Summoned Again?

The Million View Special

“Ughhhh.” I groaned as I opened my eyes to see darkness and the glow of a fire nearby. My head was aching and I wasn't sure what was going on. I tried to sit up and pain lanced through my back.

“Shh. Easy there.” A woman's voice said softly and her delicate hand touched my shoulder to push me back onto whatever I was laying on. “You took a very hard fall and landed on several jagged rocks.”

“Huh? What?” I asked and turned my head to look at her. She was one of the cutest women I had ever seen. Her facial features were almost elfin in nature and her tiny mouth was surrounded by plump red lips. Her pitch black wavy hair fell to her shoulders and her bright blue eyes seemed to look right through me.

“I'm not sure where you fell from, since I only saw the landing.” She said and her hand rubbed over my forehead. “You're not feverish and nothing was broken that I can tell. You might have internal injuries.”

I closed my eyes and took a very deep breath. I could feel pressure on my lower back on the left side, so I tenderly touched myself there. A shot of pain went through me and I hissed.

“Hmm, I think that's a kidney.” She said. “Can you use the bathroom? Maybe we can see if there's any blood coming out. If there is, we can confirm we shouldn't move you too much.”

I gave her a concerned look and she laughed.

“We're in the middle of nowhere right now and it's a safe area until morning.” She said. “Unfortunately, there's no way to get you looked after professionally.”

“No healers or potions?” I asked and she gave me a really strange look.

“Maybe you hit your head.” She said and lifted my head slightly and ran her other hand around it to check for any injuries. “I don't feel any bumps or scrapes.”

“My head's fine.”

“You just asked about healers and potions. That's not normal.”

“What should I have asked for?”

“A doctor and medication.” She responded and I took in a quick breath. “What is it? Are you hurt anywhere else?”

“No, I...” I stopped talking before I said anything else to give myself away. I closed my eyes and thought about what was going on.

“Is he awake?” Another woman's voice asked as I heard her walk closer.

“Yes, and I think he's disoriented.” The one next to me said. “He asked for a healer and a potion.”

The other woman laughed. “That sounds like something my brother would say when he plays those silly games.” She said down beside the first woman. “Here's some soup. Do you think you can make him eat?”

“He's awake.” The first woman said and gently touched my shoulder. “We're going to sit you up to eat, so stop pretending to be asleep.”

“I wasn't pretending to sleep. I was trying to think.” I said and opened my eyes.

“I think he might have damaged a kidney.” The black haired woman said.

“Grab his shoulders and lift. He won't be moving much if it's a kidney.” The second woman said as she grabbed me by one armpit. She had blonde hair tied into a ponytail and the two of them lifted me up and laid my back against a large boulder. I was on a blanket and grunted with pain.

“Don't be such a baby.” The one with black hair said. “I'm sure you've been hurt worse than this.”

“I have.” I said and she passed me the bowl of soup. “That doesn't mean I like pain or can ignore it.”

The blonde smiled. “Out of all the men we could stumble across to try and help, we find a whiner.”

I sighed. “I'm not whining.”

“You're mouth is moving and you're complaining.” The blonde said with a grin. “What would you call it?”

“Bitching.” I said and she laughed, as did the black haired woman.

“Okay, I'll give you that. Bitching is better than whining.” The blonde pointed at the bowl. “Eat.”

I tipped the bowl up and sucked in some of the broth. The warmth slid down my throat and I sighed as it seemed to fill me more than I thought it would. I couldn't remember the last time I ate and the soup tasted great.

“Thank you.” I said gratefully and both women looked pleased with themselves.

“What's your name?” The black haired woman asked.

“Damon.” I said and drank a bit more broth.

“Just Damon? No last name?”

“I don't want to make you laugh.” I said and they both gave me interested looks. “It's Smith.”

The blonde laughed. “Smith! Your last name is Smith? The most generic name that everyone uses as a cover when they don't want people to know their real name?”

“I told you that I didn't want to make you laugh.” I responded.

“Yeah, I get it.” The black haired woman said. “I'm Anita and she's Karen.”

“I'd like to say that it's nice to meet you; but, you showed up at the worst possible time.” Karen said. “We can't stick around here for long.”

“Why not?” I asked and tipped some noddles into my mouth. “Anita said it was a safe area.”

“Normally it is.” Karen said. “Unfortunately, you stink.”

“Me?” I asked and put the bowl down to check my armpit. It smelled fine. “I don't...”

“Smell this.” Karen said and held her hand up to my face.

I thought that was a bit rude, then did as she said. I took in a sniff and there was nothing. No soap smell, no soup smell, nothing. I looked down at the soup bowl and realized the same thing. It didn't smell, either. I turned my head to Anita and she nodded as she leaned in close and turned her head for me. I leaned forward slightly and took in a big sniff of her neck. There was nothing.

“Okay, that's weird. Smelling a woman's scent is pretty high up on my list of things I enjoy.” I said and the two women laughed.

“It's just temporary. A dose of smell canceller only lasts twelve hours.” Anita said. “We also didn't bring extra.”

“I don't understand what you're trying to say.” I said.

“Where are you from?” Karen asked with a laugh. “They hunt by smell.”

“They?” I asked and the two women exchanged looks.

“Um... I think...” Anita started to say when a low howl cut through the night.

“Dammit, they found us already!” Karen said and jumped to her feet. “Anita, what do you think we should do?”

“It depends on how many of them are out there.” Anita said. “If it's just a scout, we can bait it and take care of it. If it's a whole hunting party...”

“We won't know until they appear.” Karen said and then let out a low curse. She looked at me. “I wish we had a healer or magic potion for you.”

Her words reminded me of my rings. I looked down at my hands and all eight of them were still there. Only one of them was for healing and I tried to switch out the others for more... and couldn't. I didn't panic at that thought and tried to access my inventory. Nothing appeared. I thought about my status and nothing appeared in front of my vision. I thought about putting points into my skills and still nothing happened.

Ohhhhh, fuuuuuck. I thought. I don't have access!

“We need to move.” Karen said to Anita. “Flank or rear?”

“Flank. We can use Damon as bait, since they are coming for him anyway.” Anita said and took out a handgun. At least, it looked like a handgun. She pulled out a clip and inside was a dozen metal and glass darts. “My vials are set. How are yours?”

“I checked them earlier.” Karen said and took out a similar weapon. “Locked and loaded.”

“Are we going for kills or incapacitation?” Anita asked.

“If it's just the scout, incapacitate. If it's the hunting party, take them out.” Karen said.

I looked at the both of them and they wore similar outfits. Black jeans that looked painted on, black t-shirts, and running shoes. They both seemed to reach into the darkness and slipped on leather jackets, zipped them up, and grinned at each other.

“Let's go.” Anita said and then they both took off into the night.

I used the Minor Healing ring I had on and a thrill went up my arm like an electric shock. It spread over my body and I groaned in pain as the shocks made my muscles convulse. After a minute, the feeling faded and my back wasn't as sore. I cast Search next and only felt where things were around me. No visual component appeared in my vision and I sighed.

Detect. I thought and concentrated on anything living. I felt three things around me, about a hundred and fifty feet away. I couldn't tell what they were, though. I should have asked for a gun or something.

I sat there and waited as I felt the three things come closer. It was a much different sensation than I was used to experiencing, since I usually relied solely on the visual component of both spells. I just hoped that they recharged in an hour. If they were one use only, I had five more rings with two search and three detect spells remaining.

I caught my breath when three man sized wolves seemed to appear in the light that the fire gave off. They were about sixty feet away and the three of them growled a little as their heads turned from side to side. Their ears flicked around, listening to the surroundings, and the lead wolf looked at me.

“Hi, there.” I said and waved. “I hope you're just scouts, because you're going to be ambushed by the two women that found me.”

“You stupid bastard!” Karen said loudly as she appeared in my search and detect range. “Now they know we're here!”

There were two soft 'pfft' sounds and the lead wolf didn't move at all as the two darts sunk into its shoulders. It didn't even growl. The other two wolves darted off to the sides and into the darkness. More 'pfft' sounds were heard, then there were two quite feminine yelps of pain. The lead wolf walked over to me and it let out a growl.

“Hey, I didn't plan it. I just woke up here.” I said with a shrug.

The wolf took in several sniffs.

“Yeah, I stink apparently.” I said with a chuckle. “I wonder how far away you were when you caught my scent?”

The other two wolves came into the clearing and into the firelight with Anita's and Karen's arms clamped into their jaws. The two women punched and fought as best as they could to try and make the wolves let them go. The wolves didn't react at all, until Karen had the bright idea to poke it in the eye.

The wolf that had her closed its jaws an inch and Karen screamed as its teeth embedded themselves into her flesh. The wolf's fur rippled as blood gushed into its mouth and it let out a satisfied sound as its throat worked.

The lead wolf barked without turning and the other wolf let Karen go. She dropped to the ground and cradled her perforated arm close. Her face was covered in tears as she took out bandages and tried to staunch the bleeding.

“You've killed me!” Karen spat at me as she worked. “We helped you and look how you repaid us!”

“I don't know what's going on.” I said and looked at Anita, whose face was filled with just as much anger and loathing towards me. “You took off and used me as bait without even asking if I wanted to be a part of it, not to mention letting me be attacked by whatever creature was hunting you.”

Anita's face lost some of the anger and some guilt appeared there.

I looked at the lead wolf and saw intelligence there. “I'm as close to a neutral party as you'll ever find.”

The wolf let out a growl and stepped closer.

“I'm assuming you can tell if I lie.” I said and it nodded slightly. “I woke up here not long ago. I don't know where I am and I'm hurt. I also don't have access to any supplies.”

The wolf didn't react, so I had to assume it knew I was telling the truth.

“I know I can't really stay anywhere without one of your kind finding me and I don't think I can move very well with my injury like it is.” I said and held the back of my hand up to the wolf. “I humbly ask for your protection.”

“NO!” Karen yelled and abandoned her first aid attempt as she took out an actual gun from behind her back. She aimed right for my forehead and pulled the trigger.

The bang sound was very loud and I was suddenly covered by a giant wolf's body. It shook slightly as several more bangs were heard, then there was a crunch sound and the gunshots stopped. A woman's sobs were all that could be heard as the wolf in front of me slumped down and rested on my legs. The other two wolves let out long and mournful howls for several minutes.

Soon, there were a hundred man-sized wolves gathered around us and the woman's sobs were cut off with another crunch sound. Several wolves came over to me and used their heads to nudge the wolf on top of me over. It was rolled over onto its side and I saw my pants were covered in blood. I tried to move and pain lanced through my back again; but, it wasn't as bad as it was the first time. I moved some more and knelt beside the wolf as it panted, clearly in pain.

“Hey, don't worry. If normal bullets could kill you, you would be fleeing from every gunshot, right?” I asked and pet the wolf's fur on its neck and came away with blood on my fingers. “You didn't. You stayed and you protected me.” I reached for its head and lifted it to have it look at me. “You're not going to die. I won't let you.”

The wolf gave me a whimper, as if it was apologizing, and closed its eyes.

Beast Conversion. I thought and I wasn't sure if it was going to work on the wolf. After a moment, I felt my body seize up and constrict as all of my muscles bent and stretched at the same time. I cried out in anguish as my injuries increased tenfold and the pain ran though me like fire. Or it was my blood. I couldn't really tell.

My yells slowly turned into growls and howls as my body stretched out and muscles expanded. I grew massive claws on my hands that were changing into paws and I tore off my restrictive clothing. I doubled over as my back expanded and cracked and I felt immense strength pass through me. My legs snapped and bent into the shape to give me haunches and then fur grew out all over.

My whole body shivered as my transformation completed and I stood up to twelve feet in height. “AWOOOOOOO!” I howled into the night and the wolves around me joined their howls to mine. I looked down at the wolf that had saved me and it stared at me with wide eyes. “I told you. I won't let you die.” I said and tore open my wrist as I knelt. “Drink.”

It gave me a shake of its head and I grabbed its muzzle and opened its mouth, then poured my blood down its throat. It tried to struggle and I clamped my hand over its nose to make it swallow.

“Drink it and live! Don't die for your pride! The others need you!” I exclaimed.

The wolf gave me a stern look, then nodded. I felt a connection form between us then and I let the wolf's muzzle go. I licked my wrist and it healed over.

The wolf started to convulse and shake as if it was having a seizure. I wasn't worried, however. I could feel the exultation the wolf felt as my enhanced and powerful blood flowed through it, changing it, and making it like me. It let out pained and happy sounds as its bones snapped and changed as the muscles adapted to my blood.

I was pretty sure that it wasn't supposed to work this quickly, then a thought that wasn't my own popped into my head. The Pack helps. “Oh, that makes sense.” I said and looked around at the wolves. “Thanks.”

Several yips came from them and I looked down at the wolf transforming. It grew smaller as the body changed to be more humanoid looking. I was going to ask what was going on, then the wolf's face seemed to melt away and left a beautiful woman's face there. The fur parted and her large breasts appeared, naked of course, and my eyes went down to between her legs. She looked ready for me and my erection.

“M-m-mate.” The wolf woman managed to say, then she took a deep breath and looked deep into my eyes. “Mate.” She said with more confidence.

I took her pawed hand and sat her up. “You're healed now.”

“Yes.” She said and reached up with her hands to pet my muzzle. “Powerful.”

“Not as powerful as I'm supposed to be.” I said and her eyes widened. “I'm severely weakened here for some reason.”

She reached down and touched my erection. “Powerful enough.”

I chuckled and it sounded weird with a muzzle.

“No one ask for protection before. Always hunt and kill us. Never talk.” She said and stroked me.

“I think that's why I'm here.” I said, pretty sure that with what little I knew, this had to be why.

“You give us voice.” She said and smiled.

“What you do with it is up to you.” I said.

“Send envoy. Give ultimatum.” She said and let me go to turn around and presented herself to me. “If they listen, peace. If they fight, death.” She reached back for my erection and pressed it against her opening. “Give. Give.”

“You only just changed.” I said and she reached back and dug her pawed hand into my fur and pulled. She let out a howl as I entered her and the other wolves around us howled as well. I started to move and she groaned and moaned, made happy yipping sounds, and thoroughly enjoyed having sex. I could feel the other wolves around us and glanced at them to see a lot of them had paired off and were doing it, too. Apparently, they didn't mind an audience, either.

When I finished inside of her, careful of getting caught and being stuck together, we cuddled up on the ground and the rest of the pack huddled in together and laid down around us. Her hand reached out and pet all of the ones she could reach near her, so I reached out and did the same on my side. A feeling of satisfaction and contentment came through our connection and she hugged me close.

“Hide change before meeting.” She said and I nodded. I knew she meant that when we sent an envoy to the closest human settlement, we would have to change back to hide what the new us looked like.

“Of course. Will you be escorting me?” I asked.

“Protect.” She said and kissed me.


A week later, a guard at the closest town was on normal watch with his partner and noticed something.

“What the hell is that?” The guard asked as he looked through the binoculars strapped around his neck.

“Where?” His partner asked.

“Ten degrees from center. Just past the wrecked car.”

“Oh, sweet baby Jesus.” His partner said. “It's a wolf pack.”

“What? No, it... can't be...” The man said, fear rushing through him. “We have to send the alarm!”

“No, wait!” His partner said and stared through his own binoculars. “They aren't rushing.”

“What do you mean? They're coming for us!” The first man said, letting panic override his common sense.

His partner sighed. “Look, relax. It'll take them half an hour to get here. Send word to the mayor and the chief of police.”

“I'm getting the militia, too!” The first man said and quickly climbed down the ladder.


“I really hope this isn't a trick.” The chief of police said an hour later from the top of the barricade as no less than fifty wolves, all man sized, stood on the cracked pavement just outside the distance that one of their guns could accurately shoot.

“What kind of trick could it be?” The mayor asked as she ran her fingers through her hair. “They're just wolves.”

“Wolves are smart.” A man's voice said and they looked around to see where it came from. “Down here.” The voice said and the wolves parted to allow a handsome and well toned man that was dressed in rags to come to the front of the pack with a wolf beside him.

“What the hell?” The chief of police exclaimed as the group of guards on the barricade around them drew their weapons. “Get away from there! Those are wolves!”

“Hold your fire!” The man said and held up his hands as the wolf beside him let out a very loud and displeased growl. “It's all right, Karina.” The man said and pet the wolf. “They know if they open fire, they'll all be dead in the next two minutes.”

“Are you threatening us?” The mayor asked.

“No, just reminding you of the reality.” The man said with a bright smile that made the mayor catch her breath. “If the wolves were going to attack, they wouldn't do it in the middle of the day when you're all prepared or showed up early and gave you plenty of time to prepare.”

The mayor looked at the chief of police and he shrugged. “What do you want?”

“To talk.”

“About what?” The chief of police asked.

“About stopping you from hunting the wolves down for no reason.”

“HA! You're crazy! They've killed thousands of people!” One of the guards said loudly.

“They only attacked after you wiped out one of their packs.” I countered. “They've been here for hundreds of years and it wasn't until you started killing them that they started killing you back.”

“That's your version of the story.” The mayor said. “Why don't you leave those beasts and we'll tell you the truth of what happened.”

“I already know the truth, since wolves don't lie. Unlike humans, they have no need for deceit or deception. It's not in their nature.”

“Just killing, then?” The chief of police asked.

“Actually, that's in your nature, too.” The man said and waved at the guards on the barricade. “Look around. Who are the ones pointing their deadly weapons at non-aggressive participants that just want to talk?”

“We have the right to defend ourselves.” One of the guards said.

“I could have sworn that waving a gun around was considered brandishment and against the law.” The man said with a knowing smile. “You might be the police; but, you are not above the law.”

The mayor looked surprised when the chief of police let out a sigh. “What is it?”

“Lower your weapons.” The chief of police said.

“No! Keep them pointed!” The mayor said. “If even one of those beasts move towards us, kill them. I don't want any of them near me.” She waved at the town behind her. “Or the other people here.”

The chief of police thought about refusing and sighed again. He looked at the man in rags with the wolves. “If you have anything to say, now would be the time. You won't be allowed in, now that we know you're sympathetic with them.”

The man sighed. “Yeah, I thought as much.” He said and looked at the mayor. “I could tell that there wasn't going to be a lot of open mindedness when I saw her face.”

“Hey!” The mayor exclaimed.

“You're more afraid of them than the others.” The man said. “Talking to you and expecting a fair chance is as stupid as it's pointless.”

The mayor's face went red. “How dare you!”

“How far is it to the next town? Maybe I'll have better luck talking to people there.” I said.

“You have to travel for...” One of the guards started to say when his partner smacked him in the back of the head. “Ow! What was that for?”

“Shut up! Do you want to help the wolves?”

The man's face drained of color and he shook his head.

“You'll get no information from us.” His partner said, his face showing anger.

The man sighed. “Well, since you don't want to talk, giving you the ultimatum is pointless.”

“What ultimatum?” The chief of police asked as fear and a bead of sweat ran down his spine.

“If you listen, peace. If you fight, death.” The man said, repeating word for word the pack leader's ultimatum.

“Oh, no.” The chief of police whispered.

Ten thousand man-sized wolves sprung out from their hiding places all around the town and tore every single person apart. The screams made everyone on the barricade turn around to look and forty-nine of the wolves around the man easily leapt onto the barricade and killed the guards and the chief of police. They left the mayor alive until last.

“You should have listened.” The man wearing rags said and nodded.

The last thing the mayor saw was the inside of a giant wolf's mouth. She was too terrified to scream.


“No, that is not the outcome I wanted.” A despondent goddess said as she sat next to the large dais filled with viewing liquid.

“I can only show you the potential outcome with the variables you give me.” A very old crone said as she pulled her magic staff with an eyeball mounted on it from the water. “That's the sixth time you've used the same summoning subject in this viewing pool for that world. Is there something special about him?”

The goddess let out a sigh. “Yes, and... I had hoped...”

“His title hasn't been confirmed yet.” The old crone said. “Perhaps if you wait...”

The goddess gave her a glance and nodded.

The old crone walked over to her and put a bony hand on her shoulder. “Don't worry, granddaughter. If you stop trying to manipulate him before sending him there, he may just surprise you with what he does.”

The goddess shook her head. “You saw what he did with almost no information. He almost immediately sided with the wolves every time.”

“Yes, and why do you think that was?” The old crone asked.

“He's stubborn and horny?”

The old crone cackled a laugh and gripped her granddaughter's shoulder tightly to keep her balance. “Yes, yes. A dragon's sex drive folded into a human is quite becoming, is it not?” She said and let her shoulder go. “If you want, I can show you what would happen if you leave him alone and then send him.”

The goddess gave her a surprised look. “But... I thought...”

“You don't have to interfere to send them along.” The old crone said and stepped back over to the pool. She turned her staff upside down again and dipped the eye back into the water.

The goddess was only slightly interested to see what would happen without her interference and then she caught her breath as the scene unfolded before her eyes for the next few hours until it was over.

It was exactly what she wanted.

The goddess tore her gaze from the pool and looked at the old crone, who smiled and bared her teeth as she nodded in confirmation. The goddess leaned forward and hugged her grandmother, stood with a determined look on her face, and left the viewing room with a purpose.

She had a hero to summon and a world to save.

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