Summoned Again?

Chapter 180: Almost Back To Normal

Nat and Crystal listened to the rest of my tale and didn't speak until I was done.

“Don't cry, Uncle Damon.” Crystal said and her hands wiped at my face.

“I'm sorry, Crystal. I just... I was almost gone for a long time again and I... I almost lost hope. I even intentionally fell asleep in front of...”

“Shh. You came back.” Nat said and caressed my head. “You outsmarted everyone, even that stupid god, and you came back. You kept your promise to Crystal. To us.”

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. I felt two kisses, one on each cheek, and they meant more to me than anything else in the world. “Thank you.” I said and opened my eyes. I gave Crystal a kiss on the cheek and then I kissed my fingertips and touched Nat's cheek.

The three of us stayed there and held each other for quite some time. We didn't move or say anything until we heard the apartment door open.

“Hey! Is anyone here?” Susan's voice asked.

“Yes!” Nat responded and her surprisingly strong arms eased their hold on me. “Just a minute.”

Our tears had long since dried and the three of us climbed off of the bed.

“Crystal, you can't tell anyone what I said, all right? It's only for us to know and no one else.”

“It's a secret?” Crystal asked.

“No, it's even more important than that.” I said and knelt in front of her. “This is only for you, Nat, and me. No one else can know.”

“Not even Susan?” Crystal asked.

“She doesn't know what you and Nat knows, so no. You can't tell her. Or your friends.”

“What about Teddy?”

“He was there, so that's fine.” I said.

“TEDDY WAS THERE?!?” Crystal yelled and I realized my mistake.

“I warned you that you say too much sometimes.” Nat said to me as she shook her head, then she put a hand on Crystal's shoulder. “Come on, let's go start making supper.”

“Teddy was there, too.” Crystal said, almost in a daze, as Nat led her from the bedroom.

Dammit, I'm too used to including Teddy in the things I do. I thought and checked my suit to make sure it wasn't too wrinkled. It was, so I stored it and paid to have it cleaned and repaired, then equipped it again. I wasn't sure how it was possible and I wasn't going to question it. It worked and that's all that mattered.

I left the bedroom and Susan had her books and things on the table already. I walked over to her and bent down to give her a kiss. She accepted it and then her eyes went to Nat and Crystal cooking in the kitchen.

“You have schoolwork to do.” I whispered.

“I have you to do.” Susan whispered back. “I've been horny all damn afternoon after your text.”

“You were in class?” I asked, to confirm my guess from before.

Susan nodded. “It was a dumb lecture that only recited what was in the book. Kathy and I... occupied ourselves with something else.” She must have seen something on my face because she wiggled her finger in a 'come closer' gesture and I bent over to give her my ear. “I really should tell you this in private.” She whispered into my ear. “I showed her the video we made and she came a little.”

I was rock hard instantly and Susan's eyes went right to my crotch. I reached down and closed her book, took her hand, and led her from the kitchen. Susan didn't say a word as we went into Nat's room and I quickly stripped her off, gagged her, then had my way with her on the exchanged bed. I had to admit that it was exciting to know that she would do that for me, let her friend see us having sex, even if it was second hand.

I thanked her with both words and by doing her a lot harder than I usually let myself. I normally tried to keep my sex drive under control and this time I wasn't as careful. We were both glad that I had gagged her, because even with the gag in, she was pretty loud. I had to switch some of my rings out for the Silence spell and had to use it a few times, since it only lasted a few minutes each time.

We rested in bed for a few minutes to catch our breath when we were done. We needed a shower after that, since we had made quite the mess on each other and the bed. Susan had apparently really enjoyed Kathy watching us, too.

I left the bedroom and took a quick shower first, cheated with the Cleaning Hands spell, and came back out dressed in jeans and a t-shirt.

Susan gave me an appraising look as she walked around me to go to the bathroom. “Nice ass.” She said and pat it.

“I don't know why I don't feel objectified when you do that.” I joked.

“It's because you know I appreciate what it means to me... what you mean to me.” Susan said and paused to kiss my cheek as she whispered. “Just like you appreciate my ass, too.”

“It's a great ass.” I whispered back.

Susan smiled and started to go into the bathroom, then she stopped and looked at me. “You meant mine, right?”

I chuckled and turned to give her a kiss. “Maybe.” I said and gently pushed her into the bathroom and closed the door. I would let her chew on that for a bit before confirming that I did mean hers, especially when she wears those painted on jeans. I didn't know why it looked so good wrapped in denim, even after just seeing it naked and having sex with her.

I suppose that's something I should bring up during my next therapy session with her mother. I thought and went to the kitchen. “How's it going out here?”

“Messily.” Nat said and waved at Crystal's partially flour-covered face and apron. “We're almost done, though.”

“I'm not going to ask what you were doing to get like that.” I said to Crystal and bent down to kiss her cheek. I pretended to cough and wiped at my lips that were covered in flour to make her laugh. “I should have waited to do that.”

“That's what you get for trying to steal kisses.” Nat said and motioned to the laptop on the far side of the counter. “Transfer the pictures to the laptop while you wait for supper.”

“Good idea.” I said and made a kissing face towards her to make her laugh, too.

“Don't make me use the hands.” Nat said and held her flour-covered hands up towards my face.

“I just took a shower!” I said and quickly backed away, then went over to the laptop and took out my phone. By the time Susan came out of the bathroom, I had the photos transferred and Nat was carefully frying up the battered fish.

I took Crystal to the bathroom to clean up, now that the dangerous part of cooking was going on. She was both happy and disgusted at the feeling of the fish, or so she claimed, because she giggled a lot as she described what it felt like while I washed off her hands and face. I had to change her clothes as well, since she had somehow managed to get the flour everywhere.

We went out to the table and Susan had her college things moved over to the coffee table so we could eat at the kitchen table. We all sat down and enjoyed a nice meal of fried fish and thick french fries.

“This is really tasty.” Susan said. “Did you add spices to the flour or something?”

Nat nodded. “It's easier to do that than add it to the egg mixture. Plus, you can keep it if you're careful about how you apply it to the fish.”

“Doesn't the fish contaminate it?” I asked and ate a particularly large french fry that was more of a wedge of potato than anything else.

“Not if you mix it in a large bag and only add some of it to a bowl to dip the fish into.” Nat said. “It saves time later, too.”

“Is it just for fish?” Susan asked and ate some of the fish. “I think this would be good for chicken.”

“It started out that way.” Nat said and explained how she had made it up when she thought she had chicken to use it on and only had fish to use instead. She tried it and now she only ate it this way.

“You have to love happy accidents.” Susan said and kept eating.

Thankfully, she was looking down when she said that and didn't notice the reaction on our faces at her words. Nat, Crystal and I looked at each other as we were reminded of my own 'happy accident' with the tank that had run me over. Nat and I reached over and touched Crystal's face briefly, then we continued to eat as well.

After the meal, I helped Nat clean up and then set the laptop up on the coffee table for Crystal to look through all of the pictures I had taken during my business trip. Of course, she immediately started looking for Teddy in the backgrounds and would gasp and giggle when she found him.

Nat soon joined in and Susan just couldn't resist the sight of the two of them having fun while she did homework for college, so she put it away temporarily and sat on the couch beside them. I sat off to the side to watch them enjoy themselves as they saw all of the places I had gone, the things I had seen, and the amount of dirt and grime that collected from being inside so many mines.

I watched Susan's face for her reaction when a certain photo appeared. I knew immediately when her eyes widened briefly and then squinted. She turned her head to glare at me, out of sight of Nat and Crystal, and I wiggled my finger in the same 'come here' gesture she had used earlier. Susan looked like she was going to refuse, then she stood up and came over to the armchair and sat on my lap.

“I told them you would be angry when you found out we went to Paris.” I whispered to her. “Do you know what they said?”

Susan shook her head and didn't speak.

“The poor girl has to wait her turn, because they couldn't pass up the opportunity.” I whispered and kissed her earlobe. “They also said that they wanted to stay for a week or two and I told them that was exactly what you said.”

Susan turned her head to look into my eyes. “You talked to them about me?”

“No, I completely ignored you and never, ever mentioned that I'm living with a girl I'm dating.”

Susan had a very pleased smile on her face. “One date doesn't count as dating.”

“I only just got back. Give me a day or two.”

“The weekend?” Susan asked, her voice hopeful.

“Only if you don't have something due for college.” I said. “You know my view on that.”

“I'll finish it before we go anywhere.” Susan promised and kissed me. “Where are you taking me on our second date?”

“I heard that there's a really nice restaurant inside a certain theme park in Florida.” I said and distinctly heard three gasps instead of one. “Oops.”

“We are not... you can't seriously think...” Nat started to mumble.

Crystal stared at me and seemed to be vibrating, as if she was going to burst any second.

“Are you serious?” Susan asked.

“We're leaving Friday afternoon after I pick Crystal up at school. It's a long weekend with Monday being a holiday, so I thought we could all go and have some fun for the weekend.”

Susan pushed up and off of me and I thought she was going to rant or something. “I need to get back to work and then I need to pack.”

“We're really going?!?” Crystal asked and stood up as Susan went back to the kitchen table. “Are we? ARE WE?!?”


“YAAAAYYYYYY!” Crystal yelled and launched herself at me before I could finish saying yes.

I caught her and she hugged me tightly and kissed my face all over for about ten seconds, then she suddenly let go, grabbed Teddy, and ran from the room.

“We need to pack, Teddy!” Crystal said and then her bedroom door slammed shut.

Nat gave me an odd look for a second before she chuckled and followed Crystal from the living room.

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