Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 135

Ye Xu’s plan to farm monsters went on in such an orderly manner. Because of the slow progress in leveling up, the current level 60 to 65 monster areas are still very suitable for his needs, and there is no need to change the map. At this stage, players are generally near level 54, and will not come to the strange area above level 60 to wander.

Ye Xu didn’t meet anyone for a few days, and Ye Xu had a good time alone. Until the morning of the 24th, when he sat down and rested on the way to farm monsters, he suddenly heard a system prompt.

[System Tip: Players “drunk all beings” to complete the main quest [Tiffany’s Choice], NPC Tiffany falls into a demon, defected with the Holy Church’s radiant staff, and the system expansion will be updated soon. 】

[System Tip: The new expansion [Undead Attack] is about to open, please be careful, adventurers! 】

[System Tip: The server will be updated and maintained from 3:00 to 5:00 in the morning, please log off in advance to avoid unnecessary losses! 】

Ye Xu held his breath and let out a long breath.

It finally came, and Tiffany really chose to fall. I don’t know what the specific situation of the main quest is, it seems to be quite stiff at present.

Ye Xu was a little worried. Today is Monday. If the undead siege starts tomorrow, it will be open during the day on Tuesday. Although it is still summer vacation, many working parties do not have summer vacation, only single or double vacations. Therefore, this opening time is actually not very good, and it will cause the player camp to lose a lot of vitality.

He clicked the jump button [Undead Attack] worriedly, thinking that maybe things weren’t so bad. The system update ends at five in the morning, so it’s impossible to start the undead siege at five, right? Since the start time can be delayed until the morning, there is nothing wrong with delaying it for a few days until weekends.

Facts have proved that his guess is reasonable, and the system really did not embarrass everyone too much.

[Undead Raid] is just a new expansion piece, similar to the fact that the background of the story has advanced from the first stage to the second stage. And the undead siege he predicted earlier was the first big event after the expansion began, not the expansion itself.

The specific new expansion is also explained on the page, and the number of words is quite large. Ye Xu glanced at it and decided to go back to the city and watch it with his friends.

He hurriedly ended this morning’s monster-hunting operation, read the article and returned to the small courtyard. This kind of important matter must be discussed with everyone, Ye Xu went directly to Jiang Yuexuan’s house.

Others also came here tacitly, and they all arrived in a few minutes. It just so happened that everyone didn’t take any quests today, but simply farmed monsters, so they could come back at any time.

Sister Xuan was the last to arrive. Chu Jifeng said that she went to the City Lord’s Mansion and asked everyone to wait. I thought it would take a while, but I didn’t expect that she would be back in five minutes.

When she entered the door, everyone saw that she was holding a piece of paper in her hand, which looked a bit like a checklist. As soon as she came in, she immediately cut to the point: “The city owner has sent a list to each guild president, which is the material to restrain the undead. It is said that adding these materials when making props for the life profession can add light attributes, and can cause damage when fighting against the undead. It will hurt even more. But I think it is too late to go shopping now. Everyone got it almost at the same time, and they must have sent someone to snap it up. “

As soon as the announcement of the new expansion piece came out, all the guild leaders were stabbed to death and received a system prompt to ask them to find the city lord. Jiang Yuexuan went relatively fast, but after all, it would take a while to go from the teleportation array to the city lord’s mansion. After she got the list, she was already a step behind.

The information on this list is quite useful. The materials listed above are the ones that players didn’t know what they were used for, and many of them were directly thrown into the trading house and sold at a random price. As soon as the list came out, it is estimated that the market price has skyrocketed, and those who made random shots before will regret it to death.

“We have done a lot of preparations in advance. It doesn’t matter if we don’t get too many of these materials. The big guild needs them more. Whether it’s making potions or equipment, they can be added. We have two purposes here. One is to let Xiaohan use it when enchanting us, and the other is to make skill scrolls. The former does not consume much, but it is mainly the latter. But we have also stocked up some ourselves, and I don’t think we need to go out and buy them.”

The list says that if you want to add light properties to a normal scroll, just find the herb in the list and apply its juice to the finished scroll. But one medicinal herb can only be applied to one scroll, so the demand is relatively large. But the same is true for pharmaceuticals in general. One bottle of medicine has to be added with one of these herbs, and everyone is fair.

What Jiang Yuexuan meant was that they could make some high-power and long-CD group attack scrolls, and they couldn’t make a few of these skills in a short period of time, so they didn’t need a lot of herbs. I can supply it by myself, so I don’t bother to **** it from others.

“I’m going to try with Xiaoye that couple skills can’t be stored in the scroll.” She said, “If we can, then we will have more cards. Anyway, it’s impossible to start the undead siege today, and the skills will be heavy at 0 o’clock in the evening. If you don’t have it, then it’s a waste not to use CDs for couples today.”

She had thought about this before, but when everyone got together, she forgot about it, and she never tried it. If I started saving before, I might have a few scrolls in my hand now.

You must know that there is a success rate in the production of scrolls, no matter whether it succeeds or fails, the cd will be black. So at most one couple skill scroll can be made a day, but it may also fail directly. It’s a pity that the previous CDs were wasted, and I don’t know if I can save a few copies before the official siege.

The most unfortunate thing is that although there were five people in the team who learned to make scrolls, Ye Xu and Jiang Yuexuan accounted for two of them. And they can’t help other people’s skills to make scrolls, they can only make their own. So in addition to their skills, only the three pairs of Mo Bei, Ji Ling and Xiao Suguang can make it, only Chu Jifeng and Xiao Yige’s skills can’t do it.

They both looked quite open and didn’t care much about it. Chu Jifeng urged Jiang Yuexuan to skip the scroll. This can be discussed later in the production. The focus now is on the specific content of the new expansion.

“I probably took a look.” Because Jiang Yuexuan was busy going to the City Lord’s Mansion before and didn’t have time to check it out, Xiao Suguang took over the burden, and she took the lead in declaring the key points for everyone. Then all the main cities will enter a state of preparation at the same time. The undead siege will start on the 29th, and will continue until the end of the 30th before 24:00.

This is probably the most important time node at the beginning of the entire expansion. The follow-up planning system has not informed it, and the details need to be discussed slowly.

“The 29th is Saturday, right? It lasts for two days in total, which just includes the entire weekend. When the endgame is dealt with, although it is Monday, it is not necessary for all players to be online, and the absence of the Work Party will not affect anything. This arrangement is OK. .” Jiang Yuexuan nodded slightly.

Mo Bei is more sensitive to this time node: “Damn, it’s the end of the month? In this case, many student parties will not be able to catch up with their homework at the end of the month. They either write in advance, or wait until the dust settles on the evening of the 30th to start writing. I don’t know. Can you finish it?”

Although not all schools will start on time on September 1st, at least they have to report on this day, and they have to hand in their homework, and there is no chance of delay. The more demented schools may report in advance, and then the school will start on September 1, so that players will not be able to make up their homework on the 31st, so they have to write in advance.

The game company only reminded it when it was about to end, and it was a misfortune to procrastinate. The best time to make up the homework is taken up by the game, and now there are already student parties in the forum who are crying and scolding planners for not being human.

However, it was soon pointed out that the opening of the new expansion was caused by the completion of the task by the player who called the drunk, and the game company had no control. However, after analyzing the previous clues, some people think that the player is just at the right time. If there is no one to do the task, the plot will run on its own, causing the consequences of starting the undead siege on the 29th.

After all, the game company has planned such a big event, and it must be launched before the end of the summer vacation. Otherwise, when the school starts, the flow of people will be reduced by a lot, and such a big battle will be wasted in vain.

There are even college dogs who don’t need to do their homework, thinking that this is the last spree before the end of the summer vacation, and everyone should enjoy it. Then it was sprayed by the Student Party and the Work Party to close the wheat.

“So if the undead start to attack the city on the 29th, what are you going to do in the four days from 25 to 28? Are you preparing for the battle?” Ye Xu asked.

Xiao Suguang nodded: “That’s right, Tiffany’s mutiny took away the Brilliant Staff. Although this thing has been reduced to an item with greater symbolic meaning than practical use for the Holy Church, it carries a restraint that restrains the Holy Church. Secret. According to the information, there is a complex holy light formation hidden in the staff of radiance, which is similar to the formations depicted in the holy churches of each main city. If the undead party cracks the formation, they will take measures against them. That formation made it impossible for the two major occupations under the Holy Church to obtain the buff.”

The occupations under the Holy Church are priests and knights, which are the main occupations. The three players in the team immediately turned their heads and asked her to explain in detail what that buff was.

“After such a large-scale battle starts, adventurers will get the corresponding buffs.” Jiang Yuexuan rummaged through the official website database, and found relevant information after a while, “For example, the mage will gain the magic power of the mage tower, and return to the blue. The speed and the upper limit of mana will be increased accordingly. Other occupations have similar buffs, and these buffs all come from the gain arrays depicted inside the buildings unique to their occupations, so those arrays must not be affected.”

In fact, it is not only that priests and knights have a holy church as their backing, wizards have wizard towers, wizards have wizarding associations, and summoners have summoner alliances.

Ye Xu has been to the Summoner League once, and on the street of the Summoner Profession Hall, there is a very unique cat-head-shaped building, which looks quite cute. There are many services provided in the alliance, such as the rental of public summoned beasts open to all players, as well as the special rare quests for summoners.

It’s a pity that there are too few quests to be refreshed. The high-level ones can only be met by luck. The low-level ones can often be predicted to have not been preempted by others, but Ye Xu doesn’t look down on them. Later, he didn’t like to go to the Summoner Alliance, and the mission of the mercenary union was more stable.

It was the first time he heard that there was a magic circle painted inside the alliance building. If this was the case, then it was no wonder that Tiffany wanted to steal the staff of radiance. The undead side will definitely crack the formation in the staff before the arrival of the 29th, or the system calculates that the undead will crack the formation on the 28th, so choose the 29th to start the attack.

“In short, what we players can do here is to participate in the preparation tasks.” Xiao Suguang concluded, “Any NPC of the City Lord’s Mansion in the city can take the task. The content of the task is not known at the moment, but I guess there should be and defense. The undead weaken those related to the Holy Church formation.”

Xiao Yige suddenly said: “If we don’t work hard enough, the preparations for the battle will not be completed, and we will lose the buff of the Holy Church in the end. But if we complete the preparations, we can prevent it in advance and make the undead’s methods ineffective?”

“It should be the truth.” Everyone agreed after listening.

Therefore, the task of preparing for the battle is still to be done, and even if the rewards are not many, it cannot be given up. Originally, it was a working day, the number of players was relatively small, and the student party had to make up their homework, so there were even fewer people doing tasks, so the remaining people had to work harder.

Jiang Yuexuan had roughly read all the content in the announcement while they were chatting, and she reminded everyone: “I bring the resurrection scroll, don’t overturn the sewer and die before the war. I can still make the scroll, don’t save something. But I guess this kind of props will be limited by the number of times they can be used when the undead siege the city, otherwise it would be too rogue if they were resurrected repeatedly.”

“Ah? Will our attack skill scrolls be limited as well?” Mo Bei became nervous, and he counted on these scrolls to get dps!

“I don’t know, I’ll find out later.” Jiang Yuexuan shook her head, “But what are you worried about as a dad? HPs is also the content of the assessment of contribution points. It’s melee players who should be worried, right?”

Mo Bei thought about it too, and then he was relieved.

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