Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 387

How could Ye Xu’s sinister intentions be concealed from the captain of the mechanism, but this matter, the captain himself is also very moved. So she wisely chose to keep silent instead of revealing, and even helped Ye Xu to lobby others.

What fun is there in the bright camp, she will get tired of it. Xiao Ye is right, the undead camp is so interesting, you can do anything you want.

Speaking of which, she has been embarrassed to trouble the players in her own country for the past two months. In the past, they would go out to pk from time to time, but since they had doubled their experience and their level had opened up a lot to others, going to pk would always have a sense of guilt for bullying vulnerable groups.

Moreover, after more than half a year of beatings, this group of people has almost learned to behave, and they are no longer actively provoking their Ten Temple Guild. How can this be done, why was it named Ten Shrines in the first place? It wasn’t for fighting, they all deliberately pulled hatred, but the hatred didn’t stabilize, and it disappeared in half a year.

Thinking of this Jiang Yuexuan makes me angry, but the key is that no one else comes to do things, and after encountering them in the wild, they are very warm and friendly (for fear that she will take the opportunity to attack). As the saying goes, don’t slap the smiley face, others are so friendly, no matter how cheeky she is, she can’t take the initiative to attack, otherwise she will be someone else.

But bullying foreign players doesn’t have these concerns. Locals can’t play casually, but foreigners are not afraid. No matter how friendly foreign players are, as long as there is a wave of publicity about how this country usually bullies China, no one will stand in line with them.

“That’s not necessarily true.” God’s Feather expressed an objection, “Although some countries are very annoying, their citizens are not all disgusting, and there are good people among them. If others are friendly to you and you insist on attacking, They can use that excuse to fight back.”

Jiang Yuexuan was not at all worried: “It doesn’t matter, the Undead Continent over there, the light camp can’t communicate with each other. Just like the grass stage team, they can’t even start a public opinion war.”

“It’s just that we can’t communicate with each other in the game, and the three-dimensional element is still possible.” Xiao Suguang reminded.

Sister Xuan thought for a while: “Let’s put it this way, the undead camp and the light camp are inherently opposed, so I have no problem fighting the undead! Besides, it’s just a game, why is it so complicated, isn’t pk normal in the game? Different, I am not a malicious PK!”

Ah, this is absolutely irrefutable.

The bright camp attacks the undead camp, it is good to get it, and it can be on the leaderboard. After the faction war starts, the points in this leaderboard will be very useful, maybe you can change the rank. Unlike the internal PK of the faction, there is not only no benefit but also a red name penalty.

After considering all aspects, it was confirmed that nothing was missed. Everyone was finally persuaded and decided to go to the Undead Continent together.

“I originally planned to set up a guild residence around level 175, but now it seems that it will not work.” Xiao Suguang sighed.

“It’s alright, let’s wait for the 200-level return. We’re just a small guild of ten people. Actually, it doesn’t matter if we don’t have a station.” Jiang Yuexuan didn’t care.

Ye Xu reminded: “The guild station can be built by spending money. Those big guilds are not worth the money because of the large area of ​​the station, so they need all the guild players to work together to do the construction task. But we don’t need to make it so big, we can first Make it small.”

They plan to occupy the island, and the entire island will be a resident area by then. But no one stipulates that the land of the whole island must be included in the station. It is really impossible for them to build a small village in the middle to be recognized by the system.

In contrast to those fortresses, there is no way. The fortress itself has built the outer wall, and there is no way to reduce the area. There is only an empty city left, and they need to start building a little bit from the residence, which is very laborious.

As for the island territory, Ye Xu actually has a good idea: “At present, there is only one city on land in the main island of the island, and the other gathering places are all under the sea. In addition, there are some good terrain and locations. They also occasionally go up to rest and play, but they have not built a city-state and are still in their primitive state.”

The merman did not build a few more cities on the island, mainly because most mermen were not used to living at sea for a long time, and they felt that having a main island city was enough. But Ye Xu discovered the business opportunities. In fact, those islands that are often visited by mermaids can develop some tourism and play projects, and then buy and sell drinks and snacks. Presumably those mermaids will be happy to join in.

What is the purpose of the guild being stationed? Of course to make money!

Although the resident is a private site for the players of this guild, members can get their own free houses, and they can also enjoy preferential discounts in the city, whether it is drug supply, equipment repair or the use of teleportation array, can save a lot of money pen money.

However, these benefits are only on the surface. The guild leader spends a lot of effort to recruit people to set up a resident. How could it be just to provide a little benefit to the members? They invested so much money in the early stage to develop the guild, and they managed to make some money back in the middle. Isn’t it just waiting for the resident to open up and making a lot of money?

The resident area is so large that the guild alone cannot use it up, so it is necessary to develop a commercial street to attract other people to open a store, or to open a store to make money. Rent collection is the most stable, but the premise is that the traffic in the city is huge and can attract shopkeepers to come.

Even if this is the first holographic game, can everyone who has read so many novels still not understand this routine? Many guilds even have the idea of ​​attracting gold owners. If a gold owner can sponsor the guild, they don’t mind renting all the shops in the whole city to the same one, so as to create a commercial city of their own brand for the gold owner. .

The location of the fortress is very good, stuck on the border of the main cities. There is no teleportation formation near here. If you want to come over to farm monsters, you should go to the transfer station at most, but it is still too far away, so there is no disease prevention from the fortress.

So what the transfer station used to attract traffic, the fortress can also rely on it. It can be said that the appearance of the transfer station is to help these fortresses to carry out a preliminary test, confirming that this road can really develop successfully, so as not to go back and build the fortress, but no one will come, and everything will go to waste.

“However, the geographical conditions of the fortress are good, and the conditions of our island are not very good.” Jiang Yuexuan pointed out the problem rationally, “If we don’t develop tourism here, then don’t try to attract a large number of players. The monsters are on land. Can’t I brush it? It’s more convenient on the other side, the monsters in the sea are too laborious, and there are many deep-sea beasts here, which are too dangerous.”

Ye Xu also thought the same: “So we have to be prepared that no one will come over, at most, occasionally some people who come to the sea area to do tasks will come this way. If we don’t want to make money, it doesn’t matter, we just do it ourselves. Let’s play, and when the national war starts, it may become a port for naval battles, and then we will get back to the original.”

But if they want to make money in the first place, or at least recoup the cost, then if they don’t engage in tourism to attract players, they have to use the ready-made sharks. It is too laborious to wait for the player to come over. The sharks are so good at taking advantage of them. They have money and a lot of money, so how can they let it go.

“If the sharks don’t have gold coins, let them pay with the rare materials on the seabed. These things are rare on the mainland, and for the sharks, they are rotten cabbage that can be seen everywhere, and they are not worth much at all. Let’s take them to the inland and sell them. You can make a lot of money.”

A prerequisite for taking this path is to have a good relationship with the sharks, so that they are willing to come to spend. You have to sacrifice the advantage of giving up the location of the fortress on the land, and then go out to level up and choose the sea area or teleport for a little money.

Many shark players themselves cannot guarantee that they can attract NPCs of the same clan to consume. After all, there are so many sharks, and a small adventurer is inconspicuous at all, how can anyone let them give face. At least it must be at the level of Ye Xu’s second brother, who is the apprentice of the King of Sharks.

“Success, that’s all. When the time comes to choose one of the most popular islands in the southeast waters as the station, I asked the plan and they said that there is no specified location for the fortress in the sea, as long as it is an island that meets the basis of the face, it can be used as a station. In addition, there is the upper limit. The number of fortresses in a sea area is limited. If this number exceeds this number, there will be no new stations in this sea area. Unless one of the previous stations is destroyed or plundered.”

However, players will not come here to do such thankless things. Each guild has different ideas, and the selected islands are also different. There are thousands of islands in a sea, and the probability of picking the same one is too low.

After the station reaches the upper limit, let them come over to grab someone else’s. It’s fine if you like it, but it will be troublesome if you don’t like all the positions. You have to destroy one first, and then choose a new place to build it yourself.

Is this easy? You can’t take advantage of the buildings already built by others.

Compared with the fortress, it is more economical to choose the fortress. The location of the fortress is fixed, and you can directly attack the fortress you like. After they are knocked down, the things that were originally built by others can be used by themselves, saving a lot of money.

The business of subsea materials is profitable, but only the first one makes money. Everyone came to do business, and the price of materials dropped, which was not cost-effective.

In fact, according to Ye Xu’s calculations, it is possible that seabed materials can only support one business. Because there were not so many people collecting it before, the supply of this thing on the market was too small, and the price was so high. But even if only one is opened, the number will increase significantly, enough to bring the price to a normal range.

Plus this material is not without substitutes, except for a few recipes that have to use them, the rest can be replaced with cheaper materials. Therefore, the market demand is not as large as imagined. When the supply exceeds the demand, this thing will be completely worthless.

Sister Xuan also plans to do a market research before doing business to see how many materials can be saturated. At that time, she will be stuck inland transportation, so that the supply will always be less than the demand, and the price will be kept in a high but not outrageous range, which is the most profitable.

Ye Xu didn’t understand it anyway, he only knew that this was a rough plan, and then he would have to analyze various graphs and financial algorithms to find out the most profitable point. This reminded him of his fear of being dominated by functions in high school, and he stopped her.

“Anyway, you can do it yourself, I don’t want to hear this.”

Other basic friends agreed one after another, and finally got out of the misery of mathematics, and no one wanted to go back.

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