Summoned Again?

Chapter 157: The Undead Scourge Part Two

I flew at the safest speed I could manage without hurting the three heroes strapped to the bench I carried. I almost laughed at being the horse pulling them along, then pushed those thoughts aside. I was coming up on the first registered spot on the map with a dragon nesting area. I slowed my flight down and the bench swung down to hang below me. It stayed upright, thanks to how I had attached it to the straps holding me, and I lowered us down to the ground.

I didn't bother waking them up for this part, since I had to go and scout out the dragon's nest area. I had no idea how many there were or how big they were, or even what they looked like. I needed information, so I cast Search, Detect, and Topography.

With the additional spell, it filled in the height information and the extra details on my Map. It had been the component that I had needed to let my mind adjust to using the top down view effectively. I could now tell where someone or something was in relation to my own height on the same map. I cast a magical barrier around the bench and the three unconscious heroes and used the Obscure and Stealth spells to disappear.

I flew a short distance while updating the Map with those spells and after quarter of a mile, I found the first nesting area. There were ten adult dragons and almost twice that in young dragons. I changed the Detect spell to eggs and a hundred eggs scattered all over my Map.

Jesus Christ! I thought in surprise. I was sure that I could handle a few of them, maybe all of the adults if I was lucky. There was no possible way I could handle all of the young dragons at the same time. I was also sure that the adults were all females and that they would defend their young until their last breath.

I started to fly backwards to move away from the area, when one of the adults let out a howl-like noise. It was odd for a creature to do that with no visible enemy near them, then every single adult in the group turned their heads up to stare right at me, even though I was invisible.

Oh, shit. I thought, then five of them took off before I could react. I was suddenly surrounded by five adult dragons, all with heavily scaled armor and angry expressions, and they flapped their massive wings to hover around me.


Your suspended ability Dragon Telepathy has now been unlocked (condition met: near a wild dragon).


HUMAN! Why are you trespassing near our sacred nesting site?!? One of them said loudly into my mind.

I was a bit too stunned to answer immediately, both from the ability activating so suddenly and by having a dragon yell into my head.

At least he can properly fly. One of the others said. Perhaps we shouldn't eat him for trespassing.

Eat him? He's barely a snack. Another said. We should gut him and hang his stuffed corpse on the highest tree as a warning.

That got my attention. “I don't want to be a scarecrow.”

All five dragons flapped their wings and moved backwards about ten feet.

He spoke our language! How is that possible!?! He doesn't even have (growling sounds)! One said, quite frightened.

We should kill him and forget this happened. If the others find out that a human can understand us, there could be very large ramifications for the survival of our species. Another said, being quite reasonable.

“I give you my word that I won't tell anyone that I can understand you.” I said and the five of them looked at me, three with clear murder in their eyes. “I'm terribly sorry for intruding. I'm not from this world and I mistakenly thought that you were mindless beasts.”

You came here to kill us all?!? One exclaimed loudly.

“No, just one of you.” I said and they flew back another ten feet as one started to take in a huge breath. “Whoa! Whoa!” I waved my hands at them. “I told you. I thought you were just beasts and I wanted to level myself up quickly. I decided not to attack as soon as I saw how many of you were around and I was trying to retreat when you saw me.”

He is telling the truth, even admitting he wanted to kill one of us. One of them said. He is either used to being honest when faced with death or he is extremely stupid.

“The honest one.” I said, trying to avert being called stupid. “Please accept my apologies for thinking of attacking you.”

Kill him and be done with it. We can't let him leave and tell the other humans where we are.

“What if they already know?” I asked and the dragons moved back another ten feet. Two of them took deep breaths this time. “No, don't overreact! I didn't tell them! They gave me a map to come here to see you.” I took out the large piece of paper to show them. “One of the clerics has a spell that shows him land features and your nesting grounds are easily seen.”

We must abandon this site and move to the...

“They know about all of them.” I said and pointed to the map. “They are here, here, here, and here.”

We are doomed. One of them said, her mental voice filled with sorrow and sadness.

“Please understand. I sincerely doubt that anyone here wants to cause trouble with you or your kind.”

You do. The sad one said.

“I'm not from here. The head cleric was a little irked that I wanted to come here first and not go directly to face the undead that are overrunning the world, actually.”

We have seen them. They are bugs and easily dispatched. Another one said.

“You've fought them?” I asked, surprised.

Humans invade our space, dead or not, we will attack. We only lost two of our number and forced the dead to take another route.

“You lost two.” I said and slowly turned in a circle to show each of them my sad face, then I realized what she said. “Wait, when did this happen? Are they nearby?”

The dragons exchanged looks as my sad face became excited.

You want to fight them in their undead form? One of them asked. They are not-living. Whatever skills or abilities you have that could let you face a normal dragon won't benefit you.

“Don't worry about that. I'll deal with them and will bring their bodies back for you if you want them.”

We have already grieved for them. They are but empty shells. The sad dragon said.

“Please, point the way and I'll dispatch them.” I said. “Let their plight no longer be a concern for you.”

The five dragons exchanged looks again.

You know we are worried about them coming back for us? One of them asked.

“I would be worried as well. So are the humans.” I said. “Which way did they go?”

Another one of the dragons lifted a foreleg and pointed towards the west. About a hundred miles that way was where we headed them off. It is on the far side of our territory.

I checked the Map in my vision and marked the spot. “I'll head there immediately.” I said and stored the paper.

We will send a representative with you to stop you from attacking any of our kind.

“I said I was sorry for thinking I could.”

Actions speak louder than words. One of them said. IDYHL! Come here!

But mommmm! I'm busy with the little ones! A young dragon pouted and stared at us.

Now. The dragon said, quite sternly.

Idhyl sighed with a huff, which let out a small burst of fire, and she took off with a beat of her wings. I watched the blueish grey dragon fly up to us and she was about the size of a horse with a huge wingspan. I admired her sleekness that was unlike the adult versions floating around me and when she hovered near me inside the circle of dragons, I saw that she had keen eyes and she seemed to admire me right back.

“Would you be insulted if I asked to pet you?” I asked, quite bluntly.

I am NOT a pet! Idhyl spat at me.

“I didn't mean it like that. I want to touch those sleek scales.” I said and tried to send her the mental picture of petting an animal that wasn't a pet, like a horse.

Idhyl glared at me, which was neat to see on her scaled face, then she sighed. You may try.

“Thank you.” I said sincerely, then I floated close and looked into her eyes as I stored my gauntlet and put a hand on the space between her eyes. “I'm only level one, so be careful, please.”

The dragons around us gasped and one spit out a little fire.

No wonder you want to level up quickly. One of the dragons said.

I ignored her and concentrated on the sensations under my hand. The young dragon stared into my eyes and I tried to let her see with my eyes what I was experiencing. I pet her head and then ran my fingers along her jaw.

“You can bite through normal armor, can't you?” I asked and equipped my gauntlet again as she nodded. “Is there a spot you want me to scratch for you? Something you can't reach?”

No. Idhyl said and I detected the lie.

“I can use a sword or just my mithril covered fingers.” I said.

I thought you said you wanted to leave immediately. One of the dragons said.

“That was before you decided to send someone along to keep me company.” I said. “Hi, Idhyl. My name's Damon. I'm only visiting this world for a short time and then I'll be leaving.”

Idhyl gave me a disbelieving look.

“Okay, now we can go.” I said with a laugh. “I hope you can keep up.”

I am the fastest of my clutch. Idhyl said without boasting.

“I don't know how fast that is.” I said and looked at the dragon in front of the way to go west. “May we pass, or should we fly around you?”

Fly around. The stern dragon said. I'm too old for mid-air acrobatics.

“I'm not used to this spell ability yet, so forgive me if I fly too close.” I said and floated up a little. “Idhyl, let's go.”

I'm ready, human. Idhyl said.

“It's Damon.” I said and took a dramatic flying pose. “I'll race you to that distant mountain top on the horizon.” I said and cast a magical barrier around myself, then I took off as fast as I could. I thought I heard a sonic boom about ten seconds later and laughed. I never imagined being able to fly fast enough to break the sound barrier, assuming it was the same speed as it was back on earth.

I slowed down and came to a stop above the mountain top and turned around to estimate how long I had to wait for the dragon. I assumed that I had left the dragon in the dust and I had just enough time to dodge as Idhyl blew past me and dragged me along in her wake. I tumbled through the air and kept laughing as she beat her wings to come to a stop.

That wasn't fair! You left and didn't say go! Idhyl said, indignantly. I could have won if we left together.

“Your flight ability is maxed, too?” I asked, surprised.

Of course it is! I told you I was the fastest in my clutch. Idhyl said. I'm behind in lifting capacity, but that's mostly for the males anyway.

“Wow, that's... I thought I was better than you.” I said and reached out to pet her head.

She didn't dodge it and let me stroke her head. Where are we going?

“East to the battle with the dead. You're along so that I don't attack your people, remember?”

I was there at the battle, so you can follow me. Idhyl let out a little growl. When I say go, start flying.

I chuckled because I knew she was going to try to jump ahead of me. “You have a cute tail.” I said to distract her. If dragons could blush, I was sure she was doing it right then. “GO!” I yelled and took off.

HEEYYYYYY! Idhyl yelled and chased after me.

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