Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 359

No matter how easy the aircraft is, it can only save the player and the golden mouse they are carrying. Other large babies don’t do it, they can’t climb on their own, or they are too heavy to carry the aircraft and are drowned in an avalanche.

Ye Xu chased the boss for a long time and finally caught him. But it was unrealistic to ask him to abduct the boss by himself. He tried it and found that the boss’s strength value was higher than his.

It might be better if Mo Bei was there to help. However, Mo Bei was exhausted trying to save people before, and now he is still resting in the aircraft.

No way, Ye Xu had to delay time and wait for them to come. Fortunately, the size of the domain space is limited, and the boss cannot fly far without limit. Ye Xu grabbed it as much as possible without telling it to keep scurrying, and threw away the aircraft at a high speed.

So he and the boss stalemate in place, abruptly waited for the arrival of the boss. The boss wanted to fly farther and play with them before the aircraft arrived, but Ye Xu found the opportunity to use a few limited skill scrolls.

He didn’t have much stock of this type of scrolls, and they were made when Xiao Suguang didn’t transfer to Space Mage. Now she can only make space scrolls, most of which are displacement types. The wood-type mage Xiao Yising has the most skills, but it’s a pity that Yige’s younger brother didn’t learn scrolling.

Relying on the scrolls that came out from the corners and the limited control skills of the chasing babies, he abruptly waited for Jiyou. This gave him a wake-up call. In the future, he has to stock up on the control scrolls. He can’t expect Mo Bei to come and help hold the boss. This guy is too unreliable.

After the basic friends arrived, Ye Xu’s pressure dropped sharply. No need for him to do anything, Xiao Yige first took action and dragged the boss down from the air. Ye Xu didn’t know that he had this hand at first, but he was able to cast the vine technique on the air target, pulling the person to the ground abruptly.

“I’ve learned this skill for a long time, but it used to be tasteless.” Xiao Yige was a little embarrassed and explained in a low voice, “After the upgrade, the range is wider, so it’s useful.”

At the beginning, it can only bundle air targets within 10 yards, so it is useless at all. At 10 yards, he can attack with ordinary skills by himself. Need to cast. Now the skill range has suddenly doubled, and it can tie down air targets within 50 yards, which is very powerful.

It’s a pity that this skill is a single skill, and the CD is still as long as 1 minute. If you encounter such a large group of flying monsters, it is still a tasteless.

“50 yards, can that be used to deal with ground enemies 50 yards away?” Mo Bei asked enthusiastically, “If it can, wouldn’t it have a super long-distance grasping skill?”

Xiao Yige shook his head: “No, it must be a little monster with me as the center, within a 20-yard radius in the air, and no higher than 50 yards horizontally.”

If you fill all the casting range of the skill, it will probably be a cylinder. And this skill must be cast on the target at least 5 yards off the ground, and the effect of the cast only pulls the target straight to the ground where it is, rather than dragging it to the mage’s side.

In short, it is not good to use it to catch people. Its effect is really just to turn the air target into a ground target.

“That’s not bad.” Ye Xu admired it very much, as long as he didn’t let him work so hard to drag the boss down. And it only takes 1 minute to cd, which is very useful against flying bosses. After all, there is only one boss, and there is no need to drag multiple targets in a short period of time.

Because the boss couldn’t attack while flying, Ye Xu didn’t worry about losing blood when he dragged it. Instead, it was attacked frantically by the baby that Ye Xu brought, and the blood volume did not increase but decrease. After playing for a while, everyone expressed their regret, knowing that Yige shouldn’t have dragged the boss down.

“It’s time to ask Xiaoye to push the boss within 20 yards, and then let’s stand down and attack. This way the boss can’t attack, and can only be beaten passively.”

Ye Xu: “…you think it’s really beautiful, you can be attacked if you press it within 20 yards, so why doesn’t it just hit the ground and start the fight?”

“Then let’s stand on the aircraft and hit him. Anyway, he can’t fight back in the air. As long as he gets rid of all his babies, he can’t resist, and he can’t even summon the babies.”

This is true, no skills can be used while flying. It’s really easy for them to fall when they step on the aircraft, but if the boss can’t fight back, they don’t need to dodge skills, and the number of falls will be greatly reduced.

This reminded everyone, and Sister Xuan immediately opened up a new idea: “Yes! The boss can’t land, so he has to be beaten passively all the time, and we can stand on the aircraft and fight back. When the time comes, the one who can fly will be responsible for dragging. Keep him, don’t let it land, don’t let it fly away, and don’t let him have the opportunity to step on the aircraft and learn to fight at high altitudes like us.”

As long as the control is good, the boss can’t even use his skills. So some things seem to be advantages, but they are actually weaknesses, and it is too big to be unable to attack this flaw while flying.

Ye Xu was silently vigilant when he heard the words, this time it was a boss fight, and no one might use this trick to deal with him in the future. The price of aircraft is indeed expensive, but there are many rich people in the game, so he has to be careful.

Sister Xuan quickly adjusted her strategy. After guiding the boss to take off, she asked everyone to dismiss the huge scroll baby, and instead attack the taller and smaller ones, and stand on the aircraft with them to attack. In fact, the boss can fly away, as long as the speed is not faster than the aircraft, they can catch up, even if everyone keeps falling while flying forward, it is better to stand still and be safe.

The high-altitude battle is a bit demanding for Ye Xu and Mo Bei, and they must control the boss. The boss is very intelligent. If it finds that it can’t get off, it may choose to knock the player off the aircraft. The player’s standing is not stable. The boss is so powerful that it will definitely fall if it hits.

The legal system is okay, just flash back in time. The physics department is estimated to be too choking, falling down and losing half of life.

Ye Xu felt that it was too difficult to guarantee success. Jiang Yuexuan thought for a while and said, “Isn’t there a control skill to assist? Everyone’s skills should be able to be combined.”

In their team, there is also a brother Yige who specializes in control. In addition to the control skills of the others, as well as the control skills of the Ye Xu family’s babies, the number is very impressive.

Seeing that she was serious, Ye Xu could only nod in response: “Then I’ll go down first and summon the babies, and Mo Bei will come and hold the boss.”

At this moment, the boss is in the sky again, and he can’t summon it after following up. A batch of babies died from blood collapse before, and now they have to make up for it.

Fortunately, the baby scrolls they all called were golden squirrels, and they were carried with them, otherwise they would have lost a baby scroll. After Ye Xu flew down, the heavy burden was placed on Mo Bei. Only then did Mo Bei intuitively feel the power of the boss. He was miserable for a while and could only keep urging others to use the control skills quickly.

“Wait a minute!” Jiang Yuexuan didn’t even look at him, and buried herself in sorting out everyone’s control skills. She has to make a schedule, otherwise everyone’s skills will be used together, which will cause waste.

The boss has a certain resistance to control skills, so the effect of the skills will be discounted after they are used. In addition, if you use it too much, the effect will become weaker and weaker, and these must be taken into account.

Thankfully, Sister Xuan studied finance and was very proficient in mathematical algorithms. She quickly arranged a shift, and then told Mo Bei: “You try to delay as long as you can, and we will help if you can’t. Use your skills sparingly, lest all the later skills fail, and you won’t be able to save the field if you want to.”

Mo Bei: “???” Are you speaking human words?

Mo Bei felt that the captain was just talking cold words, although what she said was reasonable, but from Mo Bei’s own point of view, he couldn’t understand it at all. After all, he was not Jiang Yuexuan who faced the brute force of the boss. How could the surnamed Jiang know how difficult he was.

At this moment, the flying baby of Ye Xu’s family rushed up to help. With the help of the baby, Mo Bei’s pressure was relieved a lot, and he was full of gratitude to Ye Xu for a while. He lowered his head and shouted a few times, asking Ye Xu to come back quickly to help.

Ye Xu didn’t deliberately delay the time. He called out all the babies who could be called, mainly remote, and then took out the aircraft for the babies to ride, and hurried up. The two flying players worked together to finally stabilize the boss, and with the control skills, there should be no accidents in the short term.

“The boss didn’t summon the scroll, otherwise he would struggle to his death.” Mo Bei had forgotten the pain after recovering from the scar, and began to babble when he had free time.

Chu Jifeng immediately told him to shut up, not crow’s mouth. She watched the boss nervously for a while, and she was relieved to make sure that the boss didn’t take out the summon scroll in an unusual way.

Mo Bei felt that the boss should have no other means of counterattack, and could only try to break free by himself. He disapproved of Chu Jifeng’s nervousness. How could a boss use a scroll, wouldn’t that break the balance?

“The NPC still sells scrolls, why do you think NPCs can’t use scrolls themselves?” Chu Jifeng rolled his eyes at him.

Mo Beiyu said: “NPC is not a boss, and this boss is a mirror image, not the kind of boss with a story line…”

If you encounter a humanoid boss in the wild, there may be such items on the other party. After all, before becoming a boss, this person may have been an ordinary NPC. Like adventurers in NPCs, they will carry various props with them.

However, this situation is still rare. Most bosses follow the basic rules and do not rely on external forces. Players only need to calculate the attack and recovery by themselves, and don’t worry about those.

The more Chu Jifeng listened, the more he felt that Mo Bei was in a crow’s mouth. After saying a few words, the boss could really take out the props to teach him how to be a human being. Fortunately, this boss didn’t make such a fuss, and there really was no props on him, otherwise they would be in a hurry now.

However, not being able to use props does not mean that the boss really can only be captured. I saw that the boss suddenly gave up dodging, stopped and kneaded out a ball of elemental energy, and smashed at a player, hitting the calf.

Player attacked by boss: “!!!”

This is to shoot people off the aircraft? !

No, wait, it’s said that the boss in the flying state can’t be attacked? !

Ye Xu was also shocked, and subconsciously learned from the boss to condense energy to try. I thought it would fail, but I didn’t expect that the energy group was successfully condensed, but I couldn’t visualize the energy group as anything, and could only keep the pure energy mode and throw it out to attack others.

But even so, it’s pretty good. Being able to attack is a better thing than being unable to counterattack at all. It turned out that the flying state was not completely unable to attack, but limited to the purest energy attack.

He was tricked by the system prompt before, thinking that he really could only be beaten when flying. Now I try to use the skill again, and finally I can see all the text of the prompt.

[System Tip: Sub-adult dragons cannot use skill attacks when flying! 】

It turned out that it was just unable to perform skill attacks! Apart from elemental attacks, can he still perform physical attacks? !

Ye Xu looked at the boss with burning eyes, and the dragon’s tail was about to move. The power of the dragon’s tail flick is huge, and he wants to try it.

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