Summoned Again?

Chapter 152: International Flight

I arrived back home Sunday night and gave Nat more memories. On Monday, things were back to what was to become my new normal. Susan was at college taking the last of her classes before the summer break, Crystal's school was ramping down for the same reason, and Nat was having a ball with her art and handling the tasks I had pawned off on her... I mean, awarded her for her great work.

Even my therapy appointment with Susan's mother went by without a hitch. I was getting a lot of things off my chest and she was getting a lot of material to make her husband jealous. Needless to say, it was a productive time for all those concerned and we all got something out of it.

On Tuesday, Nat found a great web designer, thanks to her contacts from the art scene, namely the clerk at the art store that she had pretty much bought out. She had an afternoon meeting that hammered out the details of the best design for the corporation. She had even contacted Cherise from the jewellery store and the cancer treatment center to get the information for the auction and to get the pictures for the things I had donated.

It was the first and biggest thing our corporation had a hand in, even if it was the owner doing it on his own personal initiative. Not only that, it associated both businesses to the corporation and their own websites pretty much blew up from the heavy traffic. The web guy had spread our corporation's name all over the place, registered the webpage in every search engine, and even created an internet profile on all of the popular social media websites. He was definitely worth the money.

My donation to the auction, even though it was personal, could still be claimed as a business expense. To my surprise, my before and after pictures gained a thousand views on the first day and the total kept rising. Apparently, a man growing his hair so long to donate it was pretty eyecatching.

On Wednesday, a large shipping truck parked at the back of the building and delivered all of the machines and supplies that Nat and I had ordered a week ago. I was surprised that they had arrived so quickly, considering the variety of the items and the places they were shipped from. Nat explained to me later that they gathered them as they came in and delivered them all at once when they could.

On Thursday, the furniture delivery was going to arrive in the afternoon and I had to fly out to D.C. in the morning to pick up my assistants and then we were going to head to Europe for several different appointments and to visit the mines I had purchased.

“I really wish we could go with you.” Nat said with Crystal in her arms and the two of them gave me a hug.

“I've got the criminal lawyer working on it.” I said and hugged them back “I think it's a dead end, though. I won't be able to take this little beauty out of the country.” I kissed Crystal's cheek. “I can't even take Susan because she can't skip her classes.”

“It's not fair.” Susan said with an exaggerated pout. “I really really really really want to fly to Europe!”

I stepped to the side of Nat and took Susan into a hug. “You're almost as cute as Crystal when you pout like that.”

Crystal giggled and I gave her a grin, then I looked back at Susan.

“It's a business trip and I'll be in meetings, visiting mines, and I'll probably be getting dirty from head to toe when they give me the tours, which you know they are going to insist on.” I said and gave her a quick kiss. “There's nowhere for you to wear that fancy dress where I'm going.”

“We could stop off in Paris for a week or two on the way back.” Susan said, suggestively.

“You need to finish college, missy. Get those course credits and we'll be flying all over the world.”

“I don't want to wait that long.” Susan sighed.

“You'll have to, because for the summer, I'm pretty sure that Crystal, Nat, and I are going to be entertaining a lot of sleepover guests.”

“She already has six planned for the first week after school ends.” Nat said. “Four are here and two at other places.”

“Only six?” I asked and Crystal giggled.

“The other three are going on vacation for two weeks.” Nat responded with a sly smile. “They are a little jealous.”

I gave Susan a kiss and stepped back near Crystal. “Make sure you tell them all that it doesn't matter when they sleep over, we'll have just as much fun on the first day as we will two weeks later. I promise.”

“Kay.” Crystal said and leaned forward to kiss my cheek. “Bye, Uncle Damon.”

“I'll be back in a week.” I gave her another hug and then pretended to kiss Nat's cheek to make her laugh. “I'm leaving the car.” I said and handed Nat the keys. “Please, drive responsibly.”

“Don't worry. I've got this.” Nat said and held my hand. “I'm so glad we finally met.” She said, in reference to the most recent memories I had given her.

“Me, too.” I said and left. I went downstairs and caught a taxi to the small airport. I took out my suitcase that was just for show, and went inside the terminal. I was scanned through and saw that the plane was waiting for me. I boarded and Miss Carlyle greeted me formally. I had to laugh at that and she laughed back. She had caught onto my sense of humor pretty quickly.

We took off and flew for an hour to land in Washington D.C. and Stephanie and Bethany were waiting there with a lot of luggage. I refrained from making a joke about the trip being only for a week and that they were not moving in. It was loaded into the luggage compartment with my fake bag and they boarded the plane.

“Welcome aboard.” Miss Carlyle said, much more casually than I thought she would, then I finally clued in and I understood.

Ohhhh. I thought in sudden realization. That why she stares at Nat's ass so much.

“Oh... my... god.” Bethany whispered as she entered and saw the fancy interior. “You own this plane?”

“Lock, stock, and expensive personnel.” I said and waved at Miss Carlyle. “That's Miss Carlyle and we will be in her care for the next ten to twelve hours.”

“Or potentially longer if there are heavy winds or storms in the way that we have to fly around.” Miss Carlyle said. “We're constantly updated on that front and we've got plenty of fuel, so you don't need to worry about that. The ride is going to be smoother than a baby's bottom.”

“That's a relief.” Stephanie said. “How many times have you made this trip?”

“This year you mean?” Miss Carlyle asked with a smile and Stephanie understood. “Six under the old owner and this will be the first with the new one.”

“Is that caviar?” Bethany asked as she peeked into the galley. “Tell me it's caviar!”

Miss Carlyle chuckled and nodded. “I'll do up a nice appetizer tray for you after we take off.”

“That's great! Thanks!” Bethany beamed a smile at her and walked through the galley to the airplane seats. “I hope you've got some nice couches or a bed on this thing. I don't want to sit in these seats for a dozen hours.”

“Don't worry. Miss Carlyle will be more than happy to give the full tour after snacks.” I said and sat down behind her.

“No, no. Sit here.” Bethany pointed to the seat next to her. “I won the coin toss.”

I raised my eyebrows at her and she pointed again. I moved seats and Stephanie sat down where I was. “It's only for a few minutes before take-off.”

“I get you this time and Stephanie gets you on the way back.” Bethany said and took my hand. “This trip is going to be awesome!”

“It's a business trip.” I said.

“Yep! Just like last weekend.” Bethany said with a huge smile.

I opened my mouth to say that it was an actual business trip, then leaned forward to kiss her instead. She kissed me back enthusiastically and then the pilot announced that he was taxiing to the runway for take-off.

“Here we go!” Bethany said happily and the plane turned and started to pick up speed a little. When it was in position, it turned again and the engines revved up to near full speed. “I always love this part!”

The plane boosted down the runway, which pressed us into our seats, then it zoomed up into the air.

“Woo-hooo!” Bethany said loudly and put her free hand up into the air.

Stephanie laughed behind us. “It's not a roller coaster, Bethany!”

“It feels like it!” Bethany said as the plane kept going up and up.

I looked over at Miss Carlyle and she saw the question on my face.

“We needed more speed for this take off and we're going directly up to the regulation height for international flights.” Miss Carlyle said. “If you can believe it, it feels much steeper in the bigger planes.”

“I'm really glad that I have my own plane.” I said and she nodded agreement.

It took a lot longer than normal for the plane to level out and I understood why Bethany wanted this time 'alone' with me. She held my hand tightly and enjoyed the take off, probably because she had done it before and knew that it was going to be time that she wanted to share with me.

Miss Carlyle removed her straps and stood up when the plane settled down for a normal flight. “I'll only be a few minutes as I prepare the appetizers for you.”

“Thank you.” I said and unbuckled my seat belt. “Champagne as well, please.”

“Yes, sir.” Miss Carlyle said.

“That was great!” Bethany said and gave me a kiss. “Where are the couches?”

“Back a bit farther in the plane and through the closed privacy curtains.” I said and pointed, then went to the controls at the back of the area and opened them up. Almost everything was electronic and the divider opened up to reveal the reception area.

“Oh, wow.” Bethany said and took Stephanie's hand. “Look at this place! It's only a little nicer than the one at work!”

“I had them model it like this one.” I said. “They couldn't quite duplicate the coziness.”

“They got it pretty close.” Stephanie said as she and Bethany sat down on one of the couches and cuddled a little. “Even the leather working on the furniture is the same.”

“It's the same company that did the interior here. They don't usually do commercial spaces like that...”

“ you threw money at them.” Bethany said and then laughed. “Flash and cash!”

“Some problems actually can be solved if you do that.” I smiled. “I just have to visit the pilots for a minute and I'll be right back to relax with you.”

They both nodded and I went to the cockpit. I waited for a lull in their conversation before I spoke.

“I've got two extra demo pendants for you guys. Just make sure you put it on before the other one wears out. If you put it on now, they'll both expire before the flight's over and none of us wants that.”

Both pilots nodded and accepted the accessory. I gave another one to Miss Carlyle as well, just in case, and went back to spend some time with the girls. The appetizers and champagne were served a couple of minutes later and Stephanie and Bethany were impressed by them. They knew their rich foods, mostly from attending private and public socialite parties, and they thanked Miss Carlyle for serving them.

“It's a pleasure to finally serve someone who appreciates the work that goes into it.” Miss Carlyle said.

“Hey, I appreciate it.” I said to defend myself. “I don't have to like the food to appreciate it.”

“You don't like caviar?” Bethany asked, surprised. “I thought you were rich?”

“Newly rich.” I corrected. “Do rich people normally let their assistants roll around in three million dollars in cash?”

“I can't believe you let us do that last weekend.” Stephanie said. “That was amaaaazing.”

“I got a paper cut on my ass!” Bethany exclaimed and then leaned in to kiss me. “Thanks for taking care of it for me.”

“I wasn't going to let a hundred dollar bill hurt you and not kiss it to make it better.”

“That wasn't where you kissed me, you gorgeous hunk of a man.” Bethany said in a sexy voice. “I'm also pretty sure that it was mostly your tongue, too.”

“Now you're just begging for a repeat performance.” I responded.

Bethany's eyes widened. “You... you don't... you didn't...”

I stood up and went to the back room and pretended to retrieve a large bank bag and came back. Both women's eyes were huge as I opened the bag and showed them the stacks and stacks of money inside.

“You're spoiling us.” Stephanie whispered as she stood up and she put an arm around me to kiss me. “Is there a bed? I need to feel you right now.”

I nodded to the couches and Bethany hopped up excitedly. I showed them how they popped down to lay flat and became proper beds.

“Do it! DO IT!” Bethany yelled as she pulled off her clothes.

Stephanie didn't want to be outdone or left behind, so she stripped off as well. I hit the button to close off the privacy curtain and looked back to see the two of them sprawled out on one of the beds. I started taking out the stacks of money and popped them open to sprinkle the bills over them.

“Ohhhh!” Bethany moaned and hugged the money to her chest. “Millions of dollars to play with! Millions!”

Stephanie moved over on top of her and kissed her, which also presented her womanhood to me. She even shook her ass at me as an invitation, so I quickly took off my suit and gave her what she wanted. They both wanted money and sex, thoroughly enjoyed both, as long as they were in large quantities. I was more than happy to oblige.

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