Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 318

Marven Ye didn’t realize that his young apprentice Ye Xu regarded him as a tool who provided skills, and was still happy that he had received his favorite apprentice. But soon he couldn’t be happy anymore, because Ye Xu left Amules and started his travel plan after having dinner with his friends at a top restaurant in the city at noon that day.

As a prince with a mission in his body, although Marven Ye could occasionally go out and wander, he would never be able to be as relaxed and wanton as Ye Xu. Traveling all over the continent, this is also Marven Ye’s expectation, but he is destined to never achieve it.

However, his little apprentice has now started to practice it, and by the way abandoned him, the teacher he just worshipped. Marven Ye learned about this when he asked the adjutant in the afternoon, and he was struck by lightning.

He thought that during the next vacation, he could cultivate more master-disciple relationship with his little apprentice. But his plan ended before it even started, and Ye Xu was not around, so he could only cultivate a relationship with the air.

“Why did he just leave?” Marven Ye was very frustrated, “Does he not miss my teacher at all? He looked so soft and cute yesterday.”

Of course Ye Xu didn’t miss him, and even chose to go to other major cities to play in order to avoid him. If Marven Ye was not in Aimulus, Ye Xu might follow the principle of proximity and play around in Aimulus before going to other major cities.

But there is no if in the world, and the existence of Marven Ye will obviously hinder Ye Xu from playing. No one would like to be interrupted by NPCs from time to time on their way to travel. He doubted that Marven Ye would take the opportunity to issue him some quests, or simply ask him to chat with him, euphemistically calling it a friendly diplomatic meeting between the human and the dragon.

“If I were him, I would definitely call the apprentice to do the task.” Ye Xuzhen explained to the ignorant babies, “Why is it that I am busy dealing with the affairs of the main city every day, while the apprentice can take it easy. Playing in the city? Since he is so idle, why don’t he pick a few challenging and troublesome incidents and let the apprentice help them solve it. As an apprentice, isn’t it right to share the worries of the master?”

Yes, it was because of this idea of ​​”taking the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain” that Ye Xu couldn’t wait to set off. He didn’t wait for Zhen Zhen to fully design the play route in the main city, anyway, there will be more time in the future, there is no need to arrange the next N days’ itinerary in one go, they can be more casual, plan to play one day a day, or simply ignore the plan Randomly choose a route forward each day.

But Zhen Zhen is a very serious little girl and refuses to give up planning. So Ye Xu could only compromise, and only fight for the treatment of playing for one day after planning.

At this moment, their family is standing in the island city of the shark clan, preparing to experience the island style at the first stop.

It was rare to return to her hometown, and the little girl Jiaojiao was still lazy, her eyes didn’t open much. She changed positions in Ye Xu’s arms and continued to doze off, but her elder brother, King Shark, arrived at the first time after feeling his sister’s breath.

“Why are you here suddenly? Could it be that something happened to Jiaojiao?” King Shark asked anxiously.

Ye Xu shook his head: “No, no, I’m just here to play. I heard that the island has a unique scenery and is very suitable for vacation. It happens that I have nothing to do recently, and I take my babies to various places to build and see the world.”

On this trip, only the babies who had contracted with him accompany him, and the orc princess family did not follow. It is said that the little princes of the orc race are playing wild in Amules, and when they get tired of this place and then change to another main city, they simply don’t bother Ye Xu.

But even if there were no orc cubs, Ye Xu was still accompanied by a dozen elf cubs. Ye Xu left all the other leisure pets in the manor, but the elf babies couldn’t be left behind. After all, Luna had to take care of them from time to time, so it was inconvenient to stay away.

Miss Luna, because she was worried about bothering Ye Xu, proposed to stay at home with the babies. Unlike ordinary summons, she can enter and leave various spaces at will, and is naturally not restricted by the condition that summons and owners cannot stay away from 500 yards. But the elf babies were so excited when they heard about going out to play and refused to stay at home, so Ye Xu finally brought them all over.

It was the first time that the shark king saw these elves, and he glanced curiously. The elves were only half a slap in size, and they were a little bit scared facing the giant shark king.

The other party is the former immortal rank. No matter how naughty they are, they will feel the suppression of their strength, and they dare not be as noisy as before. One or two hid behind Ye Xu, revealing only a pair of small eyes, peeping.

The shark king saw that his hand was a little itchy, and with a dry cough, he resisted the urge to catch one and play. He stretched out his hand to rua his sister, making sure that there was really no problem with her, and then nodded with satisfaction.

“Since you want to travel, then you should travel to many places in the future, right? Go back and change the main city and send me a message, so that the person who delivers fresh fruit to you every day can’t be found.” He reminded.

Naturally, Ye Xu nodded in agreement, but he had nothing to contact the King of Sharks. The shark king said that he would give him a crystal ball. This alchemy item is the most commonly used remote contact device among NPCs, but the cost is a little expensive, and ordinary people can’t use it.

“I have a crystal ball here that Prince Marven Ye gave me, can I use him to contact you?” Ye Xu didn’t really want to go out with a bunch of crystal balls. . If the crystal ball is the same as the mobile phone, it would be nice to create an address book.

He guessed that the crystal ball should indeed have this kind of function, otherwise those nobles who need to contact many different objects should keep N crystal **** on their bodies or at home? Thinking about it is troublesome, and someone will definitely stand up to solve this problem.

Sure enough, the king of sharks nodded: “It’s enough to have one crystal ball. Come, I’ll add my contact number to you.”

He used his own crystal ball to touch Ye Xu’s crystal ball, and the ball popped up to indicate whether to record a new contact signal. After recording, remote contact can be made. In the future, if Ye Xu wants to use the crystal ball, he has to enter the magic value into it, and then select who to contact.

Fortunately, this thing can also set notes, otherwise Ye Xu would still not be able to remember the string of runes. That is, the use of the crystal ball consumes too much mana, about 1.5% per second. Ye Xu usually automatically returns to blue at 1% per second, and after offsetting each other, there is still 0.5% of the consumption left, so he can chat with the person on the opposite side for 200 seconds at most.

With a prop, you have to drink blue potion, which is really boring. Fortunately, Ye Xu only needed to use it to send a message every few days to tell the other party which main city he went to, and he didn’t need to chat more. Even if he wanted to chat, 200 seconds was enough.

He didn’t think he had anything to talk about with King Shark. After adding his contact number, King Shark took the initiative to leave because he had nothing to say. It must be the same for online chat. He rubbed the hair of the little princess in his arms and turned to greet the babies: “Let’s go, let’s go to experience the seafood barbecue street first.”

There are not many players who choose to settle on the island, only a relatively small number of water players. However, this is a tourist resort after all, so the number of pvx parties and other players who just come to play is huge.

It was in the afternoon when Ye Xu came, so the street was actually relatively deserted. If it was night, it would be really lively here. The seafood barbecue stall is very suitable for a dinner party at night. There is no better taste than this.

When Ye Xu came over the last two times, a seafood barbecue street had not yet been established on the island, but now it has been done well. Because some young players, their parents do not let them play games too late at night, and they simply go online as soon as they go home after school. Also operating normally.

Originally, it would be troublesome for Ye Xu to bring a bunch of babies there, after all, babies take up too much space. Candy alone can occupy 4 people’s seats. If the store’s business is booming, he will not be able to sit down with so many babies here.

Fortunately, before Ye Xu came, he got the upgraded version of the phantom skill. This is really drowsy and sent a pillow to solve his urgent needs.

The upgraded phantom skill is somewhat worthy of its “phantom” name. Babies can be completely converted into phantom mode, and will not interfere with the way of others because they cannot wear the mold as before. Sometimes when the boss is brushed, a group of unharmed babies will be there. Although it can block the boss’s progress, it can also block the teammates’ progress.

Now they can be transformed into phantoms, so Ye Xu can make them materialize when he needs them, and keep them in phantom mode when they don’t. If it is applied to the tactics of killing bosses, I believe that many interesting play styles can be derived.

But now, it’s just a useful effect when Ye Xu goes out to travel.

This is only the effect after the upgrade, in addition to the effect of the skill mutation. This effect is not compatible with turning into a phantom. It can make the baby in the phantom state smaller, the smallest can shrink to the size of a fist, so that Ye Xu can wear a multi-pocketed clothes and carry them all in his pocket, saving more space, And it doesn’t affect what they eat.

You must know that in the phantom state, babies cannot touch the entity and cannot eat. But the shrinking does not affect it, and even the appetite is the same as the original body size, and the food intake will not be reduced due to shrinking.

But it is a good experience to shrink a group of big babies into small figures holding rua. In addition, it can be reduced to the size of a baby, and it can be held all the way, which is not bad.

This time to go to the BBQ Street, Ye Xu chose the size of a child over one meter tall, so it doesn’t seem that the visual impact is so strong. Although the players you meet along the way will look at them more because they think they are cute, they will not think too much.

Many people mistakenly thought that Ye Xu was bringing the family’s leisure pet cubs out to play, which was quite novel. A summoner even came forward and asked Ye Xu where he bought this baby slime. He also wanted to make one as a leisure pet.

Ye Xu can only tell the truth and tell the other party that this is a special skill effect. If you want to learn it, you can go to Emules City to find the city lord in a few days. The city lord is not there these days. The summoner suddenly realized, he said, there are no slime-like monsters in the game, how can you catch baby slime as a pet.

After sending the player away, Ye Xu looked back and saw a group of little babies behind him very obediently forming a line, following him step by step. As the eldest sister, Zhen Zhen walked around, like the great grandson of the orcs, guarding these summoned creatures, walking over to remind them when they fell behind or the line was crooked.

Usually when Ye Xu went out, they wouldn’t be so obediently queuing at the back, and they all liked to crowd around Ye Xu and surround him. But just now, Ye Xu told them not to form a circle. There are many people here, and the streets of the island are relatively narrow, so it is easy to block other people’s roads, so they intuitively queue up.

In fact, when it becomes a phantom state, there is no need to worry about blocking the road, but they don’t want that. The phantom state can’t touch Ye Xu, even if it’s useless to surround Ye Xu, it’s better to just line up like this, it’s quite fun.

Ye Xu looked at the team and thought about buying them some clothes. After putting on the clothes, they can grab the clothes in front of them and walk away, watching the surrounding scenery while walking, without worrying about getting lost.

However, some of them don’t touch the ground on both feet, and those who walk with four claws like Tumbling probably can’t grab other people’s clothes.

Even so, Ye Xu still wanted to buy some clothes. A group of summoned creatures wearing small clothes must be very interesting.

Ye Xu asked Zhen Zhen to watch them, and walked into an NPC shop on the side of the road that sold island-specific clothing. Of course, the shops of the shark clan sell clothing made of shark yarn, as well as piles of shark yarn for sale. Players can buy them and then find someone to make them into their favorite looks.

Because there are many races on the road, the ready-to-wear clothes sold here are not only suitable for personal wear. Ye Xu greeted the babies to come in and try on clothes one by one, and really picked out a bunch of clothes for each of them.

It’s a pity that these clothes can’t be made bigger or smaller, so when you want to turn back to the original size, you must take it off first, otherwise it will be broken. And if it gets smaller, it has to be taken off, or the little one will be buried in a lot of fabrics.

It doesn’t matter, Ye Xu just let them dress for fun, and didn’t plan to wear them all the time. Babies are accustomed to not wearing clothes. It is okay to wear them occasionally, but it is estimated that they will feel uncomfortable wearing them all day.

He just made a random excuse to trick everyone into putting on their clothes: “I’m going to have a barbecue in a while, it’s easy to get dirty, so I put on a piece of clothes. Shark yarn is easy to clean, it won’t get wet, and it can be put in After a little swirl in the water, the stain will come off, and it is easier to use than other clothes.”

The stupid babies were really convinced, Zhen Zhen understood Ye Xu’s careful thoughts, but because of the beach-style dress, she thought she didn’t find anything. Before that, Father Leaf never thought of buying her new clothes. She had been wearing the original clothes for a long time. Fortunately, the summoned creatures refreshed their whole body every time they were summoned, otherwise the clothes would probably stink.

“Like new clothes?” Ye Xu asked when she saw her bright eyes.

Zhen Zhen nodded generously: “I like it!”

“Then buy a few more sets.” Father Ye, who had a faint tendency to control his daughter, waved his hand, and immediately chose many different styles of small skirts for his baby girl, and asked her to wear them.

Other babies don’t have much interest in new clothes, and don’t care how many sets they have. Among them, there is Xiaoling, who can’t wear clothes at all. In the end, Ye Xu spent a lot of money to buy a ribbon of special material, saying that it could touch the spiritual body, and tied a bow to it, which is the focus of participation.

After buying clothes, they took advantage of the opportunity to buy some tourist souvenirs such as small shells in the surrounding shops. Souvenirs take up a lot of packages. Fortunately, the merchants recommended that they buy souvenir collection bags for tourism, which solved this trouble in time.

I don’t know when the collection bag was a new item in “Lingyuan”, and it was said that it was specially used for pvx party play. Any item marked with the “Memorial” label in the item introduction can be put into this collection bag. Each collection bag can hold 100 souvenirs, and there is no limit to the player’s holding limit.

That is to say, if one bag is not enough, Ye Xu can buy many more bags. These bags can be placed individually in the backpack space. Although it still cannot be superimposed, it is essentially equivalent to superposition, and generally speaking, it is unlikely that someone will fill hundreds of bags on a trip.

“If there are too many bags, you can use a special delivery service. A nobleman borrowed the express mode of your adventurers and opened a delivery service focused on tourism, which can help you send items directly to the main city warehouse. , even the warehouse at home.” The owner reminded.

It is very nice to send it directly to the warehouse, so you don’t have to worry about putting it in the mailbox at the door. If it is not charged for too long, it will be automatically cleaned up by the system because it is out of date. After all, some players really don’t have the habit of checking their mailboxes every day when they go home, and it’s easy to forget that there may be items stored in their mailboxes.

The only downside to the delivery service is that once it’s in the warehouse, he doesn’t have access to what’s in the inner bag at any time. Fortunately, souvenirs are generally kept at home as decorations. No one will take them with them. If they really need to take them with them, they can also be left in the package, and only send home what they don’t need to take with them.

After Ye Xu inquired about the details of this delivery service, he left with satisfaction. It was wonderful not to have to go home to inbox. He managed to escape while Marven Ye didn’t pay attention, and he couldn’t go back in a short period of time to find him uncomfortable.

“This collection bag is really beautiful.” Zhen Zhen held the collection bag like a small purse and couldn’t put it down.

The bag is beautifully made and embroidered with some characteristic scenery of the island. For these landscape embroidery patterns, Ye Xu bought twenty bags in one go, each with a different pattern, and basically bought all the patterns.

The collection bag is actually quite expensive, 500 gold coins each, but it is for ordinary players. Ye Xuzheng was worried that the gold coins could not be spent, and he did not want to exchange them for spar to give the dog a 99% price difference. Now he finally found a good way to use it.

Souvenirs on the island are cheap and expensive. You can buy one piece for a cheap gold coin, and sometimes the expensive ones are as high as several thousand gold. Ye Xu didn’t ask about the price at all, nor did he visit according to the price, only the type of item. Shells are put together, pearls are put together, and special clothes are put together.

This time, he didn’t just go out to play. Before going out, several sisters took his hand and asked him to help him buy some special products. Especially good-looking clothes, beautiful jewelry, novel cosmetics and so on.

Although it is a bit troublesome to purchase on behalf of others, as one of the two group pets in the guild, it is hard to refuse him if he can do something for his sisters. So Ye Xu agreed, and prepared to lie about the price and make a profit.

Anyway, these women are busy upgrading, so they won’t come to buy in person, and won’t know what the real price is. Even if he knew, he wouldn’t bother with him, and he could buy more interesting souvenirs for the difference he earned.

“Want to buy some collection bags for my aunt and the others?” Zhen Zhen raised her head and asked.

Ye Xu glanced at it and said, “500 one, it’s too bad to give to them, this one has to be charged, so let’s take 600 one. They want a lot of things, and it’s really inconvenient not to store them in bags. But let me It’s impossible to buy a full set of 20 collectible bags for each of them, they don’t use that many, and it’s too expensive, so just buy a few at random.”

“But with such a beautiful bag, they will definitely want a full set.” Zhen Zhen shook her head disapprovingly, “Dad, talk to your aunts and ask their opinions. If they want a full set, you can Let them pay for it.”

Ye Xu bought the whole set himself because he thought it looked good, second because his daughter liked it, and third because he was too ruthless in buying souvenirs, he wanted to buy everything, maybe he really needed so much. But the things I buy for my sisters are at most three or four bags per person, and a full set of twenty is really unnecessary.

But since Zhen Zhen had said so, it didn’t take much effort to ask a question, Ye Xu nodded and agreed: “Okay, then I’ll ask.”

He quickly switched to the daigou group, sent a set of screenshots of the collection bag, and asked them if they wanted it.

This purchasing group is a new chat channel established by his sisters before he left. In “Lingyuan”, players are allowed to spend gold coins to establish a chat group, so as to successfully continue the beautiful tradition of “there are 11 different groups of four people in the dormitory”. In the past six months of playing the game, he has added a lot of groups within their guild, including this purchasing group with only him and his four sisters, a doghouse group with only boys, a crispy group with only mages, and so on.

Many groups are established on a temporary basis, and after a short period of time, they are thrown away. No one took care of them at first. Later, when Sister Xuan had an obsessive-compulsive disorder, she started to clean up the useless group chats, so that everyone’s list was not oversaturated. However, some groups that Sister Xuan did not join still stayed there to occupy their seats, waiting for the group someday. The Lord can dissolve them when he is free.

There are currently only five people in the purchasing group, Ye Xu and four sisters. Originally, they had invited other people, but those boys scoffed at the purchasing agent and didn’t think they needed Ye Xu’s help to buy anything, so they didn’t insist anymore.

Ye Xu was very sure that it wouldn’t take long for these guys to really look like each other, so he kept waiting for a good show.

The real fragrance he was expecting came faster than he expected. After the sisters confirmed that they wanted to buy a full set of collection bags, Ye Xu received a crazy and deadly call from Mo Bei. I opened the private chat, and sure enough, Ye Xu asked Ye Xu to help bring a set of collection bags. It was obvious that the sisters just showed off with screenshots, and they were moved.

In response, Ye Xu only replied with a noble and glamorous: “Ha.”

You used to ignore me, but now you can’t stand tall. Doesn’t it mean that you don’t need a proxy? Then come and buy it yourself, you are used to it.

No longer ignoring Mo Bei’s gibberish, Ye Xu closed the chat window, returned to the store just now, and bought four more sets of collection bags. When you send things back to your sisters, you can also use the delivery service to send them directly to the warehouse. After all, their warehouses are open to each other, so it is very convenient to get things.

After buying the collection bag, seeing that it was almost time for dinner, Ye Xu finally reluctantly suppressed his desire to continue shopping. This street is on tonight’s itinerary, and it’s not too late for him to eat the barbecue first.

“Everyone follow closely, don’t get separated.” Ye Xu turned back and said to the babies.

Immediately got a bunch of neat responses: “Huh!” “Hey!” “Mmm!” “Ow!”

Ow what the hell? Ye Xu immediately turned around to see who was wailing, and then saw an unfamiliar dog. The dog has a handsome black and white face, sticking out his tongue and following behind the last baby, he is very well-behaved.

Although it is well behaved, its appearance betrays its breed. A dog of this breed can’t be well-behaved because it’s a husky.

Ye Xu looked at it for a moment, and finally remembered to check its data card. Whether this is the player’s pet or the orc cub of the NPC family, you can tell at a glance.

Then, he saw a bunch of data templates about orc cubs. Very good, it turned out to be not a simple dog, but a dog orc, and the NPC family did not run away.

Ye Xu walked over and squatted down, looking at the dog: “Can you speak human language?”

“Ow?” The dog tilted his head and didn’t answer.

It seems that he can’t speak human language. Maybe not long after he was born, he can only speak dog language. This is difficult, how does Ye Xu know how to contact its parents?

It is said that Huskies have given up and still admit the wrong owner. When compared to the orcs, it is easy to admit the wrong parents. It is unreliable to let the dog find a home by himself, so it is better to contact the urban management for help.

Ye Xu looked left and right, but didn’t see the NPC orc with the characteristics of a dog, guessing that his parents were not nearby. I had no choice but to pick him up and hand him over to the mercurial guards patrolling around.

When the obedient dog saw that Ye Xu was about to hand him over, he immediately twisted and struggled, yowling like they were going to kill him. The people around looked at it curiously, making Ye Xu and the guards very embarrassed.

“What’s going on?” An enthusiastic NPC came over and asked.

There were not so many foreign NPCs on the island of the shark clan, but since the tourism business has flourished, not only more players have come, but many NPCs have also begun to come to play. This warmhearted is a fox-shaped orc.

Afraid of her misunderstanding, Ye Xu hurriedly explained: “This cub got lost and was mixed in with my baby team. I don’t know how long it took to follow me. His parents must be in a hurry now, and I want to ask the guards to help him practice his skills. family.”

Who knows, the enthusiastic NPC waved his hand indifferently when he heard it: “What’s the hurry, I know this breed of orcs, they have always been rash. Don’t say that his parents are not in a hurry now, I’m not sure. They haven’t found out that they have lost their cub yet. You don’t have to worry, just let the guards help him contact his parents. If he really refuses to go with the guards, you can take care of it for a while. “

This is very reasonable. It is estimated that Husky parents can give birth to Husky cubs. Maybe they really haven’t found out that they have lost their son. It is impossible to be in a hurry, and I will not be in a hurry in this life, after all, I have lost my habit.

Thinking of this, Ye Xu’s mouth twitched, and he hugged the struggling and crying dog back, and patted it soothingly: “Okay, okay, I won’t give you away, I’ll take you away, right?”

When the dog was calmed down, he turned his head to the guard and said, “I plan to go to the BBQ Street to eat BBQ. If you contact his family, you can ask him to come to the BBQ Street to find me. I will go back to this street after eating. Keep walking, if you don’t see me on the BBQ Street, it’s the same if you come here to find me.”

“Okay, my lord, I wrote it down.” The guard said respectfully.

Ye Xu couldn’t help but touched the medal he was wearing on his chest. This was what Sister Suguang reminded him to wear before going out. It was an accessory in the aristocratic costume that King Shark gave him before, which could show his aristocratic title. Sister Suguang said that it is easy to encounter accidents when going out. If there is this, the NPC will be very polite to him, and it can also avoid a lot of trouble.

At that time, he felt that Sister Suguang was doing things very appropriately, but he didn’t expect to play a role so quickly. If it wasn’t for him wearing a medal this time, it is estimated that the fox orc would not have been so friendly when he first asked, and he might have to regard him as a bully who bullied children.

The stupid dog couldn’t understand the tiredness of the adults at all. After he was released, he happily ran back to the back of the line, looking forward to continuing to line up with his friends. Ye Xu had no choice but to ask the babies to watch him more, lest he suddenly run away halfway with him, and it will be difficult to find him by then.

Ye Xu promised the guards that he would take care of Gouzi temporarily, and even asked Gouzi’s parents to come to him to find the child. If he loses the dog in the middle, and his parents come to him, wouldn’t he be embarrassed to death.

Fortunately, Gouzi didn’t get tired of queuing for a while, so he came all the way to the barbecue stall. Sniffing the aroma of various seasonings such as cumin, pepper, garlic, etc. escaping in the air, it sneezed a lot, and then began to be greedy.

The babies could still follow Ye Xu, but he couldn’t move at all. Stupidly, she ran to a barbecue stall and squatted down, no matter how much Zhen Zhen dragged her, she didn’t move her nest.

“Is this greedy?” Ye Xu, who was called by Zhen Zhen to come to the rescue, asked curiously.

The dog’s belly made a “grunt” at the right time, which seemed to be hungry. I don’t know how much energy it took to run around before, but now it seems that I am really hungry, but I have encountered a barbecue with a particularly domineering fragrance. If Ye Xu hadn’t stopped him quickly, he would have been willing to barbecue at someone else’s house just now. on the shelf.

Ye Xu didn’t know whether to laugh or cry: “That’s an iron shelf that can’t be eaten!”

The dog protested at him with an “oooooooo”, saying that he was very hungry, very hungry, super hungry, and he could eat a whole barbecue now!

Ye Xu felt bald, but he wanted to buy a barbecue, but everyone was queuing up here, so he couldn’t cut the line. Fortunately, he remembered in time that he had food on his body, and quickly turned over a meat bun and handed it over to him to fill his stomach.

The dog refused to eat it at first, because the meat buns smelled like no barbecue. Ye Xu has lost his temper with it. It’s really hard to raise it.

It was Zhen Zhen who responded quickly, she opened the meat buns, and the aroma of the meat wafted out, successfully calming the puppy. He suddenly forgot about the barbecue, happily ate the meat buns in two bites, and then chased Ye Xu to eat them.

“After eating this, I won’t be able to eat barbecue for a while.” Ye Xu reminded casually, without any sincerity, and took out several meat buns after speaking, vowing to let the dog eat directly. There are too many pungent seasonings added to the barbecue, which is not suitable for children to eat. It should not be convenient for the puppy to eat this. It is better to let him fill his stomach with steamed buns.

When the dog was full, Ye Xu could finally find a barbecue stall at home and sit down and start ordering. After tossing to the present, he felt that he was so hungry that his chest was on his back, but for the delicious barbecue, he resisted not eating anything else first.

To be honest, the aroma of the meat buns just now was really tempting, and he almost couldn’t help eating them together. But he remembered in time that he wanted to save his stomach for the barbecue, so he restrained himself.

Zhen Zhen tilted her head to look at him suspiciously: “Why did Dad keep his stomach? Don’t you always have a big appetite?”

The summoned creature didn’t understand the setting of satiety in the game. All she saw was Ye Xu who kept his mouth and kept eating this and that. His stomach seemed to be a bottomless pit. However, this kind of reminder was enough, Ye Xu quickly realized that this was in the game, and there was no such thing as being overwhelmed. In fact, he could eat whatever he wanted.

At most, if you eat too much, the satiety level will rise to the full value of 100 and will not change, and the feeling of the stomach will not exceed the critical point and become bloated and uncomfortable. So he doesn’t need to leave any stomach at all, he can just eat it if he wants to.

Ye Xu patted his head, and skillfully threw the pot out: “The dog has made me almost stupid, I forgot about it.” After speaking, he took out the meat bun and chewed it slowly, and waited for the barbecue by the way. Serve.

The well-fed and well-fed dog squatted on the seat and shook his head and tail at the beautiful elder sister of the Mermaid who passed by. He was already a little girl at a young age. Fortunately, he was still a cub, otherwise he would have to be beaten by those shark girls in the water.

Ye Xu chose a large table, with each baby occupying a seat, and there was no other table with him on the table. Because many of the people sitting around are strange-shaped summons, this place attracts the attention of others.

Ye Xu had already expected this posture, and he was unusually calm at the moment. Not only did he ignore the people around him, but he also calmly instructed Bingxiong and Zhen Zhen to keep an eye on the puppy, and don’t let him take the opportunity to sneak away.

Gouzi looked at himself, the two big men who were not very easy to mess with, and flicked his tail blankly: “Ow?”

“Be good, your parents will be here soon.” Ye Xu tapped the end of his chopsticks on his forehead.

Who knows that this dog is really capable of causing trouble, and immediately opened his mouth, ah woo bite the end of the chopsticks. Then, with a click, it was bitten off by others.

Ye Xu, who was forced to break the chopsticks of the stall owner and needed to lose money: “…”

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