Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 102

After all the points were added, Ye Xu’s attack power soared to 1100, and his defense was nearly 900. If it weren’t for the fact that there were still a lot of level 20 dungeons holding back, this value would be even more terrifying.

Ye Xu asked about the statistics of his brothers, and found that their statistics were higher than his, because the brothers had already replaced the outdated level 20 equipment and put on more than 40 levels of wild map bosses to drop parts. If it weren’t for Ye Xu’s three-piece orange suit to support the field, the current data would be even more miserable.

“Blind my superb account.” Ye Xu sighed.

It seems that he is still too decadent. He used to farm monsters too. He picked ordinary mobs of no rank. The 40-level white equipment and green equipment that dropped were honestly not very good. He thought about it and didn’t replace it . Not now, he will have to open a level 50 secondary main city soon, he can no longer be left behind, and he has to get himself a suitable equipment first.

Fortunately, he happened to have an ice-type secret realm item on hand, and he could go inside to get the equipment.

This kind of elemental props is also graded, with the most white and green grades, and less blue and purple ones. Ye Xu had guessed before that players in the middle stage of the game should start to switch to a single element occupation on a large scale, because the drop rate of white and green items is high.

According to the calculation of data flow strategy players on the forum, the current drop rate of white items is about 1 in 10,000. Generally, as long as the guy is not too dark-faced, staring at a single element of the mobs brush, a few thousand of them should explode with a white element prop. The explosion rate of green props is one in 100,000, and so on, blue is one in a million, and purple is one in ten million.

The first two figures are not exaggerated on the basis of players’ leveling up by spawning monsters. Ye Xu would have to spawn thousands of mobs to level up. But when you reach a million, you have to start fighting for character.

Moreover, the element mobs do not account for a large proportion of all monsters, so it must be the kind of monster with the word element in its name. For example, water elves, fiery rock monsters, ice bears, etc., other mobs will not explode props even if they look like them.

However, the number of monsters with these words only accounts for 5% of the monster group. Since the introduction of the strategy, these monster areas have become battlegrounds for military strategists, and N conflict incidents can occur every day.

Ye Xu was lucky, he got a purple item with a 1 in 10,000,000 explosion rate. Because Scarlet Storm, which was sold to my brother as an item, had only brushed an ice map before, and solved a group of elite monsters by myself.

The explosion rate of the elite monster’s props is ten times higher than that of the ordinary monsters, and with the blessing of his account’s European energy, he lucked out a purple prop. It’s a pity that in his own social circle there is no ice line route, so Ye Xu is cheap.

“There are not many monsters in the elemental secret realm, but they are all elite monsters and bosses. Be careful after you enter.” The second brother prepared some useful props for him and warned him worriedly.

Elemental Rifts can only be played alone, and no one else can help. And it’s not that you can successfully transfer the job after finishing the monsters, and there are some random difficult tasks to do.

Because there will be an NPC with a strange personality in every secret realm, and the job transfer must be done through him. When he thinks that the player has fully understood the connotation of the element, he will help the job transfer. The so-called “understanding the connotation” is to successfully complete the task he released.

However, it is worth mentioning that although these tasks are very grueling, they really exercise players. It can help players exercise their control over the elements through the process of doing tasks, and after a successful job transfer, there is no need to spend extra effort to adapt.

After Ye Xu entered, he asked curiously, “Is there any difference between different levels of secret realms? It’s just that the level of monsters is different, making it more difficult to clear the level?”

“Of course not.” The third brother caught the opportunity and hurriedly interjected, pushing the second child away, “The profession of the element system will get an exclusive element badge, and the rank of the badge is the same as the secret rank. Although this kind of badge can be It’s possible to upgrade, but the upgrade conditions are very cumbersome, so the higher the starting point, the better, so as not to waste energy on it later.”

Elemental badges… It sounds like it should be a kind of accessory, and if it can be upgraded, it is very valuable. No wonder that although there are already a lot of white elemental items, the price is still high.

Presumably many local tyrants will be happy to build a low-difficulty white secret realm, get the badge first, and they are not short of money to upgrade anyway. There is no way to ask others for help on the secret map. If you try to be difficult at the beginning, the local tyrants with handicapped hands can only be smashed into the sand.

After getting the information he wanted, Ye Xu waved goodbye to his brothers and entered the secret map directly.

As soon as he entered, he received a private message from Chu Jifeng, asking him why he had become a cute little dragon and didn’t tell her in advance, which made her want to **** dragons from photos on the forum, which was too much. Ye Xu was startled, for fear that the elder sister would be pestering him to turn him into a dragon for her to play with, so he quickly turned off the chat system and pretended that he could not receive any news on the special map.

Fortunately, after sending a message over there, there was no follow-up, Ye Xu quietly relieved, and finally had the mood to look around.

Unlike the ice and snow that he expected, the ice-type secret realm is a map in a hot environment. He is now standing in the magic circle, and outside the circle stands a white-bearded old man, staring at him with a bad expression.

Ye Xu closed the silver cloak on his body and covered the dragon’s tail more tightly.

Although this cloak looks very similar to his previous silver cloak, it is actually a heat-insulating cloak made for him by the master forging of the dragon family. Because Grandmaster Fei felt that Ye Xu, a little Frost Dragon cub who had just broken its shell, was delicate and soft, and could not stand the temperature too high, so how to help the cub to withstand the high temperature became the top priority.

Don’t look at the cloak’s appearance, in fact, it can not only heat insulation and temperature control, but also help to cover up the tail and the breath of the dragon, so as to achieve the perfect camouflage effect. It is also a bound item, which cannot be dropped and cannot be traded. It is quite practical.

At this moment, the NPC grandfather didn’t see that Ye Xu was a sub-adult dragon cub, he looked at Ye Xu critically for a while, and snorted: “Come out soon? Stand for a while and you will be teleported out. .”

Ye Xu quickly came out: “Is this formation an export?”

“Of course.” The old man snorted softly, “But don’t think that if you can’t clear the level once, you can go out to rest and then come in. I tell you, there is no way! After you go out, you can’t come in, and an element item can only be used once!”

Ye Xu didn’t plan to take a half-time break. It would be best if he could clear the level in one go. If not, he would go out and buy blue items. Knowing that you can’t make it through, but still fighting, that’s stupid. The secondary main city is about to open, there is no need to waste time here.

“Okay, okay, come and learn some temporary skills with me. When you are doing quests in a while, you are not allowed to use all other skills except ice-based skills and normal attacks. You are a summoner, right? Not even summons, this map has Magic prohibition, except for the ice element, other elemental attacks cannot be used, so there is no need to waste time trying.”

As Ye Xu said that, a list appeared in front of him. It was the five temporary ice-based skills. After learning, they could be used in this map, and they would be forgotten immediately after leaving the map. These five skills just cover single attack, group attack, control, summoning and status skills, one of each, not many.

Anyway, learning doesn’t need to cost money, Ye Xu has already learned all, and plans to read it later. Compared with these skills, of course, his own skills are more important, and he has to try out what else can be used.

Not to mention the normal skills in the skill bar, except for sacrifice, they have all been converted to ice skills. Some of them are the effect of the ice-type attack by themselves, and some are accompanied by the ice-type debuff, which all meet the requirements. Ye Xu performed one by one against the air in front of him, confirming that only offering sacrifices could not be used, so he could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The old man next to him is already stupid. He knows that some players may already have a tendency to this element before choosing an elemental profession, so they will consciously learn some skills of this element, and even all skills are of this element. However, the ice-type skills that those people came into contact with were definitely not as powerful as Ye Xu’s. And these are only the basic version, and the skills can be upgraded and mutated in the later stage, which will be at least twice as strong as now.

The old man was autistic, and he found that his own proud skills were not much better than Ye Xu’s. What is the origin of the kid who came this time? The ultimate tyrant? Or the young master of which big family?

He stared at Ye Xu gloomily, and let out an old “hum” from his nose, very resentful.

Ye Xu moved to the side, away from him. It’s terrifying to be stared at by a bad old man with this kind of eyes, making it seem like he’s some kind of scumbag who always gives up.

Soon the old man realized that Ye Xu wasn’t finished yet. After this kid tried his skills, he started to summon pets again. No other pets were successfully summoned, but the Ice Bear mount was successful.

A huge giant bear bluffed the old man as soon as it appeared. Because this NPC is short and rickety, the three of them together are not taller than the bear, and the visual impact is slightly larger.

“Isn’t this the ice bear from the north coast? Why is it so big!” the old man exclaimed strangely, “I’ve never seen such a big bear before!”

Ye Xu patted Bingxiong with satisfaction, feeling that the old Bing was still reliable, and he helped him find the place as soon as he appeared. He explained casually: “It is the king of the ice bear clan, of course it will be bigger than the ordinary ice bear.”

The tone that didn’t seem to be great made the old man a little bit unable to come off the stage, but since he was the first to speak in a strange way, he couldn’t accuse the other party of deliberately bullying the old man. In addition, Ye Xu was actually able to tame an ice bear king, it can be seen that he is either very powerful or has a very powerful parent behind him.

If you can’t afford it, let’s honestly release the task and go through the program.

In fact, don’t look at Ye Xu’s understatement, but he was still a little worried. After all, the ice bear followed him for the sake of rolling, and whether it would help to attack or not depend on its own mood. But this map can’t summon Gun Gun, without Gun Gun watching, the Ice Bear may not be able to take action in order to show his powerful strength to his courtship.

Alas, it’s hard to do. It would be great if the ice bear was caught with the help of his parents. In that case, it would definitely be obedient and not go against the grain.

When Ye Xu was troubled, a soft and waxy sesame dumpling suddenly appeared in front of Ye Xu. It flapped its fluffy little wings and flew for a while, and Ye Xu quickly reached out to hold it.

At the moment when Sweet Cub appeared, the originally lazy Ice Bear stood up straight and made an appearance of being ready to attack at any time, like an excellent subordinate who shared his master’s worries.

Ye Xu: “…” I see through you! Old ice! hypocritical!

Ye Xu snorted coldly in his heart, but his hands kept moving. Smooth your sweet little one, then tuck it into a cloak that’s warm enough to keep it from being scorched by the scorching sun outside. Babies with thick fur can’t stand such heat and will be roasted.

Although Ye Xu’s dragon characteristics were concealed, Tiantian did not. Even though the master forge later added a formation to hide the breath of the dragon clan on the bell collar, the dragon wings on Tian Tian’s back and the small dragon horns on top of his head are still growing, and the old NPC can see at a glance that it is a cub of the dragon clan .

This is incredible. The old man gasped and looked at Ye Xu in disbelief. How could this kid kidnap a dragon cub as a pet?

The corners of Ye Xu’s mouth twitched slightly, and he didn’t intend to explain his confusion.

But the old man himself quickly realized that there is no contract on Tiantian. So the two of them are actually equal in relationship, but because of special reasons, Tiantian can enter Ye Xu’s summon space.

The old man couldn’t figure out why, but he could speculate based on this that Ye Xu might have a good relationship with the Dragon Clan. If this is the case, then he can’t offend the other party even more, and quickly pulls his tail and shrinks to the side to minimize his sense of existence.

But the head Ye Xu was still wondering how a gold-type baby could run out every day, so he could only ask the old man actively. The old man’s strategy of trying to disappear in place was forced to stop, so he had to try his best to show goodwill to Ye Xu, hoping that the relationship between the two sides could be eased.

Hearing his question, he quickly explained without concealment: “It is neither a summoned object nor a pet, it is a separate individual, and of course it can appear at will. Just like you, you have not yet transferred to an ice-type summoning. Master?”

Ye Xuxin said that he did not change his profession to an ice-type summoner, but he was an ice dragon! But this can’t be told to the old man, so I have to change the topic: “But the dungeon is a single player, plus it has two customs clearance.”

This question was easy to answer, and the old man didn’t blink: “It’s not a human! It’s just a little dragon cub! The single-person entry required by the secret realm is for humanoid races.” Such as humans, mermen, orcs, etc.

Ye Xu: “…”

Coincidentally, he is not a humanoid race, he is from the dragon race. Knowing this earlier, he should try to bring a friend in, and then the two of them can clear the customs together.

However, he gave up again after thinking about it. The others didn’t have many ice-based skills, and they didn’t know if they could learn skills from the old man. If it doesn’t work, it won’t help much if you bring it in. You can only use normal attacks by his side, so don’t bother.

“So what is the mission?” No longer entangled in these messes, Ye Xu went straight to the point.

Referring to this, the old man also became serious: “For the sake of the dragon family, I will give you the easiest task. The reason why this map is so hot is because there are five fire element items hidden in the map, you need to use Your ice magic energy shatters them one by one. But remember, each item has a powerful guardian around it, and you have to deal with them before proceeding.”

This is to ask the player to single out five bosses. It is said to be the easiest task, but it is actually very difficult. Other tasks with complicated processes can still be opportunistic and come up with other methods to replace the frontal force, but this is not possible, and it is necessary to win by force.

That’s not an ordinary boss, it’s five purple-level bosses. Most of the other players choose to bypass the boss and do the quest directly when they are single-playing the secret realm. He is better to take the initiative to find the boss for trouble.

Fortunately, there is Bingxiong to help, otherwise he will definitely not be able to play one-on-one, thanks to the sweet cub who took the initiative to show up to contain it.

Ye Xu picked up Tiantian and kissed it fiercely, and got a little furball to kiss back sweetly. So cute, take another sip.

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