Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 325

Several prospective nannies began to introduce themselves one by one, including what their names were, what elements they controlled, and what skills they had. And, how much experience taking care of children.

Compared with them, Miss Luna is really not like a nanny who has taken care of children, but rather like the kind of dean who disciplines children in the school after they enter the rebellious period. However, it is indeed her most effective to deal with bear children. The soft-hearted policy is easy to use, but blindly gentle may not be able to control some demon kings.

Ye Xu felt that the idea of ​​the elf queen was quite reliable, one soft and one steel, working together to achieve more with less effort. It’s just that he didn’t expect that the queen would give him two summons in one go. It seems that raising these ten bear children not only does not suffer, but also takes a lot of advantage.

Why didn’t the sharks have this consciousness? Just throw Jiaojiao to him to raise, and I’m not afraid that he will be spoiled. It would be nice to be a nanny. In the future, I will be able to have multiple powerful helpers in underwater battles.

Ye Xu decided that the next time he went to the island to see the king of sharks, he could give a hint. For example, Jiaojiao was a little girl. He might not be able to take care of him as a big man, so he might as well send a female merman to help.

In fact, Ye Xu wanted a male merman more, because many of his babies were female. Miss Luna, Zhen Zhen, Jiao Jiao, and the upcoming second nanny were all girls. The rest were either genderless or male beasts at best. He was a lone seedling and a Miao humanoid male, which was a bit stressful.

But if you tell the king of sharks that you want male mermen, you won’t be able to find a suitable excuse. If he just mentioned whether he needs to find a babysitter for Jiaojiao, the king of sharks would take the initiative and consciously send a male merman to him, that would be the best.

Ye Xu couldn’t help being a little distracted, but luckily the queen asked him which babysitter he liked in time. He hurriedly thought about who to pick among these people.

In fact, there is nothing to choose from. The only dark-type nanny among these nannies just meets his requirements, and although the skills of the other party are not very offensive, they happen to make up for Ye Xu’s shortcomings in this regard.

As we all know, the most dark department is the wizard profession, and the wizard’s skills are mostly debuff curse and dot continuous blood deduction. The latter doesn’t matter, but curses are still very useful, not to mention that this nurse can not only curse, but also bless, which is very practical.

However, her blessing is not the same as the priest’s holy light blessing. It is a blessing with special effects, and it is mostly an increase in attack. The blessing of the Holy Light can get rid of Miss Luna, so the special blessing of the darkness will be handed over to this person.

“Just her, her name is…Shuangshuang?” Ye Xu thought back.

The Queen and Shuangshuang nodded together, it was indeed the name. This kind of name sounds like someone who controls the ice element, but it turns out to be a dark element, so it is very memorable. Ye Xu can remember it just by hearing it.

“Then she, Shuangshuang has always been very serious and responsible, and she can definitely teach the babies well.” The Queen is also very satisfied with this choice.

Ye Xu listened to the comment of “serious and responsible” and felt that something was not right. After the contract with Shuangshuang was over, he suddenly wanted to understand.

Isn’t Miss Luna serious and responsible for that? It’s not that this Miss Shuangshuang is similar to her. Although she looks gentle, she is actually very strict?

He is a little worried about the future of this group of cubs. With two serious elders staring at him, can he still have a happy childhood?

With a worried mood, Ye Xu took her new friend and followed Luna to her tree house. Originally, as a guest, you could live in a tree house specially used for hospitality, but Luna said that there was no furniture in the tree house for guests, and it was uncomfortable to live in, so she invited him to live in her own home.

Of course Ye Xu disagreed: “How can I live in a girl’s house?”

This is not a three-dimensional apartment. Many single elves have only one whole room in their tree house, and there is no separation of master and guest bedrooms. The girl’s boudoir is still relatively private, and he was not very good in the past.

But Luna told him that she rarely lived in her tree house, and generally used it as a living room.

Because she is a fingertip elf and is small in size, living in a big tree house will feel uncomfortable. Later, she built a few vine houses on the tree canopy as her bedroom, and the tree house was empty during the day as a living room.

If that’s the case, then Ye Xu can accept it. There are also a lot of vine houses in Luna’s house, and they can also be divided into Shuangshuang, so that Shuangshuang does not have to go back to the summon space or squeeze a room with Ye Xu.

When he came to Luna’s house, Ye Xu found that the tree house was a bit small, not as spacious as those where the druids and nature elves lived. Fortunately, for the fingertip wizard, it is already very, very large.

Luna also divided this small tree house into two rooms, one is the living room and the other is the lounge. She lives here at least herself, but occasionally allows guests to live there.

Although the elves are very lonely, they sometimes get together to play all night. When she got tired of playing, she slept directly in the room. Most of Luna’s friends were fingertip elves, and such a big single wooden bed was enough for all her fingertip elf friends to sleep together.

Ye Xu took two glances and asked Zhen Zhen if she wanted to sleep outside. If she doesn’t return to the space, the lounge will be given to her, and she will make a floor by herself.

When he goes offline now, he usually chooses the mode where the dragon body stays online, so that he will have the feeling that he is still with the babies in the game. However, this method of keeping a body online requires him to change into a dragon shape, and he cannot stay in a human shape.

So Ye Xu didn’t really need a bed. There was a big round rug in Luna’s living room, which was convenient for his dragon body to lie on top. It’s just that the tree house is a little smaller, so the dragon has to be made smaller, so that the babies won’t be able to lie down around him.

Zhen Zhen looked around, and then looked at her father who was obviously going to sleep on the carpet with the babies, obediently agreed.

She wanted to sleep with everyone, but it was inconvenient for the girl, so she could only go to the rest room separated by a rattan curtain. Anyway, there is such a short distance, rounding up is that she also slept with everyone, there is no difference.

The matter is settled like this, it is not early, I was delayed by the selection of a new nanny today, and I missed the most beautiful time of Yinghuo Lake, so I will go to see it tomorrow. Ye Xu said good night to everyone, and left the dragon body to log out of the game.

Leaving aside how the babies played around his body after he left, Ye Xu himself did not go to bed directly. He first took out his mobile phone and browsed the forums and other web pages, and he was not willing to fall asleep until ten o’clock.

There’s not much news in the game these days, it’s pretty peaceful. The home system has only been open for more than half a month, and most players are still stuck in the stage of slowly reclaiming wasteland.

At first, they opened up wasteland for experience points, and later for obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Even if 300 fields are enough to get the upper limit of experience, a whole farm has 400 fields, and it feels uncomfortable to leave a bare one. This is not in other games. To open a new field, players need to spend money to buy it. You have to open it to the next farm to buy it, so it is a waste to not open it for free.

Unlike them, Ye Xu insisted not to go to the ranch, but only developed the farm. After the ten-yuan farm was completed, he started saving money to buy a farming robot and did not continue to open a farm.

The farm after ten yuan is too expensive, and it is not worthwhile to buy it at this stage. He estimated that those low-level crops should be higher-level crops to increase the probability of success, but isn’t he still growing low-level crops at this stage?

Sister Xuan has already tried the third-level crops, and the low-level robots that Ye Xu bought cannot handle the third-level crops, only the first and second-level crops. Ye Xu found an option for robot exchange. As long as 10,000 spar is lost, he can exchange for a higher-level robot, but he has to make up the down payment for the advanced robot, and the subsequent balance has to be paid off within a month.

Taking a low-level robot to an intermediate-level robot as an example, Ye Xu bought a low-level robot with a down payment of 10w. The intermediate robot needs 250w and a down payment of 25w, so he only needs to spend 1w spar as a handling fee, and then make up the 15w down payment difference. You can directly switch to the intermediate level, and then continue to repay.

But Ye Xu had already made up the balance of low-level robots before, and these supplementary balances would not be wasted. For example, if he made up 50w, then he actually spent 60w to buy a low-level robot, and the 25w of the down payment is deducted from it. By the way, 35w can be deducted from the subsequent 225w. 25060=1.9 million spar.

It only took 1w extra spar handling fee, and there was no other extra cost at all. Ye Xu had already paid off a low-level robot and bought a second one in advance. Now, he replaced it with an intermediate-level robot in one go, which is essentially two robots taking a loan together.

This is considered a loophole in the system. Originally, the system mall only allowed one payment. You can buy the next one when the previous one is finished.

Ye Xu thought that this trick could be used in the future, save enough down payment for a low-level robot, and then upgrade to a higher-level robot, so that he can enjoy the treatment of multiple high-level robots in advance. The only payment is the handling fee, but the handling fee and the total price of the robot are not worth mentioning at all, and the cost of hiring workers is not necessarily much less than this, he still makes a lot of money.

He plans to wait until the crops in the farmland can no longer be upgraded before developing new farmland. Before that, use the money to buy robots, and strive for ten fields to be all advanced robots.

He doesn’t need to worry about farmland crops, Sister Xuan will test it. She said that the success rate may begin to decrease after cultivating the fourth-level crops. It is not cost-effective to use the primary fields for the fifth-level crops or above. At that time, you can consider opening new fields.

Ye Xu thought, these are not really big problems, can’t you buy potions to improve the quality of the fields? At that time, calculate the cost, whether it is cost-effective to open a new field or buy a potion.

Anyway, since he made a lot of spar, Ye Xu has become lazy, and he neither wants to continue to expand production, nor does he want to develop new projects on the farm next door. He is probably a typical example of contentment and happiness. Others have a good start and want to dominate the market, but he thinks that it is enough, and there is no great promise.

Jiang Yuexuan originally had this idea, but she didn’t know where she heard gossip, saying that the farm had a total of 20 yuan. Immediately, her habit of collecting was committed, and she wanted to open up all the farms, so she started to try.

If the village chief told her that she could spend another 10,000w to buy new fields after opening 20 yuan, Ye Xu doubted that the elder sister would kill the village chief with a smile. Nothing irritates a collector more than this.

Ye Xu remembered that he once had a female classmate who played the cat raising game in the chat software applet, that is, two low-level cats can be merged into a higher-level cat. She played for all the dozens of cats and cats for half a month, and after all the cats were unlocked, the broken game began to add new skins to the cats from level 1. To unlock all the skins, you have to upgrade further. .

His female classmate was so angry that he uninstalled the chat software and added it back after several days. Since then, he will never play any games on this broken software.

In short, go do not challenge the patience of a collector. Their greatest patience is on the goals they have set. After the goals are achieved, they will get revenge by doing things for them to unlock new goals.

Ye Xu himself has a bit of this problem, although he will not necessarily take revenge, but he will definitely be in a bad mood for a while. Instead, it’s better to wait for Sister Xuan’s action.

If after Sister Xuan’s personal test, there are really only 20 farms, let alone let him open 20 farms, he will have no problem if he asks him to go to the next door and get 20 farms together. But if there is no end to the Ranch Farm online… see you soon!

At this moment, it is the point where everyone deals with the daily output of the farm. After dealing with these, everyone went offline, ready to go to bed, and chatted before going to bed.

Jiang Yuexuan said, “A quarter of the trials of level 4 crops have been carried out. Give me a few more days and I will be able to compare the most cost-effective crops.”

In fact, it only takes more than four hours to plant all the 4th-level crops in one go. After all, this crop only takes 4 hours to grow. But Sister Xuan felt that a single crop could not represent anything. She had to plant in batches and expand the number of samples, so as to make comparisons easier.

So he divided each level 4 crop with any one of the original 10 farms, and planted 6 waves, which took exactly 24 hours. This way you can grow 10 different crops a day, and you can get them all in four or five days.

400 fields and 10 waves of crops, a total of 4,000 plants, should be able to explain the situation. The only problem is that this kind of crops with the same level cannot be used for all the planting times every day, which is a bit wasteful.

I said before that tier 1 crops can be planted 10 times a day, and each crop takes 1 hour, that’s 10 hours. The level 2 crop is 9 waves a day, one wave is two hours, and it takes 18 hours. By analogy, it takes 3×8=24 hours to plant all the 3rd level crops, and 4×7=36 hours for the 4th level crops, so the planting will start to end, and it will not return to the 8×3 24-hour interval until the 8th level.

Therefore, except for the six grades of crops 1, 2, 3 and 8, 9, and 10, the middle 4, 5, 6, and 7 cannot be fully planted. If it weren’t for the higher yields of advanced crops, failure to fully plant them would inevitably lead to lower total yields than before.

“Sister Xuan, has your success rate of planting level 4 crops decreased?” Ye Xu asked.

Jiang Yuexuan gave a positive answer: “I have used advanced farmer robots and tested them, and there will be damage. Unlike the damage caused by improper operation during harvesting, this is a pure germination rate problem.”

Level 4 crops will fail to germinate in some fields, either because of seeds and planting techniques, or purely accidental factors. For example, it does not adapt well in the soil, or is even robbed of nutrients by other seeds around it. Generally, farmers will choose to replant, and hired farmers and robots will also replant in time, so it is not a big problem.

They have quick hands and feet, and can basically make up for it in time, so that all fields have crops growing. It’s just that the time difference between replanting will lead to different crop growth efficiency. Originally, it can only grow 6 waves. With this factor slowing down, these fields are sometimes estimated to have 5 waves at most.

Fortunately, these losses are still relatively small, and they are not worth mentioning for the time being. When the crop level is high in the future, this problem will become serious, because there will be many similar situations, and the land level needs to be upgraded.

“And about fertilizer, I found one thing.” Mobei, a big kryptonite, suddenly interjected, “Don’t high-level crops need to be unlocked first-level? It says that low-level crops can be unlocked after being planted ten times. Grade crops. I specially vacated an area to plant freely, and now I have unlocked a grade 10 crop. When planting, I found that it will be malnourished when it grows halfway and needs to be fertilized.”

Therefore, in addition to the germination rate of advanced crops, there is also a problem of soil fertility. It is not enough to improve the land level, fertilizer is essential.

“Originally, fertilizer is used to speed up the maturity of crops, but this kind of fertilizer can only successfully grow after using fertilizer. If you want to accelerate ripening, you have to use more fertilizer. If you don’t give fertilizer, they will die prematurely due to malnutrition, which is very troublesome.”

“High-grade crops, understandable.” Jiang Yuexuan replied.

If it weren’t for the fact that ten times of low-level planting had to be exchanged for a high-level unlock, Jiang Yuexuan would have already started planting a large number of level 10 crops. Later, obsessive-compulsive disorder restricted her, so she chose to play steadily, exploring the most valuable crops at each level.

She was worried that she could unlock a level 10 crop at random. Although she made a lot of money, the one she chose was not the most profitable, and she would regret it later. After all, for crops of this level, the price difference between each planting is considerable. If she catches a low-cost seed, how much money will she lose.

Ye Xu couldn’t agree with her calculation method. No matter how much you lose, you will still earn more than you tossing around at a low level. The big deal is that you catch 9th and 10th tier seeds, and finally rely on 10th tier to make money, and rely on 9th tier to unlock new 10th tier crops. After all the tenth-level crops are finally opened, choose the most cost-effective one.

If it was Ye Xu, he must have done it. But he was too lazy to toss the farm, so he could only think about it.

However, Mo Bei can be reminded to let him try it. Maybe he can find out the most profitable crops in the 10th and 9th levels earlier than Sister Xuan, and let everyone enjoy the profits.

“Okay.” Mo Bei agreed, “but you have to help me open the land. I have recently tried to ask the NPC in the village to open it, but they charge a lot of money, and the efficiency is not much higher than mine, not as good as you. Professional.”

Ye Xu: “…”

Forget it, since it won’t take long to open a farm, I agree to come down. Mo Bei said that he has saved a lot of money and is going to open high-level and low-level 9 and 10 crops, but he has not even finished the previous 10 yuan farm, and the progress is a bit slow.

In the next few days, Ye Xu played in the Forest of Elves and the Forest City, and occasionally went to help Mo Bei to earn some extra money. His own farm has also developed rapidly, but the ranch has not yet started.

The breeding area given by the system is still empty, and the fertilized eggs in the backpack are also untouched. Mobei and the others had already developed farms, and they were curious why Ye Xu didn’t do this. Ye Xu was embarrassed to say that he was troublesome.

The development of the new breeding area of ​​the pasture is actually cleaning, and the cleaning of the land is not a shortcut for him as a dragon. He took a fancy to a cleaning robot, but the system did not open the rental function, and it was a waste of money to buy it, and it kept stuck.

In fact, you can also ask NPC to help, but the cost is high and inefficiency, so think about it. The farm next to him hasn’t developed to the highest level yet, so it’s better not to eat from the bowl and look at the pot.

As I said before, it will not be too late to toss the ranch again when his farm is fully completed and replaced with a water robot. At most, he earns less spar, and he does not lack this.

The second night Ye Xu came to the Forest of Spirits, he went to see the Firefly Lake. This is a very classic lakeside grass, and there are fireflies flying at night. The most beautiful scene is the moment when the fireflies take off collectively. If you arrive late, you will not be able to see them. You can only see sporadic fireflies flying.

Although I don’t know why there are fireflies in winter, it may be that the high temperature in the Forest of Spirits can be counter-seasonal. After all, there are all kinds of fresh fruits all year round here, and he didn’t ask what season these fruits ripen in the outside world.

“Winter is coming soon in the Forest of Spirits.” Shuangshuang sat on Ye Xu’s left shoulder, looking at the lake in the distance.

Ye Xu turned to look at her: “Will it snow here in winter?”

“No.” She shook her head, “We are like spring all year round here, and we can only see snow when we go out. The divine power of the mother tree protects this place, and even the rain falls according to the best arrangement.”

How boring.

No snow, no ice bursts or anything like that, it’s always spring. It looks good, but it gets boring after a long time.

The brilliance of spring, the prosperity of summer, the golden sea of ​​autumn, and the snow-capped winter, these are all different scenery and different interests. I heard from the forum that some major cities started to snow recently, and Ye Xu planned to play in another place in two days.

There are many places in the Elf Forest that look the same, so forgive a tree blind person who can’t find the unique beauty everywhere in the forest. Forest City is also similar in structure. After visiting the commercial street and taking a few more pictures of characteristic houses, there is not much fun.

So on the fourth day of coming to the Forest of Spirits, Ye Xu ended his one-day journey to upgrade monsters, and set foot on the teleportation array with a longing for the snow scene.

This time, he planned to go to the main city of the dwarves, and wanted to see how their network was doing. But as soon as he stepped on the teleportation array, before the target was selected, Jiyou sent a series of deadly calls.

“Ye Ye Ye Ye Ye! Ask for support! Ask for support! It’s about to save our dog’s life! 1551!” This news was made by two friends, Ye Xu fixed his eyes, very good, this time it was the feather of God .

He quickly opened the chat box and sent a dialogue request to ask what was going on. But unfortunately, the application was rejected by the system, saying that the other party was in a special space and could not communicate with the outside world.

Of course Ye Xu didn’t believe in evil, so he sent a few more times, both voice applications and text messages, but all of them fell into disrepair. On the contrary, the message in the chat software was replied, but it was not because the system did not block the chat software, but the feather of God went offline for help.

Originally, Ye Xu asked in a private chat, but Shen Zhiyu @ him in the group chat and told him what happened. Not only him, but others also added. You said everything, although it was a little confusing, but Ye Xu quickly understood the situation.

It turned out that when he was addicted to traveling, his friends received a new task in the past two days and formed a group to do it together.

The mission this time is mainly for Xiao Suguang. The sister’s goal at first was to become a mage of the whole department. Later, after knowing that the whole department can be upgraded to the space department, she has been working hard here. The hard work pays off. Yesterday morning, she got a task that allows her to take up a position as a Space Mage in advance.

Due to the difficulty of the task, she was not confident that she could complete it by herself, so she simply called everyone to help. But the task itself cannot be shared, so Xiao Suguang’s behavior is essentially similar to cheating.

For example, if she wants to kill all the quest monsters within the specified time, other people will come with her to help kill them. Originally thought the system would impose restrictions, but it didn’t. These people foolishly thought that the system didn’t take this bug into consideration, and they were quite happy, but they chose to kill it.

These people who interfered with the mission, along with Xiao Suguang who cheated, were all arrested by the big boss and locked in the small black room. The system told them that there is only one way to break the game, and that is to transfer the task to other friends, and let the other party complete the task alone, and Xiao Suguang, the task owner, has to participate in a small assessment. .

Xiao Suguang didn’t have time to say a word, and was directly sent to the secret realm of testing set up by the big boss, and no one could contact him. The remaining few Hanhans who were locked in the small dark room looked at each other in dismay, and finally had no choice but to call Ye Xu to rescue the scene.

First, Ye Xu is strong enough to cheat with the help of N babies. They are the kind who bring a group of helpers but only one person. Second, Ye Xu is traveling and is absolutely free, so he definitely has time to help.

In fact, if they didn’t find Ye Xu, they didn’t have any other targets to look for. These guys got along so badly that they didn’t have any other Summoner friends besides him. Instead, Ye Xu knew a few summoners, all of whom belonged to the Yeyin Guild.

“So how did you contact me, Feather? The system allowed you to send a last word?” Ye Xu asked.

Divine Feather didn’t want to speak, so he closed himself for a while before saying: “Yeah, the system said that if the task is to be transferred to you, it must first tell you, and then transfer to see if you agree, so it gave me a chance to communicate. As a result, Mo Bei is a fool, he bumped me before I finished speaking, so I accidentally clicked to send, and I couldn’t explain the situation clearly.”

“It’s my fault?!” Mo Bei raised his voice and hummed at the other end of the group voice, “I just remind you not to talk nonsense, time is limited and get down to business, who made you keep yelling for help? I just used Gently touch you with your elbow, who knew that you would slip your hand and press it wrongly?”

Come on, no one is more innocent than anyone who does bad things with good intentions and presses the wrong key with a slippery hand. Fortunately, they finally thought of the Dafa to go offline, otherwise Ye Xu would still be in a daze.

“Actually, you can directly transfer the task to me.” Ye Xu said sincerely, “I will do the task even if there is no precondition.”

The system prompts for this kind of task must be something like “Your best friend is trapped in the claws and needs your rescue, please accept it”, “Your best friend wants you to ask for help, please accept it”, or at most, “May I ask if you accept a certain task.” , and completing this task can obtain the qualification to transfer to Space Mage.”

Needless to say about the former, he will definitely poke his friends as soon as possible, but anyone who cannot be contacted must be the one who asks for help, and it is impossible to refuse after confirming the authenticity. The latter, he will not refuse. All of them know that Sister Suguang wants to transfer to the Space Department. When a pie in the sky encounters such a good task, a fool would refuse to accept it.

Divine Feather and Mo Bei thought about it too, and then ended the accusation. Xiao Suguang, who had not spoken all the time, couldn’t stand their fuss, so he explained other details that were not clear.

For example, there were actually only two priests, Han Yingshen, knights, Ji Ling and brother Xiao Yige who helped with the quest this time. The two cousins, Jiang Yuexuan and Chu Jifeng, were unfortunately trapped in other quests and did not participate. If the captain, Sister Xuan, is here, it will definitely not be like this. You will definitely find something wrong in advance and lead everyone to avoid it.

Speaking of this, Xiao Suguang feels a little guilty. She is usually one of the IQ’s in the group, but she ignored those violations, which caused the current situation.

However, Ye Xu felt that she could not blame everything on her head. After all, this mission was related to her interests. If she could stand from the perspective of a bystander, she would definitely not be confused. Moreover, there are too many things she needs to do and think about in the whole mission, and it is understandable for not paying attention to those small details for a while. Human energy is limited, and it is difficult to cover everything.

After being forcibly pulled close to the Trial Realm and scattered by her teammates by the boss, she panicked at first, but quickly calmed down. Although no communication method can be used, there is no restriction on going offline, so that a breakthrough can be found quickly.

So she went offline first, and then reminded her brother Xiao Yige in the third dimension. She spoke directly to Xiao Yige next to the game cabin. The younger brother on the line heard that he could go offline, so he told the other people who were locked in the small black room together, and everyone went offline to chat.

The game cabin is deliberately not equipped with sound insulation materials, just to facilitate the player’s family members to notify the player to go offline in time. Now it’s cheaper for them and gives them the leverage to cheat.

Fortunately, this happened, otherwise Ye Xu wouldn’t be able to contact them through the chat software, and he didn’t know the cause and effect. Even if this doesn’t have much impact on the subsequent tasks, it can at least understand what happened.

Xiao Suguang explained their initial mission in detail again, and then went online again to clear the cheats. The other friends who were locked up in the small black room can not go online, and wait until the task is completed. After all, there is nothing interesting in the small black room.

Who would have thought that Mo Bei would not agree: “Blessings and hardships are the same, you two are working hard, how could I be so embarrassed to stay offline and play with my mobile phone? Isn’t it just closing the little black room, what’s the big deal, I’ll be there Sleeping in the game, I will pay you anyway.”

Others nodded in agreement, and Shen Zhi Yu also said that there are many built-in mini-games in the game, and they can play this to pass the time. That’s what those red-name players who were caught in jail did, otherwise the game requires how many hours to be online before they can be released, and it is impossible to hang up offline, and those players would have been suffocated to death.

Of course, there are also people who sleep online. It’s just that sleeping in the game cabin is not as comfortable as sleeping in a bed, which restricts body movements. Those who wear a gaming helmet to play games are even more troublesome, and it is easy to sleep with a stiff neck.

“It doesn’t matter whether you are online or not, I will do the task first. Hurry up and transfer the task to me, you have been grinding for a long time.” Ye Xu reminded.

These guys are quite loyal, but Ye Xu didn’t want to talk to them about loyalty, he just wanted to finish the task quickly and go to sleep. Fortunately, he had just finished dinner at this point, otherwise he would have to go offline for dinner and delay the time, making the foolish people in the dark room wait for half an hour.

Alas, it’s really worrying, these guys really can’t do without him. It’s just that he and Sister Xuan are not there, so he can trap himself in the little dark room and when will he be able to be independent.

Ye Xu sighed with the worry of his old father, and deeply felt that the IQ of the stupid friends was not enough, and there were only three brains left in the group: he, Sister Xuan, and Sister Suguang. It’s a pity that Sister Suguang couldn’t resist the Hanhan alone, and was almost assimilated by their IQ.

——Doing a task to help cheat and still get caught together until the entire army is wiped out, what a shame!

I heard that this group of guys played themselves in this way. Sister Suguang wanted to kill some kind of mission monster, but these people actually ran over to help.

Even if they just send their own scroll babies and pets over there, NPCs may not be able to tell who owns this pet, and maybe they thought it was a wild monster from where. A bunch of humanoid adventurers like them approached, and the fool knew that this was breaking the rules and running to cheat. ,

Forget it, there is a more heinous link, which is that Xiao Suguang needs to cut down certain trees and collect certain wood. Isn’t the best way to drill for loopholes in this kind of task, first a group of people rush to the target location before Sister Suguang, chop down a bunch of trees until only a few links are left, and wait for Sister Suguang to give the final blow?

It’s really not good for you to make a bunch of it yourself, and then when Sister Suguang arrives, pretend that you are doing business here, and let Sister Suguang spend money to buy it. In this way, at most, the person who does the task knows how to be flexible, learns to use the ability to save energy, and maybe he can get a clever comment.

… A group of them hula-la followed Sister Suguang to chop down trees, which is too arrogant!

Ye Xu covered his forehead and sighed. Forget it, these are all afterthoughts. After finishing the task, I will have a good chat with them about the best way to cheat. The top priority now is to catch up on the task of going to bed last night, lest everyone have to stay up all night.

So why hasn’t the feat of God’s mission been turned over yet? He didn’t think about it for a long time, how would he know which main city to go to next if he didn’t change the mission?

Under Ye Xu’s mournful remarks, the mission reminder finally came too late. As Ye Xu guessed, the system directly told him that his friend was in trouble and needed his help urgently. Would you like to help complete the task.

The notification bar also used red bold text to remind him that he could not ask for foreign aid for this task, and he had to do it alone. As long as he asks for help, he will end up just like his friends.

The system didn’t say what Jiyou is currently experiencing. If Ye Xu hadn’t communicated with them offline in advance, he would have to be worried at this moment. Now, Ye Xu just chose to accept it with a blank face.

It’s just a small dark room, what a big deal. Even if his mission has not been completed, he is not afraid to ask Sister Xuan for a second wave of rescue.

Sister Xuan is super powerful and can definitely save them. He believes in Sister Xuan!

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