Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 323

At the beginning of the festival, players who were addicted to eating melons were not even able to go back to the best viewing seat to watch the sacrifice. The show where the surrounding orcs scramble for seats is really exciting. Unlike the human race who care about their faces, the orcs are often not so particular about it.

If it weren’t for the festival scene here, the cat family has always been temperamental, and they would be thrown out for blatant trouble here. They may be able to do it a little more intensely, such as direct beast-type fights, and whoever wins will occupy this position.

But even if everyone tried their best to restrain themselves, there would still be one or two people who accidentally went too far. At this time, the surrounding cat clan guards will rush out quickly, and use the dexterous and petite cat body to clean up this guy.

They stepped on the various stepping stones around them and jumped on the shoulders of the troublemaker, and then slapped the guy with a meow fist. Cat fights pay attention to being fast, and often use this to bully some short-legged dogs, and there is no obstacle to applying it to other orcs. The guy who blinked was beaten.

Ye Xu was lying on Tangtang’s head, but he could see clearly from the heights, and he didn’t need to run to the vicinity to watch. However, what he could see himself could not be broadcast live to those audiences using mobile phones and computers, because the camera in the live broadcast room was aimed at the altar of the festival.

It’s not that he can’t adjust the direction of the camera, the main reason is that he is not very good at this stuff, and he was busy for a long time before aiming at the altar. If it is turned off at this time, firstly, it will not be able to align with the accident site immediately, and secondly, it will be very difficult to turn back. It’s nearly seven o’clock, and he’s not confident to readjust the camera in just two minutes, so don’t bother.

At seven o’clock, the ceremony officially began.

The first is the sacrifice to the beast god. It is said that this kind of festival is held every year by all ethnic groups, but they do not like to be held together. Therefore, 100 ethnic groups will hold a celebration basically every 3 days, and this kind of event is held throughout the year.

It’s no wonder that the previous cat stall owner felt that it didn’t matter if he didn’t participate in the festival. He probably got tired of watching it long ago.

But even if there is a festival every three days, there are still some orcs who love to join in the fun. They seem to have regarded the festival as a big gathering on weekdays. Even if they don’t want to watch the song and dance performance, at least they come back to visit the stalls.

This kind of behavior has greatly promoted the currency circulation among various ethnic groups, and also deepened the communication among various ethnic groups. Therefore, in recent years, many clansmen will find partners in other ethnic groups, rather than simply digesting them internally.

There is nothing to say about the ritual of the first priest and beast **** of the festival. It is a bit new to watch it for the first time, but it gets boring after watching it too much. The sacrifices of each clan are the same. That is, the high priest came to the stage to dance and communicate with the heaven and the earth, then offered sacrifices, and then recited a long series of prayers, and it was over.

Afterwards, these sacrifices will be brought back and distributed to everyone to eat according to the Chinese tradition. After all, the beast gods don’t eat, so what a waste, even if there is no shortage of food, they can’t be so extravagant.

It is said that many years ago when offering sacrifices, the beast gods would willingly accept one or two offerings to express that they heard everyone’s prayers. But isn’t the beast **** sleeping now? Naturally, he doesn’t have time to receive sacrifices that he doesn’t eat every three days, so it’s all cheaper for everyone.

The Rabbit Orc sitting next to Ye Xu is a very talkative guy. She is very enthusiastic about popularizing many things about festivals for Ye Xu. One of them is this one. She said that if there is no accident, these sacrifices will be given to the orcs who perform songs and dances in the future.

After the song and dance performance, there will be cat clan guards who will come over to ask everyone whose performance they like the most. The person who gets the most praise can get the most sacrifices.

Ye Xu followed her words and glanced at several NPC orcs who were carrying offerings to the altar in front of them. They were carrying all kinds of cat-shaped sculptures carved out of stones, and huge round trays would be carved out of the back or top of the sculptures. , and the offerings are placed on it.

Even if you just glance at it from a distance, you can probably see that the sacrifices are the cat clan’s favorite snacks such as dried fish. These offerings look good and taste good, and they are the favorite of the cat family.

“No wonder those cat orcs want to share the food after the sacrifice, and they also voted to win more sacrifices in an open and honest way.” Ye Xu sighed in dragon language.

In fact, he himself does not speak a foreign language such as dragon language, but after he became a dragon family, he was loaded with a translation program by the system, so he could understand dragon language. But when he was just poking around, he found that the language column could be set by himself. At present, he has learned two kinds of Continental Common Language and Dragon Language.

So he tried to switch to the dragon language and said two words, and found that the barrage was discussing what the dragon cub was saying, or just barking. On the contrary, the rabbit orc next door did not dare to talk to the great dragon clan. After understanding Ye Xu’s dragon language, he mustered up the courage to chat with him in dragon language.

Unexpectedly, all the orcs actually understand the dragon language.

“Of course we can understand the dragon language!” Rabbit orcs widened their eyes, “We learned dragon language and common language since we were young!”

According to her, although the orcs have their own languages, such as the meowing of cats and the barking of dogs. But this cannot express the exact meaning, it can only roughly show one’s own mood, and it is an innate language that does not need to be learned.

If we have to use an analogy, a baby will babble loudly since birth, but what it wants to express cannot be distinguished by pronunciation. It can only be judged by his tone of voice whether he is happy or unhappy. And when human beings grow up, sometimes they can’t speak when they are in a hurry, and they will make woohoo, ah, ah, etc. to express their emotions.

Therefore, the native language is not actually a serious language. When the orc cubs grow up a little, they will learn another language seriously, and this language is the dragon language.

As a race that developed and grew under the blessing of the Dragon Race, they lived next door to the Dragon Race for many years. Then you have to deal with various dragons often, but at that time everyone used the ancient common language, and the dragons disdain to learn the old common language, so the orcs had to take the initiative to learn the dragon language.

Although the dragon language is a little more advanced, it is not necessarily more difficult to learn than the ancient common language. Anyway, the orcs later felt that the dragon language was simpler and more convenient, and it was full of charm, and they were too lazy to communicate with foreigners, so they simply set the dragon language as the first voice.

Mixed races are like this, they don’t have their own unique language, they either create their own language or choose someone else’s language as their first voice. Since we have to choose, why not choose the Big Brother Dragon, but choose the ancient common language? Those races outside are very bad, especially like to bully them mixed race.

——The only one that has not bullied the orcs very much is one of the human races. I said it before, and now the common language of the continent is the dialect used by this human race.

When this human race established diplomatic relations with the dragon race because of their good relationship with the orcs, they naturally rose up. The other human races, because they were too annoying and too bellicose, were eventually wiped out in the great battle of the battle of the gods.

At this time, the human race is almost the only one left, and this one still loves peace very much. They lived in a corner to recuperate, and the population expanded rapidly. When the number of other races added up today is not as large as their number, the dialect version of the ancient common language they used naturally replaced the previous genuine ancient common language and became a new Continental common language.

The new version of Common Tongue is relatively simple to learn. At the beginning of its creation, some human races felt that the ancient common language was too difficult to learn. But the evolutionary version is their own propaganda. The majority of the ancient people firmly believe that this is only one of the dialects, and will never recognize its progress. As a result, the ancient common language was finally eliminated by it.

When the world ushered in peace, the orcs gave up their prejudices and established diplomatic relations with the other five races again. In order to communicate smoothly, they set the new common language as the second language of the orcs.

But in fact, the five remaining races after the war of the gods, after washing, are basically the human race that has a good relationship with the orc race, the elves and the merman race that have nothing to do with themselves, and the new barbarians. The place doesn’t have much to do with the dwarves who deal with the militants outside.

To put it simply, it is a race that has no grudges against the orcs in the past, and has never even met. Since there is no hatred, it is a matter of course to establish diplomatic relations.

The enemies are all dead, and the rest are speaking the language of their good brothers, the new human race, why should they discriminate against this common language.

But the status of the Big Brother Dragon is unshakable. Even if the Dragons took the entire Dragon Valley and moved to other places to settle down, they are no longer the neighbors of the Dragons, and the Dragon language is still their first native language. Orcs learn it at the age of one, Common until ten years old as a foreign language.

Because Ye Xu has a translation program, whether he hears Common Language or Dragon Language, it will be translated into Chinese, and there is no obstacle to listening. So he didn’t realize that when he was inside the cat clan, the conversations between the orcs he heard were actually in the dragon language, and the orcs only switched to the common language when they chatted with him.

Ye Xu suddenly thought of something, opened the barrage list and searched for a while, and sure enough, he found some barrages such as “I don’t understand what these NPCs are talking about”, thinking that they heard the dragon language between the orcs. However, some of the guests present were foreigners who did not understand the Dragon language, so most of the orcs still consciously spoke the common language, which was translated into Chinese by the system.

The Rabbit Orc complained to Ye Xu that the Common Language was awkward, but the Dragon Language was more comfortable. Ye Xu couldn’t feel the same way and could only listen silently.

Seeing that she was about to go on endlessly, Ye Xu quickly interrupted her, and found a topic and pulled it back to the festival. So he asked, “Do other races also use this kind of orc stone carvings for their offerings?”

“This…” Rabbit orcs suddenly changed the subject, stunned for a moment before reacting, then nodded, “Yes, this is the tradition of our orcs, using the beast-shaped stone carvings of their own race as trays, this is a comparison. Be sincere.”

Ye Xu looked at the cat clan orcs who were still carrying the stone carvings up, each stone carving could hold not many things, so the cat clan mobilized a lot of people to carry them up, a total of 100 stone carvings were lifted up, and the surrounding area of ​​the altar was lifted. Swing around. It seems that the sacrifice will not be taken down after the end of the sacrifice, and the orcs who will perform the song and dance will have to enter the stage from the path in the middle of the stone sculpture, which is very inconvenient.

“Is this stone sculpture heavy?”

“Yeah, I moved once, and my hands were sore after I moved.” Rabbit Beastman nodded again and again, “After that, I no longer stupidly signed up to move stone carvings. It’s better for those strong men to do this kind of thing.”

Ye Xu held his chin and looked at the sacrifices one by one, and made 100 different kinds of snacks with fish, shrimp and crabs as sacrifices, which was quite interesting.

But it’s amazing to think of so many kinds of snacks, anyway, he can only think of spicy fish shreds, dried small fish, fish cakes and so on. There are also fish sauces that are not suitable for offerings, but the ones on top are all ready-to-eat snacks that can be eaten directly.

The sacrificial dance that the priest danced to communicate with the gods at the beginning was a bit interesting, unlike the dance of the great gods, which carried a lot of spirituality and lightness of the cat family. But the smelly and long prayers at the back really made people drowsy. Fortunately, there were rabbit orcs and he learned how the ancients made themselves from the race with the largest number of people all the way to the death of not a single one, and was devastated by the new people. Caution.

These ancient stories are very interesting, but it is a pity that he can’t change into a human now and chat with the rabbit orcs in common language, and by the way, popularize these stories to the audience. So the audience can only listen to the boring prayer words in a daze, which is really a sin.

Fortunately, an anchor like him is not a professional in the live broadcast circle, otherwise, he would definitely not make a splash. How can an anchor do things like this? It’s interesting to listen to the story by himself, but because he doesn’t want to expose the dragon’s body, he simply doesn’t share it with the audience.

Rabbit orcs are very good at telling stories, and they said the end of the prayer above in a cadence manner, and then smacking their lips, indicating that the story of the annihilation of the ancients is over. If the adults of the Dragon Clan still want to hear some other stories, they can come back to her next time. Later, the Cat Clan will perform songs and dances. It is disrespectful to the performers if they can’t chat and talk while performing this.

Ye Xu was thinking about your nagging when the priest was reciting the prayer, why didn’t you think it was disrespectful to the hard-working Lord Priest? Or disrespect the beast god?

Well, saving others with oneself, the beast **** probably doesn’t want to hear this kind of prayer. At this time in the past, it was estimated that they were doing other things. When the priest finished reciting, he quickly collected some sacrifices to count as the end of the sacrificial activity. Whisper.

“Sir! How do you know that the beast **** took the offering when the priest started to pray?!” The rabbit beast looked at Ye Xu with admiration.

Ye Xu: “…” I guessed it by mistake.

Dare to love the beast **** really did this, he first went through the process of collecting the sacrifices, and then quickly slipped away, leaving the priests there to poison the poor onlookers. A dead Taoist friend is not a poor Taoist, anyway, he can’t hear it himself.

Human reality.

Ye Xu also wanted to ask about singing and dancing. For example, if he fell asleep on his stomach when he felt bored with singing and dancing, would the performers regard him as disrespectful to him. But the cat clan who performed the show had already come on stage, the rabbit orc sat upright and did not speak, and the surrounding orcs were also waiting to see, so it would be difficult for him to ask again.

Fortunately, the singing and dancing performance was much more interesting than Ye Xu expected. Maybe those orcs who had seen it a lot would find it nothing new, but at least he felt good. The rabbit orc also had bright eyes, as if seeing it for the first time.

She waited until the performance of the first song was over and before the next wave of people came on stage, she whispered to Ye Xu: “Every ethnic group rehearses new dances every year, and I only occasionally come to participate in a festival of other ethnic groups. I have seen the songs and dances of other races.”

The people who come to the Orc Festival today are ordinary Orcs, except for the senior leaders of other races who have to express their respect for the Beast God and their friendly attitude towards the Cat Clan. Foreigners who want to participate can get invitations, but orcs don’t. There are some places for each ethnic group. Those who want to sign up will be randomly selected if there are too many people who sign up.

Rabbit orcs don’t usually like to join in the fun, but this time they came to participate on a whim. As for the other orcs around, many of them are in the same situation as her, and only a few of them are the kind who have signed up for Huihui. This kind of person is deeply in love with singing and dancing.

Anyway, you can participate in the final assembly of the festival without registering. You only need to register for a place to watch the festival performance. After all, the festival site can only accommodate a few thousand people, but the meeting place is very large.

“The rally is held in the largest central square of all ethnic groups, which can accommodate hundreds of thousands of people!”

Hundreds of thousands is of course the maximum number, which can be squeezed out when everyone is standing in line. But the assembly has to set up booths, so it is not bad to be able to accommodate 100,000.

The big meeting is basically once every three days, and naturally there are not that many orcs who come, it is estimated that it looks like 50,000 or 60,000. So there is no need to worry about it being lively but not overcrowded.

In addition to the 100 races holding a festival every 3 days, the remaining 65 days of the 365 days in the last year will cover the most important festival of the beasts. The Beast God Festival falls on the middle day of the 65 days, and the first and last 10 days are the Beast God Festival. During these 21 days, it is the New Year of the Orcs, and various activities will be held in the City of Fire.

However, that has nothing to do with Ye Xu. Because it is very unfortunate that the Beast God Festival has just passed. It was probably on the eve of New Year’s Day. At that time, there was a quiet period of more than half a month. Ye Xu was sitting at home waiting for the opening of the home system, while the other players had just reached level 100 and entered the main city.

The city of flames far inland took this opportunity to start the Beast God Festival, but it is said that there are many activities during the period, which is still not enough for well-informed players. Therefore, only a lot of anchors went to live broadcast to the audience to watch, and the players are still busy with their own, this is just the internal carnival of the city of flames.

Many Fire City players who have just reached level 100 are having a good time. This kind of activity does not give any rewards, but it is very suitable for relaxing. Before, they were stuck at level 99 and worked hard to level up. When someone needed leisure and entertainment, they had a good time for a while.

Ye Xu felt a little pity for missing the Beast God Festival. However, participating in the cat clan festival can barely beat the beast **** festival, but the activities are a little single. The main activities of the beast **** festival are still sacrifices, singing and dancing, and gatherings.

“If you go to the Beast God Festival, does that mean you have participated in the festivals and gatherings of 100 clans in one go?” Ye Xu summed up.

The rabbit orc nodded: “It’s almost like this, but although there are some special goods sold at festivals, these products are similar to each festival. Except for special goods, other goods are available at ordinary gatherings, that is It’s a little troublesome to go to all the ethnic groups.”

The so-called special commodities are actually ornaments with various animal characteristics. Such as cat ear hair clips, cat tail belts, etc. If it’s just this, Ye Xu doesn’t care. He just wants to buy some special commodities for cats, dogs and rabbits. As for the horse’s tail, it’s okay not to buy it.

The gap between singing and dancing was very short, and the two took time to talk a few times. Ye Xu felt that he hadn’t talked about a few topics yet. All the singing and dancing performances were over. There were about ten performances. It took less than an hour to finish all the performances, which was quite fast.

Ye Xu used the anchor authority to type a line in the live broadcast room to remind them that the performance was over and the live broadcast was about to close. Then, without waiting for the audience to protest, he closed and exited in one go, leaving the audience to scold him on the black screen.

This kind of anchor is really unqualified! Negative Ratings!

But bad reviews are useless, they are not professional anchors themselves, and occasionally act as a camera tool. After being rubbed by everyone, he turned around and opened a private live broadcast room, and sent invitations to his friends and brothers to watch.

It was already 8:30 in the evening, and in another hour, everyone should go offline and go to bed, so there is nothing official to do. Leveling is not in a hurry. Most people are actually dealing with today’s income in their homes, depending on whether they continue to buy farms and pastures to open up wasteland, or buy robots.

Ye Xu, relying on his wealth and wealth, planned to be lazy today and not deal with it for one day, and then spend the proceeds tomorrow morning, so he didn’t care about it. Others quickly resolved the matter in their hands and quickly entered the live broadcast room.

Ye Xu, who closed the public live broadcast room, no longer pretended to be an NPC dragon cub. He switched back to the common language, so that no one else could understand the dragon language he spoke. Then he transformed into a human form, left the festival venue, and began to participate in the next gathering.

The assembly is not far from the festival venue, and it takes less than two minutes to walk there. But Ye Xu did not go over immediately, but waited for a while on the road, waiting for the leaders of other ethnic groups to pass by.

Of the ninety-nine leaders, the leader of the cat clan couldn’t say hello to each other, so they only walked together with good relations. The other leaders chatted together in twos and threes, and the three leaders Ye Xu was looking for who didn’t really deal with the cat clan happened to be walking together.

He went directly to say hello, because his body was not too strong in the dragon breath, so he hugged Tiantian. Tiantian is a pure cub, and she can’t restrain her breathing well, and was successfully captured by the three leaders.

Their attitude towards the Dragon Clan was still very respectful, and they immediately showed a smile.

Seeing this, Ye Xu understood and stabilized, and his subsequent request would definitely not be rejected. He was just curious that the three clans wanted to visit the market, and it was not an excessive request. The three of them agreed to it as soon as he made it.

“I didn’t expect that the adults of the Dragon Clan would also be interested in the gathering of our small clans.” One of the patriarchs said with great honor, “It really surprised me!”

The other two nodded in agreement, that’s right, the adults of the dragon family are as unassuming as always, making people feel cordial and amiable. Going to the market is a trivial matter. After a while, they will hold a festival. Would you like to come and have a look, my lord? You all participate in the cat clan festival, our clan is no better than the cat clan!

Ye Xu was in a cold sweat hearing this, and quickly made an excuse to refuse.

There are so many leaders here, if he agrees to this, then the others will surely swarm. It’s almost time to watch the festival once. After watching more than 100 games, he will definitely vomit, so don’t torture yourself.

“I won’t stay here for too long, and I will visit other races after a while. It is indeed a coincidence that I can participate in the cat clan festival. If it wasn’t for the time delay, I should have come over to participate in the beast. God’s sacrifice.” Ye Xu was full of lies.

But this sentence successfully fooled these leaders, and they thought it made sense.

There is nothing special about the cat clan festival, why can it attract the attention of the dragon clan adults? Not by luck. It must be that the adults accidentally missed the grand Beast God Festival, and this time I had to retreat and choose the festivals of the next groups.

The cat clan was the first of all clans to hold a festival, and luckily happened to bump into the adult’s itinerary. Other races can’t do anything about it, who made them not get the first place in the lottery that year, and gave the cat race the first place.

In the past, they all felt that the first festival was not a good one. Everyone had just played in the Beast God Festival, and they could not see the small fights within the various tribes. The first one to be held will only be regarded as scum by the Beast God Festival, and it is far inferior to the last few.

Now, they are jealous. The one held at the back does not have the particularity of being the first. It is submerged in the crowd and is inconspicuous, especially the one in the middle, no one cares at all.

They glanced at the cat clan’s hands with envy and jealousy, and Ye Xu took the opportunity to sneak up to the patriarch of the last clan, and also made a request for admission.

The patriarch stood far away before, not knowing what happened here. He looked at the sweet cub in Ye Xu’s arms, and felt that the dragon clan with the cub should not be a bad person, he hesitated and agreed.

Fortunately, he didn’t see Ye Xu asking the three clans for permission, otherwise he might not be as happy as he agreed. This kind of person who wants to go to every ethnic group to take a look always gives people the illusion of bad intentions, very much like the bad guys want to come in and step on the spot.

Unexpectedly, the problem of admission qualification was successfully solved so quickly, Ye Xu felt that he was a little stupid to struggle with this before. But then I thought about the treatment of other players, and I felt that I was only lucky because of my dragon identity.

You must know that the official announcement has been made to be careful. If players in the City of Fire after level 145 want to pass the quest to upgrade, they must first pass the test to obtain the admission qualifications of certain races. Otherwise, you will not be able to enter the group to receive quests, you can only go to other main cities to farm monsters.

The difficulty of obtaining these access qualifications varies. The easiest is the dog clan that opens the market to the outside world, and the qualification test can be ignored. But the harder ones are not so easy to fool. The average player can get a bunch of easy access tokens, a few harder access tokens, and a hard-to-get token.

Like the last question Ye Xu asked, it belongs to the super difficult level. It is estimated that players have to pick one in a thousand to get the token, but on the other hand, after getting the token, the tasks that can be received within the clan will also be the most rewarding, and one of the other races has many more.

After judging by his experience, Ye Xu was very suspicious that the mission of this race would be related to the safety of the cubs. Because the cubs almost died in an accident before, they may ask players to help solve the safety hazards.

This is actually not difficult, as long as the network research and development of the dwarf race goes smoothly, it can be easily solved. With the Internet, many high-tech products can be launched. Combining alchemy and magic, the safety of the mere cubs is not a problem at all.

But the dwarves only got inspiration from Ye Xu not long ago, and it is estimated that they have not yet developed a prototype. Ye Xu didn’t hold out much hope for this. When the players here reached level 145, it was estimated that it would only be a few months later. At most, the network had just been established at that time, and it was not realistic to create a high-end cub protection program.

It seems that players still have to rely on their own efforts to find a way to protect the magic ban, and see if they can use these things to complete the task. Just thinking about it makes it troublesome to die, at least Ye Xu would never do such a task.

After he got the token, he hurried away. The surrounding leaders were still wondering why Ye Xu didn’t ask them for the token. They were all ready to wait for the Dragon Clan adults to talk to them. For a while, the leaders were a little disappointed, but they didn’t feel relieved until they heard the guard’s report that Ye Xu had entered the clan in the next few days.

It’s not that the adults of the Dragon Clan have any opinion on them, nor is it that they have no interest in their ethnic group, but they have already obtained the admission qualifications, so there is no need to ask them to ask for it in person.

But not being able to chat with Ye Xu in person was a big regret. The dragon family has been hidden from the world for many years, and it is rare to catch one, and it is still of high status.

Ye Xucai didn’t care what they thought, he wasn’t a chat machine, so he had no interest in chatting with this group of people. 100 too! How long does it take to talk like this? The base friends have already entered his live broadcast room, and it is difficult for everyone to wait for a long time.

So when he got what he wanted, he hurried away. Next was the exciting shopping moment. Ye Xu felt like a live anchor with goods. He displayed goods on this side, while others placed orders with passion on the other side.

Afraid that Ye Xu didn’t have enough money, the group of people immediately transferred gold coins equal to the amount of the goods to Ye Xu after they saw something. It’s just that there is no remote transfer function for game coins in the game, and it can only be transferred during face-to-face transactions, so the method they chose is to mail gold coins to Ye Xu’s warehouse.

This function is similar to that of Ye Xu sending souvenirs to his warehouse in Amules City. Anyway, Amules himself is also a main city for tourism, and there is also a delivery service, so they used it to do it. .

Ye Xu was too lazy to pay attention to them, and he couldn’t get the gold coins sent to the warehouse. This kind of private warehouse is not like a public warehouse, which can be directly opened and used no matter which main city the player goes to. So if he really lacks gold coins, he still has to go back to the warehouse to get them. If this group of people is really sincere, they should come to the city of flames. When he has no money, they will be sent there to deal face-to-face with the money.

Boys are relatively restrained when they watch and go shopping. On the one hand, they are not very fanatical about these products, on the other hand, there are a few people here who boasted that they didn’t need to buy on behalf of others, but they have no embarrassment to pull their faces.

The sisters don’t have such concerns anymore, they immediately instruct Ye Xu to buy anything they like. Ye Xu was overwhelmed by them, and quickly assigned the task to other babies.

Miaomiao is responsible for the needs of Sister Xuan, Shadow is responsible for the needs of Sister Suguang, Bingxiong is responsible for the needs of Sister Chu Chu, and Gun Gun is responsible for the needs of Sister Ji Ling. This arrangement is based on consideration and is not a random assignment.

Miaomiao can hold the most things, and Sister Xuan, who has a serious collection addiction, wants everything, and she can’t hold it if she doesn’t let it come.

Sister Suguang doesn’t want to buy a lot, but she needs to pick it up carefully. The shadow of a human figure is naturally the most suitable for this job. It is also convenient to put things directly in the collection bag after getting them.

The ice bear has a large pocket and can hold a lot of things. Although it is not convenient to use a collection bag with its claws, his pockets are enough.

In the end, Gun Gun came up with his own ideas. Generally, he didn’t cooperate very well with the commander. It just so happened that Ji Ling didn’t have much to buy, so he could barely do it.

As for the most considerate Zhen Zhen, Ye Xu was of course reluctant to let her busy. So they took Zhen Zhen personally to buy things for her, herself, and her brothers.

Miss Luna flew around, looking at these things seriously, judging which ones are suitable for the elf babies to use. Ye Xu didn’t even need to spend money to buy anything she liked, so she took out gold coins to pay for it.

Well, Ye Xu suddenly remembered that the elves also seemed to be very rich.

The main reason is that they like to barter in the clan, and the gold coins can’t be spent. When they go outside, the accumulated gold coins will be useful. Miss Luna has accumulated a lot of wealth over the years, all by selling her carefully planted plants.

The biggest trade content of the elves is the sale of plants. Their race is compatible with the wood family, and they are very cheap in terms of planting. The plants that are generally traded with other races are not only edible and delicious spiritual fruits, but also various medicinal materials. It is a big business with high profits.

Ye Xu originally wanted to pay by himself, but since he knew Miss Luna’s net worth, he shut up. People are rich and don’t need him to be responsible. And Ye Xu really didn’t need to spend money on the food and clothing of ten elves, and the elves wouldn’t send ten cubs out to eat and drink.

If they were happy, Ye Xu simply didn’t bother to care. It is really a headache for these elf babies to make trouble, and it is very tedious to prepare various items for them. It would be great if Miss Luna could help them.

Ye Xu grabbed a elf baby rua that flew in front of his eyes, it was so cute, it felt good, it was worth keeping.

The baby elf struggled immediately, he hadn’t had enough. Ye Xushun let him go, and then grabbed another one.

These cubs are really stupid, they have been caught by Ye Xu so many times. But every time he doesn’t have a long memory, he will still pass around Ye Xu and be caught by him, and he will never remember to stay away from him.

But you are cute only if you are stupid. If it is difficult to catch after running away, he will lose the fun of rua cubs?

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