Summoned Again?

Chapter 159: The Undead Scourge Part Four

After Idhyl and I finished off the remaining large undead beasts, which totally wrecked the other two cars because we had so much fun throwing them around, I received several notifications.


Encounter over! Congratulations! You have defeated the corrupted undead acid dragon 'Timreth, The Nocturnal' and the corrupted undead fire dragon 'Zakar, The Eternal Flame' as a Level 1 combatant without any fighting abilities. Good Job!

Experience earned: 18,220,679 (Timreth); 22,643,222 (Zakar)

Battle Crazy Bonus (x2): 101,727,802

Cleaning Up The Mess Bonus: 20,000,000

Grand Total: 121,727,802 Experience Points

You have defeated a group of Undead humans and creatures (1,320,400) as a Level 1 combatant without any fighting abilities.

Experience Earned: 1,130 (x1,320,400) (1,492,052,000)

Multiple Kill Bonus: 500 for 10 (5,000); 1,000 for 20 (20,000); 2,000 for 30 (60,000); 3,000 for 40 (120,000); 4,000 for 50 (200,000); 5,000 for 60 (300,000); 6,000 for 70 (420,000); 7,000 for 80 (560,000); 8,000 for 90 (720,000); 9,000 for 100 (900,000); 10,000 for each multiple past 100 up to 1,320,400 (871,728,080,000 x 10,000 = 8,717,280,800,000,000)

Grand total: 8,717,280,803,305,000 Experience Points


Congratulations! You have reached the level cap of 99.

Devourer class specific skills are now safe to use without repercussion.

Experience Overload Bonus: Extra experience gained can be converted to Stat Points or Skill Points at the cost of 1,000 Experience for 1 point.

Unspent Experience: 8,717,280,753,305,000 (none previously unspent)

Current Point Potential: + 8,717,280,753,305 (not counting Stat and Skill points awarded for leveling)


Your legendary Breath of Flame skill has been upgraded to Breath of Flame (Multiple). Types Unlocked: Volcano Fire, Holy Cleansing Fire.

Mana cost has been reduced. Cool down time still applies, even when switching between types.


I stood there and didn't know what to say at the shockingly ridiculous experience total. I was absolutely shocked that the experience overload bonus had followed me from the other world, then I remembered that Goddess Jasindia hadn't removed all of the tweaks and changes that she had done to me. That was apparently one of them and I was glad for it. I checked my status and filled all of my stats to 999.

When I went through all of my skills and filled them all up to 99, I discovered the unnamed skill that I had gained from finally acclimating to the absorption of the Judge from the last world. Even though it still didn't have a name or a description, I knew if I dropped points into it that it would unlock the cap on my main stats and augment them. I put 99 points into the ???? skill and felt my mind and body shift slightly.

That did it. I thought and started to drop stat points into my Strength skill. When it reached 1099, the previous unlocked limit, I had a distinct feeling that I could add more. I started adding more and it actually went up to 1199 before it stopped accepting points. I felt very powerful and then did the same for all of my stats, which put me 200 points above all of the other heroes and their main stat limits.

I guessed that since it was the second time I had maxed the skill, I was allowed to add twice as much extra points, which immediately gave me the idea that each time was a new experience and as long as I remembered the last time, I could benefit from it.

In fact, my status showed 999 (-999) +1199 for all of my stats, which meant that the previous world's stats were negated back on Earth and now there was a new stat filled for this world. I wasn't sure why it didn't do that for the first world I had visited, then remembered I had been stripped magically after that one and it was on Goddess Jasindia's world that I had skipped that part. That was the difference and I nodded my head.

“How are you doing, Idhyl?” I asked. “Did you get a lot of...” I paused as I saw her blank expression and put my hands on the sides of her face. “...experience? Idhyl? Idhyl! Answer me!”

She didn't respond, so I used several of the diagnostic spells I knew and diagnosed that she was in epileptic shock. She was frozen stiff and wasn't convulsing, so it was only in her brain that it was happening.

I used several healing spells to ease her symptoms and then I cast Major Healing on her. After that, I used the Holy Cleanse spell on her to remove negative status effects and conditions from her. Idhyl's eyes flicked and blinked, then she took in a huge breath. I stepped aside as she coughed and a large gout of flame came out of her mouth. She coughed twice more and I pat her side.

“If you have tons of points to spend, please do it gradually. You don't want to suffer from power sickness for the next few days.” I cautioned her.

P-p-power s-s-sickness? Idhyl asked, her mental voice unsure and shaking. Is that... what was happening... to me?

“That depends on what happened, so tell me about it.” I said and stepped back in front of her and rubbed the sides of her face. I stood there and she told me what she had done with the things that had appeared in her perception and she had dropped a ton of points into her Mind stats, mainly alertness and intuition, and she had kind of short circuited herself.

“Yes, you are suffering from power sickness. It's too much for your unadjusted body to take in a single shot and you almost died.” I said and instead of getting any coherent thoughts, I just felt a deep fear from her. “It's all right. I'm right here. I'll advise you what to do to make sure that you don't suffer like that again, all right?”

Yes, Damon. Thank you. Idhyl said, a bit meekly.

“You'll need to increase your Intelligence and Wisdom in equal measure... slowly... and let it settle. The same with your Body stats. You do not want to cramp up or stop your heart by putting your resilience up without also putting your recovery up, too.”

Idhyl gave me a slightly nervous look. Why is it so difficult to adjust?

“It'll only be that way when you add too many points at once. Take your time. The points aren't going anywhere.” I said and let her face go.

You don't have to stop touching me. Idhyl said and then she ducked her head slightly.

I once again had the feeling she was blushing. “Thank you.” I said and stepped close and quickly scratched my armored fingertips along the scales of her jaw on both sides.

Idhyl let out a low rumbling and her wings shifted slightly and posed as if she was going to take flight, then they stayed that way. I kept talking and coached her in how to test the depth of how many points she could drop into a stat at once and she caught on almost immediately. She discovered that each had a different amount that she could add before it affected her in a negative way, and she only put that many in each time.

“How do you feel?” I asked an hour later.

Stronger. Idhyl said, her voice confident.

“That's great. We should probably get you back to your mother.” I said and waved at the sky. “I need to check on the other three heroes and see if they received some of the same power ups that I did.”

Idhyl nodded and we took off up into the air. I had told her about accompanying skills and abilities that flying would benefit from. As we flew back, she did her best to activate them by flying erratically and recovering quickly, then diving and pulling up, and a few other mid-air acrobatics. I did them as well and gained a few, like a faster recovery if blown off course and bonus dodging when in air.

It was quite productive and as we flew over the dragon's nesting areas, we gained a lot of attention with our antics. Idhyl had to apologize a bunch of times to various adults, because we were giving the young dragons crazy ideas about flying dangerously. I apologized as well, claimed it was training, and they laughed and dismissed me. None of them were surprised that I could understand them like the first group had been.

Idhyl's mother was waiting for us when we came in for a landing near the first group of nests. You were not gone long. She said, a bit disdainfully.

We did it, mother! Idhyl said and pressed her head to her mother's. After a few seconds, the mother dragon let out a huff.

You are a surprising human to allow a dragon to partake in your hunt.

“I needed her help and I hoped I could make up for my mistake.” I said.

Your humbleness does not outweigh your arrogance. The mother dragon said.

“I'm in a rush to get back home.” I said and sighed. “I'm hoping the other heroes will forgive my abruptness. Some things do take time, even if I'm compressing it within two hundred feet of me.”

We wondered why we felt disoriented when you left. She said. What is the ratio of the time slowing spell?

“I cast it ten times, then ten times, then ten times again.” I said and she looked surprised. “I emptied my full mana pool three times and brought my relative time down to a thousandth of normal.”

You are a very crazy human to think your mind can survive controlling time to that degree.

“I started at an hour taking only about six minutes in real time after the first ten spells. After doing two more sets of ten, I'm starting to feel the strain a little with it down to 3.6 seconds.”

I suggest you give it up before you hurt yourself. The mother dragon said. Humans are not meant to have that spell or ability.

“I know.” I said and bowed to her. “If you will excuse me, I need to get the other three heroes.”

I'm coming with you. Idhyl said and crouched to take off flying.

“Whoa, there. You can't.” I said and pat her head. “I just powered you up and you need to adjust and be careful. You can't go into battles like you are now.”

I'll be fine. Idhyl said.

“No.” I said, firmly. “I'll be too worried about keeping you safe to fight effectively.”

You weren't worried this last battle!

I chuckled and rubbed the side of her face. “I was actually very worried. When you distracted the second dragon for me, I was both proud and terrified.”

Both Idhyl and her mother were surprised to hear that, probably because I wasn't lying and they could tell.

“I've shown you the right pace to stay powerful without getting sick, so keep doing that.” I said and looked at her mother. “How old is Idhyl?”

She's barely thirty. Her mother said.

Mommmm! Idhyl whined and both her mother and I laughed.

“I'm only thirty, too.” I stepped close to place a kiss on Idhyl's nose. “Thank you for your help.”

Both dragons stiffened at the gesture and stared at me.

“Have fun teaching the others the Holy Cleansing Fire Breath.” I said and took off flying at a casual speed. That distracted her from following. I thought with amusement when I was far enough away that they wouldn't 'hear' me, then sighed. I really need to get this task done.

I had already spent a little time trying to relax and to have fun, just to calm down about being kidnapped again. I was feeling more like myself with each passing moment and I hoped that I could convince the other three heroes that was why I acted the way I did. If not, and they are still reluctant to come along willingly after a massive power up... well, it wouldn't be the first time that I've completed a mission with unconscious heroes along.

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