Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 351

Everyone ended this topic with a lot of heart, and turned to talk about other things very bluntly, making Xiao Yige stunned for a while.

. But then the boss didn’t give them much time for small talk, because it started to get serious.

Obviously, the bosses based on Sister Xuan will not be as easy to deal with as they expected. If they don’t make a bit of a show, I’m sorry for her second-to-last ranking. Everyone thought it was ruthless enough to madly summon the Ghost Flying Skull while out of combat, but I didn’t expect this guy to have other backhands.

The boss Sister Xuan has a total of five skills, in addition to summoning the undead, there are group attack, single attack, curse and displacement. The group attack is the rain of sulfuric acid, there is nothing to say, the single attack is also quite satisfactory, and there is no place to operate, what really hates is her curse and displacement.

Sister Xuan’s displacement skill is Blink, which can be teleported at will within 20 yards, and this is also a charging skill. If the situation allows, you can use it three times in one go, and teleport up to 60 yards. Once teleport is used, everyone has to run around with it and adjust their positions again, which is quite troublesome.

如果只是跑一跑的话还可以接受,哪个boss喜欢站在原地挨揍呢,反正《灵渊》里的boss都爱到处乱跑。 But Ye Xu and the others set a strategy that when the boss attacks the player, immediately hide behind the undead meat shield. Once the boss starts to run and fails to adjust his position in time, and it starts to use its attacking skills again, the player is very likely to have no chance. dodge.

Ordinary running is okay to say, the speed is not fast. Blinking is the ability to instantly move to a certain position, coupled with the curse skill that can be cast instantly, this combination is basically impossible to survive.

The first person to suffer was Chu Jifeng. This sister’s luck value has always been very metaphysical. It was obvious that she was an ordinary European account when she created the account, but sometimes when everyone gets one or two, she can become the third unlucky person from the bottom. people. The reason is that the luck value of other people’s accounts is too high, which makes her at the bottom.

However, being targeted by the boss this time is not entirely a pot of luck. Everyone agrees that there is Sister Xuan’s personal thoughts at play here. Chu Jifeng, this nasty little cousin, probably caused her cousin a lot of trouble in the past, but if the boss Xuan got the chance, she would come back with revenge.

In this regard, Jiang Yuexuan herself refused to admit it, insisting that it was all a pot of luck, and she never thought of beating up her cousin. She loves her little cousin so much, how could she have such terrible thoughts.

Chu Jifeng: “…” Hehe, guess I believe it or not?

No matter what, Chu Jifeng still became the first unlucky person.

The boss suddenly appeared beside her with a teleport, right next to her, and the position he chose was **** good. She was directly stuck between her and the undead meat shield. If she wanted to use the meat shield as a shield, she had to bypass the boss first and then go behind the meat shield.

Chu Jifeng was dumbfounded at the time, and didn’t react at all. When she remembered to dodge, the skill slammed over her head and face. At such a close distance, almost the skill hit the target as soon as it was released, and there was no need to hide.

Their archers actually have a certain melee ability. After all, the off-hand weapon is a dagger. If the enemy is close, she can jump out of the dagger to intercept the opponent’s sword, spear, sword and halberd. However, magic cannot be intercepted with physical weapons, and such a small one may not be able to be hit.

In this way, Chu Jifeng was successfully put on the curse of necromancy. She glanced at the details of the curse on the panel, and her face immediately turned green.

“Curse of the Necromancer”: The signature curse of the necromancer, which carries the unwillingness and resentment of the soul of the dead. The cursed person reduces the target’s all attributes by 5%, and has a bad luck effect for 60 seconds.

It doesn’t matter if you lower all attributes, but the curse is not only those effects, lowering this and lowering that. But is bad luck too much? She was unlucky at first, and this gave her an African-Emirati halo, human affairs? !

“Cousin!!!” Chu Jifeng was about to die of anger, “When did you learn to break the curse? Why didn’t I know that you could still give people bad luck before?!”

Jiang Yuexuan showed an embarrassed but polite smile: “You may not believe it, this is Louis’ fault. He said that what he taught me before was not an advanced variant of the Necromancy curse, but an advanced version, and later forced me to do it. Only after a mission will you give me the mutation.”

Skills can be advanced and mutated. Level 75 is open to advancement, and level 125 is open to mutation. In the past, they all thought that the skills that Sister Xuan bought and unlocked with Huahua National Currency were the fully advanced and mutated versions, and she thought so too. I didn’t expect that some of the signature skills were actually only advanced versions. If you want to mutate, you have to do it yourself. a task.

The bad luck effect of the curse of the necromancer is the product of the mutation, and it did not have this effect when it was used before. However, she had been doing this skill mutation task for a long time, and she had always forgotten to tell her friends that Chu Jifeng didn’t know about this, and strictly speaking, Sister Xuan was not innocent.

Of course Jiang Yuexuan wouldn’t admit that she didn’t share the information properly. She insisted that her skills were mutated not long ago, and everyone couldn’t do anything about her. But anyone with a brain knows that she must have successfully mutated early, otherwise the boss’s skills can have this effect?

When Sister Xuan chose this curse skill as a boss skill, she didn’t just focus on the 5% reduction of all attributes, the non-chief aura was the key point!

Chu Jifeng was angry for a while and then passed away, Mo Bei was really desperate. He was already unlucky enough, and this broken skill also gave people the halo of African chieftains, and also made it impossible for people to live.

In order to prevent himself from suffering another disaster, he seriously learned from Chu Jifeng’s lesson, never being too far away from his undead flesh shield, but sticking close to him, so that the boss can’t teleport to him and the flesh shield in between. He thought that as long as he was vigilant enough and reacted quickly enough, he could slip behind the meat shield the moment the boss approached, without giving the boss a chance to shoot.

But the imagination is beautiful, the reality is cruel. How can instant skills be so easy to dodge? Before, they were far away, and the long range was stuck in the limit range of 20 yards. Even if the instant skills were shot, they had to have a flight time of about 0.5 seconds, so that they could escape successfully. .

Now you can get in, and you can hit the target as soon as you throw it out. Mo Bei tried to dodge, but in the end he avoided loneliness. The moment the boss appeared beside him, he used up his skills, let alone him, even if it was Han Ying, who had the highest agility in the whole group, he couldn’t escape.

This trick is simply inexplicable. If it weren’t for the high cd of the flashing skill, the boss could curse all of them indefinitely. Fortunately, this curse can be dispelled with advanced dispel, without really hanging for 60 seconds.


“The dispelling skill CD is very long.” Divine Feather grimaced, “My dispelling CD lasts five minutes!”

There are three priests in the group, and there are many dispel skills, but there are only four advanced dispels. Their CDs are long or short, and in the final calculation, there is no way to disperse them every minute, but the flashing CD of the boss is exactly one minute. Dispelling can’t keep up with the curse, and there will always be someone who has to hang the curse effect for a period of time.

What’s more, the flash of the boss is charged three times at the beginning, which means that she is cursed by three people at the beginning. Afterwards, there is another one every minute, and the priest can’t disperse it at all.

Fortunately, the curse only lasted 60 seconds, after which it disappeared on its own. Otherwise, if it lasts a little longer, if it drags on like this, it will always put a curse on everyone.

In the end, many curses disappeared on their own within the 60-second time limit, and only one of them would hang on to the 60-second curse in five minutes. The cursed person should be careful to avoid the boss, not to be attacked, and the situation can be controlled.

——Everyone originally thought so, but who knew that the aura of the African Emirates was really effective.

Ye Xu watched the fifth God’s Feather, who was cursed and could not be assigned the dispelling skill, slipped and fell into the mud. Naturally, the boss will not miss such a good opportunity, and throwing a direct attack on it will not only destroy the blood of God’s Feather, but also absorb a lot of mana.

Chu Jifeng was stunned: “…Fuck, it can still be like this!”

Fortunately, she was the first to be cursed, and she was the first to enjoy the dispel skill, and the debuff disappeared within two seconds. If she hangs up for a while longer, God’s Feather’s fate is now her end.

“Cousin.” Chu Jifeng looked at Jiang Yuexuan with sincerity, “I now believe that you really love me, you must have expected that we have the dispelling skills, and you will be the first to throw the curse on me! “

Jiang Yuexuan: “…”

In fact, she didn’t expect that this question could be solved in such a way. Facing the sincere sigh of her cousin, she chose to acquiesce. He gave the little cousin a look of “you finally understand my good intentions”, and accepted the other party’s gratitude without any guilt.

No matter what drama the two sisters put on here, the feather of the gods has been unlucky all the way. Drinking the blue potion can accidentally overturn the potion with a slip of your hand, and you can fall down when you walk. Using skills is either throwing the wrong way to add blood to another person, or the skill deviation leads to miss.

In short, all kinds of unfortunate events have all turned once. Fortunately, everyone is more skilled at hiding, and the requirements for treatment are not so high. Otherwise, this big **** will be useless, so don’t think about it. Mo Bei was terrified when he saw it, and was constantly thankful that he had been cursed in the first two, otherwise he would definitely be worse than God’s Feather now.

Luna and Mo Bei hid behind the meat shield to use the healing, and pulled God’s Feather’s life back from the gate of hell. Waiting abruptly until the effects on the feathers of the gods are over, it is not the end.

The boss also wanted to take the opportunity to make up for a treatment, but fortunately, the feather of God himself quickly escaped. At this moment, he had an idea – thanks to the boss’s curse skill that can’t be used repeatedly on a person, he has to be allowed to make up after the previous debuff disappears, otherwise he will be miserable.

Although some debuffs cannot be stacked, they can be used again before the countdown ends to refresh the countdown. If this skill can also be used, then as long as the boss takes advantage of his unfortunate last five seconds to add another curse, the countdown will become 60 again. Anyway, the curse skill has a very short CD, and it’s fine to use it continuously.

“This is unscientific, why don’t those summoned creatures fall down with the unfortunate debuff?” Shen Zhiyu was indignant, “And Mo Bei! When he stood dumbfounded and beat the boss before, the boss didn’t Have you ever cursed him?”

This is to say at the beginning, Mo Bei didn’t dodge consciousness at the time, and later was trained by Sister Xuan before remembering the dodging skills.

After listening to Mo Bei, he said proudly: “That’s because I was standing and adding blood at that time, and I didn’t run around, how could I slip? At most, it’s just a skill deviation. I thought it was my bad luck in hand skating, I didn’t think much of it.”

As for other summons, he doesn’t know. Turning around to see, it seems that this curse has a 20-second CD, and it can only hang three targets per minute.

In addition to the undead and the scroll baby, there are nearly 200 units on the field, and everyone usually does not move much. When a group of people rumbles, who can notice the fall of the three summons? If you fall, you won’t notice it, let alone find that the skills that the three of them threw are missing.

Besides, this bad luck is not so exaggerated, it will not be a miss, the probability is about 30%. Falling is the same, if the ground is flat, it is not easy to slip, and God’s feather is not because of the obstacles here.

Everyone looked down at the ground. This was a cemetery, or a mass grave. In addition to the crooked tombstones, there are various raised ten pieces, bones, etc. on the ground. It is normal to accidentally trip over.

The surrounding environment is still very dark, and even if there are ghost monsters such as flying skulls and small butterflies that are glowing by themselves, they are not bright. Everyone is patronizing the attack, and it is difficult to notice their feet. Even if there is no debuff, many people have been tripped a few times. However, in this case, most of them can rely on their own balance ability or grasp others to stand firm, and they will not be in harmony with others. With the unlucky halo of God’s Feather, he fell straight down for a long time before getting up.

Speaking of this, Ye Xu couldn’t help but cared about Divine Feather: “Didn’t you accidentally gnaw on the soil when you fell? There are a lot of corpses buried in the soil, and it’s not clean.”

God’s Feather: “…” Ah, ah, don’t say it!

The more he talked, the more disgusting he felt. The key was that he couldn’t be sure about this matter. After all, it was quite chaotic at the time. Maybe a little bit of dust was thrown into his mouth? Even if this is just modeling in the game, not a real mass grave, he feels disgusted!

“Xiao Ye, did you do it on purpose?!” Shen Zhi Yu shouted in grief and indignation.

Ye Xu shrank his neck guiltily: “No, no… I just kindly remind you…”

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