Summoned Again?

Chapter 203: Spreading The Love

I sat outside the condo for almost fifteen minutes before I took a deep breath and gathered up my courage. I had used several Detect spell rings to see where Jenny was and she had been sitting on the chair that faced the front door. It was such a classic confrontation setup that I couldn't stop my thoughts of dread. She almost looked like she was poised to attack and that was not a good thing.

My watch told me I had three minutes left before I had to show up, so I climbed out of my car and walked over to the front door. I used up one more Detect ring as I knocked on the door instead of ringing the bell. It just seemed more personal to physically touch the door to let her know I had arrived just before I was asked to be.

Jenny leapt out of the chair and took two steps to lean against the door. She peered out through the peep hole and I held in my smile at seeing her look at me for the first time in so long. I stood there for nearly two full minutes before her eye disappeared from the peep hole and several locks popped off from inside.

The door opened and I couldn't help but admire her through the thin robe that she wore. Physically, she really was my ideal woman that contained all of my preferences. The perfect breast size, the long flowing black hair, the high cheekbones and slim face, and an ass that any man would kill to get his hands on.

I had only encountered a single woman that had been identical to her and that short relationship had ended disastrously. The thing was, fate had seemed to want to play with me and kick me in the balls, because Jenny hadn't looked anything like that when I had left. Ten years had let her grow from a little girl into the perfect physical representation of the woman I desired.

I was very grateful that I didn't react to her in a sexual way after I had gained my severe sexual problems. Crossing that line would have driven me just as insane as if I did react to her and absolutely refused to touch her. The only downside was that Jenny would also go insane if it happened.

“You came.” Jenny said without preamble. No greeting, no shake of hands, no brief hug, nothing.

I did not make a joke about coming inside Susan that morning because I wasn't there to tease or annoy her. “I did.”

We stood there and I was sure that her eyes took in my appearance just as I had taken in hers. I wore a stylish shirt with wolf details that I had received in the last world I had been kidnapped to. It had been a present from one of the girls I had rescued and I had enchanted it to last. It was just too bad that I could never tell Jenny of its significance or how I wore it specifically for her.

Jenny stepped back and waved me inside when she was done examining me. I felt her eyes stay on me as I passed her and I slightly regretted that I wore a pair of comfortable jeans that let her stare at my butt. I was used to dressing casual for Susan to let her ogle me whenever she wanted and that wasn't something I wanted to encourage my sister to do. It was too late to change my pants now, though.

I picked up the chair in the middle of the floor and returned it to the kitchen table. Again, I felt Jenny's eyes pretty much bore into my back as I did so, because she must have realized that it looked highly suspicious that the chair was where it was and so out of place. I used another Detect ring to check for cameras and sighed when six of them appeared in my perception and on my Map.

The thing was, I didn't detect any hostiles nearby or any weapons and that made me question if the cameras were Jenny's idea or if she had been infiltrated a while ago. Was it a recent development, or had she and whomever she was working with, set it up a while ago and were just waiting for me to show up?

I pushed my thoughts aside for now and walked back over to the large couch that could sit ten people and sat down as if I owned the place. I leaned back and relaxed with my arms spread out on the back of it and crossed my legs in a figure four.

Jenny stood a few feet away from the closed front door and I couldn't figure out the look on her face. I was tempted to use several mind spells to see what she was thinking, then decided against it. If she was stupid enough to try and set me up again, I wanted to react appropriately and not like I fully expected it.

I kept a polite smile on my own face and didn't speak. I wasn't going to offer any openings at all if she was going to interrogate me, either for her own curiosity or to give it to the Feds later. Was the feed live? Could I spoof it with a bit of focused magic? I hadn't done anything like that before besides just storing the cameras for later retrieval.

The silence grew between us and I was glad that I had taken the precaution to have a wolf necklace around my neck and under my shirt. The chain was covered by my collar and the pendant kept me calm, gave me a feeling of peace, and protected me from the things that scared me. For an improvisation on another world, it really was quite a breakthrough enchantment.

Jenny walked over to me and stood above me, almost hovering, and the look on her face was full of conflicting emotions. I watched as she pretty much fought against herself and then I saw her make a decision and only resolve was left.

“Damon, I want you to kiss me.” Jenny said, sure of herself.

I couldn't help myself and laughed.

Jenny's confidence quickly changed to anger. “Damon!”

“We haven't seen each other in over a year, have been up to our necks in therapy and dealing with our own problems, and the very first thing you want me to do is kiss you?” I asked and laughed again. “You didn't even say hello!”

Jenny's anger receded slightly. “I just wanted to get this over with.”

I stopped laughing and let my own anger show on my face. “Despite what you may think, I am not so easily swayed by a pretty face.”

Jenny looked like she was struggling with something, then she huffed and untied her robe. She pulled it off and let it drop to the floor. I was only slightly surprised to see that she wore a mass of frilly lace and wasn't completely naked.

I didn't look anywhere but at her face. “Now I know you're messing with me.”

Jenny blinked her eyes several times before she spoke. “Excuse me?”

“The Jenny I know would never wear something that disgraceful.” I said and motioned to the frills that covered everything. “She was proud of her body and didn't mind showing it off when appropriate, even to me. Hell, you and your friends put on a whole lingerie show for me once. You enjoyed teasing me because you knew you were hot and used it against me.”

Jenny's face flushed red and I couldn't tell if it was from embarrassment or from being complimented.

“Are you going to stop embarrassing yourself and tell me what's really going on, or do I leave and you'll never see me again?” I asked her and her face changed back to anger. “You did say to be here or to never be here again. Did you think that only applied to you?”

Jenny glared at me for a moment longer and then she sighed. She reached up to her ear and pulled out a little thing that looked like a hearing aid and dropped it onto the coffee table. I hadn't noticed her wearing it and cursed at myself internally for not searching for microphones or other surveillance equipment besides cameras.

I watched as she went to each of the six cameras and she unplugged and disabled them. The earpiece she had worn kept screeching at her. It was loud enough that I could make out the man as he berated her for being so stupid.

I took out my cell phone and recorded the man while Jenny worked and then I sent a picture of the earpiece and a text to my company. I had a whole IT staff and one of the tech guys responded with the make, model, and who used it. He even sent me a little app to piggyback on the signal and my GPS popped up and showed me a vehicle on the street behind the condo.

I sent a text back and told the guy to add a bonus to his check this week and he replied with a heart emoji. I held in my chuckle at that and ended the conversation, then sent an anonymous text to the police about a suspicious van that had been there all day checking out the teen girls and taking pictures.

Jenny walked back over to me and put the cameras down next to the earpiece. She looked pretty sad as she picked up her robe and put it on. I didn't ogle her as she did, either. We were way past the point that her throwing herself at me would affect me. There was too much keeping us apart for that to work and Jenny knew that, which meant someone had convinced her to try.

I put my cell phone away and stayed quiet as she walked around the coffee table and sat beside me. We heard a distant police siren and neither of us commented on it. The silence lasted for a good ten minutes before Jenny let out a sigh.

“I met a guy at college about six months ago...” Jenny started and went through the whole thing. A whirlwind romance, having a great time, meeting the guy's family that included a brother in the FBI, and her telling her boyfriend all about me and my exploits during their pillow talk.

I did not make a joke about her talking about me after having sex. I wanted to, though. The current situation almost demanded it. I could tell by the look on her face that she expected me to joke, too.

Jenny continued her story about the brother approaching her and her boyfriend convincing her to get compromising footage of me for them to blackmail me and smear me in the press. She apparently still harboured deep seated anger for me and how I had ruined her life and she knew that I was responsible for the country's current economic state, namely none.

Inflation had gone through the roof, taxes were at an all-time high, all precious metals and jewels had been confiscated and appropriated to gather enough money together to keep the country running, and the unemployment rate was almost non-existent because everyone needed to work to get enough money to buy food and pay their rent.

It was getting so bad that the reputation of the United States had dropped from a First World country to a Second World one. Canada now had the most economic power in the world and that shocked the hell out of everyone, especially the Canadian Government. Their dollar was worth more than an American dollar for the first time in a century and they had a huge influx of immigrants from the US looking for jobs.

Needless to say, their economy was booming and a lot of the disadvantageous trade deals they had were now reversed and other countries begged them for products and favors.

In a similar turn, the European country I owned had been raised from a Second World Country into a First World one. I had made back my investment already and it wouldn't be long before the Gross Domestic Product, or GDP of the country, would produce enough excess to start paying off the massive debt to the World Bank.

My various company holdings around the world including the mines, gave my company so much excess capital that it was immediately reinvested into other companies. We were slowly whittling away at gaining controlling interest in several dozen companies and we would soon become a conglomerate so large that no one would be able to oppose us.

All of that seemed to have pushed Jenny into agreeing to the farce she tried to perpetuate today. Despite her getting paid a ton of money for being a building manager and outright owning the condo, both being officially exempt from paying taxes because of the previous things that happened to me, she thought paying five bucks for a loaf of bread was too much and wanted to fight against it.

I wanted to laugh at her for being so ignorant, I really did. She loved her boyfriend enough to screw me over and didn't see anything wrong with that until I called her out on it. If she had been a little more devoted to carrying out the plan, like wearing something see-through, she might have tried harder to get me into a compromising position.

“He's going to dump you for this, you know.” I said instead of calling her names.

“But, I didn't go through with anything!” Jenny almost shouted.

I did laugh at that. “You really don't believe that you've done anything wrong.”

“I didn't! The economy is trashed! The country's in a spiral and it's only getting worse!” Jenny said, angrily. “It's all your fault!”

“You're wrong, Jenny.” I said and turned to stare into her eyes. “It's all your fault.”

“Wh-what?” Jenny asked, surprised.

“This... all of this.” I said and waved at the condo and then made a wider sweeping motion with my arm. “It's all because of you. I did it all because of you.” I said and stood up to loom over her. “At first it was to give you a better life because I wasn't here to give it to you while you grew up. When I was taken the second time and I came back, you screwed me over. You! Gave! Me! To! Them!”

Jenny leaned back away from my anger.

“Because of you, the government took it upon themselves to make my life hell. They did everything to break me, Jenny. I wouldn't let them.” I said and stood up straight and glared at her. “It was all your fault that I had to take revenge on them. And I did. They ruined me financially and I made sure that I ruined them financially.”

Jenny looked scared and I lost the glare.

“I ruined an entire country because of you, Jenny. You can tell yourself anything you want to justify your own actions; but, you can't do that with mine. All of my actions have been a direct result of what you did to me. All of them.”

Jenny stared at me with disbelief written all over her face.

“Betrayal is a very powerful motivator. I've done horrible things and I'm going to keep doing horrible things. I have to. Now that I'm on this path, there's nothing else I can do.”

Jenny looked at a loss for what to say. “D-Damon... you... why...”

“Coming back to you used to be my only motivation when I had been taken. You were what I looked forward to. Just you. I loved you.” I said and she started to cry. “Then you gave up on me. It broke me inside. I was... it destroyed me.” I whispered and my own tears came out. “When I lost you, I... I stopped being me. I'm not who I used to be, Jenny. I haven't been me for a very long time.”

Jenny wiped at her tears and she stood up to look into my eyes. “D-Damon, I... I...”

“I understand what happened, how you feel about it, and I apologized for putting you though it. I did everything I could to make up for that and you still hate me enough to try and ruin me.” I said and wiped at my tears and picked up one of the cameras. I went to the shelf it had been hidden on and plugged it back in.

“What are you doing?” Jenny asked me.

“You really believe that you can make yourself feel better by wrecking my life like you believe I wrecked yours.” I said and walked over to her, turned her to the side, and made sure that the live camera could easily see us. I picked up the earpiece and slipped it back into her ear. “So, I'm going to give you what you want.”

Jenny looked surprised by my words. Before she could ask me what I meant, I slipped my arms around her and I kissed her. I kissed her like I kissed Susan and I made sure that she knew that I loved her. I let all of my feelings go and I made out with her exactly like she wanted me to. The camera captured it all, including Jenny's sexy moan.

After several minutes, I broke the kiss and the look of bliss on her face put that final nail into the coffin of our relationship. “I no longer have any family, Miss Smith.”

The look of joy on Jenny's face changed to shock.

“As soon as that video is released, and it will be, because the government is full of bureaucratic assholes that can't take no for an answer, I will blockade this country and end all trade agreements and associations with it.” I said and her shock changed to horror. “If you think the economy is bad now, wait until there are no more imports.”

“N-n-no, you can't!” Jenny exclaimed.

“I'm not, Miss Smith. You wanted this, remember? You wanted to wreck my life, so this is all on you.” I said and walked over to the front door. “I hope you're happy to have achieved your ambition.”

“I didn't want this at all!” Jenny shouted as I opened the door. “Damon! Fix this!”

I turned and smiled at her. “I'm sorry, Miss Smith. I only do everything I can to help family. You made your choice twice now. You chose to put yourself first and now we all have to live with it.” I stepped outside and gave her a little wave. “Goodbye, Miss Smith. We will not see each other ever again.”

“NO!” Jenny ran over to me as I shut the door. “DAMON! NOOOOO!”

I cast a lock spell on the door and went to my car. I sat in the driver's seat and took out my cell phone. I took a deep breath and let it out, then hit the same button I had hit when I had been taken the second time and owned the construction company. The button sent the message to my lawyer that was also my broker and it had the same instructions inside.

Sell everything.

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