Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 10

Gusuli probably felt that he, a life player who didn’t need to rush to level up, didn’t need to do the task, so he gave the task to him. Ye Xu was not polite to him either, and he just needed to get him more casting materials in the future.

The owner of the noodle shop didn’t care who took over the task, as long as he could help him solve the rat problem. He chose Gusuli because Gusuli sincerely praised his noodles. The previous adventurers, although they also liked his noodles very much, they all patronized and ate it and didn’t have time to blow the rainbow fart, which made Gusuli pick up the leak.

After Ye Xu nodded, a new task appeared in the task list. Contrary to his expectations, this time the task of catching mice was actually a green level.

[You accepted the quest “Eliminate the Rats”, quest level: green. 】

“The granary is right behind my house, please help me get rid of all the mice!” The boss repeatedly emphasized, obviously there are more than one mouse.

Ye Xu asked in detail, and then he learned that there were a total of 7 mice, 2 adult mice and 5 cubs. Although it is reasonable to say that the boss should not know so well how many cubs there are, but this is a game and cannot be taken too seriously.

The task of green difficulty shows that mice are not so easy to catch. After Ye Xu came to the warehouse, he looked at the bags full of grain, and suddenly realized the difficulty of this task.

The warehouse is full of things, how can you catch mice?

He thought about it and closed the warehouse door first to prevent the mice from running out. Then I walked around the warehouse where I could go, and found a lot of food bags that were bitten.

Ye Xu pondered that he had a backpack, so he should be able to put food in the backpack. However, I don’t know if this kind of food bag that was bitten can be put in. Even if it can be put in, it is estimated that a bag will occupy a space by itself and cannot be stacked. As a result, Ye Xu’s backpack might not have enough space.

After thinking about it, he decided to put away the intact grain bags first, and then try the broken grain bags.

The result was as he expected, the broken grain bags really couldn’t be stacked. But the good news is that the number of broken bags is not particularly large, and Ye Xu’s 50-square backpack space can barely hold the entire granary’s food. For the rest that couldn’t fit, he also used the backpack to put them in the backpack first, and then put them in the yard outside the door, saving the effort of carrying the bags.

After closing the door and looking at the empty warehouse, Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief, and could finally start catching mice.

He walked around the corner, and it didn’t take long to find the mouse hole. This is easy to do, as long as the mouse is drawn out, and then the hole is plugged, the granary is only so small, and the mouse can be caught sooner or later.

He rummaged through the backpack and found that there was no other food in the package except the food, and there was nothing to block the hole. He frowned, turned and walked out of the warehouse.

First, he found the nearby NPC, he asked the other party to borrow a wooden bench and a bamboo basket, and then went to the noodle stall owner and asked for a few slices of fragrant braised beef. Then he returned to the warehouse, put a piece of braised beef in the corner, and squatted near the entrance of the hole. Once the mouse ran out, he blocked the entrance of the hole with the downed wooden bench. Unless the mouse can scratch the board of the wooden bench, it can only play chase with Ye Xu in the warehouse.

This is a plan that requires patience, Ye Xu quietly stood beside him, breathed lightly, and waited silently. In order to prevent his reaction time from being insufficient, he did not even open the novel reader to listen to a book, but concentrated on waiting for the appearance of the mouse.

I don’t know if it was because he was lucky, or because he didn’t plan to make this mission difficult for the players. He just waited for three minutes when he saw two big mice running out of the hole one after the other and running towards the beef. Ye Xu was refreshed, and immediately put the wooden bench away, and then began to hunt down the mice.

Originally, he was afraid that he would ask for a few more pieces of beef once he was unsuccessful, but he did not expect that the two of them would be fooled by the first piece of meat, which was also a pleasant surprise.

But the mice were too good at hiding, they were extremely fast, and the bamboo basket that Ye Xu threw out couldn’t catch the mice at all. If it didn’t work the first time, it would be difficult to use beef and bamboo baskets as traps. The mice are not stupid and won’t be fooled again.

As a last resort, Ye Xu had no choice but to chase after the mouse, and from time to time he saw the opportunity to throw the bamboo basket. But it wasn’t until he ran for more than five minutes and failed to catch even one, that he realized that this was not going to work, and he had to change his strategy.

He stopped to take a breath, thinking he had to figure out a way to trap the mouse in one place. But he didn’t have the right tools in his hand. If he used food bags to pile it up, unless it reached the ceiling, the rats could climb over the food and leave, but Ye Xu definitely didn’t have so much food to use.

After thinking about it, he felt that this matter was not reliable, and it seemed that he still had to be tough.

Ye Xu pulled out the dagger. In order to make it easier to catch mice, he had put all the weapons in his backpack. Now it’s a bit silly to think about it. He didn’t let him catch the mouse alive, just poked the mouse directly with the weapon.

Although the dagger was short, he had touched a mouse several times before, but the opponent ran away because he didn’t catch it. Thinking about it, as long as he is fast enough, he can hack the opponent instantly. If you can meet the owner of the stall with the dead mouse, the owner will be happier.

If that doesn’t work, he wants to go outside the village to catch two mutant wild cats to catch mice.

Ten minutes later, Ye Xu successfully killed two big mice.

Except for the miserable death of the mouse corpse, everything else was fine. However, the floor of the warehouse was poked with a lot of marks by his dagger. I hope the boss will not care about these details.

When Ye Xu decided to put the food back in a while, he would cover all these traces with food and pretend that nothing happened.

With five mouse cubs left, Ye Xu walked to the wooden stool and put away the stool, thinking about digging the mouse hole bigger. In this way, he can finally easily find the position of the cub, and directly reach out and catch it together.

Now that the task was finally completed, Ye Xu breathed a sigh of relief. Go to the innermost place and start placing grain bags, put the good ones at the innermost, and put the damaged ones at the door, so that the boss can consume this part of the grain first.

He also deliberately set aside the location of the mouse hole, and then went to get some stones and soil to seal the mouse hole tightly. After doing this, put the rest of the grain bags in place, and you can go to the noodle shop to find the boss with the corpses of two big, five small, and seven mice to hand in the task.

“My God, you caught all the mice so quickly!” The boss was pleasantly surprised. “You are so amazing! You are the most agile adventurer I have ever seen!”

Ye Xu, who had messed up the floor, was a little guilty and didn’t answer.

“Come on dear, this is your reward.”

[Congratulations to the player for completing the green task “Destroy Rats”, get 7 silver coins, 40% experience, 5 achievement points, and item [20 grid backpack]. 】

Got a backpack!

Ye Xu quickly opened the system backpack. In addition to the 50-slot basic backpack, everyone could also equip 5 additional backpacks, such as the mission reward just now. Ye Xu put it into the backpack slot, and the backpack space suddenly changed from 50 to 70 grids.

Although 20 grids is not a lot, it is also a pleasant surprise. Ye Xu was quite satisfied and felt that this task was worth doing.

After saying goodbye to the noodle shop owner, he decided to go to the village to chat with other NPCs to see if he could trigger the quest. Now he is only level 3 with 54% experience, he is still far from the next level and needs a lot of tasks.

After all, it is not always possible to receive green quests, and the rewards given by white quests are not much now, and it is necessary to do a few more to get enough experience to level up. He started to chat with NPCs from house to house, hoping to pick up a few more quests.

This trick really worked, Ye Xu received four errands without much effort. However, the quest reward is very meager, basically only giving dozens of copper coins and 5% of the experience, the equipment is either not available, or it is not as good as what he is wearing, so it can only be disposed of.

After finishing the fourth task, he just wandered to the village chief’s side. The village chief is still basking in the sun at the entrance of the village, squinting his eyes very comfortably. Seeing Ye Xu passing by, he yawned and sat up from the reclining chair.

“Little Leaf, I haven’t seen you for a long time, and you are a lot stronger.” The village chief greeted with a smile, “But you are not strong enough. When you reach level 4, come and do me a favor.”

Ye Xu snorted and nodded quickly. It seems that the village chief has a high degree of favorability towards him, and he actually told him that he has a quest in advance, presumably the reward for this quest will not be too thin.

As a result, he suddenly became active, and he did not dislike running errands for less oil and water. Happily ran to the village to pick up five or six more tasks, and finally raised the level to 4.

He returned to the village chief, who had been waiting for a long time.

“Although you are still very weak compared to many powerful adventurers, you should be able to help solve a little trouble I have here.” The village chief said with a smile, ignoring the beside him who had been trying to interrupt. other players on the mission.

Ye Xu glanced at the unwilling guys, and quietly rolled his eyes. He didn’t pay any attention to the other party, and sat down beside the village chief obediently, and didn’t dislike the dirt on the floor: “Mr. village chief, what do you need my help for?”

“This task is a bit tricky,” said the village chief, “if you don’t want to, you can refuse. Recently, a weasel often came to the village to steal chickens to eat. I hope you can kill it and bring its head back to me. .But it’s very difficult to deal with, you’d better get a few more friends to help.”

【Do you want to accept the mission “Kill the Weasel”? Mission Level: Blue. Can be shared with a maximum of 10 participants. 】

Ye Xu was shocked, it was actually a blue mission!

At a time when many players had never even received a white quest, he actually received a blue quest. Fortunately, the system wouldn’t broadcast it, otherwise he would definitely be retaliated by pink eye.

But it’s not much better now. Anyone with a little knowledge around him realizes that the village chief has issued him a good task. At this moment, many people are staring at him with green eyes. Kill the weasel, then the weasel is at least an elite monster, right? Maybe it’s still a small boss!

Ye Xu ignored them and quickly clicked “Yes”. This task must not be given up, no matter if you can beat the weasel or not, you must fight it first.

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