Summoned Again?

Chapter 177: Diamonds Are Forever

The pilots and Miss Carlyle were stunned to see me up and walking around. They had heard from Stephanie and Bethany what had happened and it wasn't something they ever thought someone would walk away from. My assistants had forgotten to message ahead to warn them I was fine, apparently. I wasn't going to fault them for that, though. We were quite busy after my miraculous rescue.

The pilots recovered quickly and it was a surprisingly quick flight to the next stop on our cross-Europe tour. Thankfully, no other incidents happened and I didn't get any flashes of Divine Sight. That didn't mean bad things wouldn't happen, just that they wouldn't affect me in a negative way. It was a fine distinction and one that I had come to accept.

Stephanie and Bethany helped me wash in the shower, since we had plenty of time before the meeting, and I made sure that every single spot on them was cleaned thoroughly. They continued to whisper occasionally about being relieved that I was alive and okay, and I would whisper back that there was no way I could leave them without at least saying goodbye first.

They appreciated that and made sure I was thanked, a lot, and we all dressed in new clothing and left the plane to go through a very quick customs check, since we didn't bring any bags off of the plane. We rode in a rented car as the driver took us to the next meeting. This one was for the diamond mine and we had two interviews to conduct before going to the mine itself. Stephanie and Bethany were completely professional this time and both candidates seemed like a good choice.

Not surprisingly, both the man and the woman were heavily qualified, actually over-qualified in the woman's case, and they were quite arrogant. That was understandable, since they were highly skilled in their field of expertise and they were used to dealing with high profile clients. It was a little off-putting, considering I wanted more personable employees; but, I was pretty much being forced to hire them because I couldn't bring someone else in to do the job.

“I only have one important question left.” I said to each of them at the end of their individual and separate interviews. “If the other person gets the top job, would you be willing to work as their assistant?”

The arrogant man refused, saying he was too valuable to be in a lower position. His skills would wane and he would be wasted assisting someone do the job that he was fully qualified for.

The arrogant woman on the other hand, whose name was Vika Marusya, sighed in resignation. “My skills might be wasted as an assistant to someone doing the job I should be doing; but, if my help is needed to bring the mine up to proper production and quality, then I would... reluctantly... become an assistant for up to a year before needing to leave to continue my career.”

I was honestly surprised that the more qualified candidate would offer such a thing, then I realized that was why she was over-qualified. She had taken more jobs than necessary at a lower wage and built up her skills and knowledge to the point that she could be an asset no matter where she went.

She gave me a pointed look. “I would need a much higher wage than a normal assistant would receive and I would demand the job be renamed to vice-director.”

That made me smile and she looked surprised at my reaction. “My broker's assistant really did dig up a diamond with her bare hands.” I said and held a hand out to her. “You're hired, Ms. Marusya.”

Vika smiled back at me and took my hand, then she caught her breath. “For which position?”

Stephanie and Bethany laughed briefly, because they had both accepted jobs from me without really knowing what they fully entailed.

“The top one, since my question was a test of character and not based in reality.” I said and saw the relief on her face. “I hope I can keep you for more than just a year, however.”

Vika smiled. “I assume it's a renewable contract with the proper raises and bonuses?”

“Better. It's a base salary for only the first year and you get bonuses and raises on top of that.” I said. “When renewed, your new salary will be based on what you've earned previously and that becomes the new base.”

Vika stared at me and didn't say anything for nearly twenty seconds. “You do realize what that means.”

I nodded. “It encourages performance, better production, and higher quality work. The better you are at your job, the more you get paid, and the better you are at your job.”

Vika blinked her eyes for several seconds and then she smirked as she let my hand go. “You aren't going to believe what I can do with this mine in a year.”

I chuckled. “I'm glad you understand the motivation and I invite you to accompany my assistants and I on a tour of the mine in question.”

“I would be delighted.” Vika said and she came with us on the tour. The mine supervisor drove a large golf cart and we had an enjoyable time in the main tunnel. Bethany handed Vika a clipboard with blank paper and a pen and the new director quickly started writing out things to change, alter, overhaul, and replace as the mine supervisor described everything.

I saw her write out adding more workers, more training, more stringent safety measures, better equipment, and a slew of other things. I think she's going to work out just fine. I thought and my mind was relieved to have someone so competent taking over the diamond mining operation.

We left the mine after visiting two of the smaller side tunnels and entered the one storey building on the property.

“Feel free to upgrade the building with add-ons if you need more room and change the interior to whatever you like. You can also hire the people you need to help run the place.”

Vika gave me a pointed look. “As the director, I was going to do that anyway.”

I laughed and held my hands up in surrender. “I'm sorry, I didn't mean to tell you how to do your job. I was only making suggestions.”

Vika's pointed look changed to inquisitive. “What's your view on family members working?”

“You can hire them as long as they are qualified for what they are hired for.” I said. “Assistants need to assist, cleaners need to clean, etcetera, etcetera.”

“You know I can very easily abuse that.” Vika said as she sat in the slightly old chair behind the office desk.

“As long as you can justify it, I honestly don't care.” I said and she looked surprised. “You can have your assistant rubbing your feet all day and it's still assisting. Just don't hire a shift supervisor or something and only have them be that on paper without doing any actual work. I don't mind spending money. It's wasting money that I don't want to do.”

Vika looked at my two assistants and they nodded.

“We work our asses off during the week answering phones, referring clients and queries, and learning about all the assets that Damon... Mr. Smith... has acquired.” Stephanie said.

“We're becoming more managers than anything else, especially when handling his travel itinerary and the people being hired for those assets.” Bethany added. “It's a great job and we both love it.”

“I was definitely lucky to have met them.” I said and nodded to Stephanie.

She opened her purse and took out a carefully wrapped present. “Welcome to the corporation.”

Vika looked at the present and seemed genuinely shocked.

“You shouldn't be surprised. You haven't even opened it yet.” Bethany said with a teasing tone.

I chuckled. “We have to go, now that we're done here.” I said and shook Vika's hand again. “Good luck, and don't hesitate to contact my assistants for anything you need.”

“Money.” Vika said immediately.

Stephanie handed over a folder with a smile. “Here are the bank accounts we've opened for the mine and the annual operating budget. We know that's going to change, especially after you bring in the new equipment and workers, so call me and let me know what you need changed.”

Vika opened the folder and took in a sharp breath. “You... why...”

“I told you that I don't mind spending money.” I said. “Have a good day, Director Marusya.”

“You, too.” Vika said. “...and thank you.”

“You can thank me by showing me what you can do with this place.” I said and she nodded.

Stephanie, Bethany, and I left her office and the driver drove us back to the plane. We boarded after another security check and then we were off. It was a longer flight this time and we relaxed and enjoyed a great meal that Miss Carlyle served us.

“I'm feeling very spoiled.” Stephanie said with satisfaction when we were done eating and sipped on champagne. “I never thought my life would end up like this.”

I laughed. “You make it sound like it's over, now that you've reached this point.”

Stephanie and Bethany laughed, too.

“It's not going to get much better, is it?” Bethany asked and cuddled into my side as she nuzzled my earlobe. “We can have sex in a bed covered in money, have jobs we love and enjoy more than either of us thought was possible, and we have a man that not only keeps up with us, he can't even be hurt when a tank runs over him.” She moved down and bit my neck, then licked the spot. “It can't get better than this because we can't ask for anything more.”

“No, we can't.” Stephanie said and put her drink down, then she came around the table and sat on my other side, then she copied Bethany and kissed, licked, and bit my ear and neck. The situation quickly devolved into me grinding myself into the both of them and they moaned their pleasure loudly, not caring at all who heard them.


“Can you believe this guy?” The co-pilot asked and waved at the little screen he was watching. “He almost dies in an accident and he's acting like nothing happened.”

“Nothing did happen. He's fine.” Miss Carlyle said.

“He was crushed inside a car under a tank. That wasn't nothing.” The co-pilot said with a laugh.

“He got out unharmed.” Miss Carlyle said and licked her lips as she looked at her own screen. “Good lord, she's cute.”

“Which one? The blonde or the blonde?” The pilot asked and both pilots laughed.

“The one getting licked.” Miss Carlyle said. “I wish it was me.”

“Hey, they're right there. Go see if they need a hand.” The co-pilot urged. “I doubt he'll say no.”

Miss Carlyle seriously thought about it. She really did. “I... no, I... he might... I don't want...”

The co-pilot laughed. “It's not so bad, is it? Sharing?” He asked. “You've tried it before, right? Being with a guy, I mean.”

Miss Carlyle thought about glaring at him and sighed instead. She'd known him and his humor for far too long to stay upset at his stupid questions. “Yes, and it's not for me.”

“He's pretty much doing what they ask.” The pilot said. “If you tell him that you don't want him and only want to play with one of his girls, I'm sure he won't trick you or something.”

Miss Carlyle had to laugh. “Do you really think if I'm swinging my naked ass around out there, in the middle of an orgy, he's not going to want to at least taste it?”

The two pilots exchanged looks and then looked at her.

“Okay, that's a good point.” The pilot said.

“I don't think I could resist licking you if you were naked in front of me.” The co-pilot admitted. “I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable or anything. I'm just saying I would want to try, you know?”

Miss Carlyle smiled evilly. “If you two were both naked and tag teaming on a woman, would you look at each other and think, 'hey, I might lick his dick if he's close enough'.”

Both pilots immediately had sour faces and shook their heads.

“Now you know how I would feel if I was out there.” Miss Carlyle said and waved at the little screen.

The pilots exchanged looks again and went back to watching their boss' antics.

The co-pilot didn't ask Miss Carlyle about if she was in the heat of the moment, how would she even know whose tongue it was? He glanced at the pilot and imagined the scenario Miss Carlyle mentioned, then he asked himself the same question.

In the heat of the moment, how would I know whose tongue it was? He asked and looked down at his tent pole. Maybe I wouldn't. He thought and doubts about it crept through his mind. If I'm having sex anyways, would it matter whose tongue was licking me? It would still feel good, right?

He put his eyes back onto the little screen and watched three people having sex and sharing each other equally. In both the front of his mind and in the back, he wanted to know what it would be like to be with more than one person at the same time. The sliver of doubt he felt was in who the other participants were supposed to be. He had always imagined two women. Always.

Now, with Miss Carlyle's suggestion floating through his mind, he wasn't quite sure how strictly opposed he was to having one of them being a man instead, with strict rules in place.

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