are a heroine. Get up and kill him!” Tang Ge shouted in a loud, aggressive voice.

“Jian Rushi, I’m waiting for you to come back. We’re getting married soon,” Mr. Helian said in a tender voice.

“Sweetheart, you must survive,” her mother whimpered.

Many people’s voices echoed in her mind. Finally, she heard a baby’s voice.

“Mommy.” The baby’s voice was full of worry and fear.

Jian Rushi suddenly came back to herself and found that the driver was still pinching her neck. She stretched out two fingers and poked him in the eye with all her strength.

The driver let out a cry of pain, relaxed his grip on her neck and subconsciously backed up a few steps.

Jian Rushi seized the chance to get up and kicked him hard in the crotch.

The driver screamed in pain.

She stamped on his penis harder. The driver felt a sharp pain in the crotch. His face convulsed in a series of twitches, and the next second, he rolled his eyes and passed out.

Jian Rushi felt a little pain in the stomach. She held her stomach and whispered, “Baby, you have to hold on.”

Then she struggled to pick herself up, turned off the cell phone signal shielding device and called Helian Ze. After the phone was connected, she cried bitterly, “Mr. Helian, I’m being bullied. Come and help me. I’m in…”

Helian Ze, who was in a meeting, immediately rushed out after received this call from Jian Rushi. He drove as quickly as he could, even beating the red light, just to reach the destination. On the way he made two calls to his friends and asked them to come quickly.

It was getting dark, and dangers seemed to lurk in the road of wilderness. He looked around repeatedly to search for Jian Rushi, afraid of missing her, his heart beating fast with worry.

Finally, he saw a car parked by the side of the road. Jian Rushi was sitting in the car, crying, with her hands on her stomach.

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