Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 131

Ye Xu’s target was a viscount. Although this was only the lowest level in the noble system, he was also a noble and had a certain status among NPCs. If this kind of viscount settles in a small town, his status may be higher, and the secondary main city is not very popular, and higher-level nobles can be seen everywhere.

It is said that his ancestor was once an earl, so he was able to settle in the secondary main city.

In “Lingyuan”, the country of Chinese national costume has a hereditary and non-degrading setting for noble titles, so it is reasonable to say that their family can be an earl for a lifetime. But I don’t know what happened in the past, his family’s title was cut off a long time ago and became the current Viscount.

The consequence of not lowering the title is that it will be very difficult for commoners to obtain titles and lower nobles to be promoted. After several generations of hard work, the Stephen family believed that there was basically no chance for them to be promoted, so they stopped sticking to the luxury and pride of the former earl, and began to get down to earth.

So there is Viscount Stephen, who is now well-known. Their family is very friendly to commoners, unlike other nobles. However, it maintains the dignity of belonging to the nobles, so that other nobles will not be excluded as aliens.

When it came to this generation of viscounts, he fell in love with a commoner girl and did not intermarry with the nobles.

Because the Stephen family is declining more and more, it is not easy to marry a young lady from a noble family. Moreover, there are fewer and fewer viscounts of the same level in the secondary main cities. Most of them choose to move to small towns to settle down and continue to be high-ranking people, so the number of objects to choose from has dropped sharply.

These reasons add up, and the parents of the viscount think that it is better to choose a good girl among the commoners than to marry the nobles. Some girls are innocent, kind and intelligent, and it is not difficult to learn the etiquette of nobles. Anyway, their family doesn’t communicate with other nobles very much, so they don’t have to worry about being ridiculed by people when they go out to socialize.

Just then, the son asked them to marry the girl they liked. The parents did some inquiries and found that the girl met when their son went to play in the country manor when he was a teenager. Later, his son went to the manor to spend every spring and summer just to see her.

The girl’s reputation is good, but because the elders in the family died early and lived alone, there are not many people who want to marry her. They think that this girl has no support from her mother’s family, and it is not worthwhile to marry her. If there is any difficulty in the family, they can’t help the other’s mother’s family.

The Viscount’s parents thought it was very good. Without the burden of the family, there is no need to worry about the poor relatives coming to fight the autumn wind. Moreover, they were also a little uncomfortable to let themselves, as the son of a noble, respect the parents of a commoner.

The above stories were all found by Ye Xu in the tavern after he came to the main city next door. There is only a small part of the information on the official website, and then he went to the forum to search again, but found nothing, but saw that someone said that he could ask the NPC in the tavern for gossip.

If this was an ancient game, Ye Xu would definitely think of this method for the first time. The tavern and teahouse are indeed the gathering place for news. But when he changed to the Western Fantasy background, he forgot about it. After all, he didn’t like to drink, so he never thought of coming to a tavern, and there was no teahouse in the Western Fantasy world.

This is the first time he has entered a tavern. There are many large and small taverns in this main city, and he chose the one with the most three religions and nine ranks. Players will definitely not be in danger in the main city, so don’t worry about how difficult the tavern guests are.

The main brain’s setting for the main city is that if the player participates in a fight, whether it is with the player or with the NPC, the patrol will quickly appear and stop it, and then punish it according to whoever picks it up first. But the battle between NPCs, unless it is on the street, the patrol will basically not receive news.

Therefore, if the main city is safe, it is also safe, and if it is not safe, it is not safe. In terms of public security, it is impossible to expect that there will be no murders and fights in the city, but that has nothing to do with the player, but will become a task for the player to pick up and investigate.

Even so, Ye Xu was not arrogant when he went to the pub. He quietly entered and ordered a glass of cheap beer with the crowd. No matter whether you drink it or not, you must consume it. If you don’t spend money to sit here for a long time and then go out, it’s a fight.

He looks like a good kid, obviously not here to drink. Either come to experience life, or come to inquire about news. Not long after he sat down, an unremarkable male waiter came over and asked him what service he needed.

This was exactly what Ye Xu wanted. Most of the pubs were still beautiful female NPCs entertaining guests, but he couldn’t stand it, and he didn’t want to be overly concerned by the NPCs around him, so he didn’t want to have anything to do with those beauties. The male waiter didn’t look very good-looking, but seeing that he knew a lot of news, Ye Xu gave him a gold coin, then opened his mouth to ask, and signaled that he could get more if he answered well.

The other party didn’t take him lightly because it was the first time he came, and he didn’t even want to take the opportunity to slaughter the big family. He smiled and took the gold coins and poured out everything he knew. Ye Xu felt like he had heard a whole love story, from the acquaintance of Viscount Stephen and his wife, to the death of his wife in childbirth.

“You mean she left a child? Can you tell me the specifics?” Ye Xu gave him another gold coin and motioned him to talk more carefully.

The waiter was very satisfied, and hurriedly said: “That is a beautiful young lady, who is now seven years old. The Viscount loves this only daughter very much, and once said that she would recruit children in the future.”

The Viscount is pure and has no other lovers, so this is the only child. His daughter is exquisite and beautiful, and her character is as innocent and kind as her mother. It is said that she is very popular among nobles. Originally, many nobles wanted to ask her for a baby kiss for their second son. Later, they heard that his family wanted to recruit children and gave up.

But obviously not every aristocrat is reasonable. Some people can’t help but go out and say some ugly things when they can’t get married. The main reason is to use the Viscountess’s civilian status as a means of attacking, anyway, it is quite ugly to eat.

These rumors didn’t bother the Viscount family very much. After all, they were psychologically prepared when they decided to marry a commoner girl. But something happened to the Viscount Mansion recently, it seems that the daughter is sick.

“There are rumors that the Viscount suspects that her daughter is sick because someone is doing something wrong, because the young lady has an infectious disease, but there is no pathogen around her.” The messenger sighed.

Ye Xu asked: “Do you suspect that you could not marry someone who went out to speak ill of people?”

“Yes.” He nodded, “but the Viscount has no evidence, and the top priority now is to cure the young lady, so I don’t care about it for the time being.”

Ye Xu probably knew a direction. He should now receive a mission to help him find medicine or find a priest. After all, it is a magical world. Although pharmacists’ medicines generally cannot cure diseases, it is still very common to use medicinal herbs to cure diseases. In addition, it is necessary to ask priests for help.

The priest’s healing magic can not only increase blood, but also treat some diseases depending on the situation. Generally, it depends on whether the skill itself is a big plus or a small plus, and the cleric level of the user.

The priests around Ye Xu are only intermediate priests, and priests of this level are not difficult for the Viscount family to hire. The young lady has not recovered from her illness, which means that it is useless to ask him to go to the pastor, so he should be looking for medicine.

He paid another ten gold coins to the waiter and left the tavern. Open the cloak’s stealth function on the road to avoid trouble.

After all, he shot more than a dozen gold coins, which is considered a huge wealth for those who drink in this tavern. Because this tavern accepts three religions and nine classes, the guests who come and go are not the kind of rich people, but they are quite brutal. When they have money, they go to girls, spend a lot of money, and then when they have no money, they come here to drink poor ale.

They can’t attack players in the city, but that doesn’t mean it’s still safe outside the city. But the Viscount recently moved to a manor outside the city because of his daughter, so he can’t be targeted by NPCs.

Stealth all the way to the outside of the city, and then spread its wings and fly on the road. After a while, he arrived outside the manor and saw the NPC guarding the gate.

“Please help me to ask the following Viscount, whether he lost the fragment of the diary in my hand.” Ye Xu went straight to the point and handed out the parchment.

The other party was stunned for a moment. He didn’t look at it when he took the parchment, and his attitude was also very good. He asked him to wait for a while, then turned around and entered the manor. After about five minutes, he hurried back and asked Ye Xu to go in.

“Thank you very much for your help in retrieving the Lord’s diary. He has been lost for a long time.” The NPC said, “My Lord, please come in and sit down.”

When they came to the main hall, the Viscount had not yet arrived. The maid explained: “The lord was taking care of the young lady just now, and I was worried that my body was contaminated with germs. I have to take a bath and come back.”

Ye Xu nodded in understanding.

The nobles took a bath very slowly, but perhaps because they were anxious to know about the parchment, the other party came out not long after. After seeing Ye Xu, he patiently said hello, and then he couldn’t wait to ask.

“The parchment was given to me by the person in charge of it after I helped a chamber of commerce drive away robbers not long ago. The chamber of commerce originally thought it was an item lost by a big man, and wanted to decipher the content in order to find its owner, for the chamber of commerce. They formed a good relationship, but unfortunately they can’t read the text on it.” Ye Xu did not hide it, “I happened to know a friend of adventurer who understands this text, so I deciphered the name of a person in it and found out about your house, so I came to harass. .”

Viscount Stephen didn’t question this experience, just asked Ye Xuzhi if he knew how the Chamber of Commerce got it. But Ye Xu didn’t know this, so he had to tell the Viscount who the NPC was, and let him find out.

“I’m very sorry, please forgive my rudeness.” The Viscount calmed down a bit, “This diary is very important to me, so I have a bad attitude.”

Ye Xu wasn’t angry either, and nodded, “You don’t have to be so polite.”

He looked at Ye Xu, and he suddenly had the desire to talk for some unknown reason, so he said: “Actually, this diary was written by me many years ago, and it recorded every bit of my lover and me. Later, she died of dystocia, and I took the diary. All the diaries were put into the box, and they were hidden in the coffin together as her funeral objects.”

Ye Xu suddenly widened his eyes: “You mean, your lover’s tomb has already been visited by tomb robbers?”

This was something Ye Xu never thought of. Although he knew that there were no less tomb robbers in the Western Fantasy World than in the ancient times of the East, he was in contact with more news about the tomb robbers in the East. After all, when he was in school, novels of this type were very popular, and he also chased several books.

Knowing is one thing, actually encountering it is another. Tomb robbers can still accept expensive funerary objects in a tomb, but it is a bit excessive to knock on other people’s coffins to get things.

When he was reading the novel, he only paid attention to how the protagonist harvested each time, and wished he could take away all the good things. But at that time he was young and his three views were not sound. Now that he is almost an adult, he must have some notions of right and wrong. It is really crazy to disturb the dead body.

Moreover, thinking that the parchment was placed next to the corpse before, and he took it with him for a day or two, he suddenly felt bad. Fortunately, he got the parchment and stuffed it in the warehouse before, otherwise it would be even more uncomfortable to carry it with him for ten days. I don’t know what those ruthless people who dare to wear jewelry from the dead are thinking, anyway, he can’t accept it in his heart.

“Didn’t you send someone to take care of these tombstones?” Ye Xu asked.

If someone went to sweep the tomb every three to five, it shouldn’t even be clear that the tomb was pryed, right?

Speaking of this viscount, he gritted his teeth: “Her tomb is in the ancestral tomb of our family, and there is a special family to take care of it. But they have never mentioned to me that the tomb was stolen, and I don’t know whether they are guarding their own robbery or robbing them. Neglect of duty.”

The most terrifying thing is this, the family tombs are all together, one has been stolen, and it is difficult to say whether the others are still there. Maybe all of them have been stolen and turned into sieves, and the corpses of the ancestors may not be alive. After all, this kind of thing, as long as the robbery and the like are well covered up, the host who comes to sweep the tomb during the festivals will not find it at all.

But in any case, the servants who guard the ancestral graves should not be clear. Unless the tomb is particularly remote. Then commit the crime at night, and cover up the robbery that night, otherwise it will definitely be discovered.

“Thank you very much for letting me know about this. I have to send someone to investigate quickly.” The Viscount felt a headache, everything was piled up, his daughter was sick, and his tomb was stolen.

Ye Xu got a fairly generous quest reward, but he was not satisfied. I’ve come here, of course I have to do a few more tasks. I haven’t seen so many things in the Viscount’s house. It’s all tasks. It’s a pity to let it go, it’s better to pick up a few and do it.

“I don’t know if there is anything I can help? Before I came, I heard that your daughter was sick, can you find a cure?” Ye Xu asked pointedly.

Tomb Robbers and Healing are the two quest directions, and he must first choose Healing, because there is no need to investigate any NPCs. If the Viscount knew the medicinal herbs, he could just inquire where the things were and go directly to pick them, it would be much simpler.

To be honest, he didn’t want to participate in the complicated plot tasks. Although it was more interesting, he was tossed with the dungeon for a long time in the morning, and now he just wanted to lie down. If it wasn’t for the fact that the dungeon just came out and was suffocated and wanted to wander around, he would not have set off here to do the task immediately.

As soon as he said this, the Viscount followed him and mentioned his daughter’s illness: “I invited several priests to come here, but even a senior priest can’t cure her, only delay the disease. Said that she needs to find three rare medicinal herbs to heal her, but those medicinal herbs grow in very dangerous places, and I can’t find any adventurers willing to take orders to help me collect medicines there in a short time.”

He looks very depressed, because he wants to give his daughter the best life, and he has been working hard to manage the family’s property. So Stephen’s family is not short of money, and they are willing to spend a lot of money to treat their daughter’s illness.

But no matter how much money there is, no one will take the task. The place where the three medicinal herbs are located is too dangerous, and few adventurers who need money or life are willing to take orders. And powerful adventurers are hard to come by. The secondary main city is actually a big platform. I didn’t expect that there are still no people who dare to take the quest.

Ye Xu was a little surprised. It stands to reason that there are quite a few NPC adventurers in the 8th and 90th level here. No one dares to go to a map that grows above 110th level, right? However, there is no such high-level map around the secondary main city at all, at most it is level 100.

“May I ask where are the three herbs you want?” Ye Xu asked.

The Viscount sighed: “One of the herbs grows on a level 100 map, the other is said to have been seen near Dragon Valley, and the other is unknown at present. The last time it appeared was in the dangerous foggy canyon.”

The Misty Canyon is a map of the first-level main city, and it is impossible to go to it now. But the herbal quest can be accessed by players at level 50, which means that there is actually this herb in low-level maps, but the NPC doesn’t know it.

The three herbs must be available to more than fifty players, and they won’t really let people go to a level 100 map to find death. It’s just that the ability to find herb trails depends on the player’s own abilities.

Ye Xu only had one thought after hearing this—isn’t this a coincidence? Others can’t get the things in Longgu, so he can’t get it? No wonder the NPC gave him parchment paper as a reward. It is estimated that the system detected that he was a dragon player, so the match was given to him, and it was very easy for him to complete this task.

Since the Dragon Valley has it, Ye Xu doesn’t need to bother to find out if it has grown in other places, and the workload is sharply reduced by one-third. He could go to the auction house to see the remaining two, and he didn’t ask Yeyin Guild’s warehouse if there were any. There were also a lot of good things in the warehouse of his good friends. I really can’t find it, and then consider going outside to get it.

Ye Xu immediately told Viscount Stephen that he could help find the herbs: “I don’t guarantee that I can get other herbs. Don’t worry about the Dragon Valley. I have friendship with the dragon family, so I can definitely get them for you.”

Stephen was very surprised: “So you still know the adults of the dragon clan? Then this matter is left to you. As long as you can help me find herbs, even if only one is found, I will give you the most generous reward.”

[System prompt: You have accepted the quest “Finding Three Rare Herbs”, quest level: orange. 】

(Note: This quest can be submitted in stages, up to 10 submissions per herb.)

It seemed that if his daughter wanted to recover, it would be best to eat the medicinal soup made from these three herbs ten times. However, it is not easy for most people to get one plant, ten plants are basically just thinking about it.

Fortunately, Ye Xu can submit one by one instead of one by one. In this case, his tenth reward is stable, of course, the premise is that Longgu really has this herb.

Ye Xu was not in a hurry to go to Longgu to find someone to collect medicines. He first searched for three kinds of medicinal materials in the trading house. Considering that Dragon Valley may not grow that kind of herb, he has to find a second channel for himself to get the herb.

It’s a pity that there is not a single related herb in the trading house, which is not beyond his expectations. NPCs can also use the trading line. If Viscount Stephen can’t get it, it’s normal that he can’t get it. If you want to go to the trading house, it is best to go to the trading houses in other cities, farther away, those places that Stephen can’t reach.

20 secondary main cities form four trading areas, that is, every five main cities share a trading bank inventory. As long as Ye Xu ran three secondary main cities, he could visit all the trading houses in the secondary main cities, saving a lot of effort.

As for the town below, he gave up after thinking about it. It is very unlikely that the town will have these medicinal materials, these are all orange-grade medicinal materials, which are very rare.

Not knowing if his luck was helping him, Ye Xu found a herbal medicine in an auction house not long after. Although there is only one plant, it is also a victory. Because the seller did not know the value of the herb, the price was not very high, and it was about the same price as the normal orange herb.

Ye Xu hurriedly took the price and took it. Anyway, the Viscount is not bad for this amount of money, and he will definitely make up for his consumption of buying herbs.

Because the trading house had no more herbs, Ye Xu contacted his brother and friends, told them the props he needed, and turned to Longgu. It is said that which kind of herbal medicine grows in the periphery of Dragon Valley, he has not been to the periphery, where there are other pseudo-dragons and earth dragons with thin dragon blood, and he does not know whether they are friendly to dragon cubs.

In case these low-level dragon races don’t have enough IQ and are bullied and afraid of hardship, it would be quite dangerous for Ye Xu to go alone. He planned to ask the dragons first, it would be best if he could coax a dragon to accompany him to pick herbs.

Ye Xu felt that the feasibility of this was quite high. It was just a walk around the periphery of Longgu, and there was no need to run far. They should not refuse this small request. Maybe he didn’t have to take the initiative to speak. When he said that he was going to collect herbs from the periphery, a dragon would take the initiative to ask.

He still remembered the last time the big dragons fought over his custody, and it should be quite attractive to accompany the little dragon cubs to play around. As for picking herbs, picking some flowers and plants for the dragon cubs is not an incidental matter.

“Are you saying that this kind of herb also grows inside the Dragon Clan?” Ye Xu flew forward with Tiantian in his arms, “Perhaps this is the herb in the Dragon Clan’s inventory, so there’s no need to go out to pick it.”

He thought it was quite beautiful, but in fact he knew in his heart that it was unlikely. And even if it is in stock, it will not be given to him directly.

At present, the only items that the Dragon Clan has directly given him are items that have nothing to do with tasks and improving his strength, such as food and play. No matter how much the dragon clan favors, they can’t openly interfere in the daily games of the players, otherwise it would be too unfair for other players.

Just thinking about it, it has already flown to the big lawn where the dragons usually gather to bask in the sun.

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