Summoned Again?

Chapter 189: Summer Break Part One

Not surprisingly, Nat had a successful weekend away with her now steady girlfriend named Sandy. Her name was actually Sandrina; but, she hated that name and insisted we all called her Sandy. I refrained from making any jokes about her nickname until we were at a beach, then I would be relentless with the puns and inferences.

Two more agonizingly work filled weeks later, school ended for Crystal and Susan. Both of them passed their classes by a wide margin, which marked the beginning of our summer fun. Crystal had a lot of sleepover dates for the first two weeks of summer vacation, and she couldn't have been happier. Teddy went along for some of them, too.

Apparently, the four new teddy buddies that had moved into the apartment at random times over the last month had made him miss his first group of teddy friends. That's what Crystal claimed, anyway. Who was I to argue with a little girl over it?

With Crystal out of the house for a while, I managed to load up on normal supplies, like real beds, camping gear including propane stoves, pots and pans, and cooking racks. I wasn't going to be left with nothing in my inventory ever again. I had been tempted to buy a motorcycle, off-road of course, and load up on gasoline. The problem was, whenever I was summoned, there were always four of us.

My thoughts had then gone to getting a vehicle, also off-road, then I tried to convince myself about how useful it would be. It would be great, because then we could travel easily... and I would have no way to fix the damn thing if anything happened, then we would be stuck. I shelved that idea and thought I could do what I did in the last world and fly us everywhere.

Of course, both Nat and I took full advantage of having several days to ourselves. She spent some quality time with her girlfriend and I did the same with Susan. Both women appreciated our efforts.

My next therapy session with Susan's mother seemed very tame in comparison with the last one, since we had already discussed a lot of the deeper problems I was experiencing.

Susan was with me this time as well. It was then that I learned about how she felt about me and she actually surprised her mother with how strong her feelings were. They both got into a heated discussion about it and then they started comparing how they each felt about the 'perfect' men that they had in their lives. That was when they realized they had the same devotion reaction when they finally found the man they were looking for.

“I knew you were more like me than your father!” Eileen exclaimed.

“I'm not sure that's a good thing.” Susan joked and her mother laughed.

“It's more than a good thing. It's nearly impossible to find someone that people like us are so compatible with. We can come close sometimes and it can be great, especially the sex.”

Susan nodded in agreement.

“When we meet that special someone, however...” Eileen looked at me. “At times, we can orgasm just from looking at them.”

It was my turn to be surprised. “Are you serious?” I asked. “That sounds a lot like...”

“A very watered down version of whatever is wrong with you.” Eileen said. “Even with all my experience, I've never heard of what's wrong with you. For Susan and myself, it's a purely mental switch that has to be thrown. The physical part goes along for the ride and heightens over time, which makes us very susceptible to our chosen man.”

I sat there, a bit stunned to hear that. I hadn't realized that Susan was becoming more and more in tune with me, rather than me adapting to her. I had thought it was all on my end, that it was my sex drive that was making her happy, and didn't know that she was getting more out of it than just great sex. She was being emotionally satisfied as well, even though she wasn't the only woman I was sleeping with.

“Please, don't be scared.” Susan said and gave me a tender kiss. “I told you before that there was only you. I didn't ask you to give up on everyone else, did I?”

“No, but...”

“I don't want you to feel guilty, either. Like mom said, you've got something seriously wrong with you and I want to help you as much as I can.”

“You already are.” Eileen said and looked at me. “She told me about the woman you met that was your ideal image of a perfect woman.”

“I was concentrating on getting back to Susan to have our first date and even though that other woman flirted with me, it didn't affect me.”

“Yes, Susan's guess that she is becoming your sex safety net is quite accurate. If all you're thinking about when you get horny is going to her to satisfy yourself, then you're progressing quite well in dealing with your problem.” Eileen said. “Even my quite blatant erotic reveal only made you want to go to her.”

“I've been meaning to talk to you about that, mom.” Susan said. “What in the world made you do that? What if he hadn't resisted and wrecked your marriage?”

Eileen reached over and took her hand. “Like I told Damon, there's no need to concern yourself with that. It didn't happen. All he received was reassurance that a large dose of female hormones can't sway him like it potentially could have.”

“But, he had...”

“Do you want me to kiss him to prove that he isn't thinking about me at all?” Eileen asked.

Susan glanced at me and then looked back at her mother. “No, you're right. If he was going to do anything, it would have been then.”

Eileen nodded and let her hand go. “Damon, what were you thinking when it happened? For some reason I ended our session early and didn't get a chance to ask.”

I had to smile at that, because I knew exactly why she ended it early. I glanced at Susan and looked back at her mother. “When I was that close to you, I saw through the lace of your panties and thought you looked quite tasty.”

Susan and Eileen had slightly surprised looks on their faces.

“When I dug my nose in there to smell you, all I could think about was how you were trying to help me.” I admitted. “I really did feel reassured that I wasn't being overwhelmed by a woman that I just stimulated with my nose to make her come a little.”

Eileen took my hand. “That's why you really thanked me?” She asked. “I thought you thanked me for letting you do it.”

“That, too.” I said and gave her hand a little squeeze. “I don't know of any other woman that would try to help me work through my problems by doing what you did.”

Eileen smiled. “I wouldn't offer that up to anyone else.” She glanced at her daughter. “I promised Susan I'd help you and I'll only take things so far because of her.”

“What do you mean?” I asked.

“I had hastily put my panties on just before our appointment and I hadn't adjusted them enough to cover myself properly.”

I took in a sharp breath and felt my erection press against my pants as it grew.

“Hmm, it seems I still have some charm over you, despite what I did.” Eileen said with a demure smile. “Was it the accident that you got to see me through my panties or that I wasn't wearing them at all until you showed up?”

“Yes.” I said and looked at Susan. “Bathroom?”

Susan took my other hand and led me over to her mother's private bathroom. Either she didn't realize that Eileen still held my other hand or she didn't care. She bent over the sink and almost cried at how hard I was as I entered her. I started having sex with her right there, in front of her mother, who could easily see... well, everything. Eileen eventually let my hand go and the bathroom door silently shut.

It took me a while to finish, because I wanted to thank Susan for doing this for me. She appreciated it and made sure I felt everything her body was experiencing. It was amazing what she could do to stimulate me and I thanked her verbally when I finally let go inside of her.

“I'm... so glad... it works.” Susan panted and held onto me tightly.

“What's that?” I asked and held her just as tightly.

“Me... as a sex... safety net.” Susan said. “If I wasn't here...”

“I still would have gone to find you.” I said. “Just like last time.”

Susan smiled happily at me and we made out for several minutes. After that, we cleaned up and put our clothes back in order. We opened the door of the bathroom to leave... only to see her mother and father sprawled out on the couch, side by side. They were both clearly exhausted and nearly fully naked, so Susan slowly closed the door.

“I did not need to see that.” Susan whispered.

“Hey.” I said and she looked at me. “Those weren't your parents.”

“Wh-what?” Susan looked at me with wide eyes.

“That was a woman like you, who just had some mind-blowing sex with a man she deeply loves.” I said and cupped the sides of her face. “Like me, I bet he just couldn't resist the woman that chose him.”

Susan looked into my eyes. “They're just like us.”

I nodded. “We can't blame them for being as excited by all of this as we are.”

“I... I guess.” Susan said and sighed a little. “I still didn't want to see them like that.”

“Most people don't want to see their parents like that.” I said and kissed her tenderly. “Even though we all know they had to do that at least once for you to be here, right?”

Susan looked surprised for a moment, then she shook her head. “Stop trying to justify it.”

“I'm just distracting you.” I whispered and kissed her again. “They're just people in love and they waited until you were out of the house before becoming who they are now.”

Susan took a deep breath and nodded. We stayed in the bathroom for nearly half an hour and waited before we heard movement and someone knocked on the bathroom door.

“We need to clean up.” Eileen said, her voice almost apologetic.

Susan opened the door right away and her mother seemed surprised that we answered so quickly. “We were just waiting for you to wake up.”

Eileen reached out and touched Susan's face, then she whispered her thanks and stepped back out of the way. Her father avoided looking at us as we left.

“At least dad's as embarrassed as I am.” Susan said when we climbed into the car.

“Only because your mother and I are more accepting of the situation.” I said and turned the car on. “We both love you enough to not be bothered that we had sex near each other.”

Susan gasped and turned her head to stare at me. “D-D-Damon!”

“What?” I asked with a smirk.

Susan blinked her eyes several times. “N-nothing.”

I chuckled and leaned over to her. “Just to make things clear, I love you.”

Susan's face went from normal to nearly crying. “D-Damon, I... I love you, too.”

“Like I didn't know that.” I said and kissed her. “You'd have to love me like crazy to put up with everything that's going on.”

Susan looked at her mother's business and back at me. “Yeah, there seems to be quite a bit of that crazy love going around.”

I laughed and kissed her again, then I drove us home.

When Crystal was done with her scheduled sleepovers, Nat and I had worked our asses off again. I had also finished giving Nat the last of her missing memories. The very next morning, she walked right up to me and gave me a kiss on the lips. That had shocked me, because we had never done anything like that before.

“Thank you for giving me all of Paula back.” Nat said and put a hand over her heart. “You were right. Forgetting what she meant to me was why I was so sad all the time.” She looked into my eyes. “Thank you for also not lying about our friendship.”

“I would never...” I started to say.

“I know.” Nat said and interrupted me. “That's why you deserved an actual kiss from me and not a play one like you've been teasing me and making me laugh with.”

“Nat.” I said and put my hands on her shoulders. “Thank you. I know what it means for you to do something like that.”

Nat smiled. “I know you do.”

I stepped forward and slid my arms around her to hug her. “I'm so glad to finally have my new old friend back.”

“Of course you are. I'm awesome.” Nat said and that made me laugh.

“Now that we've got that settled, I think it's time we went on vacation.” I said, then explained that we were taking a break from everything for a week to go to the beach.

My words sparked a whole shopping spree for everyone. Nat got her day at the mall that I promised her when I had first picked her up in Denver. I figured it was about time, since I had already completed the other two parts of my joke and taken her to the sidewalk outside and to the corner store. It made her laugh when I reminded her of that.

Susan, Crystal, Nat, Sandy, and I stormed the mall and the shops there didn't know what hit them.

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