Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 146

Collecting summons is not an overnight thing, and the top priority now is to continue to farm monsters.

The second wave of mobs fights faster, although the level has increased a little, but there is no harassment from the advance troops. A single undead knight is actually very good to kill, they just have higher defense and blood volume, and their attack is not as good as the undead warrior.

In this battle, the pressure on the priests is relatively small, and the increase of blood is much easier than before. However, this also caused their contribution value to not increase as fast as before, which can be regarded as both gains and losses.

Ye Xu’s contribution value is more convenient. He used to worry that two group attacks would kill the monster, so he had to calculate the range of skills and throw them away. Now he can throw two skills in the same place in a row. , a lot easier.

The other single-attack players next to him are also very happy, because it is very convenient to collect the head. Before, you had to lose a few skills to get a monster, but now you basically have one skill and one head.

In fact, if you play like this, the contribution value of those players will be less. But the scattered people looked quite open. Those who didn’t want to be robbed of contribution points by Ye Xu had already avoided him, and the only ones left were Buddhist players. They are also not very competitive in the rankings, so it doesn’t make much sense to work hard to accumulate contribution points.

In the event introduction, it said that the rewards will be distributed according to the ranking, but this kind of large-scale event generally will not be accurate to the rewards of each ranking, but will be staged. The same is out of 1000. Although 1001 and 1101 are a hundred places apart, the actual rewards are almost the same. So if you can’t fight hard to get to the previous rank, it’s enough to keep yourself in this rank.

Ye Xu threw a holy snow towards the front, and then another thunderstorm. The range of Holy Snow is circular, with a maximum radius of 10 yards. Ye Xu selected a target 10 yards ahead as the center of the circle, and finally included a huge circular area.

His remaining skills don’t have such a wide range, whether it’s a thunderstorm or an ice thorn, it’s a small-scale group attack. The range of the frost dragon breath is not large, and it is a narrow fan-shaped area similar to a straight line.

So Ye Xu couldn’t do that every little monster was attacked twice, so he could only follow the fate. Try to divert the range of all small group attack skills, and then overlap with the holy snow, and leave the fish that slip through the net to other players to solve.

The cooldown of Holy Snow is 20 seconds, but the icicle is 30 seconds, and the thunderstorm is only 10 seconds. In fact, the practicality of the ice thorn is not very large. It is characterized by high damage, which is easier to use when facing the enemy in the team mode. Therefore, Ye Xu prefers to use Holy Snow and Thunderstorm in this event. Both of them are replaced with Frost Dragon Breath when they are cooling down. Anyway, this is a normal attack skill with a 1-second CD.

Other people’s normal attacks are single attacks with weak damage, his is better, it is a small group attack, the damage is still high, I don’t know how many people died of envy.

Ye Xu glanced at the team’s contribution ranking on the way to kill monsters. He himself was undoubtedly the first, and the second place was no surprise, Sister Xuan. Among the remaining people, except for Xiao Suguang, the mage of the whole school with more group attack skills, who ranked third, the rankings of the others were not very good.

The only surprising thing was the Holy Priest’s Feather of God. He relied on his blood-gaining skills to restrain undead creatures, and his contribution value actually ranked fourth. Ye Xu remembered that he seemed to have several group healing skills, no wonder the rankings depended so much on money.

The rest are just rookies pecking at each other, and there are not many group attack skills, and even if there is a damage value, the damage value is limited. There are several people whose contributions are not very different from each other, and the ranking changes frequently.

But although it doesn’t look good in the team, it’s still quite impressive when taken outside. The 10 people in their team can still enter the top 500 in the overall ranking of Rosal City. If each person has a few more group attacks, it will not be a problem for all of them to squeeze into the top 100.

“I can’t fight, but I’m old.” Chu Jifeng stretched his back. “The archers’ group attack skills are too few. I’ll go back and collect more.”

“Didn’t you find that group attacks are not enough when you usually farm monsters?” Ye Xu asked him.

Chu Jifeng shook his head: “No, I don’t spawn monsters often, and I spend more time doing quests, so it’s fine. My group attack skill’s CD is not very long, but the damage is a little weaker, and it feels like a fight now. Not strong enough.”

Other people’s group attack damage is okay, but the range is too small.

If you want to use the group attack to brush the contribution value, you can either get a skill with high damage, short CD, and a large range, and rely on it alone to conquer the world; However, the former can be met by chance, and the latter will generally have omissions if they do not deliberately collect them.

Even Ye Xu felt that his several group attack skills were not well matched, and the scope of each skill was too arbitrary. The Holy Snow is a large circle with a radius of 10 yards, the Ice Thorn is a point skill that randomly selects five targets to attack within the range, the Thunderstorm is a small circle with a radius of 5 yards, and the Frost Dragon Breath is more slender and fan-shaped.

Round skills are very difficult to match. If they are square, it is much easier to cover each other. But the skills are already like this, and they can’t be changed, so he has to accept it.

The second wave of mobs had thick skin and blood, so they weren’t beaten too badly, and it took more than an hour to get rid of them completely. The blood of the four bosses was thicker and the defense was higher. Several teams struggled a bit. Ye Xu and the others watched for a while, and they all agreed that it was fortunate that the bosses didn’t find them.

“Actually, everyone’s damage is quite considerable, but the damage reduction effect of this boss is a bit strong.” Jiang Yuexuan said after watching it for a while.

Xiao Suguang shook his head: “It actually has a shield skill. The defense is already very high, and the shield reduces some damage.”

“There are too few shield-breaking skills at this stage, and most of the skills can’t ignore the shield effect. By the way, what is the attribute of the shield-breaking? Is it piercing?”

“Yes, it’s piercing. But this kind of skill is generally from the physics department, and it’s rare for the law department.”

Ye Xu listened for a long time before he added: “I have it. I have a group attack skill with a piercing effect that can break shields. I thought this skill was quite common, so you don’t have it?”

“Good boy, go and play, don’t get involved in the chat of adults.” Jiang Yuexuan used her authority to ban Ye Xu’s words. She didn’t want to hear such words now. This guy Xiaoye is too hateful. Although he knows that he didn’t mean to show off, he was just telling the truth, but this kind of remark is worse than showing off.

Ye Xu looked innocent, he just told his teammates that he had piercing skills and that he could find him in the future if he needed to break the shield. Well, he shouldn’t have added the last sentence, it’s a little flat, so be careful in the future.

“Little Ye and cousin’s skills are very practical. Is this the advantage of having a high-level tutor?” Chu Jifeng looked longingly, “When can I also have a powerful NPC to be a master?”

“When you are dreaming.” Mo Bei thought about it and said.

Chu Jifeng snorted sourly: “Don’t think that I don’t know that you are about to join the Phoenix clan, but don’t be too happy, you may not be able to get good treatment in the Phoenix clan. .”

Mo Bei only said that the grapes were sour when she couldn’t eat them, and smiled smugly: “It’s better than you don’t have a mentor.”

The loud noise here didn’t affect the others at all, everyone habitually blocked them, and only regarded the conversation between the two as the background sound. After playing the game for so long, the two of them quarreled every day. There used to be mediation, but now they don’t care about it.

Xiao Yige has been thinking about what Ye Xu said before that he wanted to get more summons. Now that it’s time for a break, he doesn’t have to worry about it. He quickly figured out a lot of things he didn’t want to understand. So he grabbed Ye Xu and whispered to him.

“Aye, didn’t you say that there are many low-level dragons outside the Dragon Valley?” he asked.

Ye Xu nodded: “Yes, what’s wrong?”

“These low-level dragons should be quite powerful, right? And they can be used as summons, so just use your tame skills. I think if you really want to attack a group or a single attack, you don’t know what the babies will be after they are upgraded. Whether the skills will appear undesired skills, it is better to simply find these low-level dragons who know the bottom line.”

Other monsters may not necessarily be the complete state of evolution, and the lower dragons certainly are. Such a strange group that has formed an intelligent race is similar to a big family. There are new born cubs, and there are elders who are in their prime or even dying of old age. Just check the skill column of the elders to know that they will be in the future. What skills do you have.

There are many varieties of low-level dragons, and it is not difficult to find dragons that can only attack alone or in groups. When the time comes to tame them in a targeted manner, you will be able to form the desired legion, which is much more convenient than going outside to find them aimlessly, or buying them from a trading house.

“If you are afraid that you won’t be able to contract an adult dragon, you can choose a small dragon cub. I think you are a high-level dragon after all. Even if those low-level dragons are not willing to be contracted by other summoners, they should be happy to follow you.”

Isn’t it all written like this in the novels, it’s an honor to follow a clan with a higher bloodline level. Maybe it can also evolve with blood, and one day it will be reborn and become a high-level dragon.

Xiao Yige felt that whether it was a big dragon or a dragon cub, he would probably not reject Ye Xu’s proposal, and he might even happily select the most qualified dragon cub from the clan and send it to him. Of course, the premise is that there is no hatred between the low-level dragon clan and the high-level dragon clan, and the low-level dragon clan really wants to climb up.

“What you said makes sense.” Ye Xu paused after listening, “I’ll try it when I go back. Thank you so much Yige, why didn’t I think of it!”

With a whole dragon clan behind his back, why did he go to the outside world to make a contract? It is enough to leave half of the space to find the goblins outside. The essence of forming a legion is for activities and fighting monsters. It is not used many times. You don’t need to care too much about diversity. It is more convenient to unify.

Previously, Ye Xu thought that the baby he wanted to contract must be someone he liked, and his appearance should not be low, so it would be more difficult to collect, after all, there were too many demands. But now that I think about it, it’s totally unnecessary, just do it well if you want to be a legion, you can’t be too greedy, you can’t have both.

What’s more, the low-level dragons are not all ugly, and they are also dragons. Compared with the serious dragons, the ground dragons such as the ground dragons just don’t have wings and can’t fly, and they can look good. The ones that are really ugly are the pseudo-dragons, all of them are strange, but Ye Xu doesn’t plan to contract these, why should there be low-level dragons to choose pseudo-dragons.

I said before that the high-level dragons are all immortal-level bosses, and the low-level dragons are boss-level creatures around the spiritual level, and pseudo-dragons are not enough. Not only is the rank only Heavenly Rank, it is not necessarily a boss, there are bosses and elite monsters, no matter how you think about it, you can’t take it out.

Since he had a choice, Ye Xu would definitely choose the best one. He decided to go back and look at those high-ranking spiritual rankers, specifically looking for big bosses to make contracts, not small bosses. I don’t know if there are big and small bosses in the dragon cubs. Maybe the dragon cubs are all small bosses. Whether they can grow into big bosses depends on their future destiny.

“Don’t worry about this, aren’t there evolutionary crystals? Immortal-level crystals are too rare, but I think spiritual-level ones should be easy to get in the later stage. When they eat spiritual-level crystals, they can rise to immortal-level.” Xiao Yige reminded him.

Although it is estimated to be inferior to the fairy world by then, it is very good for a legion of this size to be able to reach the fairy rank. What kind of bicycle do you want? It is indeed possible to change the immortal world crystal to the middle grade or even the top grade, but this level of crystal is rare, not to mention whether it is a waste to use it for the legion, even if you don’t dislike the waste, you may not be able to collect so many.

Ye Xu felt that the immortal world was low-grade enough, so who else could form an entire immortal rank army?

“However, my level is a bit low now, and they may not be willing to send cubs to give me a contract. I feel at least wait until level 100 to try again. At that time, I might have other spirit-level summons in my hand.”

Xiao Yige nodded: “You are right. At level 100, you can at least have a lot of heaven-level summons. If you are lucky, it is very possible to get a spiritual level.”

The spiritual level is said to be level 200, but in fact, there are not no spiritual levels below level 200, but only a few. Those below level 150 are even rarer, but Xiao Yige has confidence in Ye Xu.

If it really doesn’t work, just wait, and when you reach level 150, you will definitely be able to get one. Anyway, such a large-scale event like now only comes once a long time, so it doesn’t delay anything.

The two chatted about the legion plan for a long time and discussed a lot of details. It was not until the boss on the other side was finished that he kept his mouth shut and began to prepare for the next round.

Ye Xu is not in a hurry, he can only have at most 10 summons now, and if he wants to increase to 20, he has to wait for the fourth turn at level 150. So even if he can contract now, he doesn’t have so many vacancies for them. Besides, 20 vacancies are not enough. He still has a few babies in his hands, and he has to remove their positions.

“The third round will appear in ten minutes. You can hurry up and go offline to solve your personal problems.” Jiang Yuexuan came over and reminded, “It’s noon, and if you want to eat again, you can go down and have a bowl of instant noodles. Ten minutes should be enough?”

This joke made Xiao Yige laugh, and his smile was very low. But when it comes to instant noodles, he is really greedy. It’s a pity that he is not in good health, and his sister forbids him to eat instant noodles, so he has tried it a few times.

“Aren’t you in good health now?” Mo Bei asked curiously, “and you were not in bad health before, it was just a lot of disasters.”

“Yeah, many disasters and many disasters lead to old age entering the hospital, which gives people a feeling of bad health.” Shen Zhiyu added.

That said, it is true that often going to the hospital will give people this illusion, but in fact Xiao Yige’s health is not that bad. However, he is slightly smaller and has a delicate appearance. Like Ye Xu, he is fair and petite. In the popular saying on the Internet, he has a “suffering face”. This appearance exacerbated his vulnerability, and it was not so strange to be seen as ill.

Xiao Yige said weakly: “Every time I go to the hospital because of an accident, I have to avoid food. After a long time, my sister will habitually let me avoid food. I usually don’t let me eat many things that I can’t eat when I’m sick.”

Once a habit is formed, it is difficult to change. For example, he basically does not go to the hospital now, but he will still be restricted from eating and drinking. Junk food is absolutely not allowed. No matter how delicious healthy food is, it will make you tired if you eat too much, and these things really don’t taste good compared to junk food.

Xiao Suguang was not angry when he heard them talking behind his back. Instead, he reflected on it, and then he said, “I will pay attention to it in the future. If you really want to eat Yige, you can eat some occasionally. But you can’t eat it often, and you can’t eat it. If you eat too much, you still have to be careful about your body.”

Taking medicine frequently when sick has a great impact on the body. Even if you are not sick now, it does not mean that your body is intact. For example, the immune system, people who often take medicine will definitely have weaker immunity and are more likely to get sick.

Ye Xu has a deep understanding of this. When he was in college, he had three roommates, and he usually looked like nothing, but it was very difficult to recover when he got sick. It’s not a serious illness, it’s just a seasonal cold. Ye Xu doesn’t take medicine every time he catches a cold, and he doesn’t feel any discomfort, just a runny nose, and he will be fine in a few days.

But his roommate is not good, the cold will get worse and worse without taking medicine, and the amount of cold medicine every time he takes it is also very large. After a few years of college, the problem was solved with a single pack of medicine in the first year. Later, it was necessary to brew several packs at a time. It looked very scary.

If you take too much medicine, the body will develop resistance and the effect of the medicine will be weakened, so you have to increase the dosage. At the same time, the self-immunity is weakened, and the self-healing ability is poor. It is impossible to recover by itself, and has to rely on drugs again, forming a vicious circle.

Later, Ye Xu didn’t dare to take medicine indiscriminately. Unless there was inflammation in the body, he would take some anti-inflammatory medicine. Usually, even if he had a fever, he basically didn’t take medicine. However, he is in good health and rarely gets sick. After so many years, he is indeed healthy and has no illness or disaster.

Xiao Yige’s current state is difficult to deal with. It is not so easy to improve after the self-healing ability has been reduced. Ye Xu didn’t know what to do. He only heard that Xiao Suguang took his younger brother to see a doctor for recuperation. Before he can fully recover, he still has to control it and try to eat as little as possible the junk food that will make him sick.

“Speaking of which, it’s still a taboo.” Xiao Yige showed a depressed look on his face. After all, he is still a young man, and no matter how sensible he is, he will show some negative emotions, so he cannot hide them all.

Shen Zhiyu quickly comforted him: “What’s this? Just eat it in the game. Didn’t you say that your sister is good at cooking? Just let her cook some with the kitchen utensils in the game. Wouldn’t that be easy with chips like french fries?”

Xiao Suguang’s cooking skills are really good. When they spend time together every night, she will make some small snacks for everyone. However, because of the relationship in the Western Fantasy online game, she usually cooks Western-style snacks, and rarely makes oriental snacks, and rarely makes modern junk food. But it doesn’t bother her, and it’s not necessarily more troublesome than western desserts.

Xiao Yige looked at her sister expectantly, and got a gentle touch from her sister: “Okay, I’ll make it for you later. But some kitchen utensils are out of hand, and I need to use Ge’s alchemy to help me get them out.”

“Perfect! We have a good time!” Shen Zhi Yu poked Ye Xu with his elbow.

Ye Xu looked at him speechlessly: “I knew you were a drunkard, not drinking, but you wanted to eat it yourself, right?”

Divine Feather smiled and did not refute.

“Is it modern kitchen utensils made of alchemy?” Mo Bei thought about it for a while, “Is it possible to sell it for money? I feel that many players should be willing to buy it. After all, it is not afraid to eat fat when making delicious food in the game. , I’m sure many female players are willing to buy finished food, which will drive chefs into the game to make food for sale.”

His mind is full of making money, and he can also think of this when everyone chats. And without waiting for everyone to complain, he took Xiao Yinge to discuss the share of buying things, making it as if the kitchen utensils had already been made, and it was still something that was not visible.

“Ignore him, the third wave of mobs is coming out soon, I’ll go first.” Jiang Yuexuan stood up and patted off the grass leaves on the robe.

Seeing this, the others also got up and left, and returned to their chosen positions to stand guard. The third round is the remote monster, the undead archer. This monster has high agility and can fight you from a distance, but it is not easy to deal with.

The slowing action is no longer necessary, because the undead archer will not rush into the crowd and use the speed shock to cause huge damage to the front row. They would just stop at 20 yards, fire a salvo on the melee line in the first row, and never get close enough to give the melee a chance to counterattack themselves.

In fact, it is absolutely impossible not to get close to them in melee combat. The priests in the back will definitely be good at milk, and only the archers in the first row can shoot them, and the ones behind are too far to hit them. But if they don’t get close, they won’t be able to brush their contribution points, and the rangers in the back row won’t be able to hit the archers in front, and the situation will stalemate.

So there is no way, this kind of remote monster must also dock with them. And this time, the long-range players are naturally unable to be harmless. They have to stand within the attacking range of the other party and bombard each other to see who can consume more energy.

People with HP recovery skills, such as Ye Xu, set off to their place without caring and waited for the fight. Those who can’t restore blood on their own are a bit hard, and they must be ready to escape with residual blood at any time. They can’t simply rely on strange priests they don’t know around to help them increase blood.

“Why don’t you go far, just beside me and Feather.” Mo Bei suggested, “We can still add blood to you.”

“No, this monster is not enough to fight, we should pay attention to the blood volume and retreat in time.” They shook their heads, but still rejected his kindness.

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