Summon a Little Fire Dragon at the Start

Chapter 46 Animal Shed! Thunder Eagle!

Inside the giant wood forest.

The Black Devils will be divided into three helm elders.

At this moment, after summoning the fire dog that was good at tracking scents, he was full of confidence that he could find Qin Ye and the others.

In the past, he had also encountered a scene where an elite animal trainer like Qin Ye fled in front of him.

Even if the other party has pets that can block the breath.

It is still impossible to escape the scent tracking of his fire dog, and it is still easy to find the traces of those who escaped.


The huge fire dog he summoned sniffed around with his nose, and went straight to the place where Qin Ye and the little iron-headed fire dragon disappeared.

After the smell is off.

They followed the smell and started heading directly towards their fighting place beside the dirt road in the forest and C-1.

Now the place where this fire dog can track the smell is only here, and in other places, there is no whereabouts of the smell of the man and the two beasts.

This feeling seems to have disappeared out of thin air.


The fire dog that was on the spot immediately rushed towards the first fighting place before.

Tie San on one side had a chill in his eyes.

Also followed the fire dog to chase up.

at the same time.

In Jiangnan Base City, in the basement of the Animal Tamers Association.

This time, Jiang He, he was still researching the beast chemical potion, and working with the elite breeder of their association, he was decomposing the two beast potion potions he obtained later.

There are actually so many overlapping material components that were actually decomposed. However, two of these materials are unrecognizable. They should be materials that can only be cultivated under some special conditions.

It may just be in the hands of some senior members of the Black Demon Society, or they may have built a breeding base for this pet material.

The controllers of these forces, needless to say, must be otherworldly forces.

As some tyrannical S-rank pet rage relics, many of them are the existence of a civilization, and some of their territories are even wider than half of today's earth stars.

The types of some attribute elixir that exist in it must also be extremely numerous.

There are some places that they have not detected so far, and there are some special properties of materials, which is naturally reasonable.

Today's Jiang He.

He was thinking that it would be great if he could capture the high-level officials of the Dark Demon Society alive. In this case, he might be able to get some useful information.

It's just that it's not easy for the high-level executives of the Black Demon Society to emerge.

Can only wait for them to continue to send people to the Dark Demon.

Du Xinci, a member of the Black Demon Society that he had captured alive from the east district of the city, originally thought that he could get some useful information from him.

But the larvae of the same life Gu worm were planted.

Without taking action to remove the larva in time, the heart was swallowed directly under their noses, but they died on the spot in just a few breaths.

Eventually the larvae also devour each other and all die.

They are also clear.

There are some special skills of the awakened pets of the animal trainers, which can find some traces and clues based on some items. Naturally, they will not let the animal trainers and the defenders from all over the East Pole Principality have them. Their Dark Order stuff.

However, the kind of pets with special skills are extremely rare in the entire Principality. In previous years, once a member with that kind of skills appeared among the students of the four major universities of animal trainers, the black magic society inside In the bounty, their level will be improved by several grades.

It is really possible for the Black Demon Society to eradicate one or two students of that kind. Of course, the Black Demon Society will also pay a very heavy price, but everything is worth it.

Once the new students are allowed to advance to the elite level and the lord level, they will fully develop their pet skills to the extreme.

Then the price that the Black Devils will pay in the end will be more.


If you want to know these unknown pet materials, you have to submit this information to the Imperial City Animal Tamers Association for analysis!

Jiang He looked at the reports in his hand and the properties of the decomposed pet materials.

President, even if you know the names of these materials and their origins, it doesn't matter much. The people of the Imperial City Beast Tamer Association have been very clear for so many years.

It's just that maybe one or two of the key materials cannot be obtained.

Beside him, the elite nurturer dressed in black with some gray hair said involuntarily.


Information still has to be found in the hands of the Black Demon Society.

Jiang He also followed suit.

At this moment, Jiang He suddenly felt the movement of the sound transmission snail in his pocket.

took it out.

What's wrong with this kid Qin Ye? Are you using the sound transmission snail to ask for help?

A hint of doubt appeared in Jiang He's eyes.

But then, Qin Ye's incomparably anxious cry came out from the sound transmission conch, and even echoed in the basement on this floor.

President Jiang He, I'm going to die, save me, there are several elders of the Black Demon Society who want to kill me, in the giant wood forest outside the base, there is burning black smoke

place, hurry up!

The sound reverberated.

Several Black Demon Society elders want to kill him, I rely on, what is this guy doing out of the city!!

Jiang He was taken aback.

But immediately rushed out of the basement.

With it as the center, a faint mental wave spread, and it was directly transmitted to the animal shed of their Beast Tamer Association.

in the animal shed.

It's just that they live in the pets of many animal trainers in their animal trainer association. Their association also has special people responsible for feeding them, and they are all foods that contain attributes.

In that animal shelter, which covers an area of ​​nearly three football fields.

In the center is an ancient tree that is nearly 100 meters high. It is the largest ancient tree in the building. Most of the animal shed is under his shadow.

on the old tree.

There is an eagle's nest nearly thirty meters long.

The eagle's nest exudes a faint lord-level pet coercion, which makes the hundreds of pets in the entire animal shed very quiet in various places.

Even the pets of war between some natural enemies, under the coercion of the Eagle's Nest, did not dare to fight.

Inside the eagle's nest is Jiang He's life-changing pet, the Thunder Eagle!

a few days ago.

Jiang He's battle pet, the Thunder Giant Eagle, was all recovering from injuries. At the beginning, he severely injured the Water Ape King in the Skull Valley, and his natural battle pet, the Thunder Giant Eagle, was also injured by the Water Ape King.

The injury is better than that of the Water Ape King, but if you want to recover, you need to recuperate.

After Jiang He fed a lot of elite medicine.

Now the Thunder Eagle's injury has recovered seven to eighty-eight!


On the eagle's nest above the 100-meter old tree, there was a sound. After the hundreds of pets below felt the movement of the lord-level thunder giant eagle, they all looked up at the eagle's nest.

I saw that in the eyes of the nearly hundreds of war pets looking up, a pair of huge black wings of nearly tens of meters suddenly spread out. arc.

Driven by the generated terrifying air wave, it flew directly away from the animal shed of the Beast Tamer Association.

Many residents and ordinary animal trainers in the base city, as well as on the roads of the base city, showed excitement in their expressions when they saw the black shadow of the giant eagle flying by.

That is the patron saint of their base city, the Thunder Eagle!

A few days ago, the reports of President Jiang He and his darling battle pet in the Skull Valley outside the city were overwhelming, and their reputation was much better than that of the city master.

After a few breaths.

Jiang He stepped on the back of the giant thunder eagle that was more than ten meters long and rushed towards the giant wood forest outside the base city. Soon after leaving, he could see the billowing black smoke rising from the distance.

There was a flash of fire in the black smoke.

The elders of the Black Demon Society are all here. They want to kill Qin Ye. It's interesting. I really thought I was a bully in the Jiangnan base city!

Jiang He immediately took out four pet space capsules from his pocket, ready for battle at any time.

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