Summoned Again?

Chapter 149: Times Are Changing

After we washed up, Susan and Nat collaborated with buying furniture while I prepped the things for supper. It was a bit early to do it; but, I didn't really have anything else to do while I waited to go pick up Crystal from school. I was tempted to work on making the new pendant design, except that neither Nat nor Susan knew about my hidden room with all of my enchanting equipment in it. I also needed to buy a bunch more supplies to continue my work.

When they were done with the laptop, Susan turned on the television and I put the things I prepped into the refrigerator. I washed my hands and took a turn on the laptop buying the things that I needed, with Nat's help. She was going to be the best judge for the high quality items we would be producing and she definitely had a great eye for aesthetics. When she mentioned adding a clear glaze to protect the designs, we quickly found the appropriate apparatus to accomplish it.

“Are you sure you don't want to automate this whole process?” Nat asked.

“I'd love to, except I'm absolutely positive that I need to personally touch each item as it's being made.” I said as an explanation. “I also can't hand it off to someone else for the same reason.”

“You're taking the whole 'hands on' aspect to a whole new level.” Nat said.

“You offered to paint them personally, too.” I countered and she smiled.

“It's going to be a huge selling point, especially if we allow pre-orders and give them options for what they want on it.”

“Are you thinking individual portraits?” I asked and she nodded.

“We could also get away with heat transfers of photos, if they want to personalize them further.” Nat suggested.

“This is all snowballing like crazy with all these options.” I joked.

Nat nodded as she added the machinery for the different things we just discussed. “We're going to have to hire a nice web designer to sell these things, too. You can't have a company and not have an internet presence.”

“Should I let Derek handle that or is that something you want to take control of, since you're my art expert?” I asked.

“You want me to handle it?” Nat asked, a little surprised.

“Why not? You've got a great eye for things like this.” I walked over to the stack of papers beside the phone and came back with a small folder. “Derek's given me a few advertising agencies to choose from to start working on the campaign and I have no clue who to pick or even what to look for.”

Nat chuckled and took the folder. “You're pawning all of the difficult decisions off on me.”

“Sometimes I can't just throw money at a problem to make it go away. I don't know why.”

Nat laughed. “So, you reverted to throwing friends at it instead?”

“Will it work?” I asked with an innocent look on my face to make her laugh again.

“Yes.” Nat said. “I guess it does fall under my job description.”

“Oh! That reminds me.” I took out a contract and slid it over to her. “Give this a look through and then sign it.”

“Just like that?” Nat asked and put the contract on the folder and started to read it. Her face changed from amusement to astonishment by the time she was done reading it. “Are you joking with this?”

“I want my friends taken care of if I disappear again.” I said and handed her a pen.

“Damon, you... how can you...”

“Apparently some of the love I give out doesn't need or require a sexual component.”

Nat's eyes went really wide. “Did... did you just tell me you loved me?”

“Would I do something crazy like that?” I asked and tapped the paper. “Please, sign it.”

Nat looked at the paper, back at my face, then at the paper again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath and let it out, then she opened her eyes and signed the paper.

“Thank you.” I whispered and kissed her cheek.

Nat jerked and laughed as she wiped at it. “Hey!”

“I told you I'd kiss you and make you laugh when you least expected it.” I winked at her as I took the contract over to the all-in-one printer fax machine and sent it off to Derek, then I stored it. “Are you coming with me to get Crystal?”

“I think you can handle it on your own today.” Nat said and glanced at the back of Susan's head, then whispered. “Why don't you drop Crystal off at my place and I'll keep her occupied until supper?”

“You just want to train Crystal to be a good little artist.” I said.

“Maybe.” Nat replied with a grin.

“I'll take bath time in exchange.”

Nat nodded as she stood and picked up the folders.

“There's no rush on that.” I pointed to the folders. “We have to get that equipment and the supplies...”

“...not to mention actually making the product. I know.” Nat said. “See you later.”

“Bye.” Susan said and waved.

Nat left the apartment and I walked over to the couch to plop down beside Susan.

“Anything good on?” I asked and put my arm around her shoulders.

“Not really.” Susan said and leaned in close. “We should change out of these stuffy clothes.”

“A shower would be a good idea, considering what we were doing.”

“I could use a bath instead.” Susan said.

I glanced at the clock and saw that we had just over an hour and a half before I had to pick Crystal up. “A nice soak for a while sounds good.”

“Really?” Susan asked, surprise clear in her voice.

“It's a gigantic tub.” I said and stood up to take her hand. “Shall we indulge in some bubbly relaxation for the next hour?”

“That would be wonderful.” Susan said and stood as well, then we went to the bathroom and stripped each other of our clothes as the bathtub filled up. “I can't believe we're doing this.”

“What? Not having sex as soon as we're alone?” I asked and she laughed.

“Actually, yes.”

“We're just going to relax and enjoy each other's company.” I said and gave her a kiss. “Madam, your bath awaits.” I said and guided her into the bath and held her hand to keep her steady. She sat down and I climbed in behind her.

We took our time as we gently washed each other with lathered hands, sponges, and face cloths. After a bit of a rinse, I reclined at the back of the tub and Susan reclined against me. I reached around her to hug her close and she let out a satisfied sigh.

“This is really nice.” Susan said. “I can honestly say that I've never had a shared bath... with a man.”

“You don't have to tempt me so much.” I said and kissed her cheek. “You can get me instantly hard all on your own.”

Susan chuckled and hugged my arms. “All we've had so far is mind blowing sex. How am I supposed to maintain that without offering you a glimpse into my world of depravity?”

“You can tell me about your major in college.” I said and she turned her head to look at me.

“Are you serious?” Susan asked, clearly surprised.

“If all I wanted from you was sex, I wouldn't have gone anywhere with you, let alone gone to meet your parents... no matter how weird the circumstances were.”


I gave her a quick kiss. “We've got about half an hour before I have to go get Crystal.”

Susan nodded and turned her head to face front again. “I'll try to not tempt you too much.”

“Nat offered to take her until suppertime.” I whispered into her ear and kissed it.

“R-really?” Susan asked and she moved my hands up to her breasts.

I cupped them and didn't massage them or try to deploy her rockets, which I assumed was what she expected me to do, so I just held her tenderly and relaxed with her in my arms. The last time I had done something similar, it was with the Freemartin I had named Diana, and that seemed like ages ago. I closed my eyes and took several deep breaths and let Susan's warmth comfort me.

Susan didn't speak and only hugged me tighter. She knew I wasn't excited, since she was resting against me and could feel that I wasn't trying to turn this moment between us into sex. I couldn't read her mind and I had my eyes closed, so I couldn't guess at what she was thinking right then.

“You really do want to get to know me better.” Susan whispered, as if she couldn't believe it.

“That's why I suggested dating.” I whispered back and I didn't get a flash of Divine Sight this time, even though I was much firmer in my statement when before I had said I was only thinking about it. “What do you say? Do you want to try dating a much older man?”

“It's only nine years.” Susan said. “Plus, you were missing for ten years. I'm technically older than you with real world experience.”

I had to laugh at that. “All right, you got me there.”

“Then yes, I want to try dating you.” Susan said. “How about in an hour?”

I laughed. “Eager to get to it, are you?”

“We're going to have another couple of hours when you get back.” Susan said. “Wear something nice.”

“I'll do my best.” I said and gave her a kiss.

“Do better than that. Not everyone can date me successfully, you know.” Susan gave me a wicked smile and I smiled in return.

“Challenge accepted, dear lady.”


Crystal was having the time of her life. She started showing her friends the pictures of her weekend trip on the mini-tablet that her second favorite person Nat Nat had given to her and put in her backpack. It had disrupted the class a little and when the teacher saw what Crystal was doing, she suddenly declared that it was a surprise 'Show and Tell' day and set up the projector.

The whole class was enamoured as Crystal told them all about the trip and showed the first picture. Most of the girls giggled and the boys pointed at Teddy appearing in the picture.

“That's Teddy! He followed us everywhere!” Crystal exclaimed and then show and tell became a game for them like it had been for Crystal the first time. They all had fun trying to find Teddy in every picture. Crystal told them where they had taken each picture and what the tour guide had said about a Teddy actually being the president of the whole country before, which was completely true because the teacher confirmed it.

The impromptu presentation lasted for quite some time, since there were so many pictures, and Crystal kept talking about it until the last thing it showed was a little video. It was the clip of Teddy demonstrating why it was important to buckle up when in a vehicle, especially a plane, and the whole class laughed and laughed at Teddy's acrobatic skills.

“Remember to always put safety first.” Nat's dubbed in voice said and the clip ended.

“That was awesome!” One of the girls said. “I wish I had gone to Washmington, too!”

“It's Washington D.C.” The teacher corrected. “It did look like you all had a lot of fun, Crystal.”

“We did!” Crystal nodded several times. “Flying was really fun after the scary part!”

“Take offs won't always be scary.” The teacher said and put the projector away. “You did a great job telling us about the trip. Thank you.”

Crystal beamed a smile at her and sat down in her seat, very happy to have done so well. Everyone started talking about everything they had seen and the teacher sat down at her desk to let them get it out of their system. It was just too good of an event for them to not stay excited about it for quite some time.

In fact, she was excited by it as well. Just the thought that Damon would go through all the trouble to hide a teddy bear in every picture for Crystal to find later, made him that much more appealing.

Being rich and handsome helps a little, too. She thought and imagined seeing him with his shirt off and showing off all of his muscles. She fought the blush trying to appear and hoped she would see him after school when he picked Crystal up, because he hadn't come in that morning and she missed seeing his playful smile.

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