Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 123

In addition to the props for locating the NPC’s position, Ye Xu also bought some tracking props to facilitate tracking and observation.

In fact, it will be more troublesome to bring Mo Bei. After all, Ye Xu can’t take people to fly, but the mission is Mo Bei’s, so he can’t do nothing by himself. So in the end, Mo Bei was in charge of finding someone to investigate those NPCs, and Ye Xu was in charge of tracking them down.

In fact, Ye Xu had never done such a thing, so he wasn’t sure if he would be discovered. Fortunately, he has an invisibility cloak, which can also be used when flying.

So he simply remained invisible the whole time, relying on the cloak made by the master blacksmith, and would never be discovered by these low-level NPCs, so he generously chased after him. Because of the flight method used, there is no possibility of being chased and lost. Even if the NPC enters the building, Ye Xu can keep up with it in time.

No matter how fast the target closes, he can find an opportunity to sneak in. If it really doesn’t work, it will become a small dragon cub, so that it can squeeze in through the small slit.

Yes, Ye Xu can turn into a dragon cub. He didn’t tell anyone about this, worried that he would be forced to turn into dragon cubs by those crazy guys to **** them.

However, this ability to deform is very useful in many cases. Whether it is doing a task or doing something else, no one will be on guard against a small flying animal the size of a slap. Moreover, his body is still ice blue, which is inconspicuous at all, and it is easy to hide.

“Lingyuan” is just a game, and it is a fighting game, not a case-solving game. Therefore, the task that Mo Bei received was not difficult to complete, and Ye Xu’s tracking method had a very strong effect.

In contrast, the investigation progress in Mobei was much slower. In this way, this game is still more profitable by direct action, but the roundabout investigation has fallen behind.

Ye Xu followed the NPC a few places before he saw him start stealing with his special abilities. Originally, I was worried that I would not gain anything from it for a long time, and the other party would start doing things as soon as I left. I just missed it, but I didn’t expect my luck to be good.

This person seems to be a person with a wide range of friends, so his stealing targets are quite wide, and there is little overlap between each other, so it is difficult for victims to get together to share their experiences and find the guy who did it. There is no modern technology in the game, and there is no special police uncle to help investigate these. They can only issue tasks to ask adventurers to help investigate, and adventurers rarely communicate with each other before doing tasks.

In fact, adventurers basically choose to cherish the broom because they are worried that the commission they have received will be taken away by other colleagues. Only after completing the task and getting the reward, will I chat with people while drinking in the tavern, and generally keep silent until the task is completed.

As a result, victims do not know who else has a similar experience and can only fight alone. And the hands-on thieves choose to steal not too precious items. Many people just think that they are careless when they lose them, and they are not worth much anyway, so they are too lazy to find them.

After Ye Xu locked the target, he followed him for three full hours and saw that he had stolen several items. No wonder this guy doesn’t steal expensive things, he takes the route of small profits but quick turnover.

To tell the truth, this person does not look short of money, and his appearance is bright and bright, like a wealthy aristocrat. It is true that most of Ms. Tiffany’s friends are nobles, and the rest are powerful adventurers who are highly sought after by nobles, and these people themselves will not be short of money.

However, it is unavoidable that people have bad luck and bad luck, and some people need money urgently when they encounter some accidents. This thief was in a similar situation. After Ye Xu followed up with his house, he found that the hospitality area of ​​his house was still in good condition, and he was dressed up nicely, but the private residential area was very desolate. Empty, with nothing but what life must have.

Apparently, Mr. Thief has been very short of money recently.

It’s hard to figure out the whole story just from tracking. If you follow him for a while, you might be able to see what he did with the money, but Ye Xu didn’t have that much time. He returned to Rosal City to find Mobei and asked him if he had found any relevant information.

“The NPC you mentioned is quite famous in Xijue City.” Mo Bei said, “I went to the forum of Xijue City to search around and found that he has a good reputation among NPCs and has quite a few friends. And he Friends are not very picky, whether they are commoners or nobles, they all have friends, but these friends generally have their own advantages.”

For example, commoners must be skilled. If they are just ordinary poor peasants, I will be sorry. Because of this, the residents of Xijue City feel that he is a noble gentleman who is very tolerant and loving, and will not discriminate against anyone who is capable.

“The previous words may have been just to create a good image for himself, but now these people have become his targets.” Ye Xu nodded after listening.

These people basically have one characteristic, that is, they are not poor. Maybe not necessarily so rich, but at least not short of money. And they can all find things they can steal and resell. For example, craftsmen can sell the things they make, as long as they find something they do well, but keep their collections and don’t plan to sell them.

Anyway, civilians have no personal connections, and it is difficult to find things that are lost. Unlike aristocrats, if they lose things, they may search for them with great fanfare, and it is difficult to end the trouble. The commoners do not have the confidence to make a noise.

In addition, Ye Xu actually discovered something. It is this person who often receives a commission from the black market first, and then goes to steal things in a targeted manner.

So things are shot very fast and won’t stay in their hands, which reduces the risk of being discovered. Moreover, black market transactions are very secretive, and the other party does not know who the seller is, let alone explore.

He steals not all of his friends, but also from others. It is estimated that I received the order on the black market. Because of the high price, I was reluctant to give up this order, so I took the risk and tried to get it.

Before Ye Xu left, he was quietly wandering around a manor, as if he was exploring the terrain and thinking about how to get in. He has no friendship with the owner of the manor, and if he wants to enter, he must be private.

“This person stayed at Tiffany’s house.” Mo Bei said after checking the information they recorded, “He shouldn’t have any abilities like avatars, right?”

Ye Xu nodded: “It doesn’t seem to be at the moment. He must do it when there are few people. I guess after he stepped on the spot today, he will quietly go in in the middle of the night and continue to investigate the situation in the manor.”

This person is still cautious, and he won’t take it lightly if he doesn’t investigate clearly.

Tiffany’s manor does not have a vigil at night, so he can easily search every location with light hands and feet. It just so happened that Tiffany placed the items not in her own room, but around the warehouse. Due to his overconfidence in his magic circle, Tiffany never thought of sending someone to guard it, which gave him an opportunity.

Ye Xu analyzed: “I believe that when he was a guest that day, he didn’t think that he would be able to successfully steal the things once. Maybe he just went to step on the spot, planning to see the situation first, and then find an opportunity to do it later.”

As a result, not to mention one success, Tiffany was foolish enough to not find it. It wasn’t until I entered there a month later that I realized that the staff was missing.

“It’s probably because the formation is too complicated. It’s very troublesome to go in and see every three or five times, so she only goes in to check it once a month.” Mo Bei didn’t know whether to sympathize with her or to be speechless.

The thief was really lucky, and the time he went in to steal was just a few days after Tiffany’s last inspection. So it took nearly a month for Tiffany to check in once a month before going in again. If he came a few days in advance, he had just stolen something and might have been discovered the next day.

“Have you found out his relationship with that witch?” Ye Xu asked.

Mo Bei shook his head: “There is no such person among his friends, and no one has been found to be related to the witch, except Tiffany.”

Tiffany is currently the only existence that is directly related to witches, so there is a high probability that the thief is going to the black market to take orders, and encounters a witch who issues a list and asks for a staff. The two conditions for the thief to choose to accept the order, one is that it is best to specify that the item is owned by his friend’s house, and the other is that the price is high.

The price can’t be tested, but it’s basically not wrong to name it. The thief found that someone wanted something from his friend Tiffany, so he simply took the order. After all, it is more convenient to steal from a friend’s house than from a stranger. And maybe the price of this order is not low. The witch is the third-in-command of the robber group, so she should be quite rich.

Ye Xu remembered that this robber group was not small, and it was able to handle the guards hired by the Moore Chamber of Commerce. It was strong and large, proving that they were not short of money. You can only do this because you want more money, and your appetite is too great. It will never be because of a lack of money recently. Otherwise, it is very dangerous to meet a businessman, and the probability of success is too low.

“You said the witch had something to do with Tiffany? Tell me carefully.”

Mo Bei transferred the information of the witch. When they checked the witch and Tiffany alone, they did not find out the relationship between the two, because the witch had changed her name. After degenerating into a robber, she changed her name and cut ties with her former friends.

So Mo Bei changed his direction to check, trying to find out everyone who had a conflict with Tiffany. This time, he inquired about the key person from an NPC, who was also a female wizard, but with a different name.

“It’s a coincidence that this witch is the same as the one from the bandits. If it’s not a twin sister, it’s the same person.”

Ye Xu nodded: “Twins are unlikely, otherwise it will be written in the witches’ profile.”

“Yes, she does not have twins, but she and Tiffany have a **** past.”

It was probably when Tiffany was a ten-year-old girl, when the headquarters of the Holy Church in the super city conducted a recruitment. The meaning of this recruiting is completely different from that of the players themselves running to become priests. They have searched for 100 girls with the strongest qualifications from all over the country, and they have to choose one to become the next saint for training.

In this selection, the five most outstanding girls were finally selected, including her and Tiffany. But neither of them competed for the final spot, but both were eliminated.

However, even if they are eliminated, excellent girls like them can still enter the Holy Church to become pastors, but they need to be assigned a mentor. The other girls have been sorted out long ago, and nothing happened, but the last four were different. They were so talented that they were favored by powerful seniors.

But among these powerful seniors, there was no Tiffany teacher at the beginning, but a second-class powerhouse. Tiffany’s teacher is a senior at the same level as the saint, which means that if he can be accepted as a disciple, although he may not overwhelm the saint after growing up, there is not much difference between the starting point of the saint and the saint at this stage.

Among the four girls, the witches are the most competitive and do not want to lose to the first place. After Tiffany accidentally caught the attention of her predecessors, she was very unwilling and unwilling to be suppressed by Tiffany, so she began to compete with Tiffany for the opportunity to perform, trying to steal the teacher.

“Obviously she failed.” Ye Xu probably knew the ending of the story after hearing this, “In the end, Tiffany successfully became the disciple of the senior, and she may be rejected because of being a demon, or she may not be able to swallow this breath. He walked away and became a wizard in the end.”

Mo Bei snapped his fingers: “That’s right! She has aroused the disgust of many priests because of her too many small movements and not enough pure heart. The priest who was willing to accept her as an apprentice also expressed regret, so after Tiffany’s successful apprenticeship, she was the only one who was rejected. The rest is left. But the Holy Church did not drive her away, those naive priests still wanted to wash her heart with light elements and purify her, so don’t be so extreme and competitive in the future.”

“It’s a pity that they were only able to do white labor in the end. Before they began to nurture and train the witch, she ran away in a fit of anger?”

“Yes, she couldn’t accept that she was disliked by a teacher she didn’t like, and she felt that she would only be a laughing stock if she continued to keep it. So she found an opportunity to sneak out of the Holy Church and joined the group of wizards who were the worst at the Holy Church. .”

There are two professions that the Holy Church hates most, one is a thief, and the other is a wizard. These two are sewer bugs and self-deprecating in the eyes of many paranoid and arrogant Holy Church NPCs.

The former is better, but some extreme NPCs have prejudice against thieves, while most priests only hate evil thieves. The latter is different. Basically all wizards are repelled by priests, because wizards’ magic is dark, and priests are light.

The contradiction between wizards and priests is largely just the repulsion of magical elements, so they are not in harmony with each other, but they are not enemies, and they can still fight side by side. Priests still despise some of the vicious curses and underhand tricks of wizards, but others are fine.

A witch was not gifted to be a thief, so she chose the position of a wizard who also practiced magic. But her dissatisfaction with Tiffany and the next saint still exists in her heart, and it seems to intensify as time goes on.

“She seems to hate Tiffany more. It may be that the first person was sent away after becoming the successor of the saint and was cultivated alone, and there was basically no communication with her. But Tiffany stayed with her all the time, and later, in order to rob the teacher, he often had bad relations. .” Mo Bei said.

“Then how did she become a robber?”

“I don’t know about this, but I know that she felt that she had grown in strength a few years ago, and Tiffany was sent to the secondary main city, so she went to trouble Tiffany. I guess she doesn’t know much about the promotion mechanism of the Holy Church. , thinking that Tiffany was rejected by the Holy Church, so I couldn’t wait to jump out and make trouble.”

Another reason is that Tiffany’s teacher went to retreat, and no one supported her. But she didn’t expect that Tiffany had become a powerful high priest after not seeing him for more than ten years, and she was several levels lower than others, at most an intermediate powerhouse.

So of course she failed, and instead angered the Holy Church. The Holy Church put pressure on the wizards’ union, but it didn’t work very well, because the relationship between the two was not good, and it was impossible to give in because of a little conflict between the younger generation. But it’s a pity that the witch’s teacher is a weakling.

The Holy Church found this teacher alone. The teacher could not openly show weakness to the Holy Church due to the relationship between the two parties, but he could secretly trouble the witch. So the witches lived a bit miserable on the side of the wizards’ union, and finally disappeared.

“It doesn’t seem to have disappeared, she just kept doing it, and she just ran away. The last time she went to the wizard’s guild, this time she went to be a robber. She is also talented, and she can get along well there.”

After listening to Ye Xu, he roughly understood the context of the plot. Anyway, it was the enemy that Tiffany provoked himself. The mission should be considered complete, after all, the witches are all dead, so go back and report back.

Speaking of witches, they know Tiffany. Who would know that Tiffany cares about that staff? But she understands Tiffany but doesn’t know that the devolution of the pastor is not the abandonment of the Holy Church… This does not make sense!

“It’s not right.” Ye Xu stopped, “Will she be an NPC who doesn’t know the news that even the players can find out? We all know the truth of the decentralization, will she not know? She is in such a hurry to run to deal with Tiffany, shouldn’t it? , it is impossible for her to be unaware of Tiffany’s true strength.”

Mo Bei was stunned after hearing this. He originally thought that his logic was quite smooth, but when Ye Xu said this, he felt that it was wrong.

“So, what’s going on?” he asked stupidly.

Ye Xu pondered for a moment, wondering if there might be something in it that they had overlooked. After a while, he had a flash of light.

“What would you do if you were dealing with an annoying you?” he asked.

Mo Bei snorted and said weakly, “Spend money and ask someone to do it?”

Ye Xu: “…” is the style of local tyrants.

He coughed dryly, gave up guiding Mo Bei’s thinking, and gave the answer directly: “It’s looking for the opponent’s weakness or handle. What do you think Tiffany’s weakness is?”

This Mo Bei can answer: “Of course it’s her love brain!”

“That’s right, she is in love with her brain. And what she likes is her own mentor. Whether teacher-student love is allowed in the Holy Church is a very important question.” Ye Xu nodded in approval.

If it is as the witch thought, Tiffany was really disliked by the Holy Church, so she lost it to the secondary main city, then it is only possible that her personal style is unqualified. She fell in love with her teacher, and the Holy Church couldn’t accept it, so she found an excuse to devolve, which was actually exile, but it was a loss of face for both parties.

“Look, things are all crowded together. It’s a coincidence that it’s abnormal. My teacher went to the capital for further studies, Tiffany was assigned to him in the same year, and the witch came to find fault. After that, the teacher couldn’t be contacted for a few years.”

Combining them together, it really looks like Tiffany has exposed her feelings. The teacher doesn’t know whether she took the initiative or was forced to leave, and went to the capital that Tiffany couldn’t enter. It’s probably unacceptable, after all, it’s the little apprentice that I look at and may be raised as a daughter.

The two sides are separated. From a geographical point of view, the secondary main city that Tiffany came from happens to be the one farthest from the capital, so it is possible that they want to deal with it coldly, so that Tiffany will stop being obsessed. Regardless of whether this result was after the teacher’s dealings, or the Holy Church compromised on Tiffany’s talent, it was always to give Tiffany’s face, and not to completely dislike her.

“But after Tiffany came to the secondary main city, she didn’t feel safe, or the witch seized the opportunity to make her unable to sleep peacefully. She definitely made a big noise that time, which brought Tiffany’s It had a very serious impact, so the Holy Church put pressure on the wizards’ union, and if the pressure failed, they privately sought out the wizard’s teacher.”

Normally, a warning is enough to press and hold, and if you hold on to it, it must be a serious matter, or Tiffany is more valued by the Holy Church. Moreover, their pastor deliberately went to find a wizard who looked down on him alone, and did something shameless to them, that is, things went too far.

In the end, not only did the witches learn their lesson, but Tiffany didn’t do well either. Regardless of whether she suffered an innocent disaster, in short, she showed the Holy Church how deep her feelings for her teacher were. Xu Shi found that Tiffany’s love was deeper than they thought, so in the end he chose not to let master and apprentice contact at all.

“It’s a pity that it’s useless this time. Tiffany doesn’t look like she’s letting go.” Mo Bei shook his head, “and she felt a little broken, and she didn’t hide her feelings at all.”

Otherwise, she should pretend to make people mistakenly think that she has let go, so that at least she can see her teacher again, and can also be transferred back to the headquarters.

Ye Xu explained: “Maybe it’s because she couldn’t get in touch with people for a few years, she was too worried and couldn’t hide it? It may also be because she felt that there was no drama, and she couldn’t deceive others by disguising.”

“But aren’t they rumored that Tiffany is about to be transferred to the first-level main city?” Mo Bei wondered.

“It’s just a first-level main city. It’s not that simple to upgrade from a first-level main city to a super-main city. Many priests stay in the first-level main city for a lifetime.”

After all, the super main city is the headquarters, and it is impossible for all powerful priests to return to the headquarters, otherwise they will not be able to squeeze in. By analogy with the ancient officialdom, didn’t some powerful ministers also serve as external officials all their lives?

not to mention……

Ye Xu glanced at the map: “Didn’t you find that there is a first-level main city that is farther from the capital than that second-level main city? Although Tiffany has some personal emotional problems, her achievements and strength are placed there. It’s impossible to justify without promotion.”

“No wonder she gave up on herself.” Mo Bei was a little sympathetic to her, and other people’s feelings didn’t hinder anyone. It was a bit excessive.

But on second thought, if the teacher also had this idea for her, it would be really impersonal to hit the mandarin ducks. But if the teacher doesn’t have that idea at all, it’s not good to transfer her back to the teacher, but it’s a good choice to separate her.

“Let’s go, hand in the task, the rest has nothing to do with us.” Ye Xu patted him on the shoulder.

Mo Bei nodded and said nothing more.

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