Summoned Again?

Chapter 155: The Undead Scourge Prelude

The bright light faded as I and the other three heroes appeared inside a large ornate stone and gold chamber.

“It worked! Our prayers are answered!” A woman's voice exclaimed loudly. “God has sent us saviors!”

I turned around and saw seven men and five women on their knees in two rows. They wore ornate white robes with gold accents and their hoods were pulled down to expose their faces.

My auto-identifier showed me that they were all Holy Clerics, which was a shock, considering the heroes the god sent were also supposed to all be Holy Clerics. The woman that had spoken was the highest level of them all. She was Level 72 and she had God's Favour, three blessings, and a lot of spells, most of which were automatic and she didn't have to chant or pray for them.

The woman beamed a smile at us as she stood. “Divine Chosen, welcome to our world.”

“Thanks, but you can save the pleasantries for later, Lady Matricia.” I said as I stepped forward. “All I need to know is two things. Do you know anyone that has the Flight spell and are there dragons or similar powerful creatures in this world?”

Lady Matricia blinked her eyes for several seconds and I could see her use Identify on me and her smile faltered slightly. “Why do you only have one name and your class is Hero?”

“I don't have the time to waste. Please, answer my question.”

“Yes, Jonah knows the Flight spell.” She said and waved at the sixth man in the line behind her. “There are dragons, except that they are very far away.”

I waved the man forward as I pumped my Magic up to 999 and unlocked the auto-spell learning feature that had been greyed out. I gained another thousand points to spend on magic related abilities and smiled. I also cast the slow time spell and it took nearly a full tenth of my maxed mana.

Damn, that's expensive to cast on an actual world. I thought, because it cost almost nothing in the white waiting room and if I hadn't pumped my magic up, I probably wouldn't have been able to cast the spell at all.

Since I didn't want to waste any more time here than necessary, I cast it nine more times to use up nearly all of my mana and time around me slowed down to a tenth of what it was. Since my magic was maxed, it started recovering almost immediately and rose quite quickly.

“Are the dragons farther away than the undead scourge?” I asked.

“If that is what you are concerned with instead of the problem at hand, then there are several places where dragons nest along the way to...” Lady Matricia started to drone on about the undead and the plight of the people fighting against it.

“Jonah, cast the flight spell, please.” I said and interrupted her, to her dismay. The man looked at her for approval and she reluctantly nodded. He cast the spell on himself and floated up into the air.


You have learned the Flight spell. When cast, it grants the temporary ability to fly in a limited capacity for as long as you have mana to spend. The higher your magic level, the more control you will have and the cost reduces accordingly.


I immediately cast the spell on myself and didn't try to fly, then I dropped 99 points into the previously locked Flight ability, that I needed wings to use, and maxed it out.

“Thank you.” I said to the man as he landed and I looked back at Lady Matricia. “I need a map to where the dead are and the closest dragon nest.”

“Why are you so confident?” She asked and looked confused. “It's going to take months for us to train you up to start cleansing and turning the dead, then we have to continuously pray as you level up and hope that you gain the right spell to face the Undead Lord.”

“I already have it.” I said and she gasped, as did the other three heroes. “The god's gamble paid off and I gained it almost as soon as he granted me power.”

Lady Matricia beamed a smile at me, I assumed because she didn't detect a lie. “Then wait just a moment. I'll have the map brought to us.” She said and waved a hand. One of the women had a small circle appear below her feet, then she disappeared from sight.


You have learned the spell Quickfoot. It allows you to run at a very fast speed. Scales with personal abilities. The higher the level of your Running ability, the higher the speed you can achieve.

You have learned the Obscure spell. It conceals you from direct sight. When used with a Stealth spell or ability, will combine and double both effects.


Handy. I thought and the woman appeared again and handed Lady Matricia a scroll.

“This is the latest map we've been able to create, thanks to Karsen.” She waved to the second man in the row behind her.

“Please cast it again, just so I can know how accurate it is. I'm not doubting it, I just want to see it for myself.” I said and took out a single piece of paper.

The man looked at the bright white paper with surprise, as did the other clerics, and he took it as if it was made of gold. “Where... how...”

“I'll give you a small stack of them when you're done.”

The man took in a sharp breath and nodded, then he held his hand on the paper. The paper glowed and increased in size to three times the original and a map of the area started to appear on it.


You have learned the spell Enlarge. You can choose how big to make something by adding more mana. The reverse is also true and you can return it to its original size.

You have learned the spell Topography. Depending on the mana spent, the size and accuracy of the map will increase to become a full representation.


That is definitely going to go well with Map and Search. I thought and looked at the thing he made as he handed it to me. “Very good. Thank you.” I said and handed him a stack of twenty sheets of paper in exchange. You could almost feel the envy from the others at him being so blessed with items from a Divine Chosen being.

Lady Matricia stared at me like she didn't know what to do with me.

“Show me the map you have, please.” I said and she unrolled the scroll. I cast Map myself and as the country filled in on the side of my vision, the map she showed me filled in the details, as did the one Karsen had just made. It showed the areas already taken over by the dead and the approximate source, as well as the dozen or so dragon nests on the way there.

“That's perfect.” I said to her and looked at the other three heroes. “I hope you're ready for some power levelling.”

“I'm more than ready.” The man said and looked at Lady Matricia. “Will we be properly armed and armored up to fight?”

Lady Matricia opened her mouth to respond and I laughed.

“What's so funny?” The man asked.

“Clerics can't wear anything but leathers and can't wield anything except maybe a mace or a short sword.” I said to him and he looked surprised.

“But... I thought... aren't we going to fight dead people? How are we going to do that without proper armor and weapons?”

“It interferes with the magic you can cast.” I explained. “The more metal around you and on your body, the more it interferes.”

Lady Matricia looked surprised that I would know that. I didn't want to tell her that I had plucked that information from her god's mind when I learned the spell, so I put a hand on her shoulder and decided to distract her as I waited for my mana to fill up again.

“You are a very handsome woman.” I said and her surprise didn't lessen in the least. “Are you married or seeing anyone?”

Lady Matricia blinked her eyes and looked confused. “I... I'm... my work...”

“You're fully devoted to serving as the head cleric.” I said and she nodded. “I guess asking you to have dinner is out of the question, then.”

“What the hell are you doing?” The male hero asked, his voice filled with incredulity. “You're hitting on the woman that's leading a group of Holy Clerics!”

“Oh! Yes, I suppose you're right. I guess that's not proper.” I took my hand from her shoulder and took her hand instead, then bent over it to brush my lips over her knuckles. “Please forgive my impertinence, dear lady. I meant no offence.”

Lady Matricia's face flushed slightly red. “It's all right. I accept your apology.”

“Thank you.” I said as I let her hand go and walked over to the female hero that wanted to go back to Earth, even if her life sucked there. “Hi, Farrah.” I said and held a hand out to her. “What is it that you do back home?”

Farrah looked confused and didn't respond as she took my hand and shook it. Her long brown hair was pinned back on the sides, which exposed her ears and let her hair stay behind her back and not get in her way.

I immediately understood her confusion. “If you're wondering how I know your name, it's the basic Identify spell. We all have it, so just think 'identify' as you look at something or someone.”

Farrah looked surprised as she saw my info. “It really does only show one name.”

I kept hold of her hand and leaned in close to whisper. “I really do want to know what you do back home. I might have a job for you if you want one.”

“Are you serious?” Farrah asked without whispering.

“You're willing to go back, even knowing this place has magic in it.” I said.

“It's being overrun with the dead.” Farrah said. “I also doubt this place has proper bathrooms.”

That made me laugh and I nodded.

“Can I have your contact information?” I asked and took out another piece of paper and a pen.

Farrah looked at them and at me.

“Oh, you need a desk to write on.” I took one out for her. “Your name, address...” I lowered my voice to whisper. “...and phone number.”

Farrah wrote it out and handed it to me.

I looked at it for a moment and had to ask. “Is this your real address?”

“Yes.” Farrah said and I detected a lie.

I sighed. “I want to help you when we go back. I want to genuinely help you.”

“We all saw you hit on the head cleric and we know what you really want.” Farrah said and the other woman hero nodded.

I gave her a disbelieving look for a moment, then decided that I needed her to know I wasn't after her for that. “Give me a few minutes to prove that I'm not hitting on you.”

She gave me a look that said she would give me the time, so I stepped back from her and turned to the clerics that had been kneeling. There were four of them, since Lady Matricia had politely declined my offer. I reached up and ran my hands through my short hair to fluff it a little, then I took a step towards them.

Their eyes were locked on me now and I changed out my boots for my mithril armored ones, which made me quite a bit taller. One of them took in a sharp breath and I shifted slightly to walk towards her. She knew her metals and I equipped more pieces and covered up more of my body until I ended with the chest piece and then equipped my helm.

The woman stared at me with an open mouth and deep admiration in her eyes. “D-D-Divine Chosen.” She whispered and her hand reached out and ran her hands over the damaged chest plate. “What did this?”

I cast silence on the heroes and then spoke in a whisper. “An eighteen foot tall anthropomorphic bear man almost tore my heart out.”

“He had rending claws, didn't he?” She asked, almost with a moan, and I nodded. “What level was he?”

“Eighty-eight.” I said and she reached up to lift my visor. I caught her smell and grew hard for her, then I started to store my armor in reverse, to give them the impression that I needed to do that. When I was done, she stepped close and put her arms around my neck.

“You've been chosen before.” She said, her voice full of reverence, and she pressed herself against my erection.

“Twice before.” I said and all of the clerics gasped, even the men.

“Th-third... this is your third saved world.” She whispered.

“It will be.” I said and she came a little.

“Dear god, thank you for this gift.” She whispered the prayer and motioned off to the side. I nodded and picked her up, then used both of the other woman's spells as well as my Stealth spell to Quickstep and to disappear completely with her.

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