Summoned Again?

Chapter 161: The Undead Scourge Part Six

Thanks to their pumped up stats, the three heroes quickly learned both spells. I wasn't sure what kind of prompts they were getting as they reached certain milestones; but, I could see them be distracted by reading whatever it was they were seeing when they had popups appear.

“When we get into battle, you won't gain any experience until the battle or encounter is over.” I told them. “I'll try to find a few of the more prolific areas that aren't too close to where the main bad guy is, so you can use your skills to finish getting to level 99.”

“I thought you said you wouldn't need our help?” Anthony said.

“No, I said you couldn't help with the main bad guy because I'm the only one with the spell needed to defeat him.” I corrected. “You'll have plenty to do while keeping the rest of the undead away from us.”

“Is that really supposed to be our job?” Ksenya asked. “Why can't we just go in there and start blasting everything?”

“If there's even half of the ones that were here, there'll be over six hundred thousand undead to fight.”

The three of them stared at me.

“You can all cast shield, you can all cast Holy Cleansing Fire because you've unlocked the spell, and you can stay together and make each other stronger.” I said. “If you try to go in alone, you'll be overwhelmed.”

“You're going in to fight alone.” Farrah said.

“No, I'm going in with you.”

After a moment, she nodded and the three of them strapped into the bench.

“I can't believe we can't learn the flight spell.” Anthony said.

“You might be able to max your Magic after the next few battles.” I said and strapped the harness on. “Then again, out of the twelve clerics at the temple, only one of them could fly.”

“That's weird, isn't it? So many of them living and training together, and yet they all have different skills and abilities.” Farrah said.

“What, you mean like the three people in front of me?” I asked and the three of them exchanged looks. “None of you put your points into the same things. Even with the same class, you've probably unlocked different spells and abilities.”

“How do you know that?” Anthony asked.

“Because you're people.” I said and he didn't look convinced. “What would you have said if I told you exactly how to spend all of your points and didn't just guide you in how to do it yourself?”

“I would have told you to go fuck yourself.” Anthony said without even having to think about it.

“Exactly.” I said and flew up into the air. “You can cast your own magic shields now, so I suggest you do so.”

“Why do we have to... WHOOOOAAAAA!” Anthony yelled as I took off to the south and the bench swung up behind me. I glanced back and saw Farrah and Ksenya had slightly blue glows around them about a foot out, and Anthony's face and hair were flapping in the wind. It was honestly funny and both Ksenya and Farrah were laughing at him.

I slowed down as we approached the area and the bench swung down below me. “Keep your shields up.” I cautioned them and pointed. “Look over there.”

Anthony rubbed his face, probably to try and get the feeling in it again, and then he looked with Farrah and Ksenya at what I had pointed to. Anthony cursed in Italian, Ksenya said something in Russian, almost like a plead for help, and Farrah just stared with her mouth open.

As we descended, they saw that a few hundred feet away was a massive horde of undead. People and creatures alike slowly roamed, like a plague, and broke and destroyed everything that they touched. Some of the creatures spewed black smoke from their mouths and it rotted trees and grass, while some of the humans had glowing hands and they would rot and crumble anything they touched as well, including rocks.


You have learned the Unlife spell Essence Rot. You can cast this at an object or living being, and they will rot from the point of contact. If left untreated, will cause death. Limited range: Touch only.

Warning: You cannot cast this on yourself to gain resistance to the spell.

You have learned the Unlife spell Life Drain. This will drain the life of any living thing it is cast upon. When used in conjunction with Essence Rot, Life Drain will accelerate the rotting process to harvest the most amount of life in the shortest time possible. Limited Range: Touch only.

Warning: You cannot cast this on yourself to gain resistance to the spell.


“That... that's not...” Farrah shook her head.

The mass of undead lumbered along at a slow and steady pace, wrecking everything they came across, regardless of what it was.

“Who wants to go first?” I asked with a smile.

“YOU!” The three of them yelled at the same time. This got the undead's attention and a few hundred of them turned from the horde and started coming this way.

“Thanks for getting their attention.” I said and unstrapped the harness. “Don't be shocked by what I do next.”

Before they could ask me what I meant, I jumped fifty feet forward and opened my mouth as I used my Holy Cleanse Breath of Flame skill at the maximum. After about six seconds, I stopped the attack because the undead coming for us had disappeared. The undead horde didn't even notice.

I walked back over to the three slightly stunned heroes. “So, are you ready now?”

“What kind of attack was that?!?” Anthony asked.

“Breath of Flame.” I said. “Like I told you before, we all have different skills and spells available.”

“Is that why you can use armor and magic at the same time?” Farrah asked.

“Yes. It's also specially enchanted to enhance magic skills.”

“Where can we get that?” Anthony asked, greed clear in his eyes.

“If I knew that, I'd get this one repaired.” I said and rubbed the damaged chest plate. “I miss the main protections it's supposed to give me.”

“We should ask the head cleric if she knows someone that can enchant.” Ksenya said.

“That's a great idea.” I said and smiled at her. “We can go for a quick visit after I get you all some experience.”

“I think... I think I'm ready.” Farrah said. “If we take our time, we can keep drawing a few off and try our spells on them. Depending on how well it works...”

“Damon can keep our magic topped up as well.” Ksenya said. “Although, he's right. We can use the base spell many more times, even if it doesn't cover as wide of an area.”

“If you put enough points into Agility and Dexterity, you can use it like a flamethrower and move your aim while the spell's active.” I said. “Of course, we won't know if you have enough until you cast the spell and try to move with it.”

“Let's do this.” Farrah said, much more confidently than she had a moment ago.

“I've got you covered, so don't worry.” I said and put a hand on her shoulder as I walked around behind her. “I won't let them get near.”

Farrah gave me an odd look.

“I'm still willing to have sex if you are.” I said.

Farrah caught her breath and then she shook her head and faced forward.

“I didn't think so.” I chuckled and flew up slightly to be able to attack. “HEY! UNDEAD UGLIES! I'VE GOT THREE DELICIOUS HUMANS OVER HERE!!!”

“Hey!” Anthony said.


Ksenya and Farrah burst out laughing and Anthony glared at me.

“Here they come.” I said and the laughter died away as about five hundred undead things came for us. “Remember your spell. Keep it in your mind. You want to eradicate these things. They shouldn't exist and are a blight on this world.” I said and the three of them started chanting. “Believe it! Say it! Do it!”

“HOLY CLEANSING FIRE!” The three of them yelled at the same time.

Three large gouts of white flame shot out from their hands. It went out to a hundred feet and the three of them had been smart and taken aim slightly off center from Ksenya, who was in the middle. Their flames covered nearly a third of a full circle's distance and the dead never had a chance. They were all well within that arc and the distance the spell went. When the three spells ended, nothing was left in front of us except ashes.

“We... we did it.” Farrah looked at the ashes, at her hands, then at the ashes again. “We did it!”

“That's great.” I said and touched her shoulder again.

Farrah turned her head as she looked up at me and smiled.

“Now do it again. Shouting the spell brought more.” I said and waved her to face forward.

“That's not a problem.” Farrah said, a feral glint in her eyes, and she readied to cast the spell again.

The scene repeated, over and over, and they had killed about half of the horde that was passing by. However, their attacks had gotten the horde's attention and it actually shifted and the ones that had passed, started coming back from where they were walking to see what all the noise was all about.

I had to step in at that point and every second shot was from me to give the others time to cast their spells again. I had to top their mana off twice before they were physically exhausted from the relentless onslaught of the dead. Then I started having fun and showed off a little. I could fly, so I showed them what Idhyl and I had been doing with strafing runs of cleansing flame and used a large metal ball to bowl over the larger creatures.

When the last of them had been dispatched, I flew back over to the three heroes, only to see that they were completely silent. I landed in front of them and saw their eyes were reading something, so I stood still and looked at the popup that had appeared. I laughed at the total undead we had killed, just over two million of them, and I didn't bother looking at my experience bonuses.

The numbers might just as well be infinity symbols at this point. The multiple opponent bonuses were ridiculous, even with me at Level 99 with everything pumped to max, so I converted the quadrillions and quadrillions of experience points into trillions of stat and skill points. I couldn't spend any of them and I knew that unspent experience was lost, thanks to the first popup that said I had no previous experience unspent, even though I had some from the last world.

Hopefully I'll find a skill or a spell that will let me fix that. I thought. “How much did you guys...”

“SHHHH!” Farrah hushed me loudly and waved her hand at me a few times.

“I'm sorry to interrupt.” I said and took out a chair to sit down on, then I stored the bench and put it right behind them. “Have a seat. You'll be a while.”

The three of them sat down without looking back and I was really, really tempted to store the bench and let them fall. I laughed under my breath and resisted the urge, then the three of them seemed to settle down and read everything that they were seeing.

I can only imagine what they were seeing, especially if they have maxed out their classes. I thought and kept a look out for normal creatures that might be near. I was pretty sure there wouldn't be, not with so many undead people and creatures that were killing and clearing the way through the land like they had been. Nope, those creatures not too slow are long gone from here.

Ksenya closed her eyes and clasped her hands together and started chanting prayers. Farrah started doing it a few moments later, then Anthony glanced at me and then looked at the two women.

“What the hell. Why not?” Anthony said and clasped his hands together and closed his eyes as he started muttering prayers, too.

I knew this was going to take a while, so I sat there and waited patiently. I did the math in my head and I had used up about six hours of time. Since each hour I spent was only 3.6 seconds, only 21.6 seconds had passed since the six minutes I had used up at the cleric's temple. That meant almost six and a half minutes has passed on Earth where the car I was in had been crushed by the tank.

I held in my sigh and hoped beyond hope that the people at the army base were very slow in the recovery of my body from the crushed car. If they were fast, they would soon find out that I wasn't there.

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