Summoner, He is Never Alone

Chapter 393

The fusion process went very smoothly, and Ye Xu felt that he had just slept and succeeded. However, the descriptions of the others around were not like this. What they saw was Ye Xu’s pained expression when he merged, and all kinds of struggles and tumbling.

This is probably the animation program set by the system. After all, the integration of Godhead must be dangerous, otherwise it will not conform to the routine. But they can’t really make players suffer for so long, so they can only fake it with animation.

After Ye Xu successfully merged, he glanced at the system prompt, and sure enough, the prompt informed the fusion success rate. Because Ye Xu has a big boss to protect the law, the success rate is as high as 95%, and it is successfully integrated once. It may only be 50% if it is replaced by someone else, there is a chance that the fusion will fail, and you have to start again.

After the successful fusion of the godhead, Ye Xu’s occupation has not changed, and he is still the Frost Summoner. However, there is an additional forbidden spell in his skill column, which is the insight brought by the godhead.

Forbidden spell skills can be learned as early as level 150, but those are the rewards for the top players in large-scale events. The normal Forbidden Spell will appear in a small area after level 200, and it will appear in a large area after level 250.

Ye Xu had a forbidden spell at level 150, regardless of whether it was an auxiliary or not, it was better than nothing. With excitement, he clicked on the skill description, and then got excited.

“Time Master”: A large forbidden spell that casts time magic on all targets within 100×100 yards, causing them to obtain accelerated aging effects, and the duration depends on the magic value. The forbidden spell consumes 5% mana per second, and the cooling time is 5 natural days, that is, the use limit refreshes at 0:00 on the 5th day.

(Accelerated aging buff: The target loses 1% of the maximum health and mana per second, and the upper limit is restored after the caster dies or the buff lasts for 5 natural days.)

Ye Xu: “…”

Ye Xu: “!!!”

Omg! This is a wolf-killing skill that cuts the upper limit of red and blue bars!

If the battle state of drinking blue potion and mana is restored naturally, Ye Xu can use it for more than 25 seconds in one go. If someone else used the ability to restore mana to him, the duration could be longer.

In this way, the upper limit of the red and blue bars of the player who is using the skill will lose at least a quarter. The original 1000 blood will become a maximum of 750 blood, and the 10w blood will be 7.5w blood. The higher the HP limit, the more losses you will lose. How can you fight this?

The surroundings were full of states, and he was cut off by the upper limit. Others can restore blood to full, but their own blood can only return to 75%, which is naturally at a disadvantage. Not to mention that Ye Xu can still raise this loss to a higher level through his blue-returning skills. If the 50% or even 75% of the upper limit is cut, there is really no place to cry.

This skill is more insidious than any seckill skills. At least the seckill only kills once, and this killing is still punishing. Like the kind of player who only has 25% of the upper limit left, if he has to live with this blood for 5 days, he will be taken away by other people’s combos at any time, and he will suffocate just thinking about it.

The key is this kind of sinister skill, and Ye Xu will definitely not throw it on the people of his own country in general. Therefore, only foreign players will suffer from it, and if the number of players is too small, such a large Forbidden Spell will be wasted, and he will naturally save it for the national war.

How can the national war be finished in minutes, and the duration of five days is short. During the national war, players within the 100×100 range cannot always hide in the main city and must continue to participate in the battle, so that they will continue to be attacked by enemy countries, and it will not be a problem to die a dozen times in a day.

Other players’ health bars are so high that it’s hard to fight, and you only have a little left, and a fool would let such a soft persimmon go. Ye Xu didn’t even need to guess, he could predict how this group of people would be targeted at that time.

Of course, as the culprit, Ye Xu himself will of course be targeted. After all, as long as he dies, the buff will disappear in place. During the national war, the scene was very chaotic, and Ye Xu was not sure whether he could escape successfully.

He shared the skill description with the surrounding bosses and glanced at it, and the audience was silent. It took a long time before someone twitched the corners of their mouths and complained that the God of Time and Space is an old yin. Forbidden spell effects are so insidious.

Ye Xu really liked this insidious forbidden spell, and even looked forward to some magical skills in the future. The God of Time and Space seems to take good care of the Son of God under his opponent, knowing that they have nowhere to search for the forbidden spell of time and space, so they directly set it to self-comprehension.

And this self-comprehension is not the general one that can be comprehended every 25 levels, it can comprehend a new forbidden spell every 5 levels. Even if you comprehend a small forbidden spell every 5 and a large forbidden spell every 10, it is still better than going out to find it yourself.

From level 150 to level 250, you can comprehend 21 forbidden spells, including 10 small forbidden spells and 11 large forbidden spells. It is not easy for ordinary high-end mages to collect 20 Forbidden Spells. They have to collect them slowly. It may take a long time to get them at full level, and there is no guarantee that half of them are large Forbidden Spells.

It’s better for Ye Xu, you don’t have to find it by yourself, it’s all stored in the gods, just waiting for his level to be unlocked directly.

The only regret is that the dragon family’s parents have been helping him to collect the ice and summoner forbidden spells before, and now they can’t use them all, which is a waste of effort. But the collection has been collected, and it is a waste to keep it unused. In the end, it was all stuffed to Ye Xu and let him handle it himself. It is really impossible to put the skill book in the display cabinet at home and display it beautifully.

Of course, Ye Xu wouldn’t be so wasteful. After consulting the giant dragons, he decided to sponsor it to the Yeyin Guild, and by the way, exchange pocket money with his brothers. In this way, the skills have also been properly used, so many forbidden spells can benefit a lot of high-level players.

Ye Xu had guessed the fact that Godhead sent forbidden spells for free, but he never guessed that he would give so much. He thought he would give four or five at most, but now he knows that it is 21.

In this case, the value of the Godhead is higher than he thought. Many of these NPCs around are god-level powerhouses themselves, and they have become pseudo-gods. If they can’t use their godhead, they won’t rob him, and the remaining immortals are giant dragons, and their belief in dragon gods is much stronger than him. Now, I don’t want to change camps to be the younger brother of the Innate Lord God.

Therefore, the godhead that Ye Xu obtained in the future was still digested by the players themselves, and even everyone enthusiastically expressed that as long as the godhead was his good friend, they would still be willing to help protect the law. If it is someone who has nothing to do with him, it depends on the situation. Maybe the Emperor Shark and the Emperor Human will take action for the overall situation, but it is not realistic to gather so many bigwigs.

Ye Xu immediately stated that he would work hard to collect godheads, and it would be great if all his friends could be integrated.

After the work was done, everyone went back to their respective homes, while Ye Xu went to the Dragon Valley with the giant dragons. The Dragon King pulled him and said that he wanted to share some news of the God Realm with him. Ye Xu had no choice but to suppress the urge to find his friends.

“I think I still need to talk to you about the matter of the Lord God,” said the Dragon King.

Ye Xu listened attentively.

“There are ten gods like the gods of nature, and they have their own temples. Unlike the single gods of ordinary gods, the temples of the ten gods are a whole group of palaces, and the gods and goddesses will also live there. , assigned to a palace.”

Rather than saying that these gods and goddesses are the vassals of the gods and gods, it is better to say that they are their inheritors and quasi-heirs. It’s just that the Innate Lord God is unlikely to fall, so it’s useless for the heir to leave it alone. Other Protoss generally treat the Son of God and the Goddess as the adopted children of these innate gods, otherwise they would not call them “Son of God” or “Goddess”.

So when Ye Xu went to the God Realm, he could actually walk sideways, as long as he didn’t provoke other gods and goddesses, and he didn’t deliberately provoke other gods.

“These ten innate main gods are collectively referred to as the Ten Temples because they all have the largest group of temples. In addition to the God of Time and Space, the other nine main gods are the Goddess of Fate, the God of Order and Chaos, the Goddess of Life and the Goddess of Purgatory, The **** of prosperity and war, the goddess of blessing and the **** of curse.”

Ye Xu counted with his fingers, five men and five women, very average. But it’s quite Daddy Long’s statement, it seems that they are in pairs?

“Yes, the divine power of each of these ten main gods restrains each other. Order and chaos, life and purgatory, prosperity and war, blessing and curse can all be understood literally. Only time and space and destiny, this pair of Restraint is more subtle, time and space can change fate, and some established fates will not change no matter how time resets.”

The former is a common rebirth and renaming routine, while the latter is a common plot line self-correction mechanism in novels. That is, no matter how contrived by the reborn traversers, when the plot inertia is too strong, all development will eventually return to the original direction.

Ye Xu probably understood: “You want me to be careful about the inheritors of the Temple of Destiny? I know, there is a special way of distinguishing between gods and goddesses, I will pay attention.”

The secondary godheads can recognize each other, so there is no situation where the Son of Destiny is quietly approaching him. As long as he comes within 100 yards of him, he can be alerted.

This kind of warning is specifically reflected on the map. The totem corresponding to the temple will appear on the small map in the upper right corner, and the location of the totem is where the Son of God is located. Ye Xu has long developed the habit of glancing at the small map from time to time, so whenever there is an abnormality, he can find it immediately and not give the other party a chance to approach.

Of course, this setting also has a disadvantage, that is, it is useless to use stealth skills before each other. If they need to sneak into the main city of the enemy country one day, he is likely to be exposed to the gods of other countries because of this totem, unless they can find a way to cover up the totem.

Ye Xu doesn’t know if there is such a method, even if there is a short-term estimate, he will not be able to find it, at least until he reaches full level. Moreover, he thought that 10 small forbidden spells and 11 big forbidden spells were a bit strange. If they were all 10, it would be more pleasing to the eye. The system can completely set the level of 150 without the forbidden spells being comprehended.

Now he is re-studying the forbidden spell comprehension rule, thinking that he may have misunderstood it. It should be 150 to 250 levels will comprehend a time-space skill, of which every 5 is a small forbidden spell, every 10 is a big forbidden spell, but at level 250 is an accident, will not comprehend the big forbidden spell, but will comprehend a time-space skill.

And what kind of skill is this time and space skill? He felt that it was either a skill to cover up the totem, or a skill that could be teleported between the world of gods and the world of humans.

He asked Dad Dragon some information about the ten innate Lord Gods, such as their respective preferred methods of attack, and then said goodbye to Dad Dragon and returned to Amules City. The reason why he returned here is because he did not live in the Pearl City, and the Huicheng Stone did not change the binding.

He glanced at it and found that all the base friends had completed the four rounds, and they were all in the top 50, and the location happened to be in the manor in Emules City. It is estimated that he is discussing going to the Undead Continent. He has just passed by now, and he can also tell them about the godhead.

The base friends were also very pleasantly surprised by his arrival, although a careful sister Suguang had already found out that Ye Xu had returned to the Living Continent, and she seemed to be very busy, so it was not easy to disturb him to ask if the arrangement had changed. Now that Ye Xu has come over by himself, it saves them from going to the door to ask.

“You’ve come. If you don’t come, we will hesitate to go to the Undead Continent.” Shen Zhiyu said with a smile.

Ye Xu didn’t waste any time, and quickly explained the matter of the godhead. I thought that everyone would be very excited to discuss where to get Godhead, but it turned out——

Jiang Yuexuan slapped the table: “Ah! So that’s what the Ten Temples mean!”

Ye Xu: “…?!”

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